A set of exercises in water for teaching swimming to preschool children

June 01, 2018

Averyanova Sveta

It is very difficult to find a child who does not love water. For 9 months a little man swims in the amniotic fluid of his mother, they feed him, warm him, lull him to sleep, they are his natural environment, but after birth it is no longer easy to cope with the familiar elements on his own, he needs the help of an adult. Then every parent faces questions: how to teach a child to swim and at what age can a child be placed in the hands of a professional coach?

At what age to start

It is believed that the best time for learning to swim is either infancy , the so-called infant swimming, when reflexes in contact with water are preserved, or 5–7 years , when the body is in suitable physical shape. Children at this time already understand a lot, recognize cause-and-effect relationships, but the sense of self-preservation is still lame. Therefore, small incidents, such as water getting into their mouth or eyes, do not scare them enough to stop exercising.

At the age of seven, you can do without auxiliary aids - armbands, vests, circles, they only give a false sense of security. If you couldn’t do without armbands, then you need to gradually get rid of them; abruptly canceling them will add stress and uncertainty. Each lesson, lower the product you use a little so that the child feels his strength, accepts his position and relies only on himself.


“Magic Child” is a family center for the harmonious development of a person from birth. Physical health is the most important component of full development. Therefore, the center pays great attention to classes for children in the pool with an instructor.

Children aged from two months to 4 years are invited to classes together with their parents. The first part of the lesson is group: the instructor shows general exercises for everyone, then individual work with everyone.

The center’s specialists promise to teach a child the basics of swimming movements in just a month, help him get rid of his fear of water and begin to dive into the water with ease.

The water is purified by ozonation and chlorination. The water temperature in the pool is maintained at 30-35 degrees.

Training takes place in the Harmony swimming pool near the Troparevo, Konkovo ​​or Belyaevo metro stations at the address: st. Samora Machela, 6, building 4.

The cost of a one-time visit is 1100 rubles, when purchasing a subscription - 800 rubles.


Children tend to experience fear when faced with something unknown, and the fear of water is no exception. In order for the acquaintance with the water element for the first time to pass without fear and stress, parents should be nearby, showing by their example that there is nothing to be afraid of, the process of bathing is a very fun and enjoyable experience.

Any carelessly spoken word or careless action can discourage the desire to swim for many years. Where to learn to swim, in a pool or on a river, is up to you, it depends only on your capabilities and does not affect the result. First, read the basic rules:

  • The child must be in a good mood and well-fed , otherwise whims cannot be avoided, and training may end before it begins.
  • Conquering open bodies of water should take place gradually - first offer to wet your palms and wash, then wet your legs, go into the water up to your knees, if no negative emotions are observed, then you can start swimming lessons.
  • You should start learning with breathing technique : a quick inhalation through the nose is replaced by a long, smooth exhalation through the mouth. Have you learned to breathe correctly? It's time to move on to the next stage.

Early swimming studio "Aquaclass"

The early swimming studio "Aquaclass" also conducts children's classes in the pool.

The school is proud of its full compliance with international standards and the use of the latest water treatment technologies. This is definitely a worthy choice of swimming section for children from one year old in Moscow. Before starting to work with children, instructors here undergo strict selection and training using the author’s methodology. During classes, they have to completely replace their parents, who always remain on land.

From 0 to 2 years old, the center offers children to try the “Early Start” program, which helps the child get acquainted with water and get used to the new world.

At 2 years of age, the toddler pool opens the “First Mile” course, which helps them feel like a fish in water and get an idea of ​​different swimming styles.

Swimming for children from 4 years old in Aquaclass takes place according to the Champion's Path program, which prepares the child for school stress and helps in the future to become a champion in any sport.

A bright play area organized in the center makes swimming for children from 1 year old even more entertaining and interesting.

The water temperature in the pool is 31-33 degrees. An innovative multi-stage purification system is used with monitoring of water samples every four hours.

The cost of a one-time individual lesson with a trainer is 1950 rubles (first visit - 950 rubles). When purchasing a subscription, the price is reduced.

The Aqua Center is located next to the Telecenter metro station at the address: st. Academician Korolev, 10.

First lessons

"Hearts." This simple technique is analogous to the movement of the arms during breaststroke swimming. An explanation of the technique, even in simple words, is not always clear, so just ask your child to draw a big heart on the water with his hands. This demand of yours will not only be understood, but also fulfilled with pleasure.

“Duck” is a method aimed at coordination; you can use armbands for it or ask your dad for help. The child holds on to his mother, using his feet to show the movements of duck feet in the water; as soon as this works well, complicate the exercise. Put armbands on the young swimmer; if he lets go of his hands, he will be able to stay on the surface.

Or dad should stand nearby and, if necessary, provide backup and support for the student.

You can easily teach swimming using the “Frog” method. The child makes a heart with his hands and shows with his feet how a frog swims. In essence, this is a combination of the first and second combinations, only the movement of the legs changes. During the first training, you also cannot do without the help of armbands or an adult. The good thing about this method is that it includes fun elements of play and imitation.

Important ! Learning should bring joy, if at first the child is forced or allowed to get scared when immersed in water, then there will be no need to talk about any pleasure from swimming, much less the result.

The game “Hippopotamus” will help you prepare for the fact that your face can be partially, and then completely, immersed in water . Inhale over the water, purse your lips tightly. Slowly lower your chin into the water, then your mouth and nose, up to eye level, and invite your child to imagine himself as a hippopotamus, looking around with interest at the surroundings on a hot day.

After some time, exhale through your mouth under water. Repeat this game for several minutes in a row every day to bring the actions to automaticity.

As soon as you complete the previous task, start the game “Submariners”: take a deep breath, hold your breath, close your nose, close your eyes and smoothly lower your face under the water.

On a note ! Let your child try to remember a picture or excerpt from a movie and try to see all its details in his imagination.

This technique will distract him, and he will last longer without another breath of oxygen.

Repeat the exercise ten times. The more you practice, the longer your child will be able to hold his breath.

“Float” is an exercise that is great for the pool. For greater clarity, the float pose should be shown first on land: inhale, squat down, hug your knees with your hands, press your chin to your chest, but do not strain your neck.

Repeat the same combination in the pool, first grouping yourself, and then smoothly rising upward in the same position.

Important ! Don't forget about the safety rules: all games and exercises should take place either in a children's pool or in an open body of water, in the shallowest place. The soil under your feet should be stable and not slip.

Why do you want to teach your child to swim?

  • For safety on water bodies 59%, 23 votes
    23 votes 59%

    23 votes - 59% of all votes

  • For health 26%, 10 votes

    10 votes 26%

    10 votes - 26% of all votes

  • For sports achievements 8%, 3 votes

    3 votes 8%

    3 votes - 8% of all votes

  • So that if you want to swim, you can do it in advance * 5%, 2 votes

    2 votes 5%

    2 votes - 5% of all votes

  • For a beautiful figure 3%, 1 vote

    1 vote 3%

    1 vote - 3% of all votes

Total votes: 39



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Club "Aquademia"

Aquademia is a club for swimming children from 2 months to 6 years old near the Shchukinskaya metro station. Two full-fledged swimming pools allow you to conduct classes in different formats: trainer + baby, trainer + couple (mother and baby) and small groups (up to 4 people). The club staff includes only professional instructors and hydro-rehabilitators with specialized education and necessarily experience working with infants.

Photos of the club "Aquademia"

Water quality is a special pride of Aquademia. The temperature is maintained at 31-33C, the water goes through a triple purification system and is completely renewed in 30-60 minutes.

The gaming Aquademia is worth special attention, so visiting the club should not be limited to time spent in the pool. Children enjoy exploring exciting toys and often stay in the club for more than an hour.

Aquademia is the territory of not only children's, but also parental happiness! Parents can participate in the lesson or watch their baby on the big screen while sitting in a comfortable seating area. The club administrators carefully offer tea, coffee and lemonade.

The founders of the club approached the formation of the concept of the pool with special trepidation and great soul. The design uses not only beautiful, but also environmentally friendly materials.

The club is located at st. Academician Bochvara 3, building 3. The cost of one group lesson is 1000 rubles, individual - from 1500. A subscription for 6 group lessons costs 4560 rubles.

Learn to swim

If your child already knows how to float and hold his breath, then it’s time to teach him to swim crawl. To master this method, you need to learn to control your body, move your arms and legs synchronously, while not forgetting to hold your breath.

On a note ! Buy scuba diving goggles; they will not only protect your eyes, but will also arouse additional interest in your child.

“Scissors” are considered one of the most effective exercises If you exercise in an open body of water, such as the sea or a lake, then stick to the shore line; if in a pool, then use the side.

For better understanding, not only explain, but also show all the movements. Take a lying position, arms bent at the elbows, back, legs and feet should be parallel to the water, right and left legs make swings, alternately rising above each other.

It is worth training until the legs become stronger and the child can perform movements for 2-3 minutes without a break.

The next exercise is “Arrow” . The effectiveness of its implementation depends precisely on strong leg muscles. This exercise will help you hone your ability to glide underwater. Raise your arms above your head with your palms together, inhale, push off the bottom, move forward as far as possible, keeping your legs straight. Repeat 10 times.

It is better to train either from the depths to the shore, or along the shore. To complicate the task, you can combine “Arrow” and “Scissors”.

When there is no longer any fear of water, continue training using the following methods : “From Mom to Dad” and “Myself . The essence of the first is that the parents stand at some distance from each other, one of them sends the child to the other with a strong jerk; this movement can be compared to the launch of a rocket.

Initially, one parent literally hands the baby into the hands of the other, but each time the distance increases, and the child hangs in the water for a few seconds, then independently swims across this distance, intensively working with his arms and legs. This method is good from a psychological point of view; it clearly shows the support of mom and dad, teaches you to trust them and follow their advice.

It will be very useful to teach your baby the “Star” ; it will teach you to relax and rest right afloat. Go waist-deep into the water, spread your arms to the sides and gently, holding your breath, lie down on your back. Also spread your legs to the sides to create a real star.

If the child succeeds in this technique, then we can say with confidence that the acquaintance with water has been passed with an A plus.

Often, having barely learned to stay afloat, many children want to hone their skills on their own and away from their families. Approach this moment wisely. Let your independent little one swim on his own, but with one condition: you can go into the water no deeper than shoulder-deep, and keep your course towards the shore. This way you give freedom of action, but at the same time you remain confident in safety, because if the child gets tired of swimming, he can always get back on his feet and rest.

Give the child the opportunity to swim, holding him to practice the correct movements.

Swimming with a circle on your feet may also be suitable for mastering swimmer skills.

"Branch of MPO named after I. Rumyantsev"

If you want to enroll your child in the pool as an adult, a worthy option is the “Branch of the I. Rumyantsev MPO.” The sports complex has been operating for more than forty years, and is constantly updated and meets all modern requirements. Experienced trainers teach swimming here to children from 7 years old and adults of all ages. This sports complex with a swimming pool is ideal for activities with children 10 years and older. In the children's and adult pools of the complex, the water temperature is maintained at 26-27 degrees.

The sports complex is located near the Savelovskaya metro station at the address: st. Pistsovaya, 12.

The cost of an individual lesson with an instructor is 1,650 rubles; if you purchase a subscription, it is more profitable.

We hope our selection will help you find a good children's pool in your area and raise, if not a world champion swimmer, then certainly a healthy and happy child.

Previously, we compiled a rating of the best children's quests in Moscow and told where to celebrate a child's birthday.

Cover: magichild.ru

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Back crawl.

A common problem is how to teach a child to breathe correctly while swimming. Professional swimming coach Denis Tarakanov talks and demonstrates this perfectly in the video below.

Variety in Exercises

A simplified diagram was described above - the shortest way to teach a child to swim.

At the same time, trainers often give different tasks during classes:

  • alternating crawl and breaststroke exercises;
  • in parallel or even from the very beginning - learning to swim on the back.

If you intend to thoroughly engage with your child, also diversify your activities, alternate between different styles and exercises . If the task is to learn quickly, then it is permissible to take a “shortcut” to one of the three above options.

Swimming glasses

You need to get your child used to wearing swimming goggles. In children five years old this usually does not cause problems; in younger children, whims may arise at this stage.

Try to go through this stage in a playful way. Admire your child when he wears glasses. Explain and show that you can have fun and splash in them. Show by personal example.

If possible, it is also better to choose the glasses themselves in an interesting shape or color, but first of all they should not leak - I wrote in detail about how to choose them correctly here.

You can, of course, do without glasses at all - but then you need to choose a pool in which, if you are under water with your eyes open, there will be no unpleasant sensations in your eyes (check this for yourself first).


The goal is for the child to be able to slide in the pool , stretched out like an arrow. It is not necessary to breathe at first - you can do it while holding your breath.

Let me remind you that all exercises are done exclusively in the shallow part of the pool !

Let the child push off with his feet from the bottom or wall of the pool and slide , stretching his arms forward in front of him (“arrow”). At the end of the exercise, you pick him up, or he stands on the bottom himself.

This accustoms the body to the correct position in the water and teaches how to stay on it.

First steps - getting used to water

If we are talking about a very young child, then the very first step is getting used to water . Let your son or daughter get acquainted with it first - sit, stand in it, play with toys.

In this regard, it is very important to carry out habituation and initial training where:

  • very shallow (where the child is waist-deep);
  • clear warm water, preferably 27-28 degrees;
  • water should not hurt your eyes.

The best option is a shallow pool with warm water.

The sea is undesirable due to waves, salty and colder water. Rivers and lakes are undesirable because they require a clear environment.

Not all young children enjoy being in the water, so be patient and let him do it the first time without any tasks, exercises, swimming goggles, etc. just an opportunity to play enough in warm, shallow, clear water and fall in love with it .

Water toys , watering cans, balls, and toys from favorite cartoons for developing interest in very young children

You can also arouse interest by watching cartoons and videos on a marine theme.

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