Summary of the quest game in the senior group “Journey through Fairy Tales.”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Leisure evening “Journey through winter tales” with children of senior preschool age.

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the content of Russian winter tales

Objectives: Learn to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale; Come up with short sequels to fairy tales; Develop imagination; Enrich children's vocabulary; Develop creative abilities.

Progress of the event.

The children in the group find a letter from Emelya, in which he says that something bad happened to him; Baba Yaga stole his stove and hid it somewhere in the forest. The children decide to help Emela and go into the forest in search of a stove. But before setting off on a dangerous journey, the teacher invites the children to test their knowledge of which fairy tales the characters come from (the teacher shows the children a presentation with fairy-tale characters). The children answered all the questions, the teacher offers to play the game “Who can get dressed faster” , because it is very cold in the winter forest (children wear hats, gloves and scarves).

To the music, children go on a journey, stepping over logs, jumping over unfrozen streams, going around fir trees. And they find themselves in a clearing in the forest.

Educator: Oh, where have we ended up? Maybe we're lost? Let's listen, maybe we can hear someone?

Morozko appears on the tap. Morozko's voice is recorded.

Morozko: I’ve been wandering around since the morning, patrolling everything.

Now the snowflakes are flying and the rivers are freezing.

Christmas trees wear fur coats because they freeze.

Educator: Who did we meet?

Children: Morozko.

Educator: Do you think we can ask him for help?

Children: Yes

The children discuss how to ask Morozko for help and tell what happened.

Morozko: I collected a few snowballs of questions for you. Answer me and I’ll show you the way. Here they are under the Christmas tree.

The children go to the Christmas tree and find a bag with question snowballs. They answer questions asked by Morozko.

Morozko: Well done who answered,

But I haven’t seen a stove.

I'll turn you into snowflakes

So that they fly like feathers,

To flutter and spin

And my granddaughter found it.

Children to the music: spin, flutter, fall to the ground. The music stops and the snowflakes turn into children.

Educator: Morozko promised that we would get to his granddaughter, but there is no one here. What are we going to do?

Children: We need to call the Snow Maiden. Children call Snegurochka

Educator: She doesn’t hear us. Oh look, what is this? (pay attention to the easel with a cut picture of the Snow Maiden) This, guys, was Baba Yaga playing a prank. She turned the Snow Maiden into a picture and scattered it into pieces. So what should we do? What are we going to do?

Children: Let's collect the Snow Maiden.

Simulation “Snow Maiden”.

(Children find the parts, put them together, the result is a girl. The details of the Snowman are glued onto the A3 sheet, head + kokoshnik + fur coat + fur coat sleeves with mittens + braid + bow)

Educator: How will she help us?

Children: She needs to be revived.

Educator: How?

Children: Come up with magic words.

Educator: Look who is coming to us. This is the real Snow Maiden.

(Fairy-tale music sounds, a child appears in a Snow Maiden costume).

Snow Maiden: Thank you, you revived me,

But I didn’t see the stove.

I know a wolf in the forest,

Now he is fishing on the river.

Music “The Beast in the Footsteps of Any...” from the film “Masha and the Bear” , Snow Maiden and the children hit the road, walk, come to the image of a wolf at an ice hole.

Educator: Guys, what fairy tale have we found ourselves in?

Children: Tale of the Fox and the Wolf.

Educator: It was frosty outside and froze the wolf’s tail. The wolf cannot help us. The fox was cunning and stole all the fish. How can we help the top? (Children's statements, the teacher helps the children with questions) What is ice? (Frozen water) How can we turn ice into water? Why is it warm? (Children answering questions and reasoning come to the conclusion that they need to call the sun)

Children, teacher: Sun, come to us quickly, warm everyone with your rays.

Melt the ice quickly, the wolf will come to our aid

Wolf: Thank you, guys! Wasn't left without a tail.

Now I will help you, I will show you the way to the stove.

(A route map to the stove appears on the screen)

Educator: Then let's go! Finally, we found it! What about the return journey now?

Children: Yes

Educator: Help us, stove, come back!

You will find yourself in your own home.

Maybe we can ask for a fairy tale?

The children come up with fairy tale words to return to kindergarten, and the stove ends up at Emelya’s house. The children return to the beginning of the journey to the music and find another letter and a package from Emelya, in which he thanks the children for their help and sends treats.

Educator: There is always a lesson in fairy tales:

In them, good forever defeats evil.

Fairy tales teach us to help the weak -

Help them out of trouble.

Next >

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This lesson shows all the knowledge children acquired in the preparatory group of kindergarten.

Scenario for children of senior preschool age.

Goal: To reinforce in children the idea of ​​the importance of the senses for human life.

The purpose of GCD is to enrich children's understanding of time by the clock, geometric shapes, parts of the day, and seasons.

The summary of the educational activity “Sea Voyage” is intended for teachers of senior preschool age.

Goal: development of mathematical abilities in children. Tasks: Identify acquired knowledge, ideas, skills, Improve the ability to find the place of a number in a series, count to 10 and back; Perfection.

Program content: Educational task.


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