Program of comprehensive measures for the improvement of the health of children of primary preschool age

Physical education and health work in the 1st junior group of kindergarten

Physical education and health work in 1 ml.g.
“Kolobok” Goal:
preserving and strengthening the health of children;
formation of responsibility among parents and pupils in maintaining their own health. Objectives:
maintain and develop the need for a variety of physical activity; reinforce the need for cleanliness and neatness, develop cultural and hygienic skills, cultural behavior skills; To ensure that children understand the meaning of the requirements placed on them, to familiarize them with the factors affecting health.

  1. Organized physical education activities: traditional, classes - competitions, holidays, entertainment, leisure.
  2. A set of psychological measures: elements of music therapy, fairy tale therapy, ensuring a favorable psychological climate in preschool educational institutions.
  3. A system of effective hardening procedures: air hardening, water hardening, prevention of flat feet, walking barefoot, mouth rinsing, maximum exposure of children to the fresh air.
  4. Activation of the motor mode of pupils: providing the motor mode with attributes and benefits; creation of the necessary development environment; conducting outdoor games; adherence to daily routine; conducting morning exercises; physical education minutes; games with movements in free activity.
  5. The use of health technologies in organized activities; finger and articulation gymnastics.
  6. Preventive work: breathing control during organized activities with increased physical activity, quartzing, balanced nutrition, flu vaccination, hardening, consumption of fruits and juices.
  7. Individual work in the gym, on a walk, in a group.

Work with parents: active participation of parents in the physical education and health work of the group; design of folders, consultations, information stands.

Main directions of the program: Preventive:

  1. Ensuring a favorable course of adaptation.
  2. Execution of the mode.
  3. Solving health problems using all means of physical culture.
  4. Carrying out social, sanitary and special measures to prevent and spread infectious diseases.


  1. Organization of a health-preserving environment for preschool educational institutions.
  2. Promotion of healthy lifestyle and methods of improving the health of children and parents.

Forms and methods of children's health.

  1. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Physical exercises - morning exercises, outdoor games, sports games, recreational activities, prevention of flat feet, breathing exercises, finger exercises.
  3. Hygiene and water procedures - washing, washing hands with cool water, rinsing the mouth after eating.
  4. Light and air baths - ventilation of rooms, walks in the fresh air, ensuring temperature conditions.
  5. Active recreation - entertainment, leisure, games - fun, health days, vacations.
  6. Aroma - herbal medicine - room aromatization.
  7. Balanced diet.
  8. Music therapy.
  9. Special hardening - walking barefoot on a massage path after sleep, play massage, breathing exercises.
  10. Propaganda of healthy lifestyle - periodicals, conversations, organized activities on healthy lifestyle.
  11. In the autumn - spring period, carrying out health-improving and preventive work;

A) Health tea B) Vitamin therapy C) Second breakfast (fruits, juices)

Expected Result. 1. Awareness by adults and children of the concept of “health” and the influence of lifestyle on health. 2.Increasing the level of orientation to modern living conditions. 3. Mastering health improvement skills. 4. Decrease in the incidence rate.

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