Class hour on life safety “Safety at home and on the street” for elementary school children COOL
First crafts One of the most important moments in organizing the process of children's creativity is the creation of a situation
What features of riddles for children can be highlighted: riddles train memory, riddles help develop perseverance
Patriotic education consists of instilling in a child love for his native land and country in
NS Portal is a popular social network for educators. It is specially created
Card index of didactic games on the formation of a healthy lifestyle Topic: “Child and health” Arrange the pictures in order
Specifics of using didactic games in toddlers As practice shows, in early preschool age
The main purpose of a child’s time in kindergarten is to prepare for school and develop the necessary
Text of this presentation Fairytale therapy as one of the health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions Prepared by: teacher Tikhomirova
The system of aesthetic education implies such a pedagogical influence on the child that contributes to the development of