Methodological recommendations for kindergarten teachers “Do-it-yourself non-standard physical education equipment”
Sources: 1. https://www. mbdou-teremok. ru/fizkultura/2016-03-24/nestandartnoe-fizkulturnoe-oborudovanie-svoimi-rukami. 2. https://www. maam. ru/detskijsad/prezentacija-ispolzovanie-nestandartnogo-oborudovanija-po-fizicheskomu-vospitaniyu-v-rabote-s-detmi. html. Municipal budget preschool educational
Abstract of the educational activity "Artistic creativity" (drawing) "Russian folk clothing" for children of senior preschool age
Drawing on the topic “Clothes, shoes and hats” in the senior group: understanding the aspects
Adaptation of a child to kindergarten
Card index of communicative games (first junior group)
Card file of communicative games (first junior group) Alexandra Komar Card file of communicative games (first junior group)
Consultation for teachers “Subject-based developmental environment for the labor education of children
General parent meeting: “The beginning of the school year is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the kindergarten, parents and its students”
From the experience of a senior teacher. Parents' meeting in a preschool educational institution How to properly organize a parent's meeting
Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic “Clothing. Shoes. Hats"
Progress of the lesson Introduction The teacher asks the children to take their seats. Cheerful music is playing. The teacher says:
work speech therapist
Organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution
Speech therapist in kindergarten Svetlana Gogoreva Speech therapist in kindergarten Some parents, to their
Ceramic pots
Thematic selection of games and exercises Topic: “Dishes”
Scene pictures Scene pictures on the topic “dishes” are also very useful for speech development. They
DIY toys for developing fine motor skills for children
DIY educational toys: Development of fine motor skills.
Many parents know that from an early age it is very important to develop fine motor skills in a child.
Kids sleep under the supervision of a teacher
Regime in kindergarten by groups - rules of nutrition, activities and rest
Requirements for the daily routine in a preschool educational institution according to SanPiN Standard daily routine in kindergarten
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