Health-saving technologies in the teaching and educational process of primary school

Health-saving technologies in the teaching and educational process of primary school

“The hand is the brain coming out,” this statement of Immanuel Kant was made even before the physiological significance of the development of fine motor skills was proven. Man is a universal “thinking body”; a classic example of this universality is the moving hand of man. The greatest impact of impulses from the arm muscles on the development of the cerebral cortex occurs only in childhood, while the motor area is being formed. Therefore, work on developing fine motor skills of the fingers at primary school age is of particular importance.

Working on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, we solve the following problems:

stimulation of speech development in young children;

preparing the hand for writing in younger schoolchildren;

attention training;

coordination of movements;

adaptation of little left-handers in a world of right-handers.

We carry out a set of gymnastics exercises for fingers for 6-8 minutes. It includes 6-8 exercises performed in the following sequence:





As you get used to the complex, new exercises are included in it or the conditions for performing previously learned exercises become more complicated.

There are many sets of exercises for fingers. (Appendix 6)

I also do self-massage

fingers, neck, shoulders, head. (Appendix 7)

In my lessons I pay a lot of attention to eye exercises.

since there are children in the class who periodically experience a decrease in visual acuity and there are children who have disease of the eye or its adnexal apparatus.

In the class there is an ophthalmological simulator developed by Professor Bazarny. Bazarny's method involves moving students' gaze along trajectories. Exercises are performed at the teacher’s command and only while standing. In accordance with the instructions of the arrows, the student’s gaze moves along a trajectory: right-left, up-down, clockwise and counterclockwise, in a figure eight.

Objectives of eye gymnastics:

promote a healing effect in the process of using the proposed exercises;

prevent visual fatigue in schoolchildren.

We carry out a set of gymnastics exercises for the eyes for 3-5 minutes. It includes up to 5 exercises:

massage exercises;


relieving visual tension;

attention exercises.

As we get used to the complex, we include new exercises in it or the conditions for performing previously learned exercises become more complicated.

To improve and correct vision, we do the following exercises. (Application 8)

perform a healing function .

Exercises for muscle relaxation must be known and applied in practice in order to be able to manage the processes of arousal in children under emotional stress, when the child experiences excessive tension in certain muscle groups. Children cannot get rid of this tension on their own; they begin to get nervous, which leads to tension in new muscle groups. To manage these processes, I try to teach children to relax their muscles, I teach them to feel muscle tension, relieve it by relaxing certain muscle groups. Muscle relaxation exercises help prevent circulatory diseases. These exercises make breathing easier and promote normal functioning of the digestive organs. Due to the inhibitory effect, muscle relaxation exercises are effective in cases of increased arousal in order to prevent neuroses and overexcitation of the nervous system. Relaxation exercises can be done in any lesson for 3-5 minutes. (Appendix 9).

Health-saving technologies of the pedagogical process

Health-saving technologies for teaching


Since the early 90s of the twentieth century, people began to talk about the poor health of the country's population and especially the younger generation at all levels. The school also assumed responsibility for the health of schoolchildren, based on the assertion that a teacher can do much more for the health of schoolchildren than a doctor. A person’s attitude towards health does not appear by itself, but is formed as a result of a certain pedagogical influence, the search for certain health-saving technologies.


in any field - this is an activity that maximally reflects the objective laws of a given subject area, built in accordance with the logic of development of this sphere and therefore ensures the greatest correspondence of the result of the activity to the previously set goals for the given conditions ().

Health-shaping educational technologies

– these are all those psychological and pedagogical technologies, programs, methods that are aimed at nurturing in students a culture of health, personal qualities that contribute to its preservation and strengthening, the formation of an idea of ​​health as a value, and motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle ().

Health-saving educational technology

– a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for preserving, strengthening and developing the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education (students, teachers, etc.) ().

Health saving technology

- This:

· conditions for a child’s education at school (lack of stress, adequacy of requirements, adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

· rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with age, gender, individual characteristics and hygienic requirements);

· correspondence of educational and physical activity to the age capabilities of the child;

· necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor mode ().

Health as a fundamental concept in health-saving educational technologies

There are more than 300 definitions of the concept of “health”. According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Physical health
the perfection of self-regulation in the body, harmony of physiological processes, maximum adaptation to the environment (pedagogical definition); this is a state of growth and development of organs and systems of the body, the basis of which is morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions (medical definition).

Mental health

- This:

· high consciousness, developed thinking, great internal and moral strength that encourages creative activity (pedagogical definition);

· this is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the status of general mental comfort, an adequate behavioral response (medical definition).

Social health

– is the health of society, as well as the environment for each person.

Moral health
a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-information sphere in life, the basis of which is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior of an individual in society.

Spiritual health

– a person’s system of values ​​and beliefs.

In characterizing the concept of “health,” both individual and social characteristics are used. In relation to the individual, it reflects the quality of the organism’s adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between man and the environment. Health is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

Signs of individual health


· specific and nonspecific resistance to damaging factors;

· growth and development indicators;

· current functional state and potential (capabilities) of the body and personality;

· presence and level of any disease or developmental defect;

· level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

The teacher needs to know the factors

influencing the decline in student health (Fig. 1):

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Factors influencing the decline in student health

Health-saving educational technologies

Health-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of a person-oriented approach. Thanks to them, students learn to live together and interact effectively, actively participate in mastering the culture of human relations, in developing health-preserving experience; the formation of self-awareness and an active life position takes place on the basis of education and self-education, the formation of responsibility for one’s health, the life and health of other people.

Technology in any field is an activity that maximally reflects the objective laws of a given subject area, built in accordance with the logic of development of this sphere and therefore ensures the greatest correspondence of the result of the activity to the previously set goals for the given conditions (). Following this methodological regulation, technology, in relation to the problem posed, can be defined as a health-saving pedagogical activity that builds a new relationship between education and upbringing, transfers education into the framework of a human-forming and life-supporting process aimed at preserving and increasing the child’s health. Health-saving pedagogical technologies should ensure the development of the child’s natural abilities: his mind, moral and aesthetic feelings, the need for activity, mastering the initial experience of communicating with people, nature, and art.

Health saving technology

- This:

§ conditions for teaching and raising a child at school (lack of stress, adequacy of requirements, adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

§ rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with age, gender, individual characteristics and hygiene requirements);

§ compliance of educational and physical activity with the age capabilities of the child;

§ necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor mode ().

Types of health-saving educational technologies

(by ) (see Table 1).

Table 1

Classifications of health-saving educational technologies

Criteria for classification Types of technologies
§ By


§ by subjective involvement

student in the educational process

§ by nature of activity

§ by area of ​​activity

§ health-preserving (preventive vaccinations, ensuring physical activity, vitamin supplementation, organizing a healthy diet);

§ health-improving (physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy);

§ technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle (inclusion of relevant topics in general education subjects);

§ fostering a culture of health (optional classes for the development of students’ personality, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, festivals, competitions, etc.)

§ extra-subjective: technologies for the rational organization of the educational process, technologies for the formation of a health-preserving educational environment, organization of healthy nutrition (including dietary), etc.;

§ assuming a passive position of the student: herbal medicine, massage, ophthalmic simulators, etc.;

§ involving an active subject position of the student: various types of gymnastics, health teaching technologies, fostering a culture of health

§ private (highly specialized);

§ complex (integrated)

§ Private:

— medical (technologies for disease prevention, correction and rehabilitation of somatic health, sanitary and hygienic activities);

— educational, promoting health (information, training and educational);

— social (technologies for organizing a healthy and safe lifestyle, prevention and correction of deviant behavior);

— psychological (technologies for prevention and psychocorrection of mental deviations of personal and intellectual development).

§ Complex:

— technologies for complex disease prevention, correction and rehabilitation of health (physical education and health and valeology);

— educational technologies that promote health;

— technologies that create a healthy lifestyle

Directions of the health-creative concept of education

Currently, we are talking, as stated, about a new concept of education - health-creative, which includes the following areas

(Fig. 2):

· physical education and health;

· rehabilitation and preventive;

· cultural and educational;

· recreational and ecological.

Involves recognition of the enormous importance of physical activity (hardening procedures, morning exercises, physical education minutes, physical education lessons, sports sections, sports hours in the gym, choreography classes, sports festivals)
Assumes understanding and ability to restore the health of children after illness, includes an understanding of a healthy lifestyle (vitaminization of children, aromatherapy, drinking environmentally friendly water; massage, therapeutic exercises, therapeutic swimming, aquarium therapy, music therapy, phonotherapy, natural therapy)

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Directions of the health-creative concept of education (according to)

Requirements for organizing the educational process in conditions of health-saving technology:

· Construction of the educational process taking into account the patterns and the latest achievements of pedagogical practice on health issues [change of types of educational activities: questioning students, writing, reading, listening, telling a story, examining visual aids, answering questions, solving examples, problems, etc. (the norm is 4–7 types per lesson); taking into account the duration of various types of educational and educational activities (approximate norm - 7–10 minutes); changing types of teaching: verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work, etc. (the norm is at least three); alternating types of teaching (the norm is no later than 10–15 minutes)].

· Implementation in the educational process of principles and methods, both general didactic and specific, in an optimal ratio.

· Providing the necessary conditions for productive cognitive and extracurricular activities of students, taking into account their health status, gender, age and personal characteristics, interests, inclinations, needs [the use in the classroom of methods that promote the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of the students themselves (methods of free choice): free conversation, choosing a method of action, choosing a method of interaction; freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods (students in the role of teacher, action learning, group discussion, role-playing game, discussion, seminar, student as researcher); methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual esteem)].

· Logicality and emotionality of all stages of the educational process (the presence of emotional releases in the lesson: jokes, smiles, aphorisms with comments, etc.).

· Prevention of fatigue in the classroom, effective use of health-saving educational technologies (physical education, relaxation, fairy tale therapy, etc.).

· Formation of practically necessary skills, rational methods of thinking and activity; formation of learning skills.

· Forecasting, diagnostics, design and planning and control of each lesson, taking into account the developmental characteristics of students.

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