Cat house. For children of preschool and primary school age

Progress of the performance.

After the performance ends, the actors bow.

Result: Which artist did you like best, and why? How did the audience behave? Did you like playing in the theater ?

And now the theater is closing, I suggest the artists go to the dressing room, and the audience restore order in the auditorium.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Cat's House” Goal: Mastering children's verbal means of communication and developing their creative abilities. Objectives: Educational: 1. Expand and intensify.

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A complex of morning exercises based on S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Cat’s House” in the senior group. Introductory part. Instructor: Guys, remember the fairy tale “The Cat’s House”? Remember when the cat's house caught fire? Let's go to a fairy tale and see who.

NOD “Cat House” based on the work of S. Ya. Marshak Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group. Educational area “Reading fiction”.

Scenario of the regional New Year's holiday for educators based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve Months" SCENARIO of the regional New Year's holiday based on the fairy tale by S. Ya. Marshak "Twelve Months" Voice-over. The most awaited one is on the doorstep.

Theatrical performance “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak The Tale of a Stupid Mouse. Scene one A mouse, a foal, little frogs, ducklings, and chickens run out. They sing "Loaf". Mother Horse and Chicken come.


Progress of the game:

On the front door of the group there is a poster with the name of the play.

I ask the children, pointing to the poster: “What is this?”

Let's read what is written on the poster.

I’m reading “Dear children and their parents, we invite you to the performance”

Where do you think you can watch the performance? (in the theatre)

What is theater? (This is such a beautiful building, artists perform there.)

Do you know who else works there? (make-up artists, costume designers, decorators, actors, director, cashier)

What is there in the theater? (auditorium, stage, ticket office, dressing room, buffet)

Tell me, how should one behave in the theater? (children's answers)

When the performance ends, what should the audience do? (Clap and you can give flowers to those who liked it.)

Guys, if you come to the theater, who will you be? (by viewers)

We distribute roles. You and I already know who the actors will be, so they will go to the dressing room to prepare for the performance.

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