Extracurricular event “Festival of Games of the Peoples of Russia”
Games in Sudan Sudanese tags have slightly different rules and are called “Lion and
Girl with a watering can
Using problematic situations in environmental education of preschool children
The use of problematic situations in the environmental education of preschool children Bibliographic description: Ayvazyan, A. G. The use of problematic situations
game file
Card index of games for children: didactic, active, folk... in the middle group
Middle group. Junior preschool age. Children 4 - 5 years old Card file of games based on eidetics
Didactic games on labor education for children 3-4 years old
Didactic games on labor education for children 3-4 years old Game “Who can live without them?”
Methodological features of viewing paintings in different age groups
Thematic week “Visiting a fairy tale.” Senior group Topic of the week: “The fairy tale is a lie, but in
THEMATIC MODULE “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Topic: “Profession firefighter”
How to become a firefighter in Russia You can become a firefighter after serving in the army, or after graduating from high school
a story about chickens
Stories for children. Tales about chickens. Feel free to hit the road. Love is more important than magic
Mom's Birthday This story about chickens teaches children to be caring and not to
Raising preschool children
What do you need to know about your child? Ask the teacher
4050 03/20/2019 Author: Mysekret Team 0 In this difficult but interesting period when a child
A series of conversations about the Mysterious Space. Methodological development for speech development (senior, preparatory group)
Progress of the conversation: Educator. Guys, do you know that our country celebrates April 12 (answers
Cosmonautics Day. Conversation in kindergarten. Senior group
Cosmonautics Day. Conversation in kindergarten. Senior group Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. Author:
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