Consultation for teachers “How to prepare and formalize a project in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”

Defining project phases and executing the project

We have shown in the figure what the stages of work on the project look like in general.

The step “ Implementation of tasks and creation of a product ” must be divided into several stages, and the deadlines for completing each of them must be determined.

We cannot make any specific recommendations here, as these steps will be unique to each project. Even two projects completed by different authors, but on the same topic, will differ in this part. Everyone solves their project in their own way, and achieves the goal in different ways too.

Here is an example of the stages for the project “Voiced and voiceless consonants”, which involves the creation of a small computer program as the final product:

  1. Determine the functional requirements for the application “Trainer for teaching schoolchildren voiced and voiceless consonants.”
  2. Select a program to create an application.
  3. Create an application.
  4. Test the application.
  5. Create a User Guide.

Creative project and work plan

  • In this section, we will look in detail at an approximate plan for a creative project in technology, fine arts and music for school students, which will help to competently complete the design work and carry out the correct design of an individual or group creative project.
  • We will also determine what must be contained in each item of the student’s creative work plan in order to clearly divide the text of the project work into sections.
  • The main points of the plan for carrying out project work at school are the design of the title page, the content of the project, introduction, theoretical and technological parts, economic and environmental justification, evaluation of the product and its advertising, conclusion, literature and applications.

How to write a project at school

It all starts with choosing a topic and understanding the end goal. It must be understandable, clear and concise. In order for the work to progress quickly, the student must be interested in the topic. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from project activities. It will not be possible to successfully defend a project that is not even interesting to its creator.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparatory. We decide on a topic and purpose.
  2. Planning. We find out what is needed for the project at school, what sources of information we will work with, how we will collect and analyze it. We decide in what form we will present the results of the work.
  3. Study. We collect and clarify information and carry out research tasks.
  4. Conclusions. We analyze the information and formulate conclusions.
  5. Decor. Teachers of each specific educational institution put forward their own requirements for how to draw up projects at school and provide design samples.

At the planning stage, they decide in what form to present the information. Then it is determined what program is needed to create a school project on a computer. At school, for projects within the classroom, it is enough to use the graphic editor Word. They type text in it and supplement it with pictures.

Relevance, purpose, objectives and hypothesis of the project

about the relevance , goals , objectives and hypothesis in the text of the project and talk about it at its defense.

Relevance is the importance of the project for the present time. If the project is not relevant or important, then it is not worth doing. Relevance can be considered as a set of some problems that exist in society or among some group of people (for example, classmates, teachers, parents) and that need to be solved. Simply writing “the topic is relevant because I am personally interested” is wrong. The relevance will have to be revealed and proven.

For example, for the topic “Computer games: benefits or harm,” relevance can be described as follows:

My friends own more than one gadget. Basically, this is a smartphone and a laptop. In addition, many people also have a video game console at home. All these devices are becoming more accessible, so more and more of them are appearing in families. But is it really safe to immerse yourself in virtual reality for a long time? This is what my research is about.

Life hack : to prove the relevance of the project, use the service . This service shows statistics of user requests on Yandex. The more people search for something, the more relevant it becomes. You can include screenshots from this service in your project.

A goal is a global result that you want to achieve in a project. For example, “informing schoolchildren (or classmates) about the benefits and dangers of computer games”, “increasing the literacy of classmates in the field of voiced and voiceless consonants.”

To articulate relevance and purpose , answer the questions “Why are you doing this?” (relevance) and “What do you want to achieve with this?” (target). There is no need to come up with unnecessary and incomprehensible words, write as it is.

Objectives are the actions that need to be taken to achieve a goal. Here you should list the stages of working on the project from studying the literature to obtaining the product.

A hypothesis is an assumption, an assumption, the true value of which is uncertain. The hypothesis is not built for all projects, but only for those of a research nature, and even then not always.

Where to start writing a project?

Good day, dear reader! In this article, we will tell you where to start writing a project.

Many students and adults who are writing a social project for the first time often face the problem: where to start? After all, a project is a concentration of a wide variety of information within the framework of a chosen topic.

Maybe start with the project's goals? Or his tasks? Or maybe first write a short summary of it and only then start writing the project? However, all such proposals are only partly true. Therefore, we stop guessing and read on carefully, because below we will clearly tell you where to start writing a social project on any topic.

In general, the design process is a very responsible thing. This is especially true for various calculations and calculations. A mistake on paper can later result in an irreparable mistake in life. Therefore, always take a responsible approach to writing projects, and, in particular, to various kinds of calculations.

However, let’s move on to the actual consideration of the project. Let's still clearly define where we should start writing the project . As we said above, many people suggest starting with either a goal, or a mission, or tasks, etc. as a “seed”. and so on.

In all this, undoubtedly, there is a rational grain and common sense. However, all these elements are somehow very disconnected from each other. Don't you think so? It would be nice if all the elements at once acted as the starting point when writing a project, because

After all, you must agree, when such fundamental things as the goals and objectives of the project, the determination of the relevance of the problem are agreed upon at the very beginning, then further writing of the project will proceed cheerfully and competently. So, after all, what can unite all these components together? What will help create the “skeleton” of the project?

What does the logical framework of the project consist of?

To a greater extent, it consists of precisely those sections that were listed above in this article. In order for you to also form your own logical framework in your head about the logical framework of a social project, then we will describe point by point the main components of this framework.

The main components of the logical framework of a social project are:

Within the framework of this section, the problem is presented and the relevance of your project is described accordingly. A problem is a specific description of an aspect of modern life that dissatisfies you (a negative phenomenon), indicating the significant factors that cause and support this phenomenon.

For example, you may not be satisfied with the catastrophic spread of drug addiction in your city among young people. This is a vivid example of describing a negative phenomenon associated with the lack of positive ideals and an attractive image of a sober life among young people.

After describing the problem, the person (expert) who will read your project must understand that this project is needed and the problem requires an early resolution. The description of the problem must be objective, based on facts and have links to verified sources. It would also be nice to indicate in the statement of the problem the forecast of negative consequences of the development of the current situation.

  • Among other things, the problem can be of a nominal, cause-effect or antithetical nature.
  • Nominal character: a complete description of the negative event is given.
  • Cause-and-effect nature: the causes (both objective and subjective) of the emerging negative phenomenon are identified and the consequences of this phenomenon are determined.
  • Antithetical character: (comparison “yes, but”) - a link is indicated to some resources that can be used, but are not used, specific facts and measures taken that did not produce any results are indicated.
  • To summarize, let's say that the entire project follows from a well-formulated problem.

We hope that you have slowly begun to understand what the formation of a logical framework for a project involves. Starting to write a project is always difficult, but with the knowledge that you will gain in this article, you will be able to write more than a dozen different projects.

This is a specific description of a situation that satisfies you, which could resolve a specific situation. There can be several goals in a project.

For example, goal No. 1: reducing the number of young people using drugs, goal No. 2: increasing the number of young people choosing a healthy and law-abiding lifestyle.

The description of the goal should be, if possible, specific (answering the questions where? in what area? who? or what and what new qualitative and quantitative characteristics the goal will acquire).

Example: increasing the number of young people choosing a healthy lifestyle is the answer to the question “who?” - young people living in city N - this is the answer to the question “where?”, making young people healthy - these are the signs that we want to get as a result of the project.

3. Project objectives.

These are necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving the goal. Objectives are those results (quantitative and qualitative) that can be seen and measured in some way. Example:

  1. a) identify young people leading an interesting lifestyle and summarize their experiences;
  2. b) hold a youth festival;
  3. c) organize a tourist camp and hold 15 sports competitions;
  4. d) inform young people about interesting and healthy ways to spend their time.

Strategy is the main directions of activity for the implementation of the project.

Methods are various kinds of activities that help solve problems and achieve goals. They follow from the assigned tasks.

An example of a strategy would be the joint work of various institutions of society in order to get the maximum effect from the work done.

After all, when some work is done by various organizations with a wide variety of resources, technologies, etc.

, then it is always easier to achieve a new breakthrough result than if you work alone, without having all the necessary resources to implement the project. In general, the motto is appropriate here: “As long as we are united, we are invincible!”

Example of methods: due to the fact that in the example with tasks we have the task of holding a youth festival, then based on this task, we can use the following methods.

How to choose a topic for a school project

You need to choose a topic that is relevant and interesting. You should be interested in the area of ​​knowledge in which you are completing the project. Otherwise, working on the project will be boring, and protecting it will be difficult.

There are several options for how students choose a topic for their project:

Option 1. Choose one of the topics suggested by the class teacher. Option 2. Choose a school subject and a teacher who will suggest a topic in your subject. Option 3. Come up with a topic yourself. Think about what you, your classmates or adults are missing, and try to formulate a project topic to solve the problem.

Since the result of the project should be a new product , you need to think carefully about what can be created as a result of the project. In the following table we provide examples of what can be done as a project deliverable:

Project topicProject product/result
Computer games: benefit or harmVideo or computer animation on safe computer work.
What do our names mean?A booklet with the names of classmates and their meanings.
History of footballA booklet with a list of football sections that exist in the city. Can be divided into two categories: free and paid.
Multiplication table on fingersA brochure or booklet with multiplication rules on your fingers. Video demonstrating multiplication on fingers.
Poets and writers about my hometownBlog on the Internet dedicated to this topic. Can be created on free platforms (Blogger from Google,
Voiced and voiceless consonantsA program in the Scratch language for testing knowledge of voiced and voiceless consonants.
VegetarianismBrochure with recipes for vegetarian dishes. Internet blog dedicated to vegetarianism. Can be done on Google's free Blogger platform,

By the way, we have a great article on how to make a modern website for a school project yourself!

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