Musical and sports festival “Hello, summer!”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Physical education holiday for children of senior preschool age “Summer, hello!”

The festival is held on the site in early June. Goal: To create a joyful mood in children, to promote the formation of the need for physical activity. Objectives: 1. To consolidate the skill of mastering basic types of movements. 2. Provide children with the opportunity to use motor skills acquired in physical education classes. 3. Strengthen the ability to participate in a variety of game tasks with elements of competition. 4. To shape the emotional experience of children, to promote elementary transformation. 5. Cultivate goodwill and the ability to empathize with peers.

Equipment: 2 buckets, 2 baskets, 2 skittles, 16 sticks and 16 small balls (according to the number of participants), 8 large hoops, 16 cords of two colors, ropes.

Progress of the holiday: children are distributed around the site. Physical education instructor: Guys, what time of year is it now? Children (in chorus): Summer! Physical education instructor: Correct. Let’s organize a holiday in his honor, and it will be called “Hello Summer!” Guys, do you know any poems about summer?

Children (in chorus): Yes! Poems are narrated: 1st child: If there are thunderstorms in the sky, If the grass has bloomed. 2nd child: If early in the morning the dew bends the blades of grass to the ground. 3rd child: If in the grove above the viburnum there is a hum of bees until nightfall. 4th child: If the sun warms all the water in the river to the bottom. Children (in chorus): So it’s already summer! So spring is over!

5th child: The sun is shining brightly, the air is warm, and wherever you look, everything around is light. The meadow is full of bright flowers, and the dark leaves are drenched in gold. The forest is dozing: not a sound, not a leaf rustling, Only the lark ringing in the air.

6th child: I’ve been walking in the forest in the morning. I was completely wet from the dew. But now I know. About the birch tree and about the moss, About raspberries, blackberries, About the hedgehog and about the hedgehog, Who have hedgehogs All their needles are shaking.

Summer appears. Summer: I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me. I warm the rivers. Swim - I invite you! And love me for it all. I am Summer!

Physical education instructor: Summer has arrived. Stand in a circle, children, let's have fun, Let's joyfully spin around in a round dance! Children stand in a large circle, Summer is in the center, and begin to dance to the song “Starry Summer.” Summer: Guys, I really liked your poems and dances, you are so funny, so let’s play an interesting game with you.

Game “Don't Stay on the Ground” Summer appoints a driver who stands in the center of the circle. All the children, holding hands, walk in the same direction with the words: We, cheerful guys, love to run and play. Well, try to catch up with us!

After these words, everyone runs away, and the driver must catch the one who did not have time to stand on any hill. The one who is caught becomes the driver. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Summer: A rainbow is shining in the sky, the leaves are washed by the rain, the Sun is playing in the sky, all the flowers are covered with dew. Stand in a circle, friends, I’ll play “Bouquet” with you.

Outdoor game “Bouquet” Each of the participants takes the name of a flower, for example rose, chamomile, poppy, etc., and stands in a circle - this is a flower bed. In, and outside the circle - “buyer”. “Buyer”: Gardener, gardener, sell me flowers. “Gardener”: I will sell, but which ones? Answer quickly. There are roses, peonies, carnations and poppies, pansies, fragrant tobacco. “Buyer”: I’ll take a poppy. He heads in a circle towards this flower to pick it. “Mac” runs away from the “buyer” in a circle and tries to return to his place before the latter touches him. If the “buyer” managed to touch the “flower”, then it is considered to be picked. If unsuccessful, the “buyer” turns to the “gardener” again. The game is repeated several times.

Summer: And now, guys, I’ll tell you riddles. Ros ball is white. The wind blew and the ball flew away. (Dandelion) The Golden Bottom turned towards the sun. (Sunflower) Eh, bells, blue color. With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bell) Head on a leg, There are peas in the head. (Poppy) Everyone is familiar with us, bright as a flame, We are namesakes with small nails, Admire the wild, scarlet... (Carnations)

Physical education instructor (addresses Summer): Summer, evaluate how fast and strong the children are in relay races. Summer: To play relay races, you must guess my riddles.

Relay races Children are divided into 2 teams of 7-8 people. Summer: The housewife flew over the lawn, fussed over the flower - He shared the honey. (Bee) 1st relay race: “Bee”. At a distance of 1.5 m from each other on the ground there are 4 hoops, in which there are yellow, small balls according to the number of children in the team. At the whistle of the physical education instructor, the first team members run with a bucket in hand to the first hoop, put one ball in the bucket, and so on in each hoop, run to the basket, turn the bucket over and, running around the pin, return to the team, passing the bucket to the next participants. The winner is the team that completes the task the fastest and does not lose a single ball.

Summer: A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and gallops. (Grasshopper) Relay 2: “Grasshoppers.” At the whistle of the physical education instructor, the first team members begin to jump (feet together, hands on the belt) to the pin, around it and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next participants. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Summer: He cooks nets like a fisherman, but never catches fish. (Spider) Relay 3: “Spiders.” Children go to the site where a long rope is stretched. Each team has a lot of short cords (of different colors) in the box at the starting position. When the physical education instructor whistles, each team member takes one cord, runs to the rope and attaches the cord to it. The team with the most cords tied to its rope wins.

Summer: In the forest near the stump there is bustle, running around, the working people are busy all day. (Ants) Relay 4: “Ants.” At the starting line, each team has short sticks according to the number of participants; at a distance of 10 m there is a hoop into which you need to put a stick. At the whistle of the physical education instructor, the first team members put a stick in the hoop and run back to the team, passing the baton to the next participants. The winner is the team that puts all the sticks into the hoop the fastest.

Summer: A centipede crawls along a narrow path, feeds on leaves, and turns into a butterfly. (Caterpillar) 5th relay race: “Caterpillars.” At the starting line, all participants hold onto the belt of the player in front. At the command of the physical education instructor, both teams begin to quickly walk to the pin, go around it and return back. The winner is the team that returns to its place the fastest without tearing the “caterpillar.”

The relays are completed, the jury is counting the results, and Summer is playing a game with the guys.

Summer: Beyond the river the meadows were turning green, the water was blowing with light freshness, the songs of birds in different modes rang more cheerfully through the grove. Who is ready to play with me? A game called “Birder Catcher”?

Low mobility game “Birdcatcher” Children stand in a circle, Summer is with them with a ball in her hands. Summer names the bird and passes the ball to the next person, who must also name the bird and pass the ball. Anyone who repeats or cannot remember the name of the bird is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who knows the most names of birds.

Summer: You are good in physical education, you are strong in relay races. Summer announces the results of the relay races, brings out a fruit basket and treats the children. Then he says goodbye to the guys and leaves. The physical education instructor leads the children into the group.

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Sports entertainment “Summer fun” in kindergarten. Scenario. Senior - preparatory group

Scenario of sports entertainment “Summer Fun” for children of the senior preparatory group

Sports entertainment scenario “Summer Fun” for aunts 5 – 7 years old
Author: Oksana Petrovna Kharina, physical education instructor, MADOU No. 26 “Fairy Tale”, Irbit Description: this material will be useful for physical education instructors and kindergarten teachers. Equipment and supplies: hoops, large spoons, potatoes, balls (basketballs), children's umbrellas, galoshes from boxes, mugs or small buckets, two large buckets of water, everything according to the number of teams, select a musical repertoire of summer songs, microphone. Goals: increasing children's interest in the summer months of the year through sports relay races; achieving a positive emotional mood Objectives: - Improve motor skills and abilities. - develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements. - Cultivate friendly relations and attention to each other. Children line up on the playground to the music.
Progress of the event.
Leading. To the red summer, to the clear sky, To the sun, which turns all the children into chocolate, Let us shout loudly, children, Our physical education - hello! Hooray! We gathered at the central platform to celebrate the summer with fun games and relay races. Let the summer sun see you cheerful, seasoned, dexterous, and skillful. So, we are starting sports entertainment, and we invite everyone present to take part in it. 1st child. So that we grow strong, dexterous and brave, Every morning we do exercises. 2nd child. Today we went out for exercise together, in order, and did the exercises with special pleasure. Children line up in columns. It sounds like a funny song about summer. Leading. We raise our hands to the sun, We walk together, cheerfully, We squat and stand up, And we don’t get tired at all. As shown by the instructor or teacher, rhythmic gymnastics (possible with ribbons and balls)

Leading. Who among you does not know boredom? Who's the jack of all trades here? You have to go through the path with obstacles and come back to your squad. The first obstacle is water! Carrying it is a disaster! Whoever carries the bucket poorly will leave the game wet! Relay “Water Carrier” Transfer water in a mug or small bucket from a bucket to another bucket.

Leading. The second obstacle is the spoon! And there are potatoes in the spoon. You can't run, you can't tremble! You can breathe, just be careful! Relay race “Bring it, don’t drop it”

Leading. The third obstacle is hoops! You need to stand up in pairs, run in small steps, then remove the hoops and quickly pass them on to the next pairs. Relay "Running in pairs"

Leading. Let's continue our holiday. Remember and name the summer sports you know. Children list sports.
And now, to play the next relay race, you must guess the riddle: The ball is in the ring!
Team goal! We play ... (basketball) Relay race “Hit the basket” The teacher holds a hoop in his hand, children from the starting line hit the target. Regardless of whether he hits or misses, he picks up the ball and passes it to the next player. The teacher counts the team's hits.

Leading. Next riddle. They are waiting for me, they won’t wait, And when they see me, they will run away. (rain) Guys, are you afraid of rain? We are always ready for it. Umbrella and galoshes and no fear of rain. Relay race “Running under an umbrella in galoshes”

Galoshes can be made from 2 liter juice boxes. Leading. You conducted the training very cleverly. You are all wonderful athletes. I want to wish you health and a good summer mood. Toughen up, kids! Good morning! Children. Physical training! All children are treated to juice. Leading. Juice from fruits and vegetables - It is for adults and children. Drink juices, enjoy and gain health. Until the end of the walk, songs about summer are heard. Note. The success of physical education entertainment lies not in the special preparation of children for it, but in everyday, large, serious work with children on the development of movements.

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