THEMATIC MODULE “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Topic: “Profession firefighter”

How to become a firefighter in Russia

You can become a firefighter after serving in the army or graduating from high school. In the first case, you need to complete a training course at the fire department and join the rank and file of the unit. After 9th grade, a young person can graduate from Moscow College No. 57 or a similar one in Northern Palmyra with a degree in fire safety. If your claims are greater, then, having a certificate of secondary education, you can submit the following documents:

  • State Fire Service Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow;
  • State Fire Service University of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in St. Petersburg;
  • Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Urals;
  • Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Ivanovo;
  • Siberian Federal University at the Faculty of Fire Safety.

These universities train officers. The vast majority of Russian firefighters are trained in units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Gospozharnadzor and municipal units. What is important in this profession is that any ordinary soldier can become a commander.

Important! In educational institutions they teach to understand the elements of fire, to be able to save people, personal safety skills and other sciences. But a person must learn self-discipline, speed of reaction, discipline himself. Preferably before entering professional training.

Training sessions

What you need to go through to become a firefighter in Russia

It is worth noting that there are many people who want to get this profession in Russia. People who already have good specialties come to it immediately after the army, after school. The recruitment algorithm is as follows:

  1. Initial interview.
  2. Testing for psychological qualities.
  3. Interview with unit management.
  4. Medical examination by many medical specialists.
  5. Checking the applicant for presence in the databases of law enforcement and government agencies.
  6. Upon successful completion of the previous stages, the applicant is assigned a probationary period.
  7. If the results of the probationary period are positive, the applicant is sent to the training center.
  8. Upon completion of the training, which lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months, the person returns to the unit with a diploma-certificate for active service: fire truck driver, rescuer, dispatcher, etc.

The work schedule of the rank and file of fire departments is every other day, so the saying “Sleep like a fireman” is partly true. The parts are financed from the state budget, so the salaries are not similar to Gazprom’s, but nonetheless decent. For example, in Moscow - up to 100 thousand rubles, in Russia - up to 65 thousand rubles. Girls can also get a job in the fire department, and even become fire rescuers.

On a note! Firefighters retire early due to the nature of the profession. You can go on vacation at the age of 45. But practice shows that many are in no hurry to part with their favorite profession and continue to work.

Fire troops of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Combat equipment

Firefighter clothing is made not from ordinary fabric, but from a special one. It does not burn in fire and heats up little. This fabric is called aramid; its fibers include semi-linen and vinyl leatherette (or dermantine) impregnated with special agents. Clothing materials vary depending on the severity of the fire.

The kit includes:

  1. protective jacket;
  2. overalls;
  3. comfortable and durable boots;
  4. cotton jacket and pants;
  5. protective gloves;
  6. heat-reflective metal suit;
  7. heat-reflecting mask with respirator;
  8. gas mask with cover;
  9. helmets made of metal and plastic;
  10. mask with cape.

Thanks to this equipment, firefighters don’t mind heat and fire!

You know kids, firefighter equipment is very important! With it you can break through obstacles, get into a building through a window, and so on.

Items that ensure breathing in a smoky room are required at every departure: respirators, gas masks and filters.

They are attached to a special belt and stored in cases. To illuminate the road in dark rooms, every firefighter must have a flashlight.

Fire fighters carry a lot of equipment to overcome various obstacles. Brave rescuers use fire axes to cut through collapsed beams and boards; for convenience, this tool is attached to the belt. Fire ropes and rope ladders, holsters and carabiners allow you to climb into hard-to-reach places and pull out people, animals and things.

Sometimes electrical appliances and wires become the cause of fire. To eliminate the fire in this case, you must first turn off the power to the problem. Extinguishing electrical appliances that are turned on with water is dangerous to life!

For such situations, firefighters have special dielectric gloves and boots, mats and scissors in their arsenal.

For emergency evacuations, rescuers use various manual ladders: a stick ladder, a mechanical sliding ladder, an assault ladder. They allow you to rescue people from high floors.

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What are the responsibilities of a firefighter?

If a person who wants to become a firefighter must have a number of human qualities, then the specialist must possess the following professional qualities:

  • know all relevant orders, articles of laws, regulations, including your staffing schedule and job responsibilities;
  • just like the military, unquestioningly carry out the orders of a superior, for example, a commander or head of a unit;
  • know the entrusted material assets and treat them with care;
  • observe discipline and safety precautions;
  • be able to provide first aid;
  • be able to communicate clearly with other employees;
  • constantly improve your professional skills and physical fitness;
  • have a quick reaction and a healthy psyche.

Requirements for applicants

If a young man or girl wants to be a firefighter, then he will have to go through a procedure such as collecting documents. Their list is approved by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. In practical terms, the package is a stack of documents of approximately 40 sheets. It takes applicants from 1.5 to 2 months to collect them. Agree that this is as serious a test along the way as becoming a firefighter. In this case, a person may be refused for the following reasons:

  • if the young man did not serve in the army;
  • if the applicant has not passed psychological testing or a medical commission;
  • all documents undergo a special check and if the slightest inaccuracy is detected, the applicant will be rejected;
  • the presence of any criminal record, even insignificant, even if he is amnestied, or “the parties have reached an agreement.”

What does it take to become a firefighter with higher education?

If it was described above how to get a job as a firefighter in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, with a higher education you can become an investigator, expert or inspector. The duration of training is 5 years. But in less than three years you can get a diploma in the above-mentioned specialties, but of average specialized status. The following subjects must be passed at the entrance exams:

  • mathematics;
  • Physical Culture;
  • Russian language;
  • physics (this subject is taken only by those wishing to obtain a higher education).

With a college degree, you won't have to wonder how to get a job in the fire department. Specialists of this level are in short supply, vacancies are open, and you will be hired in any city in Russia. Officers are also provided with career growth; each of them undergoes retraining after 5 years, which allows them to occupy higher positions. Promotion in rank is similar to the military.

Human qualities

If a child declares “I want to be a firefighter,” parents or other adults should explain to him that this is, firstly, hard physical labor. Therefore, you need to play sports from childhood and harden yourself. Secondly, a serious intellectual load, which requires additional instant mental and tactical decisions. Well, thirdly, a firefighter must have a certain character. Composure, self-control, responsibility, the ability to self-sacrifice - this is a small list of qualities that a specialist in this profile must have. And if a person is not ready to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, then it is better to choose another profession.

Career guidance continues at school


At the end of each year, unit commanders prepare lists of employees sent for retraining, which is actually advanced training. After training, promotion to position is possible. A fighter who wants to become a commander must complete courses at the FPS Training Center. Both drivers and dispatchers have prospects. But practice shows that few people want to make a career and are quite satisfied with their permanent job.


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