Methodological recommendations for organizing play activities for children of primary preschool age

Methodological recommendations for organizing play activities for children of primary preschool age


on organizing play activities for children of primary preschool age

(role-playing games for kids)

Methodological recommendations for organizing role-playing games for younger preschoolers


1. Introduction.

What is a game? Classification of games.

2. Main part

Role-playing games for younger preschoolers.

  • Features of story games.
  • Types of role-playing games.
  • Levels of development of the story game.
  • Methodological recommendations for organizing role-playing games for younger preschoolers.
  1. Individual nature of games.
  2. Selection of toys.
  3. Substitute toys.
  4. Actions with toys.
  5. Grouping children into groups.
  6. Enriching the game's plot.
  7. Demonstration of the game by the teacher.
  8. Choosing a game theme.
  9. Teacher planning story games.
  • Pedagogical recommendations.
  • Recommendations for parents.
  • Tips for educators on how to guide children's story-based games.

3. Conclusion.

Preschool childhood is the most important period of personality development. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, towards work, develops skills and habits of correct behavior, and develops a character. The main activity of preschool children is play

, it develops the child’s spiritual and physical strength; his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity. In addition, play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age. In play, all aspects of a child’s personality are formed and developed; significant changes occur in his psyche, which prepare the transition to a new, higher stage of development. Psychologists consider play to be the leading activity of a preschooler.

A game

- a type of unproductive activity where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself. A huge role in the development and upbringing of a child belongs to play – the most important type of children’s activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the game realizes the need to influence the world.

The educational significance of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the child’s psychology, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children’s relationships, on the precise organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

Children's games are an extraordinary phenomenon, because... They are extremely diverse in their content, in the degree of independence of children, in forms of organization, and in playing material. Therefore, different sources give their own classification of games. The ones closest to me are the following: games
and games with rules.
Creative games include role-playing games, construction games and dramatization games. Games with rules are divided into
outdoor games and didactic games.
There are many more types and classifications of games: games with and without rules, imitation games, director's games, finger games, etc. All of them carry great developmental and emotional value for children, and therefore their parents.

I want to talk about role-playing games for younger preschoolers.

A special place in the activities of a preschooler is occupied by games that are created by the children themselves, these are creative or role-playing games. In them, children reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. In play, the child begins to feel like a member of a team; he can fairly evaluate the actions and actions of his comrades and his own.

The main features of the role-playing game are:

  1. Compliance with the rules.
  2. Social motive of games.
  3. Emotional development is underway.
  4. The preschooler's intellect is developing.
  5. Imagination and creativity develop.
  6. Speech development.

Types of role-playing games:

1. Games based on everyday themes: “home”, “family”, “holidays”, “birthdays”. In these games, games with dolls occupy a large place, through actions with which children convey what they know about their peers, adults, and their relationships.

2. Games on industrial and social topics, which reflect the work of people. For these games, themes are taken from the surrounding life (school, store, library, post office, hairdresser, hospital, transport (bus, train, plane, ship), police, firefighters, circus, theater, menagerie, factory, etc.

3. Games on heroic-patriotic themes, reflecting the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.)

4. Games on themes of literary works, cinema, television and radio programs.

5. “Director’s” games, in which the child makes the dolls speak and perform various actions.

Levels of development of role-playing games:

First stage.

The main content of the game is actions with objects. They are carried out in a certain sequence, although this sequence is often disrupted. The chain of actions is plot-based. The main subjects are everyday ones. Children's actions are monotonous and often repeated. Roles are not designated. In form it is a side-by-side game or a single player game. Children willingly play with adults. Independent play is short-lived. As a rule, the stimulus for the emergence of a game is a toy or a substitute object that was previously used in the game.

Second phase.

The main content of the game is actions with an object. These actions unfold more fully and consistently in accordance with the role that is already denoted by the word. The sequence of actions becomes the rule. The first interaction between participants occurs based on the use of a common toy (or direction of action). Associations are short-lived. The main subjects are everyday ones. The same game can be repeated many times. Toys are not selected in advance, but children often use the same ones - their favorite ones. The game can already unite 2-3 people.

Third stage.

The main content of the game is also actions with objects. However, they are complemented by actions aimed at establishing various contacts with playing partners. Roles are clearly defined and assigned before the game begins. Toys and objects are selected (most often during the game) in accordance with the role. The logic, nature of actions and their direction are determined by the role. This becomes the basic rule. The game often proceeds as a joint game, although interaction is interspersed with parallel actions of partners unrelated to each other and not correlated with the role. The duration of the game increases. The plots become more diverse: children reflect everyday life, the work of adults and vibrant social phenomena.

Fourth stage.

The main content of the game is a reflection of the relationships and interactions of adults with each other. The themes of games can be varied: it is determined not only by the direct, but also by the indirect experience of children. Games are joint and collective in nature. Associations are stable. They are built either on children’s interest in the same games, or on the basis of personal sympathies and affections. Games of the same content are not only repeated for a long time, but also develop, become enriched, and exist for a long time. In the game at this stage, the preparatory work is clearly distinguished: the distribution of roles, the selection of game material, and sometimes its production (homemade toys). Up to 5-6 people are involved in the game.

The above levels reflect the general development of role-playing games, but in a specific age group adjacent levels coexist.

Role-playing games for younger preschoolers.

At the age of 3 to five years, a child begins to imitate the activities of adults in play. What is important here are games that allow you to learn the purpose of objects, their functions, and teach children to use objects as tools. Activities with pyramids, dolls, and construction sets expand children’s understanding of the size, shape, color, and position of objects in space, and activities with toys on wheels, shovels, and scoops that can be used to dig snow and sand, increase motor activity, and improve coordination. In play, a child begins to imitate the activities of adults, and toys serve as symbols for him, help develop the plots of games, and contribute to the formation of the beginnings of abstract thinking.

Typical features of younger children's games are their individual character. When children come to kindergarten, it is important that they learn to play. Therefore, the teacher pays special attention to some children. It helps them get acquainted with a new environment, overcome shyness and arouses their interest in life in kindergarten. You especially need to try to include children in the game, so you need to give kids various toys and teach them how to use them. In the younger group, children's games often include a variety of activities with toys, especially if children know how to use them correctly. The child rocks a doll, drives a car around the room, feeds a horse, etc. This is what determines the individual nature of children's games. Misunderstandings very often arise between children in the younger group over toys; children do not know how to come to an agreement among themselves, snatch toys from each other, do not know how to ask politely, complain to the teacher and turn to her for help.

In the development of independent play in younger preschoolers, the correct selection and arrangement of toys plays an important role.

For role-playing games, children need dolls, dishes, and furniture. It’s good to have toy irons, stoves, and paraphernalia for games in the hairdressing salon or in the hospital in groups.

In addition, we need large and medium-sized cars, strollers for dolls, etc.

Sets of toys should be placed in different places in the room so that children have the opportunity to play in small groups. When organizing an environment for role-playing games, game material must be introduced gradually, as children gain knowledge about the environment, so that toys help them remember the events that children have recently become acquainted with. After consolidating and clarifying knowledge, you can introduce some new toy or homemade attributes, and sometimes a real object, for example, a kitchen board. These items must be safe for children. In equipping the gaming environment, a special place is given to substitute items. In the games of children of the fourth year of life, substitute objects should be introduced in joint play, because an example of how to operate with them is required. As a rule, children accept substitute objects with great pleasure, and later, on their own initiative, include them in their games. For example, the girls were preparing tea and asking each other: “Where is the tea leaves?” Then they turned to the teacher. He suggested choosing from natural material. The children took linden seeds, put them in cups and only then began to pour tea. Sometimes children need to be specifically confronted with the need to independently select substitute items. The children are playing “Kindergarten”, there are not enough beds for all the doll children, then the girls found a way out of the situation: they took the lids from the boxes and laid the dolls on them.

Substitute objects greatly diversify and enrich children’s play activities. Once during the game, a girl, when asked what she fed her daughter, said that she fed her cutlets. At the same time, she took imaginary pieces of cutlets from the plate with a spoon and brought them to the doll’s mouth. “Have you made the minced meat yet?” — I asked. Together they decided that a piece of paper would be meat. The game included a number of new game actions: the girl put a piece of paper in a meat grinder, twisted it, then took out the paper and tore it into pieces. She laid out pieces of paper in a frying pan, put them on the stove to fry, and only after that began to feed her daughter, but not with a spoon, but with a fork.

In order for children to constantly include substitute objects in the game, it is advisable to place boxes with natural and waste materials in the play corners. Children often use building materials, for example, a brick for a telephone, a cone for ice cream, etc.

The teacher in this age group needs to prepare good conditions for play and help children choose toys. Much depends on whether the teacher knows how to divert the child’s attention from the toy his friend is playing with and prove to him that he can play very well and interestingly with another toy. Sometimes it is enough to say a few entertaining words about a toy to arouse a child’s interest in it. But you can’t neglect visual demonstrations and teach how to act with a toy. For younger children, it is simply necessary that the teacher first plays with them together, helps them change the doll’s clothes, put it in a stroller, build a high tower, take the car to the garage, etc. By showing how to handle the toy, the teacher simultaneously develops the children’s constructive abilities: She uses building materials, various cubes, and dismountable toys. Under the guidance of an adult, children first make the simplest buildings, learn to lay cubes in even rows, make superstructures in height, etc.

If the teacher taught children to play independently and calmly with a toy, then he has reached the first stage of development of play activity. But here the next task arises - to overcome the stage of individual games and gradually guide children to general games, unite them in groups and awaken interest in the team. And for this it is necessary to create conditions that encourage children to play together. The very circumstances of life in kindergarten help the efforts of teachers. Children are in the same group all day, use common toys, and follow a common daily routine. These factors contribute to the emergence of closer relationships between children. The teacher helps to strengthen the friendly relations that have arisen. For this purpose, you can intervene in the course of children’s games, tactfully direct her: “Lyuda, your daughter wants to go to kindergarten, take her there.” It becomes possible to unite children playing individually into a group. Or, for example, to a boy who is aimlessly pulling a car around the group, you can say: “Sasha, would you like to help Dima and Nikita carry bricks to the construction site?” In this way, you can lead the child to coordinate his actions with other children, so that, through the mediation of the teacher, the child will establish more lively relationships with them.

A characteristic feature of the games of children in the younger group is limited content and poor plot. A child very often plays individually precisely because his game does not need other participants: he can carry out all the actions himself. Consequently, the teacher’s task is to expand the plot of the game so that more children can be included in it and engaged in common activities. To do this, you can offer excursions to the kindergarten kitchen or to the medical office. During excursions, it is necessary to include children in active activities. For example, in a medical office, a nurse can put thermometers on children, measure their height and weight, listen with a phonendoscope, and give children vitamins. And in the group, the teacher consolidates what he saw through conversation, questions, and showing illustrations. Finds out that a doctor or nurse should be kind, polite, and strict. In the future, this will help children more expressively convey role-playing images in games. Conversations about work and professions also broaden children’s horizons, which helps expand the plot of children’s games.

The content of children's games is directly related to knowledge about the surrounding reality. During the game, you can remind children of their past experiences and experiences and try to ensure that these experiences are creatively reproduced in the game. Often the plot of a game is suggested by a toy. For example, a doll, dishes, furniture for dolls evoke a desire to play “family”, a car - “driver”, figurines of farm animals - “farm”, etc. But it is necessary to intervene in the course of the game in order to better develop the plot of the game, which the children chose themselves, on their own initiative. You can often observe how younger children quickly lose interest in the plot of the game and move on to something else, because... the game doesn't captivate them. Interest in the game can be deepened if the teacher enriches the game with new elements, thereby preventing frequent changes in plots.

Let me give you an example: Misha drove the car aimlessly around the group, then abandoned it and began to watch the children who were building something with a “constructor”. When he got tired of this, he grabbed the drum and began to beat on it, but after a while he returned to the machine, but he did not know what to do with it. “Misha, let’s build a garage for the car, and Dima will help you carry bricks.” After some time, Misha reported that the garage was ready, and now he would help Dima build a garage for his car. Interested, Sasha and Nikita offered their help and began transporting bricks for construction. Thus, the teacher not only directed the child’s attention to the toy, but also suggested the plot of the game, which the child developed himself in the further process of the game, and also encouraged him to collaborate with other children.

It is necessary to take into account that the activities of children are less closely related to precisely established rules than those of older children. In the younger group, misunderstandings often arise during the game precisely because the participants do not adhere to the basic rules of the general activity. As we already know, children determine the rules of creative games based on roles. A child playing a certain role must behave in the same way as the person being portrayed does. The teacher should teach children to critically evaluate the behavior of their comrades in the game, to compare whether their actions correspond to what happens in life. Thus, children gradually become accustomed to strictly following the rules of the game. Let me give you another example. The children played "ship". The captain and passengers were there. Suddenly Olya, who was traveling with her doll daughter, got up and wanted to leave. But other passengers were indignant: “You can’t get off, there’s water all around!” But Olya still wanted to leave. An argument and shouting began. The teacher had to intervene: “If Olya doesn’t want to go, then let her get off. But there is water all around here, she could drown. Comrade captain, moor to the shore, to the pier.” The captain landed, Olya got off, and the children continued the game. This example shows that when the teacher correctly guides the children, already in the younger group they get used to critically assessing the behavior of their comrades in the game. Therefore, one should not be at all afraid of disputes arising from breaking the rules: children learn to reason and compare, become better aware of reality, clarify their ideas about it, and strengthen correct relationships.

At the age of 3 to 5 years, games are needed for a child with peers on topics that are close to their experience and reflect events in social life. Games at this time serve as a means of forming the child’s social consciousness, knowledge of the world and its transformation, uniting children into a team, while creating conditions for all types of independent children’s activities.

Planning a system of pedagogical activities, on the one hand, should direct children to display in the game various phenomena of the surrounding reality that are new to them, on the other hand, it complicates the ways and means of reproducing this reality. Children's knowledge about the life around them, obtained from various sources, determines the content of game tasks and the theme of the plot. The formation of the game itself depends on the skillful complication of methods and means for solving game problems.

Expansion of children's knowledge is provided in classes or during special observations. At the same time, a connection is established between children’s past experiences and new knowledge. The acquired information and impressions of children are taken into account when planning work on managing the game.

The image of an adult is characterized not only by attributes, but also by restrictions and a set of specific actions. But at the first stage of preparation, we do not yet require the baby to perform specific role-playing actions. At the same time, children need games “to pretend to be adults.” This meets his internal needs, his developmental needs - a growing interest in adults and their activities. The way out of this contradiction is in the following methodological technique, the essence of which is as follows. When playing games with children that are well known and learned by them, the teacher at a convenient moment gives an example of entering into the image of an adult: he identifies himself as a representative of a profession, using an expressive attribute for this, and shows them two or three game actions. But he does not encourage children to take this playful action, because it would be premature.

One of the effective methods for developing gaming skills is joint play between an adult and children. As a rule, children come to the 2nd junior group with basic skills to independently operate with toys. If the child has not mastered the game actions, the teacher shows them.

Such games should be used at least 3 times a week in the 2nd half of the day. The teacher records in the calendar the purpose and plot of the game, the names of its participants.

The teacher must know what stories are appropriate to select for children’s games. It is necessary that the plots be simple for the child to understand; they should reflect close and familiar actions of the surrounding life - cooking, cleaning the room, washing, treatment in a clinic, traveling in transport, etc.

Topics can be taken from fairy tales and literary works known to children, or you can come up with them yourself, using real facts and events (a doctor and sick children, a seller and a buyer).

As a rule, the teacher himself first performs the main role, then entrusts it to one of the children, helping the child if he finds it difficult. At the same time, the teacher continues to participate in the game, taking on a secondary role.

An effective technique is also for the teacher to play with toys in front of the students. However, you should not turn the display of game actions into a special task. For example, the teacher says to himself: “Oh, what a cute doll is sitting alone!”, turns to the doll: “What is your name? Sveta! Let you be my daughter, and I’ll be your mother.” He takes the doll in his hands and walks around the group with it. “Where will our home be? Here. Here is your crib, you will sleep in it, and now I will feed you. Daughter, do you want to eat? Shall I go and cook dinner? The teacher pretends to prepare lunch, etc.

It is important that the teacher shows interest in the game, emotionally expresses his attitude to the game partners and to the actions being performed. After finishing the game, the teacher can say: “I played well! Let anyone who wants to play too. We have a lot of dolls, bears, and bunnies.”

There is no need to insist that children immediately show activity and independence. The described methodological technique allows children to see the holistic play activity of an adult, adopt it and translate it into independent activity. At the same time, the kids expand the plot proposed by the teacher through new toys and new actions. This is how children switch to active play behavior.

Games that arise on the initiative of the children themselves reflect the skills acquired by preschoolers in joint games with adults, in the process of observing the teacher’s play. The teacher helps students develop the game, using advice, reminders, introducing a new toy, showing an unfamiliar action. If this is not done, independent play quickly stops with monotonous actions with the same toy.

When organizing games in younger groups, one of the most important conditions is the ability to play with peers. At this age stage, there are 2 types of games: “side by side” play and the simplest forms of joint play, based mainly on the children’s interest in the actions of their peers with toys, as well as on personal sympathies.

During the game, the teacher teaches students to treat each other kindly, not to take away toys, and not to destroy buildings. To prevent the emergence of negative forms of relationships, the teacher must be extremely attentive to children’s joint games, actively guide and regulate the relationships of students, which at this age stage are just beginning to take shape.

Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood, make children's lives complete, and satisfy their need for active activity. Even in good conditions, with adequate nutrition, the child will develop poorly and become lethargic if he is deprived of exciting play.

Most games reflect the work of adults; children imitate the household chores of their mother and grandmother, the work of a teacher, doctor, teacher, driver, pilot, astronaut. Consequently, games instill respect for all work that is useful for society, and affirm the desire to take part in it ourselves.

The main way of education in the game is to influence its content, i.e. on the choice of theme, plot development, distribution of roles and the implementation of game images.

The theme of the game is the phenomenon of life that will be depicted: family, kindergarten, school, travel, holidays. The same theme includes different episodes depending on the interests of children and the development of imagination. Thus, different stories can be created on the same topic. Each child portrays a person of a certain profession (teacher, captain, driver) or family member (mother, grandmother). Sometimes the roles of animals and characters from fairy tales are played. By creating a play image, the child not only expresses his attitude towards the chosen hero, but also shows personal qualities. All girls are mothers, but each gives the role its own individual characteristics. Likewise, in the role played as a pilot or astronaut, the features of the hero are combined with the features of the child who portrays him. Therefore, the roles may be the same, but the game images are always individual.

Methodological techniques bring results in cases where the teacher applies them systematically, takes into account the general trends in the mental development of children, the patterns of the activity being formed, if the teacher knows and feels each child well.

Pedagogical recommendations.

1. Teachers should try not to take up the time allocated for play with other activities.

2. Create a gaming environment in accordance with age characteristics, taking into account the level of development of children; the gaming environment should be dynamic. The attributes of the role-playing game should be located in a place easily accessible to children. Sometimes attributes are formed in a specially established order, and sometimes children are given the opportunity to create a playing environment on their own.

3. An effective method of guiding the games of children of primary preschool age is the direct participation of the teacher in the children’s play in the main roles, and initially it is recommended to use individual play with a given child, and at the end of the fourth year of life it is recommended to use the teacher’s play with a subgroup of children.

4. In guiding children, indirect leadership techniques occupy a large place, so as not to interfere with the child’s independent play, because Only independent role-playing play contributes to the development of the child to the greatest extent.

5. Game management should be based on the results of observation of children’s independent role-playing play.

6. The teacher should put the child in the position of an “adult” as often as possible. This helps develop independence in children.

The teacher should pay attention to:

- providing conditions for the emergence and development of play activities (sufficient time for play; availability of space for the development of play activities, necessary toys and aids, and their correct location in the group; enriching children with impressions and their good well-being);

- know the methodology for managing gaming activities; methods and techniques aimed at maintaining and improving the emotional-positive state of children; ensuring the activity of players; timely switching from one type of activity to another, what methods and techniques this is achieved, directing children to play.

Recommendations for parents

1. Make sure that the child has as many different games and toys as possible, which must be consciously chosen and not randomly accumulated.

2. Agree in advance with your child the requirements for storing and cleaning toys. Consider how you can temporarily preserve children's buildings and structures. In the absence of space for a long demonstration, “celebrate the result” (reward the author with applause, sketch his construction, etc.) - and only after that put the toys away for storage.

3.Remember your childhood and tell your child about how you played by yourself and with your friends. If the child wishes, show children's games that you know.

4. Observe the child’s games at home and, if desired, tell the teachers about them; Ask what your child prefers to play in kindergarten.

5. Show respect for the child’s personality, take into account the gradual development of play activity and do not try to artificially speed it up.

6. Tactfully, unobtrusively, offer your child help in creating a play environment (“Perhaps you’ll need my pan to cook dinner? Would you like me to help you make a garage for your car?”, etc.). Take the child’s refusal for granted (“Of course, you know better. But if you need anything, I will be happy to help you”). Consider all subsequent requests from your child as a manifestation of trust and respect for your delicacy and tact.

7. Show initiative and express a sincere desire to participate in the game.

8. Having received the child’s consent to your participation in the game, take an interest in your role (“Who will I be?”) and accept it unconditionally and with gratitude.

9. If you do not understand the situation and the child’s wishes, ask him about the circumstances that are important for the development of the plot, related to the characteristics of the hero, his behavior, etc. (“What kind of fox will I be—good or evil?”).

10. When acting in a role, show initiative and independence, try to motivate the actions of the hero whose role you are playing. If difficulties arise, do not get lost, do not stop playing, but ask your child what you should do (“What should I do next?”).

11. At the end of the game, express your satisfaction to your child and express the hope that next time he will invite you to participate in it.

12. Provide constant attention and respect to children's games.

13. Express approval and admiration for the fact that children are independent and proactive in their games (“What a good fellow (smart) you are! How do you manage to come up with all this yourself?”).

14. Empathize with children’s feelings in games - be able to see the funny in what seems funny to them, be sad about what seems sad to them, etc.

15. Draw the child’s attention to pedagogically valuable and aesthetic games and toys.

Always agree with your baby! This gives him confidence in his abilities and generates initiative and creativity.

Tips for a teacher on how to guide children's games

  • Don’t be an indifferent spectator of the game, be able to understand children and understand their game plans.
  • Treat your child’s creativity with care, gain trust and establish contact.
  • Support an interesting idea by directing efforts towards its implementation.
  • Give us not only knowledge, but also emotions.
  • Give advice, but don’t push the children’s initiative.
  • Help each child find his place in the game.
  • Be able to be both an organizer and an ordinary participant in the game.
  • Distract children from the “bad” game, create interest in another topic.
  • Keep the joy of the game, awaken your imagination, maintain interest.


Scientific ideas about the stage-by-stage development of play activity make it possible to develop clearer, systematized recommendations for guiding the play activity of children in various age groups.

The game is dynamic where the management is aimed at its gradual formation, taking into account those factors that ensure the timely development of gaming activity at all age levels. Here it is very important to rely on the child’s personal experience. Game actions formed on its basis acquire a special emotional overtones. Otherwise, learning to play becomes mechanical.

Play, on the one hand, creates a child’s zone of proximal development, and therefore is the leading activity in preschool age. This is due to the fact that new, more progressive types of activity are emerging in it and the formation of the ability to act collectively, creatively, and arbitrarily control one’s behavior. On the other hand, its content is nourished by productive activities and the ever-expanding life experiences of children.

At the age of 3-4 years, the child gradually leaves the family circle. His communication becomes non-situational. An adult becomes for a child not only a family member, but also a bearer of a certain social function. The child’s desire to perform the same function leads to a contradiction with his real capabilities. This contradiction is resolved through the development of play, which becomes the leading activity in preschool age.

The main feature of the game is its convention: performing certain actions with certain objects suggests their relevance to other actions with other objects. The main content of the play of younger preschoolers is actions with toys and substitute objects. The game duration is short. Younger preschoolers are limited to playing with one or two roles and simple, undeveloped plots. Games with rules are just beginning to take shape at this age.

Play is the most favorite and natural activity of younger preschoolers. The teacher’s task is to make play the content of children’s lives, to reveal to children the diversity of the world of play.

The way to develop play is joint play between the teacher and children, the creation of an enriched play environment that encourages independent play creativity in the free interaction of children with toys, objects, substitute objects and nurturing children’s good attitude towards each other.

Play, the most important type of children’s activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the game realizes the need to influence the world. The educational significance of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the child’s psychology, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of children’s relationships, on the precise organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

Informational resources:

Bondarenko A.K., Matusik A.I. “Raising children in play”, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1983.

Vasilyeva M.A. “Managing children’s games in preschool institutions”, Moscow, “Prosveshchenie”, 1986.

Gerbova V.V., Ivankova R.A. “Raising children in the second junior group of kindergarten”, Moscow, “Prosveshchenie”, 1981.

Godina G.N., Pilyugina E.G. “Education and training of children of primary preschool age”, Moscow, “Prosveshchenie”, 1987.

Krasnoshchekova N.V. “Plot-role-playing games for preschool children”, Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 2007.

Mendzheritskaya D.V. “To the teacher about children's play”, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1982.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“Organization of play activities for younger preschoolers”

Every child needs a world where they can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy. Kindergarten is the world in which our children live. It becomes a second home for children. Kindergarten is noise, play, children's fun, as well as fun and joy from morning until evening. This is a home where we are loved and welcomed, where we are cared for and worried about, helped to overcome difficulties and proud of our achievements. To discover the good and bright in a child, to awaken in him the desire for knowledge, activity, independence, and to cultivate hard work in him - these are the main tasks of kindergarten teachers. These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in classes, in games, in work, in everyday life - as they form his relationships with adults and peers, and also instill patriotic feelings in the child. In this article we will look at developmental activities in the younger group. Of course, everything goes through the game.

The main way for children to understand the world is through play. It is this that allows children to develop faster and discover new knowledge. Therefore, special attention is paid to organizing and conducting different types of games in a preschool institution. Especially when we are talking about pupils of younger groups who are just starting to get acquainted with kindergarten. In kindergarten, play is the main activity for children, and toys are an important tool for learning. How correctly the toys are selected depends on the subsequent development of children. The game is the basis for organizing lesson materials. With the help of three types of games (educational, active, theatrical), the teacher solves the educational tasks of the lesson, and also teaches the children to interact with each other along the way. Therefore, it is very important that the teacher has an extensive card index of games.

Each lesson in the early development group takes into account the individual abilities and characteristics of the child. Educators understand that they are called upon to make classes easy and accessible for every child. So that the child is interested and can easily be involved in the process.

During the child’s play activities, the teacher shapes his behavior: teaches him to understand the rules of the game, shows where and with which toy it is more convenient to play (at the table, on the floor, by the window, teaches him to be careful with toys, teaches him not to throw them away, put them back in their place). The teacher pays great attention to the formation of positive relationships between children: he teaches not to interfere with each other’s games, arouses interest in them, encourages the ability to play side by side in the first, joint games, develops feelings such as goodwill, affection for group mates, sympathy, help, skill share any thing.

The teacher needs to skillfully direct each child to an entertaining, but at the same time useful game, while it is important to rely on initiative and develop the child’s curiosity. An attentive and caring teacher will correctly distribute children among game tasks so that they do not interfere with each other, and will show sensitivity and fairness in resolving a conflict situation that arises during the game. Thus, the harmonious creative development of children depends on the level of professional training of the teacher.

Play as a leading activity cannot be carried out in isolation; it is closely connected with other types of children's activities. Children cannot play if they lack knowledge about the life around them, because play is social in nature. Properly organized gaming activities influence the moral development of the individual, the child’s self-esteem, orientation towards achieving success, as well as the assimilation of norms and rules accepted in society.

In games, children reveal their positive and negative qualities. This is the role of play in the education of preschool children.

The world of childhood is a fascinating world of play!

Next >

From early childhood, adults introduce the child to the surrounding reality and, through communication, convey to him certain experience and knowledge regarding actions with objects and relationships with people. Consolidation of elementary experience, reflection of first ideas occurs in the game: while playing, a child has the opportunity in many ways to repeat actions that are understandable to him, achieving one or another result. The acquired knowledge becomes more and more generalized. The baby can widely use them in specific conditions. Play activities are enriched, which in turn contributes to the comprehensive mental development of the child. The game is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. In the process of gaming activities, the child’s spiritual and physical strengths develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. The game clearly reveals the characteristics of the child’s thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication. Play experiences leave a deep imprint on the child’s mind and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, and collective life skills. All this makes play an important means of creating a child’s direction, which begins to develop in early childhood.

Goal: to reveal the psychological characteristics of the play activity of children from one to three years old.

The goals contribute to solving the following tasks: 1) studying special literature on this problem; 2) will establish how effective this is in shaping the personality of a young child; 3) generalization of the research results. The following methods were used in the study: conversation; observation The relevance of the problem raised is caused by the need of psychologists, teachers, parents for improved methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on the developing personality of the child in order to develop intellectual, communicative and creative abilities and to prove the effectiveness of gaming activities for the psychological development of young children. The object of the study is children from one to three years old. Subject of research: play activities of young children

Chapter I. Psychological characteristics of play activities of children from one to three years old

1.1 Historical background of the game

Game is a great invention of man. It, like a mirror, reflected the history of mankind with all its tragedies and comedies, strengths and weaknesses.

When studying the development of children, it is clear that all mental processes develop more effectively in play than in other types of activities. The changes in the child’s psyche caused by play are so significant that in psychology (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Zaporozhets, etc.) the view of play as a leading activity in the preschool period has been established.

1.2 Psychology of early childhood

After the period of infancy - the period of adaptation to the world, which lays down the core characteristics of the child, a new period of development begins in the child's life - early childhood (from 1 year to 3 years) - a period of dramatic changes in physical capabilities, motor, cognitive and speech skills. The main achievements of early childhood, which determine the development of the child’s psyche, are: complete mastery of the body, speech, development of objective activity. These achievements are manifested: in bodily activity, coordination of movements and actions, upright walking; in the rapid development of speech; in the development of the ability to substitute, symbolic actions and use of signs; in the development of visual-effective, visual-figurative and symbolic thinking; in the development of imagination, memory; in feeling oneself as a source of imagination and will; in highlighting one’s “I” and in the emergence of the so-called sense of personality.

1.3 Subject activity and play

At an early age, a child discovers the purpose of many objects of human material and spiritual culture and begins to act with them in a human way. The child develops objective activity. Its difference from the simple manipulation of surrounding objects, characteristic of infants, is that the child’s actions and methods of handling objects begin to obey the functional purpose of these objects in the life of a cultured person. A one-and-a-half to two-year-old baby acts completely differently with a spoon, ball, book, and chair than a six- to eight-month-old child, i.e. The activity of an older child with these objects is more meaningful in nature, corresponding to their general cultural purpose. Children master the idea of ​​most household items and how to use them in the second year of life. The objective activity that arises on this basis gradually replaces the natural movements of the child, conditioned by the nature and structure of the body. By the beginning of the third year of life, object-related activity has already been formed, at least in relation to those household items that the child uses.

Unlike a baby, a young child begins to be much more interested in new things. If an infant, having received them in his hands, begins to simply manipulate them, then a child of two or three years old first of all begins a detailed study, and only after that turns to using the object in his practical activities. A young child must first find out the functional purpose of a thing before using it, so he often asks others the question “what is this?”, expecting to receive just such information in response.

From the first half of the second year of life, children begin to perform actions with toys that they observe in adults: babies put a doll to bed, feed it, take it for a walk, push a car, push a stroller, wash it, clean household items, cook food, do laundry, etc. d.

At the age of about three years, many children begin to move from full execution of an action to its symbolic representation.

At an early age, individual object-based play arises and develops, including symbolic play. By the end of this period of time, children play a lot with various objects, primarily toys, and not only manipulate them, but also design and build something new out of them. The first attempts to address visual activity appear, in the form of drawing on paper.

In the second year of life, the child reproduces the actions of adults with objects, he begins to play object games - imitations. They represent the first steps towards symbolization associated with the assimilation of norms and forms of behavior of adults, and then with the formation of certain personal qualities in the child.

Children's games of a subject plan can be of three types: game - exploration, game - construction and role-playing game. All types of games are essential for a child's development, determining his progress in cognitive, personal and social development.

Around eighteen to twenty months of age, children experience their first direct interactions with play partners. Starting at this age, children tend to play more with each other. However, two-year-olds are not yet able to play games with rules together.

Later, a plot-based role-playing game appears. Its occurrence in the life of children is associated with a number of circumstances: Firstly, by this time the child’s symbolic function must have reached a high level of development, he must learn to use objects not only for their intended purpose, but also in accordance with the intent of the game; Secondly, the child must have a need to copy the actions of adults; Thirdly, he must learn to interact with other people - children and adults - in the game.

In role-playing games, the child copies the ways people treat objects and the ways they treat each other in various social situations. Thus, the child better masters objective actions, forms and norms of communication, as well as role behavior. From a functional point of view, role-playing play can be considered as preparing a child to participate in public life in various social roles.

Younger preschoolers usually play alone. In their object and construction games, they improve perception, memory, imagination, thinking and motor abilities. Thematic role-playing games of children of this age usually reproduce the actions of those adults whom they observe in everyday life.

Children's role-playing games have various themes that the child is quite familiar with from his own life experience. The roles that children play in play are, as a rule, either family roles (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter, etc.), or educational (nanny, kindergarten teacher) or professional (doctor, commander, pilot), or fabulous (goat, wolf, hare, snake). The role players in the game can be people, adults or children, replacing their toys, such as dolls.

As the child develops, the game changes. In the first two years of life, the child masters movements and actions with surrounding objects, which leads to the emergence of functional games. In functional play, unknown properties of objects and ways of operating with them are revealed to the child. Constructive games are more challenging. In them, the child creates something: builds a house, bakes pies. In constructive games, children understand the purpose of objects and their interaction.

Functional and constructive games belong to the category of manipulative games, in which the child masters the surrounding objective world and recreates it in forms accessible to him. Relationships between people are conceptualized in story games. The child plays “mother-daughter”, “shop”, taking on a certain role. Plot-role-playing games appear at three to four years of age. Until this age, children play nearby, but not together. Role-playing games teach children to live in a group. Gradually, rules are introduced into the games that impose restrictions on the behavior of the partner.

1.4 The importance of play for the mental development of children from one to three years old

In the game, private mental processes are also formed or restructured. Visual acuity increases significantly in conditions of gaming activity (research by T. V. Endovitskaya). In play, the child retains the conscious goal of memorizing earlier and more easily and, for example, remembers a larger number of words than in laboratory conditions (Z. M. Istomina et al.).

In play activities, favorable conditions are created for the development of the child’s intellect, for the transition from visual-effective thinking to figurative and to elements of verbal-logical thinking. It is in play that the child develops the ability to create generalized typical images and mentally transform them.

Psychology has established that internal, mental actions are formed on the basis of external, material actions through their gradual change and “growing” into the psyche.

So, the important role of play in the development of a child’s mental processes is explained by the fact that it equips the child with accessible methods of active recreation, modeling with the help of external, objective actions of such content that under other conditions would be inaccessible and could not be truly mastered .

The game, as it were, creates a “child’s zone of proximal development.” L. S. Vygotsky wrote: “In play, a child is always above his average age, above his usual everyday behavior; In the game he seems to be head and shoulders above himself. The game in condensed form contains, as if in the focus of a magnifying glass, all development trends; the child in the game seems to be trying to make a leap above the level of his usual behavior.” The main developmental activity of a two- to three-year-old child is play. If in the previous age period the child played only with those objects that were in his field of vision, now he can play according to a preliminary plan, selecting toys or some objects in accordance with it.

For example, a child decided to build a garage out of cubes, where he would put a car, and when leaving the garage, the car would carry some kind of cargo, etc. The game now consists of a series of interconnected events, that is, it has a plot. This becomes possible thanks to the development of imagination, fantasy, and abstract thinking.

By the end of the third year of life, role-playing games become children's favorite games. The child takes on a certain role, portraying mom, dad, kindergarten teacher, and exactly repeats characteristic poses, gestures, facial expressions, and speech. The presence of role-playing play is an indicator of a new stage in the child’s mental development.

Development of gaming activities:

  • A role-playing game appears in a small group of children (2-3 people) with a duration of 10-30 minutes.
  • stable interest in games (favorite games). Can spend more than 10 minutes designing, builds various structures, plays with them.

Game methods and techniques in teaching children: didactic games, outdoor games, fun games, dramatizations.

Techniques: a) Introducing toys. b) Creating game situations (today we will be birds). c) Playing with toys and objects (for example, reading the poem “They dropped the Bear on the floor”, the didactic game “Say what it sounds like”). d) surprise, emotionality (show “The Bird and the Dog” - the teacher shows a squeaker, makes you want to listen, “Who is singing, look.” A bird flies, circles over the children, sits in his arms, chirps). e) Sudden appearance, disappearance of a toy. f) Changing the location of toys (bunny on the table, under the cabinet, above the cabinet). g) Showing objects in different actions (sleeping, walking, eating). h) intriguing settings.

Chapter 2

2.1 Play activity as a practical definition of the mental development of young children.

As a teacher at a preschool educational institution, I actively use games in my work, since games have a huge impact on the formation of a child’s psyche and help him prepare for “adult” life. A variety of games help develop the child’s memory, thinking, intelligence, reaction speed and the ability to think logically. In addition, games teach kids to communicate. It is easier to adapt to a group of children.

To determine the level of mental development of young children, I used pedagogical observation and conversations.

Children from kindergarten No. 35 in Yelabuga were involved in the pedagogical study. Children of the first and second younger groups were observed.

The main purpose of observation is how effective the use of games is for the development of the mental development of a young child;

The first task I gave the children was the game “Get a toy.” The level of development of a child’s thinking determines the nature of his activity and the intellectual level of its implementation. For example: they put a toy on the table and asked a two-year-old child to get it. The first one climbed onto the chair with his legs and climbed across the entire table, taking out a toy. The other one slid down from his chair and, going around the table, took out a toy. The third, without getting up from his chair, took the nearby rod from the pyramid and advanced the toy with the help of the rod. Everyone solved the problem depending on their existing experience: 1) by reaching for the toy; 2) bypasses the obstacle; 3) uses the experience of targeted influence of one object on another, and it is such actions that must correspond to the level of intellectual development of children in the second year of life.

Game "What has changed?" She put 5 different objects on the table (a book, a doll, a cube, etc.), asked the kids to look at them carefully, remember and turn away or leave the room. I remove or add one item. Upon returning, the child must say what has changed on the table, or rather, what object has appeared. This game teaches the child to navigate correctly, develops visual memory and attention. Of the ten children in the second younger group, five completed the task, two made mistakes in two items, and three made mistakes in three. Game: "Find the lost toy." The purpose of this game is to develop attention.

The most interesting feature of this age is the child’s idea of ​​the permanence of an object: the baby remembers a toy that is currently hidden. Before this, an object that was removed from the child’s eyes seemed to cease to exist for him. How is this ability formed?

If you simply hide a toy under a diaper, the child will not try to look for it. I tried this experiment. I let the child see how I put a toy under one of the two diapers lying in front of him. The baby began to study them, as if trying to figure out what kind of toy it was.

The concentrated expression on his face shows that he is trying to remember where she was hidden. Finally, the child rips off the diaper and will be extremely glad that he was not mistaken.

When this experiment is repeated several times, the toy is always placed under the same diaper, and then the toy is hidden under another one in front of the baby’s eyes. And, although he saw everything perfectly, the baby will still look for the toy in the same place for some time.

This happens because this particular option is recorded in his memory. For a one and a half year old child, the search time is reduced: now the baby remembers where you put the toy, or even notices a bulge and can figure out what is under the diaper.

A child whose sense of smell, hearing, vision, touch, and taste is well developed has every chance of gaining developed intelligence. Next, I explored how playing fun games with a child can help him understand the world.

Alarm clock game

This game can be played with one or more children. One child leaves the room. While he is outside the door, you need to set the alarm clock so that it rings in two or three minutes, and then hide it (in a desk drawer, behind the sofa - depending on the child’s age). Then the driver returns, the alarm clock begins to ring, and the child looks for it by the sound. A very simple game that trains your hearing, you can play it even with kids.

Auditory lotto

You need to record different sounds on a cassette: a car starting up, a door creaking, a train leaving, a match being struck, etc. For each noise, cut out a corresponding picture from old magazines and stick it on cardboard. Whoever first finds a card with an image that matches a specific sound keeps it. The one who collects the most cards wins. During this game, children learn to establish connections between phenomena and remember them.


The air seems transparent. Children can be shown that there is a bright, colorful world behind what they see, for example by looking at cut glass beads by hanging them in a sunny location. You can create a rainbow using a garden hose. In both cases, the light is broken into multi-colored rays. This piques their curiosity.

Games for the “hungry”

Place several plates on the table with different foods - something sweet, salty, thick, sour. As per your choice. Let the children see what's on the table first. Then blindfold one of them. Other children will choose a plate and give it for tasting. The driver needs to guess what he is eating.

Games for sensual natures

By touch, without looking! Take a bag, a bag will do - the main thing is that it is opaque, and put various objects in it, which the children will then have to identify by touch. This could be, for example, a board, a brush, a toy car, a banana - anything that comes to hand, a ball of yarn.

On the road barefoot

Make a path by laying out pieces of polypropylene on it with various materials glued to them (felt, sandpaper, wool yarn, foil), place buckets of sand or water between them. You need to walk along the path barefoot with your eyes closed and identify the materials.

Game for training memory and attention

While playing with multi-colored cubes, rings and building a tower or pyramid with him, I name the colors and ask the child to hand him a cube of one color or another.

At first, the child remembered contrasting colors: red and green, yellow and black. Then you can move on to closer colors: yellow and orange, purple and black, green and blue.

With the help of play activities, the child learns to explore the world around him and exchange impressions. For a baby, not only words are important, but also gestures, facial expressions, and intonation. After all, even before the baby learns to speak, with the help of gestures and facial expressions he will be able to achieve understanding of others and establish contact with them.

The first step in the development of visual play is that the child begins to transfer the actions shown to him with toys or the actions that he has learned to perform with real things to other objects.


Dima (1 year 1 year old) Walks along the corridor with a spoon in his hand. I saw a plastic can and started rolling it on the floor. Then he sat down next to him on the floor and began to pretend to eat: alternately sticking a spoon into the can and into his mouth.

Transferring actions to new objects leads to the fact that the child begins to act with objects that cannot be used at all to obtain a real result: “washes his hands with a cube”, “measures the temperature” with a stick. These are game substitutes for real things.

Placeholder items are used in place of actual items. But at first, the child does not give them play names. If he is asked what object he uses, he names the substitute.

The use of substitute objects turns into visual play when the child begins to give them names of substitute objects and act with imaginary, non-existent objects.


Anya (2y.3m.). The doll’s hand seems to take something from a piece of paper lying on the table, then brings the doll’s hand closer to its mouth and says: “Lelya, bite the saseka” (Lelya, eat the candy), then brings the doll’s hand to the observer’s mouth, saying: “Go , bite the ass."

Visual play becomes more complex, includes more and more interconnected actions, and acquires a plot.

Gradually, the child begins to put himself in the place of another person in visual play and takes on his role. Accepting a role goes through the same stages as using substitute items, but this usually happens a little later. First, the child performs the actions of another person, but calls himself by his own name. Then a verbal designation of the role appears, but only after the child has already depicted the actions of another person. The child plays first. Then, as it were, he recognizes in his actions the actions of an adult and calls himself by his name. The transition from visual play to role-playing play is completed when the child takes on the role earlier. What starts the game actions. This usually happens in preschool age.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the level of mental development in young children can be considered good.


In connection with the above, we can conclude that a game is a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, fixed in socially fixed ways of carrying out objective actions, in subjects of science and culture. In the game, as a special historically emerged form of social practice, the norms of human life and activity are reproduced, subordination to which ensures the knowledge and assimilation of objective and social reality, the intellectual and moral development of the individual. The game gives you the ability to navigate real life situations, playing them repeatedly and as if for fun in your fictional world. The game gives psychological stability. Develops an active attitude towards life and determination in achieving the set goal. The game gives joy in communicating with like-minded people. So, play is the leading activity for young children.

Leading activity is a form of child behavior, in connection with the development of which mental qualities develop that prepare the child for the transition to a new stage of his development. Within the framework of leading types of activity, new types of occupations arise. The child begins to learn through play. Only after going through the role-play school can a preschooler move on to systematic and targeted learning.

Leading activity forms and rearranges individual mental processes. Only in play does the ability for active imagination arise, voluntary memorization and many other mental qualities are formed.

Leading activity also determines the most important restructuring and the formation of new personality traits. The game teaches, shapes, changes, educates. Play, as the outstanding Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky wrote, leads to development.

This allows us to conclude that play activity is of great importance and plays a huge role in the mental development of a preschooler.


Developmental and educational psychology: Texts. Elkonin D.B. / Comp. and comment. Shuare Martha O. - M.: 1992. – 272s.

Vygotsky L.S. Educational psychology / Ed. V.V. Davydova. – M.: Pedagogy, 1991. – 480s.

Dyachenko O.M., Lavrentieva T.V. Mental development of preschool children. – M.: Pedagogy, 1984. – 128 p.

Itelson L.B. Lectures on general psychology: Textbook. – Mn.: Harvest; M.: 2000. – 896 p.

Kulagina I.Yu., Kolyutsky V.N. Developmental psychology: The complete life cycle of human development. Textbook for university students. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004. – 464s.

Popular psychology for parents / Ed. Bodaleva A.A. – M.: Pedagogika, 1988. – 256 p.

Sensory education in kindergarten: A manual for educators / Ed. Poddyakova N.N., Avanesova V.N. – M.: Education, 1981. – 192 p.

Spivakovskaya A.S. The game is serious. – M.: Pedagogy, 1981. – 144 p.

Text: ChelMami


Play and its role in the life of younger preschoolers.

"game and its role in the lives of younger


Classification of games"

A game

occupies a strong place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of preschool children. It activates the child, helps increase her vitality, satisfies personal interests and social needs. Considering the invaluable role of play in the life of preschoolers, I would like to dwell on this issue in more detail.

The problem of the game is widely covered in scientific and methodological literature (in the works of D.B. Elkonin, L.S. Vygotsky, L.P. Usova, A.I. Sorokina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, L.V. Artyomova and other authors - classics)

A child’s personal qualities are formed in active activities, and above all in those activities that become leading at each age stage and determine his interests, attitude to reality, and the characteristics of relationships with people around him. In preschool age, such a leading activity is play. Already at early and junior age levels, it is in play that children have the greatest opportunity to be independent, to communicate with peers at will, to realize and deepen their knowledge and skills. The older children become, the higher the level of their general development and education, the more significant is the pedagogical focus of the game on the formation of behavior, relationships between children, and the development of an active position. The game gradually develops purposefulness of actions. If in the second and third years of life children begin to play without thinking, and the choice of game is determined by the toy that catches their eye and by imitation of their friends, then later children are taught to set goals in construction games, and then in games with toys. In the fourth year of life, the child is able to move from thought to action, i.e. able to determine what he wants to play, who he will be. But even at this age, children often have a predominant interest in action, which is why the goal is sometimes forgotten. However, already at this age, children can be taught not only to deliberately choose a game, set a goal, but also to distribute roles. At first, the prospect of the game is short - arrange a Christmas tree for the dolls, take them to the dacha. It is important that the imagination of every child is aimed at achieving this goal. Under the guidance of the teacher, children gradually learn to determine a certain sequence of actions and outline the general course of the game.

The development of gaming creativity is also reflected in how various life experiences are combined into the content of the game. In the fourth year of life, children can be observed that they combine different events in play, and sometimes include episodes from fairy tales, mostly those that were shown to them in the puppet theater. For children of this age, new, vivid visual impressions that are included in old games are important. Reflecting life in a game, repeating life impressions in different combinations helps the formation of general ideas and makes it easier for the child to understand the connection between different life phenomena.

There are several classes of games:

  • creative

    (games initiated by children);

  • didactic

(games initiated by adults with ready-made rules);

  • folk

    (created by the people)

Creative games

constitute the most saturated typical group of games for preschoolers. They are called creative because children independently determine the purpose, content and rules of the game, most often depicting the life around them, human activities and relationships between people.

Creative games

are essential for the all-round development of the child. Through playful activities, children strive to satisfy their active interest in the life around them and transform into adult heroes of works of art. Thus creating a playful life, children believe in its truth, are sincerely happy, sad, and worried.

For the idea of ​​a game to emerge, vivid, exciting impressions are needed. However, the emergence of a plan does not mean that the child is able to independently implement it in the game, since he does not yet have the skills and abilities to independently plan his actions. But already from early preschool age, the teacher must develop play creativity in children. Creative play teaches children to think about how to implement a particular idea. Creative play develops valuable qualities for a future student: activity, independence, self-organization.

Plot-role-playing creative game

- the first test of social forces and their first test. A significant part of creative games are plot-based - role-playing games with “someone” or “something”. Interest in creative role-playing games develops in children from 3 to 4 years old. The child’s reflection of the surrounding reality occurs in the process of his active life, by taking on a certain role, but he does not imitate completely, because he does not have real opportunities to actually perform the operations of the accepted role. This is due to the level of knowledge and skills, life experience at a given age stage, as well as the ability to navigate familiar and new situations. Therefore, in a creative plot-role-playing game, he performs symbolic actions (“as if”), replaces real objects with toys or conditionally with those objects that he has, attributing to them the necessary functions (a stick is a “horse”, a sandbox is a “steamer”, etc.). d.) Children portray people, animals, the work of a doctor, hairdresser, driver, etc. Understanding that the game is not real life, children at the same time truly experience their roles, openly show their attitude to life, their thoughts, feelings , perceiving the game as an important and responsible matter.

The structure of a role-playing game, according to D.B. Elkonin, includes the following components:

Saturated with vivid emotional experiences, role-playing game leaves a deep imprint in the child’s mind, which will be reflected in his attitude towards people, their work, and life in general. Under the influence of enriching the content of games, the nature of relationships between children changes. Their games become cooperative, based on a common interest in them; the level of children's relationships increases. For children at play, coordination of actions, preliminary selection of a topic, a calmer distribution of roles and game material, and mutual assistance during the game become characteristic.

In addition, increasing the level of role relationships helps to improve real relationships, provided that the role is performed at a good level.

However, there is also a feedback - role relationships become higher under the influence of successful, good relationships in the group. The child fulfills his role in the game much better if he feels it. That the children trust him and treat him well. This leads to a conclusion about the importance of choosing partners, the teacher’s positive assessment of the merits of each child, and programming the children’s future role relationships.

Theatrical activity is one of the types of creative play activity, which is associated with the perception of works of theatrical art and the depiction of received ideas, feelings, and emotions in a playful form. Lyubov Artyomova divides theatrical games, depending on their type and specific plot-role content, into 2 main groups: director's games and dramatization games.

In the director's game

the child, as a director and at the same time a voice-over, organizes a theatrical playing field in which dolls are the actors and performers. In another case, the actors, scriptwriters and directors are the children themselves, who during the game agree on who plays what role and what they do.

Dramatization Games

are created based on a ready-made plot from a literary work or theatrical performance. The game plan and sequence of actions are determined in advance. Such a game is more difficult for children than inheriting what they see in life, because you need to well understand and feel the images of the characters, their behavior, remember the text of the work (sequence, unfolding of actions, character remarks), this is the special meaning of games – dramatization – they help children better understand the idea of ​​a work, feel its artistic value, and have a positive effect on the development of expressive speech and movements.

Children's creativity is especially clearly manifested in games - dramatizations.

In order for children to be able to convey the appropriate image, they need to develop their imagination, learn to put themselves in the place of the heroes of the work, to be imbued with their feelings and experiences.

Children of four years old depict fairy tales in games not only as shown, but also as told. Dramatization games help children better understand the idea of ​​a work, feel its artistic value, and contribute to the development of expressive speech and movements. In games, children of the younger group enthusiastically act out individual episodes of a fairy tale (“Rock Hen”, etc.), transform into familiar animals (games: “Hen and Chicks”, “Bear and Cubs”, etc.), but independently they cannot develop and play out plots. Children only imitate them, copying them externally, without revealing their behavior. Therefore, it is important to teach children to follow the pattern: chicks flap their wings, bear cubs walk heavily and clumsily.

In classes and in everyday life, you can act out scenes from childhood life - for example, with a doll or a teddy bear. You can organize games on the themes of literary works: “Toys” by A. Barto, nursery rhymes, lullabies, etc. The teacher is an active participant in such games. It shows how diverse intonations, facial expressions, gestures, gait, and movements can be. Games with imaginary objects are also interesting for kids, for example: “Imagine a ball, take it,” etc. The children develop an interest in puppet shows, plane shows, and literary works, especially fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

In the process of work, children develop imagination, speech, intonation, facial expressions, and motor skills (gestures, gait, posture, movements). Children learn to combine movement and speech in roles, develop a sense of partnership and creativity.

Another type is construction games

. These creative games direct the child’s attention to different types of construction, contribute to the acquisition of organizational design skills, and attract them to work. In construction games, children’s interest in the properties of an object and their desire to learn how to work with it are clearly demonstrated. The material for these games can be construction sets of different types and sizes, natural materials (sand, clay, cones, etc.), from which children create various things, according to their own plans or on the instructions of the teacher. It is very important that the teacher helps students make the transition from aimlessly piling up material to creating thoughtful structures.

During construction games

the child actively and constantly creates something new. And he sees the results of his work. Kids should have enough building material, different designs and sizes.

In younger groups, the teacher takes on the role of an organizer, an active participant in the game, gradually introducing a variety of shapes and sizes. Playing with building materials develops the child’s imagination, his constructive abilities, thinking, and accustoms him to concentrated, persistent activity. They promote a culture of movement and spatial orientation. The building material introduces geometric shapes, size, and develops a sense of balance. Work must begin with simple buildings, gradually complicating them. Children who are not active in work should be united with those who love to build and who produce good buildings. It is necessary to establish connections between construction and plot-role-playing games to maintain the game setting and develop creative thought. To make the games more exciting, you can organize competitions on the speed of completing a task. Adults can also participate. At different times of the year, children are taught to work with natural materials, showing techniques for working with them and developing their ideas and imagination.

With all the variety of creative games, they have common features: children, independently or with the help of an adult (especially in dramatization games), choose the theme of the game, develop its plot, distribute roles among themselves, and choose the necessary toys. All this should happen under the tactful guidance of an adult, aimed at activating children’s initiative and developing their creative imagination.

Games with rules.

These games provide an opportunity to systematically train children in developing certain habits; they are very important for physical and mental development, character development and willpower. Without such games, it would be difficult to carry out educational work in kindergarten. Children learn games with rules from adults and from each other. Many of them are passed down from generation to generation, but educators, when choosing a game, must take into account the requirements of our time.

According to the content and conduct of games with rules, they are divided into two groups: didactic and mobile.

Didactic games

They contribute mainly to the development of children’s mental abilities, since they contain a mental task, the solution of which is the meaning of the game. They also contribute to the development of senses, attention, and logical thinking. A prerequisite for a didactic game are rules, without which the activity becomes spontaneous.

In a well-designed game, it is the rules, not the teachers, that guide children's behavior. The rules help all participants in the game to be and act in the same conditions (children receive a certain amount of material, determine the sequence of actions of the players, and outline the range of activities of each participant).

Didactic game

is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a game method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent game activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

Didactic games, as a gaming method of teaching, are considered in two forms:

  • Games - activities;
  • Didactic (autodidactic) games.

In a game-activity, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who, in order to increase children’s interest in the activity:

  • Uses a variety of gaming techniques that create a gaming situation;
  • Creates a game situation;
  • Uses a variety of components of gaming activities;
  • Transfers certain knowledge to students;
  • Forms children's ideas about the construction of a game plot, about various game actions with objects, teaches them to play;
  • Creates conditions for transferring acquired knowledge and ideas to
  • independent creative games.

Didactic games are used in teaching children, in various classes and outside of them.

Stages of didactic game:

  • IN games with objects

    toys and real objects are used. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. They solve problems of comparison, classification, and establishing sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the subject environment, tasks in games become more difficult in identifying an object by this characteristic (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of abstract, logical thinking. Children of the younger group are given objects that differ sharply from each other in properties, since kids cannot yet find subtle differences between objects

A variety of toys are widely used in educational games. All toys are divided into five types.

Toys should be safe, interesting, attractive, colorful, but simple; they should not only attract the child’s attention, but also activate his thinking. All toys, regardless of their purpose, must be grouped so that they correspond to the child’s height. So, while sitting at the table, it is more convenient for the baby to play with small toys, but for playing on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the child’s height in a sitting and standing position.

In younger groups, when children have a weak imagination, teachers introduce children to toys and show options for their use. Toys are the primary organizing principle in creative games, therefore in younger groups there should be more toys, their assortment more diverse (in several copies), since children of this age are prone to imitation.

  • Board and printed games

    - an interesting activity for children. They are varied in type: paired pictures, lotto, etc. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different.

  • Word games

    built on the words and actions of the players. In such games, children learn, based on existing ideas about objects, to deepen their knowledge about them, since these games require the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. Children independently solve various mental problems; describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features; guess from the description; find signs of similarities and differences; group objects according to various properties and characteristics; find illogicalities in judgments, etc.

In younger groups, games with words are aimed mainly at developing speech, cultivating correct sound pronunciation, consolidating and activating vocabulary, and developing correct orientation in space.

With the help of verbal games, children develop a desire to engage in mental work. In the game, the thinking process itself proceeds more actively, the child easily overcomes the difficulties of mental work, without noticing that he is being taught.

When organizing didactic games for children, it should be taken into account that from the age of 3 to 4 years the child becomes more active, his actions are more complex and varied, his desire to assert himself increases; But at the same time, the baby’s attention is still unstable, he is quickly distracted. Solving a problem in didactic games requires greater stability of attention and enhanced mental activity than in other games. This creates certain difficulties for a small child. They can be overcome through engaging learning, i.e. the use of didactic games that increase the child’s interest in classes, and, above all, a didactic toy that attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content. It is important to combine the mental task in the game with the active actions and movements of the child himself.

The game not only reveals the individual abilities and personal qualities of the child, but also forms certain personality traits. The game method gives the greatest effect with a skillful combination of play and teaching.

Outdoor games

are important for the physical education of preschool children, because they contribute to their harmonious development, satisfy the children’s need for movement, and contribute to the enrichment of their motor experience

According to the method of E. Vilchkovsky, two types of outdoor games are carried out with preschool children - story games and play exercises

(non-story games)

The basis of plot-based outdoor games

based on the child’s experience, his representations of movements characteristic of a particular image. The movements that children perform during the game are closely related to the plot. Most story games are collective, in which the child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of others about the world around him (the actions of people, animals, birds), which he represents the players, not to be capricious, to act in an organized manner, as required by the rules.

Game exercises are characterized by specific motor tasks, in accordance with the age characteristics and physical fitness of children. If in plot-based outdoor games the main attention of the players is aimed at creating images, achieving a certain goal, and accurately following the rules, which often leads to ignoring the clarity in the execution of movements, then while performing game exercises, preschoolers must flawlessly perform basic movements.

Folk games

- these are games that came to us from very ancient times and were built taking into account ethnic characteristics. They are an integral part of a child’s life in modern society, providing an opportunity to assimilate universal human values. The developmental potential of these games is ensured not only by the presence of appropriate toys, but also by a special creative aura that an adult must create.

Folk games as a way of raising children were highly appreciated by K.D. Ushinsky, E.M. Vodovozova, E.I. Tikheeva, P.F. Lesgaft. Ushinsky emphasized the pronounced pedagogical orientation of folk games. In his opinion, every folk game contains accessible forms of learning; it encourages children to engage in playful activities and communicate with adults. A characteristic feature of folk games is the educational content, which is presented in a playful form.

It is difficult to overestimate the enormous role that national games play in the physical and moral education of children. Since ancient times, games have been not only a form of leisure and entertainment. Thanks to them, such qualities as restraint, attentiveness, perseverance, organization were formed; strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility developed. The set goal is achieved through various movements: walking, jumping, running, throwing, etc.

The folk game reflects the life of people, their way of life, national traditions, they contribute to the education of honor, courage, masculinity... There are individual, collective, plot, everyday, seasonal - ritual, theatrical games, games - traps, games of fun, games - attractions.

The specificity of folk games is their dynamism. They necessarily contain a game action that encourages the child to be active: either to simply inherit actions from the text, or to perform a set of actions in a round dance.

In their structure, most folk games are simple, one-dimensional, complete; in them the word is combined into a single whole. Movement, song.

When introducing Buryat folk games to Russian-speaking children in our region, it is necessary to take into account the age, physical and psychophysiological characteristics of children’s development, clearly indicating the purpose of the game. For children of primary preschool age, who have very little experience, Buryat outdoor games of a plot nature with basic rules and a simple structure are recommended.

Folk games should take an appropriate place in the system of education and training of our children, introducing them to the origins of national culture and spirituality.

Game, according to P. Lesgaft, is a means by which children demonstrate their independence during the distribution of roles and actions during the game. The child lives in the game. And the task of teachers is to become a guide and link in the child-game chain, tactfully supporting the leadership to enrich the children’s gaming experience.

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