Creating conditions for the active involvement of parents in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Report “Creating a project to involve parents in the educational process”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Nyurbinsk secondary school No. 2 named after. M.S. Egorova"

Egorov pedagogical readings

Report on the topic:

“Creation of a project to involve parents in the educational process”

Primary school teachers:

Andreeva Daria Viktorovna

Chiryaeva Aitalina Ayalovna

Nyurba, 2022


Childhood is the vessel that adults try to fill with the best. Children are naturally endowed with bright abilities. However, unfortunately, we do not always pay enough attention.

For a primary school teacher who simultaneously teaches and educates, raising a full-fledged member of society is impossible without the participation of parents, no matter how hard he tries.


After observing children and families, we came to the conclusion that there are more single mothers raising sons, and also boys raised in two-parent families, by coincidence, have become very pampered and capricious. And the girls, in turn, on the contrary, became more courageous and militant. An analysis of educational work showed that all events are attended by mothers and grandmothers, sometimes grandfathers and very rarely fathers. In order to activate dads and instill interest in raising boys, as well as for raising gentle and economical girls, we decided to introduce and implement the project “The main thing is TOGETHER”! "


Parents' workload;

Consumer attitude towards school;

Entrusting the upbringing of children, regardless of gender, to mothers and grandmothers.

Parental reluctance;


Today, the interaction of educational institutions with parents is an important component in the work to overcome difficulties in the development and education of junior schoolchildren. Only in close cooperation and mutual understanding between teachers and parents can high results be achieved.

The emergence of this experience is due to the fact that contradictions have emerged in the work of teachers with parents. Based on the observations of teachers and communication with parents, the following conclusions have emerged: some parents demand and openly declare that the school should be involved in the upbringing and education of children. That is, a child fully prepared for adult life. Others passively observe the work of the school, others want to take part in the educational process, but they do not have time for this, and only a few are interested in actively interacting with the school. Teachers are dissatisfied with the fact that you rarely see parents at informational events; more parents are attracted to entertainment events, be it New Year or March 8, graduation. Parental attendance at group meetings is very low.

Forms of parental involvement in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 5 “Belekach”” of the Bavlinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Speech at KMO

“Forms of parental involvement in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Prepared by: teacher Yarullina E.S.

September 2016

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it theoretically and practically.

K. Ushinsky Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, and the effectiveness of the educational process increases if the interaction of the teacher with parents is built on the basis of partnerships. V.A Sukhomlinsky emphasized that the tasks of education and development can be successfully solved only if the kindergarten maintains contact with the family and involves them in its work.

The developed federal state educational standard for preschool education (FSES DO) meets new social needs and pays great attention to working with parents.

The Federal State Educational Standard states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, improving the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family. Requirements for the organization’s interaction with parents are also formulated. It is emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is the cooperation of the Organization of work with the family, and the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the basis for assisting parents in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders. One of the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions is the requirement to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health. Also, parents must take part in the development of part of the educational Program of the Organization, formed by participants in educational relations, taking into account the educational needs, interests and motives of children, members of their families and teachers.

Main goal

family involvement in a single educational space. To achieve this goal, to coordinate the activities of the kindergarten and parents, we are working to solve the following tasks
: - establish partnerships, taking into account a person-centered approach while respecting the interests of the family and the child

- unite the efforts of family and kindergarten for the development and education of children

- create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, a positive attitude towards communication and friendly mutual support of parents, students and kindergarten teachers. — Activate and enrich parents’ skills in raising children, maintain parents’ confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

Basic principles

, defining the conceptual provisions of the interaction between the teacher and the family of the preschool educational institution student to create a unified space for the child’s development: - The principle of continuity, coordinated actions.
— The principle of a humane approach to building relationships between families and preschool educational institutions. — The principle of openness. — The principle of an individual approach to each family. — The principle of effectiveness of forms of interaction between family and preschool educational institution. — Feedback principle. Forms of work with parents
Traditional forms of work with parents

; parent meetings, conversations, consultations, surveys, workshops, seminars, visual information, exhibitions, competitions, open days.

Non-traditional forms of working with parents

; round table, evening of questions and answers on the topic, family theater, parent mail, family living room, family club, helpline, family library, hikes, videos, advertising information, newspaper, magazine, presentations. In modern conditions of kindergarten it is difficult to do without the support of parents. That is why much of our work is done by the hands of the fathers and mothers of our children. They helped us make manuals for literacy and math classes, painted colorful pictures, helped us design walking areas, and take part in all activities of the kindergarten and district. In our work, we use various forms and methods of interaction with the families of pupils. These are round tables, consultations, conversations, discussions, shows, competitions, exhibitions, newspaper publication; parental participation in educational activities; mugs; meeting interesting people; holidays and entertainment; open days; dissemination of the best family experience; hikes, themed walks; master classes; parents' evenings; question and answer evenings; days of good deeds. And in order to attract parents to participate in competitions and exhibitions, a bright message is posted in advance. They don't stay

indifferent: they collect drawings, photographs, and prepare interesting crafts with the children. This helps us get to know our students better. One of the attractive and effective forms of joint activity between preschoolers and adults is project activity.

Project activity can be considered as a type of cultural practice of a child, which is aimed at developing in him universal cultural methods of action (skills), universal competencies that help him act in all circumstances of life and activity. These forms of interaction with the family make it possible to provide psychological

pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health. And as a result: the successful development of preschool children and the realization of the creative potential of parents and children.

“Openness of the kindergarten inward” is the involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten (“Open Days”). Parents and family members contribute to educational work. Some parents and other family members are included in systematic educational and health work with children. Thus, the establishment of a trusting relationship with parents smoothly leads to joint exploration and the formation of a harmoniously developed child’s personality. In this process, the professional competence of preschool teachers plays an important role, which implies not only the totality of knowledge and experience, but also the personal qualities of the teacher.

Today we can say that we have developed a certain system of interaction with parents. The use of various forms of work gave certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistant teachers, an atmosphere of mutual respect was created. Parents began to show sincere interest in the life of the group, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children’s activities, and emotionally support their child.

As a result of the work done, the use of various forms and methods of communication with parents, the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents has increased; The culture of interpersonal interaction among children in the group has improved. My goal was to attract and make parents participants in a full-fledged educational process. Achieving high quality in development, fully satisfying the interests of parents and children, and creating this unified space is possible through systematic interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. After all, a teacher is a person who professionally takes responsibility for the development of another person. And if we treat children with kindness, without indifference to them, then they will grow up to be just as kind and sensitive, capable of compassion and helping loved ones. During the year, the group carried out activities with children according to weekly thematic planning. Together with parents and children, we implemented the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” project.

With the help of parents, we organized the exhibition “Gifts of the Forest”, “Creativity from Cardboard”,

bird feeders, an environmental competition “Spring Ringing”, a postcard competition dedicated to Victory Day, a folding folder dedicated to Victory Day, the Ziyarov family provided materials about their grandfather, who fought at the front. Photo exhibitions “My dear mother”, “The best dad”, “My family’s coat of arms”, “Nature asks for help”. With the help of our parents (who provided a bus), we visited the Bavlinsky Museum of Local Lore. Parent meetings were held on the topic: “Bad habits of a child”, “Preparing children for school”, “Do you know your child” Etc. Parents were willing to make contact and tried to participate in all promotions and joint events of the group and the preschool educational institution. Throughout the school year, children and parents were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of projects. Pupils of the preparatory group were awarded certificates: - for participation in the regional competition “Spring Ringing” - Samira Ajalova, who took 2nd place. For the best drawing “Works of Tukay in my soul” - Samira Ajalova - 2nd place (certificates of participation - Vildanova Alsou, Sadykova Syumbel, Mukhtasipova Lina, Ganeeva Emilia, Akhmekhanov Aidamir, Naumov Kirill). The Akhmetkhanov family was awarded the 3rd degree diploma “Living Spruce”. — Lina Mukhtasipova and Sumbel Sadykova were awarded a diploma of participation in regional chess sports competitions. During the year, children took part in entertainment and events: “Golden Autumn”, “Mother’s Day”, “New Year’s Tale”, “Let’s Help Wintering Birds”, “February 23”, “March 8”, “Maslenitsa”, “Family Day” , “April Fool’s Day”, “Cosmonautics Day”, “Navruz”, birdhouse competition. During the thematic week on traffic rules, a joint exhibition of drawings was held with parents, our children showed the script for a thematic theatrical performance on traffic rules. In February, our children showed a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale “Toremkәy”. The performance was also shown to children of other groups. The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships. As a result, children develop hard work, accuracy, attention to loved ones, and respect for work. This is the beginning of patriotic education, love for the Motherland is born from a feeling of love for one’s family.

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