Summer entertainment “Flower Festival” for children of the senior group. Material (senior group) on the topic

Summary of entertainment “Summer Flowers Day”. Preparatory group

The entertainment “Summer Flowers Day” in a kindergarten in a preparatory group for school
was prepared by Inna Nikolaevna Tchaikovskaya Goal: to evoke a vivid emotional response in children in the process of musical and motor activity; creating a festive, cheerful mood. Objectives: - to form and consolidate children’s knowledge about colors, - to develop imagination, memory, verbal expressiveness; — cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to play together and act as a team.

Progress of the lesson
(To the song “City Flowers” ​​(Spanish M. Boyarsky), children gather for a holiday.) Presenter: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you on this warm summer day in our kindergarten. While we were getting ready for our holiday, the postman brought a parcel. Guys, what do you think is in the package? (Children's answers.) Host: Let's open it and take a look. There is a flower here. Do you know what it's called? Children: Chamomile. Host: And there’s also some kind of note here. It turns out that this is not a simple Chamomile, but with a secret. Each petal is magical, with tasks that the flower asks us to complete. (The presenter reads out the riddles.) Riddles about flowers • Dressed up sisters greet guests all day, treat them with honey (flowers)
• Sisters stand in a field, a yellow eye, white eyelashes
• I show off with a white fluffy ball in a clean field, A light breeze blew - And a stalk remains
• The face is fragrant, and the tail is prickly
• There is one such flower, Do not weave it into a wreath, Blow lightly on it, There was a flower and there is no flower
• Rye is spiking in the field.
There you will find a flower in the rye. Bright blue and fluffy, It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant (cornflower)
• A wonderful flower, Like a bright light.
Lush, important like a gentleman, Delicate velvet (tulip)
• Everyone is familiar with us, Bright as a flame, We are namesakes With small nails.
Admire the wild, Scarlet (carnations)
• The field is as if in yellow waves, a flower grows here...
• A long thin stalk, A scarlet light on top, Not a plant, but a lighthouse - This is a bright red...
(poppy) Presenter: Well done, guys! We completed the first task. Next task: Playing with flowers. Didactic game “Collect a bouquet” Goal:
to develop the ability to distinguish and name primary colors.
Develop finger motor skills. This game develops perseverance, imaginative thinking, attention, speech and tactile perception. Progress of the game:
Children collect a bouquet from a set of flowers - for example - 2 red, 2 blue and 1 yellow; for this, children are given cards indicating which bouquet they should get.
We divide into 2 teams. All children take turns collecting one flower at a time into a vase. Presenter: Well done, guys! Our game was a success. Let's move on to Chamomile's next task - read poems . Poems about flowers 1 child. The sun, the river and the sand, the shadow of a birch tree, the breeze, the key ringing in silence, the warm rain in the moonlight, the flutter of the wings of a dragonfly and the satin silk of the grass, strawberries and raspberries, the boletus by the stump The blue web, the chirping of wings, the sound of a stream Gives us a lot of joy and light summer with you! (V. Stepanov) 2nd child. Forget-me-nots have blossomed at the old doghouse. Our fluffy red dog pokes his nose at the forget-me-nots: “As long as I live in the world, I will not forget the forget-me-nots!” (Yu.Nedel) 3 child Hey, daisies, give me the answer: where are you from, if it’s not a secret: Where are you from, if it’s not a secret? “It’s no secret,” answered the daisies, “The sun carried us in its pocket!” (V. Orlov) 4 child May is warm and summer is coming, everything and everyone is dressed in green, like a fiery fountain - a tulip is blooming. (D. Demon) 5 child Golden Dandelion was a beautiful young one! I wasn't afraid of anyone! Even the wind itself! The golden dandelion grew old and turned gray, and as soon as it turned gray it flew away with the wind! (Z. Aleksandrova) 6 child All children love roses, but I am a different flower, not an aster, not an ordinary mimosa. He is a delicate and beautiful wildflower, lilac, bright blue, sky blue (Yu. Dulepina) 7 child What is the bell ringing about? in the meadow? I can’t answer this for you, but I think this: if it rings in the morning and the flowers hear it, it’s time to wake up! (S. Yesenin) 8 child The bear brought this bush of wild roses from the forest so that you wake up in the morning, see it and smile. So that nightingales sing songs from dawn to dawn. They sang songs, built nests and fed their chicks! (S. Suvorova) 9 child Ziniya, a beauty, wakes up in the morning and gets dressed in a velvet red dress. A lush basket sways in the wind and blooms in the sun - it turns out great! (A. Alferova) 10 child If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower, if everything is both me and you, If we pick flowers, all the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty! (T. Sobakin) Presenter: Well done, guys! One more petal and Chamomile’s next task is to dance. Let's dance a dance that you don't need to learn. Look at me carefully and repeat the movements. “Lazy Dancing” Host: You and I read poems, guessed riddles, danced, and competed, what other task did Romashka prepare for us? She suggests playing the game "Shouts". Game “Shouting” I will ask questions, if you agree say yes-yes-yes, if you don’t agree say no-no-no…. — Do we like to plant flowers? - Are we going to pull it out by the roots? — Shall we water the flowers? — Shall we take the weeds home? — Do they make wreaths from flowers? — And they put them all in the salad? — Shall we collect flowers in a bouquet? “And we’ll sweep the floor with a bouquet?” Presenter: Well done! We completed all the tasks. And now, I think, Chamomile will tell us her secret. Close your eyes, let the magical music help us. (A cheerful melody sounds, and Romashka comes into the hall.) Romashka: Hello, guys! My name is Romashka. I like summer very much. What time of year do you like? There is no other answer here - well, of course, it’s... summer. Presenter: Chamomile, our guys know the summer song “Why don’t flowers grow on your head” and now they will sing it for you. The song “Why don’t flowers grow on your head” is performed (Music by A. Baranova, lyrics by A. Akhundova) Chamomile: What a great fellow you are, I really liked the way you play, sing songs, enjoy the sun and summer. I have a surprise for you. But before you get it, I suggest planting different flowers. On our heads, as in the song, hardly anyone will allow us to plant them. You and I will plant them in the meadow. Application “Flower Meadow” Let’s divide into two teams. There are two clearings in front of us, but they are empty, we need to decorate them. In turn, everyone runs up to the clearing, takes one flower or butterfly, and sticks it on the clearing. Presenter: Look, in the morning dew Flowers are growing in all their glory, Everything is slowly coming to life, They are starting their dance for you. “Dance of Flowers” ​​(music by P. Tchaikovsky) (performed by girls) Chamomile: And here is my surprise for you, this magic basket, and in it there is a beautiful flower. This is my gift to you! Let's play! “Game with a flower” Players pass flowers to the music. When the music stops, the presenter says: 1) Whoever has a flower in his hands will jump like a bunny 2) Whoever has a flower in his hands will stomp, let him clap 3) Whoever has a flower in his hands will meow like a cat 4) Whoever has a flower in his hands - he walks like a cockerel 5) Whoever has a flower in his hands - let him dance in pairs 6) Whoever has a flower in his hands - let him squat 7) Whoever has a flower in his hands - dance one more time Chamomile: Don’t be bored without me . I'll come to you soon, goodbye! (Chamomile leaves.) Presenter: The fun is over, the hour of farewell has come. Tell me frankly, did you like it with us? Everyone who laughed, played, merrily sang, joked, danced today, Vitamin juice is waiting in the group on this beautiful and warm day!

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