Consultation for teachers: “Goals, objectives, methods of legal education of preschool children”

Legal education of preschool children - concept and definition

Everyone wants to live in a fair, legal state. To do this, everyone should exercise their rights and freedoms.

It is required to raise a right-educated person from childhood.

Usually, legal education means the formation of social activity in an individual, the formation of mental abilities and a value-based attitude to personal rights, and the ability to act in accordance with one’s rights prescribed in the law of the country.

Legal education is most often considered in terms of moral education. If a child does not know moral standards, then he will not respect the rights of others. And knowledge of rights will only be of a memorized, formal nature.

Children 6-7 years old understand very well when they are treated unfairly in the family or when their favorite cartoon character is offended. It is precisely such manifestations of the child’s feelings that can, and even should, be relied upon during legal training.

As for the legal education of preschool children, this is a very important stage of personal formation. At this age, both the bad and good sides of the child’s personality develop.

If during this period you pay close attention to the development of the child’s legal thinking, then you don’t have to worry about his future. The child will not allow himself to be offended, and will not infringe on the rights of others.

The main legal aspects at this age include the rights to play, love and attention from the adults around him. A child in a family must be protected from humiliation and violence.

Legal education helps to form a legal basis for a preschooler, which includes three interconnected components.

  • moral and legal ideas are the first component;
  • moral and legal judgments are the second component;
  • the child’s value orientations, adequate ideas and judgments of behavior in a group of children and adults.

Legal education of children of senior preschool age

Olga Kislitsyna

Legal education of children of senior preschool age

Legal education is an organized, systematic, purposeful impact on the individual, forming legal consciousness , legal attitudes , skills and habits of active lawful behavior . The purpose of legal education of minors is to form their legal consciousness and to ensure, on this basis, conscious and active lawful behavior .

The child receives initial information about the law legal education - the state, social associations, and other individuals. Parents and immediate relatives lay a moral foundation in the child, on which elements of legal consciousness . Parents with an extremely low level of legal awareness cannot raise their children in the spirit of law . Their life self-determination largely depends on how the legal education of preschool children This is due to the fact that: the acquisition of knowledge in the process of legal education is naturally associated with a deepening of knowledge of social reality and the development of interest in the moral and legal ideals of modern society. In the process of legal education, the individual’s ability correctly navigate and act in complex (especially conflict)

targeted legal education strengthens and develops the legal consciousness of minors .
The main forms of legal education for children are : lectures, excursions, conversations, the use of cinema, television, meeting evenings and theme evenings, question and answer evenings, debates, the subject of which is various moral and legal problems , discussion of books, which allows not only to replenish the stock of legal knowledge , but also to form one’s attitude towards them, visual propaganda (folders with clippings of newspaper and magazine articles, specialized literature, video and audio recordings). The main defenders of the rights of the child are their parents; family law , but they are not omnipotent, it is difficult for them to do without the help of the state. In case of abuse by parents or persons replacing them, the child can independently apply to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, and upon reaching 14 years of age - to the court. Fostering a legal culture is an obligatory component of the policy of a state that has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child . However, in relation to preschool , this task is sometimes understood in an unforgivably primitive way: they say, children will look at the pictures, read the rhymes - and everything will be fine with their rights . legal from pictures and dramatizations based on the Convention . The first necessary component that ensures it is the legal culture of adults and their corresponding behavior. Children should develop self-confidence , self-respect and respect for others. Completeness of self-awareness and tolerance are the basis of the legal education of preschool children . Every child should know his rights and responsibilities in order to easily operate with them in the situation he needs. But to do this, he has practically no access to information, materials that touch on and reveal this topic in detail. Work on legal education , first of all, aims to determine the significance of the legal foundations of preschool education . In addition, the task of this work, on the way to achieving its goal, is also to search for possible solutions to current problems in this area thanks to the comprehensive improvement of legal norms . Legal norms make it possible to streamline social relations and people's behavior. They determine what is “possible” and what is “impossible”, how to act in a given situation. From the first steps that a child takes independently, choosing methods of behavior, knowledge of the rules of law should help him. Legal culture is not limited only to knowledge, assessments, and attitudes; it is broader than the sphere of consciousness, since it includes the direct actions of a person, his behavior in various, often unforeseen situations. It presupposes the ability and willingness of an individual to solve their life problems, live among people, communicate with them, focusing on the rules of law and not going beyond the law.

The criteria for legal education in a preschool child are : children’s knowledge of their rights and responsibilities , assessment of their own behavior and the behavior of other people from the point of view of legal , the use of legal knowledge in their own behavior and the implementation of legal behavior in various types of activities, completeness of knowledge and the need for acquiring new knowledge, the ability to adequately evaluate one’s own and others’ actions from the point of view of the rules of law , the ability to operate with knowledge to implement one’s own legal behavior . Formation of qualities of self-control, self-assessment of performance results, ability to observe prohibitions and fulfill duties) and levels (high, medium, low)

legal education allows us to track the dynamics of the development of the process of legal education of children of senior preschool age . The following lines are highlighted
in the content of educating the legal culture of preschoolers 1. “My rights and responsibilities” ;

2. “My country”;

3. “Citizen of the World.”

The means of educating the legal culture of preschool children are varied : any joint activity, game, social and cultural atmosphere of the city or village in which the child lives, art, and the media. Children 6-7 years old are fully aware and feel injustice both in relation to themselves and in relation to others (favorite cartoon characters, friends, parents)

Based on such a manifestation of a sense of justice , it is possible to count on the child’s understanding not only of the rights and responsibilities of any person, but also of his own. When developing a strategy for legal education, we proceed from the following.
• To form in children ideas about moral standards and behavior that correspond to them; It is important that the level of the formed moral norm is high enough. This will give children the opportunity to gain relationship experience that will provide them with a comfortable stay in a group of peers;

• Based on learned moral standards, form specific and generalized ideas about the rights and responsibilities of people. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to analyze their relationships with each other and other people from a position of respect for rights ;

• Despite the fact that punishment is present in both moral and legal norms , its presence in the mechanism of legal education of young children is not mandatory. Moreover, the educational , developing meaning of moral and legal education is significantly reduced if we proceed from the indispensable presence of punishment for violating the norm. The emphasis should be on appealing to consciousness, understanding the objective need to comply with norms, and not on fear of punishment.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child , adopted by the UN, are fundamental documents recognized by the world community.

The Convention proclaims the child to be an independent subject of law . But the realization rights cannot be achieved only through the adoption of human rights laws and the creation of mechanisms to ensure their implementation. No less important is the awareness by our entire society, adults and children, every person of the need to eliminate from our consciousness, our psychology, the non-recognition of a child as an independent person with his own rights and responsibilities . The legal education of children is expected to be made permanent, systemic with the constant involvement of new public associations, interested institutions and individuals and the expansion of this activity both geographically and in terms of quantitative indicators of coverage of the younger generation in various regions of the Russian Federation.

Parents and immediate relatives lay a moral foundation in the child, on which elements of legal consciousness . Some parents instill ethical , cultural and moral feelings in their children, paying little attention to the education of patriotism and law . Parents and educators should generally pay serious attention to the development of a strong and living legal psychology : they should take care of instilling in children not only morality, but also law ; Moreover, it is important to develop, so to speak, both sides of the law , instilling the rights of others and their holiness, strong respect for them. The proper development of consciousness and respect for the rights provides a solid basis for proper, respectful treatment of others (including proper respect for the persons of others)

the development of awareness of one’s own rights imparts to the pupil proper personal dignity and associated character traits (openness, directness)
Education “without
rights results in the absence of a solid ethical basis and guarantees against everyday temptations, and as regards specifically the attitude towards the human person, someone else’s and one’s own, the natural product of such
education is a “slave soul”
and at the same time disrespect for someone else’s personality, despotism and tyranny."
If legal education at the earliest stages of preschool education , a person will become a victim of everyday legal education , the main categories of which are folk “wisdom”
passed on from generation to generation.
Parents with an extremely low level of legal awareness cannot raise their children in the spirit of law . Even in the family, children see the illegal side of relationships . In the family, everyday and street relationships, children see the resolution of issues from the point of view of strength. As Japanese folk wisdom says, where might is right right is not .
Legal education must begin in preschool age , since from the first steps of a young citizen the moral and legal qualities of the individual , emotions and behavior should be formed. All preschoolers should become familiar with the laws of our state, clearly understand their rights and responsibilities, and learn to defend their rights .

Documents protecting children's rights

Children's rights are protected by both international and Russian legislation.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has a separate section on children's rights, which recognizes the equal rights of children to all the freedoms that the Declaration and the international community proclaim.

Such legal protection requires additional support and assistance for children. The atmosphere in which a little person is raised should be filled with kindness and love. Every child has the right to grow up in a loving family, surrounded by attention and care. In the future, the child must become a full citizen of his country. And parents and teachers will help with this.

The next document on legal education is the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It was adopted in 1924 and remains relevant to this day.

In 1959, the UN adopted another document reflecting and proclaiming legal principles regarding the protection and prosperous life of children. This document clearly articulates the need for special protection and care, and legal protection of the child, starting from his prenatal existence. This document contains 10 principles aimed at creating a happy childhood for our kids.

Another document of children's rights is the Convention, drawn up out of necessity. A declaration alone is no longer enough. By 1970, cases of child abuse in the family had become more frequent, and the need arose to create a new document on the rights of the child.

To this end, a new Declaration on the Protection of Women and Young Children in Difficult Circumstances was drawn up in 1974. Military conflicts and armed clashes became such emergency situations.

Over the years, society has been creating more and more new documents and passing laws so that our children can live a peaceful life.

The child must grow up in conditions favorable to him and must know what he has the right to.

Methods of legal education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions

In kindergarten, it is advisable to first diagnose children’s legal knowledge, legal awareness, and needs for moral and legal behavior.

The level of legal education of preschool children will depend on how clearly the work of the institution’s teachers is in solving the problem under consideration.

Diagnosis should be carried out according to the following criteria of legal education in children:

  • the volume and content of the child’s ideas about the rights and freedoms of citizens;
  • the nature of legal judgments, how the child expresses his attitude to certain norms;
  • the child’s ability to obey moral requirements, to act according to the situation, respecting his own and others’ rights.

The first criterion is classified as cognitive, since it carries a cognitive function.

The second criterion is characterized by the expression of assessment and personal attitude, therefore it is emotional and evaluative.

The third criterion, behavioral, plays one of the important roles, because the child shows his upbringing to others.

Rude shouting at children and cruel punishment for any disobedience are unacceptable within the walls of a kindergarten. This insults the dignity of the little person.

Children learn to act according to what they see and follow the example of their teachers. The personality of the teacher is an example to follow.

If an adult is respectful of others and values ​​the rights of children and the adults around them, then the students will act accordingly.

Friendly mutual communication during games, experiments, practical and project activities will have a positive effect on the behavior of preschool children.

Means of legal education are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children.

In preschool educational institutions, when implementing legal education, special classes are organized in which various methods are used to familiarize children with their rights.

These may be activities with a moral orientation. Moral and legal education of a preschooler in classes and through play is carried out at least once a month. The material for the lesson is prepared in advance and carefully.

Games are suitable for children, both theatrical and role-playing and didactically. But they must have a special moral and legal basis.

The use of special games and exercises is encouraged, including tasks for the development of various skills in the field of legal morality.

In theatrical activities for the moral and legal education of preschoolers, it is good to use fairy tales familiar to children. Kids willingly imitate heroes and fairy-tale characters. They adopt from them, among other things, moral standards.

Didactic games can be called “I have rights”, “Whose rights am I violating”, “Rights of a fairy-tale hero”. Here we also use materials from fairy tales, since fairy tales are especially close to preschool children.

There is also a method for effective legal development of preschool children. This method is called dramatization. Exercises with this method lead to getting used to the image of the hero.

For moral and legal education, it is important to form basic elementary ideas about one’s rights and freedoms. Children must respect the rights of other people.

In any process, it is important to consolidate knowledge and acquired skills. Knowledge acquisition is achieved through children’s reproduction of learned actions. Children illustrate rights through visual activities, dramatize the correct and incorrect behavior and actions of literary characters.

Literary works of different types are used for moral and legal education. There are fairy tales, poems, and sayings. Stories and booklets depicting the rights and freedoms of children are very effective in this regard.

It is known that visibility is effective in shaping a child’s personality. If you do not use illustrations in the moral and patriotic education of your child, then many aspects will remain unlearned.

Such methods will encourage preschoolers to do the right thing in all situations.

Pedagogical council "Civil and legal education of preschool children" methodological development on the topic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Teremok"

Teachers' Council

“Civic education of preschool children”


Goal: implementation of children's rights in the practice of teachers.


  1. Increase the level of professional literacy of teachers to prevent violations of children’s rights.
  2. To promote the child’s social adaptation by developing the foundations of legal knowledge.
  3. Improve approaches, search for effective forms of interaction with parents and influence on them.


Since ancient times, humanity has understood that life begins in childhood. A child comes into the world helpless and defenseless. His life is completely dependent on adults. Many philosophers and thinkers raised the problem of protecting children in their works. Thus, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote: “You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.”

With the advent of the 21st century, this problem has become especially acute throughout the world: the socio-economic situation of the modern world affects primarily children. Understanding that children are the most precious thing in any society, teachers are faced with solving the most important problem: how to protect the rights of the child. Our future and the future of Russia depends on what kind of upbringing, education and development children receive, how they will be prepared for life in a rapidly changing world.

Legislative formalization of the protection of children's rights began in the 20th century, especially during the First World War and in the post-war years, when the first laws on the protection and protection of children's rights were formulated in a number of countries.

Name the main documents that ensure the protection of childhood.

— Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959)

— UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

Hopes that the new century would become the century of the child were not justified. Modern childhood needs protection in the same way as many centuries ago.

The results of a number of sociological studies allow us to identify five groups of the most common types of violations of children’s rights:

  1. physical influence, so-called physical harassment;
  2. moral prohibitions, restrictions, humiliation, hypocrisy, lies towards children, caused by the inability of parents to build relationships with children and raise them;
  3. parents ignoring the interests of the child that do not correspond to adults’ ideas about them, disdainful attitude towards the children’s acquaintances and friends, negative assessments of the child’s interests and actions outside the home, neglect of the child’s views and interests;
  4. lack of conditions necessary for life (restrictions and prohibitions on nutrition, health care, and the purchase of extremely necessary things);
  5. violation of sexual norms in the family circle, both in communication with children and through demonstration of adultery to parents.

Thus, the stated topic of the pedagogical council is relevant and requires close attention from the staff of the educational institution.

Speeches by teachers on the topic of the teachers' council.

  1. Features of the implementation of children's rights through social relationships.
  2. Peculiarities of observance of the child’s rights to childhood in different age groups.
  1. Junior preschool age.
  2. Senior preschool age.

Features of the implementation of children's rights through social relationships.

Currently, the system of normative support for children's rights is sufficiently represented in documents of international law, regulations at the federal and regional levels.

Art. 19 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child stipulates that “States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, insult or abuse, neglect or neglect, abuse or exploitation ( ...) from the parents...”

Art. 31 establishes the child’s right to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities appropriate to his age.

Art. 37 requires that “no child shall be subjected to (...) degrading treatment or punishment.”

Tasks of preschool teachers:

— to form in preschool children the foundations of civil law knowledge, expressed in their conscious application;

-develop a friendly attitude towards loved ones, adults and peers, awaken emotional responsiveness to their condition;

- provide every child with the opportunity to feel their importance and competence. Create conditions for exercise in concrete and practical actions in law;

— conduct legal education of parents, identify a group of families at risk in which a violation of the child’s rights is possible or actually occurring.

Peculiarities of observance of the child’s rights to childhood in different age groups.

Junior preschool age.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by UNESCO in 1989 and ratified by most countries of the world, aims to ensure the full development of the personality of the child in every corner of the Earth. Many teachers try to introduce children to it as early as possible. With little ones, there is no need to specifically teach children's rights. We need to really protect them and protect them from evil, we need to protect them. And this is the task of adults. Specialists, lawyers involved in juvenile justice, teachers and, of course, parents should know the Convention on the Rights of the Child. And the child, first of all, already has few defenders. The image of an adult as a fair, kind defender must be formed in a child at an early age.

Senior preschool age.

Childhood is a period of intense development, change and learning, as well as a period of paradoxes and contradictions, without which it is impossible to imagine the development process. J. Piaget, B. Elkonin and many others wrote about the paradoxes of child development.

Unfortunately, times have come when childhood was stolen from our children. Childhood has lost its “inviolability status.” Children run, jump, and climb too little; they do not perceive themselves and all the diversity of the world in movement. Their tactile experiences are scarce, fine motor skills are not developed due to lack of movement. Back in the 40-Yenisei years of the 20th century, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget saw in the movement of a child the basis of emotional, social and intellectual development.

The right to childhood includes the right to one’s own thoughts: a child must be taught to think independently in order to understand the world and himself. If a child lives among people whose actions are meaningful, understandable, and interconnected, he imitates this internal order and adopts it first in his own activities, and then in the world of feelings and, later, in the sphere of his own thinking.

The entire modern education system is focused on the transfer of knowledge, which is more suitable for school-aged children and adults. Nowadays, even play in kindergartens is gradually being pushed aside and replaced by classes, since more and more parents are concerned not so much with the full development of their preschool child, respecting his right to childhood, to play, but rather with his preparation for school. You cannot deprive your child of specific children's activities. This is especially true in older preschool age.

Often, the rights of a child are violated by those closest and dearest to them. “Problem” parents are not the child’s fault, but his misfortune and misfortune. Child abuse is not just beating, stabbing, sexual assault and other ways in which adults mutilate a child's body. This is humiliation, bullying, various forms of neglect that hurt a child’s soul.

Neglect can be expressed in the fact that parents do not provide the child with the necessary amount of food, clothing, sleep, and hygiene care. In addition, neglect is manifested in a lack of respect, attention, affection, and warmth on the part of parents.

Child abuse creates socially maladjusted people who do not know how to start a family or be good parents. A dangerous social consequence of violence is the further reproduction of cruelty.

The following risk factors may contribute to violations of children's rights:

  1. single-parent and large families, families with adopted children, with stepfathers and stepmothers;
  1. the presence in the family of a patient with alcoholism (drug addiction) or who has returned from prison;
  1. unemployment, financial difficulties; constant marital conflicts;
  2. status of refugees, internally displaced persons;
  3. low level of culture, parental education, negative family traditions;
  1. unwanted child;
  2. mental or physical disabilities of the child;
  3. "difficult child.

If a cruel attitude towards a child is detected by parents, the teacher should take measures to protect him. Let us list the main signs that should attract the attention of the teacher.

  1. The mental and physical development of the child does not correspond to his age.
  2. Ungroomedness, untidiness; apathy or, conversely, aggressiveness of the child.
  3. Variable behavior: transition from a calm state to sudden excitement (this behavior is often the reason for the disruption of contacts with other children).
  4. Problems with learning due to poor concentration.
  5. Refusal of a child to undress to hide bruises and wounds on the body.
  6. Recurrent complaints of malaise (headache, abdominal pain, etc.).
  7. Hostility or fear towards father or mother.
  8. Convulsive reaction to a raised hand (the child shrinks, as if afraid of a blow).
  9. Excessive desire for approval, affection from any adult, hypertrophied concern for everything and everyone.
  10. Demonstration of “adult” behavior, interest in sex issues already in preschool age.

The listed signs also include problems with sleep, fear of the dark, and enuresis.

The presence of any one sign does not necessarily indicate that a child is being abused or experiencing violence (including sexual violence). However, manifested in one or another combination, they should attract the attention of the teacher.

What should you do if, having become acquainted with the above-mentioned signs of behavior, you involuntarily thought about one of the children in your group? In this case, take a closer look not only at the child, but also at his parents. What are the most characteristic features in the behavior of adults that should confirm your fears?

  1. When talking about the child, parents show wariness or indifference.
  2. Son: (daughters) react coldly or very violently and emotionally to complaints about the behavior of the son: (daughter) in kindergarten.
  3. The children's local doctor is often changed, and the child is transferred from one preschool institution to another.

What can a teacher do if he suspects parents of child abuse?

First of all, try to gain his trust, observe his behavior, and it is advisable to record any observed deviations in a special diary. Visit the child at home, see the conditions in which he lives, try to establish contacts with the family. Talk with guardians and close relatives, express your concern about his behavior in kindergarten. As a result of the actions taken, you can come to the following conclusions:

  1. your assumption is confirmed (not confirmed);
  2. solving the problem is urgent and requires the involvement of specialists.

Thus, the task of educators is to find ways to change parents’ attitudes towards aggressive behavior towards their child. Today, the problem of domestic violence is particularly acute. Horrible facts of child abuse are presented, and preschool employees, who by the nature of their work are responsible for their pets, are especially concerned about little citizens. What is the reason for the violation of children's rights? Of course, not in the absence of relevant laws, but in the unsatisfactory use of the legal framework. In addition, children and many adults do not know the Convention on the Rights of the Child and, therefore, do not have the opportunity to implement its articles. It is also important that parents are often not familiar with constructive methods of influencing their child. To implement the creation of a system of work to protect children’s rights in preschool educational institutions, the following measures are recommended:

• development of a planning system;

• providing scientific and methodological support in this area;

• preparation of didactic material;

• determining the content of the work;

• creation of a form of its organization at the level of all participants in the educational process.

It is best to start implementing the provisions of the Convention with diagnostics, identifying various aspects of the problem through questioning, testing, etc. First, you need to decide on the tasks that the teacher sets when introducing preschoolers to children’s rights

• Introduce children in an age-appropriate manner to the main documents on the protection of human rights.

• Develop respect and tolerance for people regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, language, religion, gender, age, personal and behavioral identity (including appearance, physical disabilities, etc.). • Contribute to the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one’s rights and freedoms, a sense of responsibility (for another person, for a business started, for a given word, etc.).

• Develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person.

• Explain social norms and rules of behavior. The main ways to implement tasks are play activities with familiar fairy-tale characters in the form of trips to the Sunny City with Dunno, to the Emerald City with Ellie; KVN “Inseparable friends - adults and children”; holidays - concerts “My beloved grandmother”, “Together a friendly family”; conversations, excursions, reading fiction, educational and educational games, as well as joint and independent activities, competitions, entertainment organized by children. All planned work imparts knowledge to children, evokes an evaluative attitude towards social phenomena, facts, events, and contributes to the development of social emotions and feelings. The process of learning legal culture finds expression in various forms of children’s own activities: play, artistic play, dramatization, productive, labor activity. Preschoolers master moral norms through search-experimental, problem-based and productive activities. Children, regardless of age, are involved in solving simple creative problems: guessing, finding, revealing a secret, composing, modeling, modifying, composing.

All work should help turn the child from a passive, inactive observer into an active participant. Despite the complexity of the topic, a variety of methods and techniques can be used when teaching children:

- use of plots from well-known fairy tales (illustrations, videos, audio cassettes, filmstrips);

- solving problematic problems, finding solutions on your own behalf or on behalf of the hero: if I were an ugly duckling..., if I caught a goldfish..., if I suddenly turned into...; didactic games: “Whose rights have been violated?”, “Name the rights of the heroes”, “Choose the right”, “Who is greater?”, “Name it - don’t be mistaken!”, “I’ll start, and you continue”, “Save Cippolino”, “ How to correct Barmaley?”, “Help Pinocchio”, “Find the mistake and correct it”, “Choose the right answer”, “Match the proverbs to the pictures”, “What rights did the characters use?” The form of classes is flexible and changes depending on the assigned tasks. Classes include moral tasks, since any learning situation must contain an element of education. The main principle in the work is to give children the opportunity to explore the world around them through their own experience in specific matters and actions.

Most of the time should be devoted to practice: role-playing and other creative games, practical affairs, various creative competitions, competitions, as well as conversations, stories, disputes, taking into account emotional perception.

You should start by studying the guys, the characteristics of their characters, interests and affections. Taking into account these features will help in establishing friendly relations between children, between boys and girls, in creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and empathy, which is very important for the children's team. For example, together with your children you can solve the following problems: how to fairly divide one beautiful doll (car); what to do if everyone wants to swing on the swing at the same time?

In my work, I must take into account the child’s right to be who he is with the whole set of personal qualities, I take into account the child’s established social experience, the available “fund of his effective knowledge, skills, and abilities.”

Competition – game “Experts of Law”.

For the correct answer, the player receives a chip. Whoever has the most chips is the winner.


1st round.

  1. What is the name of the main document on the rights of the child adopted by the 4th session of the UN General Assembly? (Convention on the Rights of the Child)
  2. At what age is a person considered a child, according to the UN? (0-18 years)
  3. To whom does the Convention give primary responsibility for raising a child? (for parents)
  4. Is education a right or a responsibility of parents? (Both right and duty)
  5. At what age is a child able to make independent decisions? (from 3 years old).
  6. Who is responsible for raising a child if the parents divorce? (Both parents)

2nd round.

  1. What rights were violated in the situation: a 15-year-old teenager was banned from attending church? (Respect for freedom of conscience)
  2. What rights were violated in the situation: a 17-year-old girl was not allowed to take exams at a military school? (Equal rights for all children regardless of gender)
  3. What rights were violated in the situation: a child was given a transfusion of contaminated blood in a hospital? (The right to live)
  4. What rights were violated in the situation: the teacher read a note addressed to a student? (Right to privacy of correspondence).

3rd round.

  1. In which fairy tale is the right to personal integrity, life and freedom violated? (Gray Neck, Little Red Riding Hood, Thumbelina, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish).
  2. What literary heroes could complain that their right to the inviolability of their home was violated? (Piglets from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, a bunny from the fairy tale “The Ice Hut”).
  3. The heroine of which fairy tale took advantage of the right to free movement and choose her place of residence? (Frog traveler)
  4. In which fairy tale did the heroine exercise the right to seek and find protection and refuge from persecution in other countries (Thumbelina)
  5. Which literary heroes took advantage of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly? (Musicians of Bremen, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, characters from the fable “Quartet”).

4th round.

  1. What crime did the geese-swans commit in the fairy tale of the same name by stealing their brother? (Child abduction)
  2. What right of the Princess did Koschey the Immortal violate by taking her to his place and deciding to marry her, in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”? (The right to marry according to one’s own and mutual desire).
  3. What right did Buratino violate by grabbing the rat Shushera by the tail? (Right to privacy).

5th round.

I suggest that teachers resolve the situation.

  1. A 2.5-year-old child is called Mishutka because he looks like the boy from the advertisement for Mishutka condensed milk.


— What right of the child has been violated?

- What consequences can this lead to?

  1. The teacher invites the children to start drawing. The topic is free. One girl goes for the doll and starts rocking it. Boys roll cars between blocks. Other children are drawing.


-What right does the child exercise in this activity?

  1. Parents opposed the collection of money to pay for security in the kindergarten. This issue was put on the agenda for the parent meeting.


— What right are the parents trying to challenge? What documents will you refer to at the parent meeting?

  1. Irishka was playing by the open window. On the windowsill there was a pot with my mother’s favorite flower. Irishka's friends called out from the yard, she raised her hand to wave at them, and... the flower pot ended up on the ground. Hearing the noise, my mother ran into the room. Without understanding it, she scolded and spanked the girl.


-What rights of the child were violated?

  1. A 4-year-old boy sits at the table and talks during lunch. He distracts other children, who also begin to actively discuss the new toys their parents bought for him. At another table, the children had already eaten and were getting ready for bed. The teacher constantly makes comments, trying to force the children to eat in silence.


-Does the teacher violate the rights of the child?

Summing up the game.

Decisions of the pedagogical council.

  1. To improve the use of knowledge on protecting children's rights in everyday work with children and parents when creating a subject-development environment in children's games and activities in preschool educational institutions. All teachers. Constantly.
  2. Develop topics for business games, workshops, and trainings in order to solve complex pedagogical situations that arise in everyday life. Deputy head according to VMR, teachers. Until March 01, 2012
  3. Create a card index of games for the legal education of preschoolers. Until February 1, 2012
  4. Invite parents to share their experience in raising and educating children in the “Treasury of Family Wisdom.” Educators. Until February 1, 2012

The effectiveness of legal education of preschool children in the family

The family is the first social institution into which a child enters from the moment of his birth.

The family has the main educational function in the moral and legal development of a preschooler. Often it is in the family that we encounter offenses between parents among themselves and towards their own children.

Such violations in the family affect the negative development of the child’s personality. A normally functioning family will give the child all the basic moral and legal knowledge. And, conversely, dysfunctions in family relationships lead to deviations of the preschool child from the norms of behavior in society, to deviations in the child’s legal consciousness.

First of all, the child needs to be introduced to the basic legal documents that list the rights of the individual. An older preschooler can already understand and remember some of the names of documents such as the Convention of Rights.

Next, you should develop respect and tolerance towards different people, regardless of nationality, skin color, gender and age. All people are equal.

Self-esteem will be effectively formed through the acceptance of one’s own rights, and respect for others through familiarizing children with the norms and rights of another person.

In the family, one should always emphasize and draw children's attention to the norms of behavior among people.

Card index of didactic games for legal education

“Where to run if you are being chased”


Teach children different ways to respond to a threatening situation.


pictures depicting a park, a deserted road, a stop with people waiting for a bus, a traffic police post.

Progress of the lesson

Children look at the pictures, express and justify their opinion about where to run from their pursuers.

"Swimming in the sea"


warn children against accidents while swimming in the sea or river.


toys (laid out on the floor) - for each pair of children. Musical arrangement. Audio recording “The Sound of the Sea”.

Progress of the lesson

Before “entering the water,” children perform several gymnastic exercises. “Having entered the water,” they are divided into pairs (one plays the role of an adult, the other a child) and join hands. The “child” closes his mouth, eyes, and lowers his face into imaginary water. After a pause, he raises his face. The teacher reminds that you can only lower your face into the water by closing your mouth. Then the “child” performs the following exercises: squats (“goes headlong under water”), counts to himself to 5, stands up; takes out a toy from the “bottom”; blows on the “water”; makes a quick exhalation under the “water”.

Children in pairs change roles.

“Put the edible fungus in the box”


consolidate children's knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.


a set of pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms (or dummies). Trees (or toys) cut out of cardboard. Basket.

Progress of the game

Pictures with mushrooms (dummies) are laid out under the “trees”. Children collect only “edible mushrooms” in the basket.

At the end of the game, the teacher takes out all the mushrooms from the basket one by one, and the children name them.

Games that develop the ability to evaluate others from a position of goodwill

"The Snow Queen"


Help your child see positive character traits in every person.

Progress of the game

The teacher asks you to remember the fairy tale by G.-H. Andersen's "The Snow Queen". Children say that in this fairy tale there was a mirror, reflected in which everything good and beautiful turned into bad and ugly. How much trouble the fragments of this mirror caused when they got into people’s eyes! The teacher says that this fairy tale has a continuation: when Kai and Gerda grew up, they made magic glasses through which, unlike a mirror, you can see the good that is in every person. He suggests “trying on these glasses”: imagine that they are on, look carefully at your comrades, try to see as much good as possible in everyone and talk about it. The teacher is the first to “put on glasses” and give a sample description of two or three children. After the game, the children try to tell what difficulties they experienced in the role of observers, what they felt. The game can be played several times, noting during subsequent discussions that each time we managed to see more good things.

Features of legal education of preschool children through play

The game contributes to the development of moral and legal principles in children. Story-based role-playing games especially contribute to this. In such games it is easy to imagine various situations encountered in real life. You can create problematic situations and then play them out. Gradually they bring the child to understand the correct norms of behavior in society.

Game plots can be different. Playing with the rights to personal belongings, housing, family, parental love and attention to the child in the family and similar situations.

You can consider several games that contribute to the development of legal consciousness in children of senior preschool age.

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