Lapbook is an interactive folder for children on a given topic. In this section
Making mushrooms The autumn forest is so rich in mushrooms! That’s why I really want to sculpt them from plasticine!
Projects can be classified on the following grounds: • dominant activity – research, creative, role-playing,
Slide captions: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 “Lyudmila”
Summary of the event for the Children's Day holiday “Journey to the Land of Childhood” Goal: enrichment of ideas
Artistic development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions Artistic and aesthetic education plays a special role in life
Play is the main activity of children from the moment of birth and for many years.
Publications about the preparation and conduct of classes on fire safety. We strengthen children's knowledge about the causes
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes The lesson is designed for the younger group during
Self-analysis of the teacher MBOU PSOSH No.-1 Structural unit Pozhvinsky kindergarten Beryozka Self-analysis of teaching activities