Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Miracles of plasticineography” Master class outline

Summary of the master class for parents and children of the senior group “New Year’s toy”


1 Summary of the master class for parents and children of the senior group “New Year’s toy” Compiled by: teacher Kovalenko N.I. Goal: to involve parents in joint co-creation with children, to introduce parents and children to various technologies for making New Year's toys, to create a pre-New Year's mood in the process of making toys. Tasks: create a pre-holiday atmosphere; teach parents practical techniques for cutting and designing paper; foster interest in the joint creative process. Materials: 1. For the Christmas tree. Green paper, A4, A5 format; Red cardboard size 10x7cm; Strips of white and black paper measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm, 1 x 1 cm, respectively; Strips of white cardboard size 2 x 15cm; A square of velvet paper with a side of 2.5 cm; Ribbon for bow cm; Stencils 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. (Appendix 1) 2. For Snowflake-Ballerina. White paper, A4 format; A circle of white paper with a diameter of 25cm or 20cm; Ballerina stencils. (Appendix 2) Equipment: Scissors, simple pencils, glue sticks according to the number of participants. Progress: Introductory part. Good evening, guys and dear adults, I am very glad to meet you again. How many of you know what kind of holiday we are waiting for? He brings us joy and goodness for the whole year. He comes to every home with a Christmas tree and candles, Gathers the whole family at the table for tea.

2 This holiday is loved by all adults and children. And in the capital, and in the village, And on the whole planet. (New Year) Yes, that’s right, this is everyone’s favorite New Year holiday. There is a festive bustle in the air as everyone, both adults and children, is preparing for a joyful event. How do you and your family decorate your home for the holiday? Today we would like to bring to your attention two New Year's decorations that you can make with your own hands from paper. What is the most important symbol of New Year and Christmas? (Christmas tree) What is the main symbol of Winter? (Snow, Snowflakes) Do you want to learn how to make a Christmas tree and Snowflakes Ballerinas from paper to decorate your room? Practical part. So, it's time to open our New Year's workshop! Now you will make one Christmas tree and one Snowflake Ballerina, and at home you can replenish the number of decorations with your family. Guys, don’t forget to help your parents now and at home. Let's start with the Christmas tree. For work we will need: Green paper; Red and white cardboard; Squares of white and black paper, green velvet paper; Ribbon for bow cm; Stencils. Scissors, pencils, glue sticks. All this is on your tables. Take a sheet of green A4 paper, bend it in half along its length, attach stencil 1 to the fold line, trace it with a simple pencil. Cut out blank 1. Do the same with a green A5 sheet and stencil 2. You have blank 2 ready. Bend a strip of red cardboard in half lengthwise, attach stencil 3 to the fold line, trace it with a pencil. Cut out blank 3. Trace stencils 4 and 5 on white cardboard. Cut them out. Glue blanks 4 and 5 onto blank 3 along the edges of this “hat with fur” using a glue pencil.

3 Cut circles from white, black and velvet squares, rounding the corners. Glue the black circles onto the white ones – these are the “eyes” of our Christmas tree. Green velvet circle “nose”. Unfold workpiece 1, spread glue on half of the workpiece near the fold line, fold it, press down. The workpiece turned out to be half glued, but the bottom edge should not be glued. Unfold workpiece 2, spread glue on half of the workpiece near the fold line. Align the fold lines of workpieces 1 and 2. Fold workpiece 2 back. Workpiece 2 should be put on top of workpiece 1. Unfold workpiece 3 and coat the edges with glue. “Put” the hat on the Christmas tree and press it down. Glue on the eyes and nose. Tie a bow from the ribbon and glue it to the hat. Fold the bottom edges of the Christmas tree using scissors. What wonderful Christmas trees you made! Let's relax and dance the Christmas tree disco dance. Guys, show the dance moves to moms and dads. You danced very beautifully! Do you want the light, airy Snowflakes of Ballerinas to dance in your home on New Year’s Day? It's easy to do. For work we will need: White paper for the silhouette of a ballerina; A circle of white paper for a snowflake-skirt; Ballerina stencils. Scissors, simple pencils. Let's get to work. Take a sheet of white A4 paper and a ballerina stencil. Trace the stencil with a simple pencil. Cut out the silhouette. Cut out the Snowflake. Fold the circle in half 4 times; Measure approximately 2 cm from the sharp edge (the middle of the snowflake), cut it (the hole in the middle of the snowflake should be 4 cm in diameter); Make cuts along the edges; Unfold the snowflake; Carefully insert the ballerina silhouette into the hole of the snowflake; Tie a string to the Snowflake Ballerina. Hanging Ballerinas rotate with any air movement, as if they are spinning in a dance! They can be used to decorate a garland. Guys, you did a great job with your moms and dads. Did you enjoy making Christmas decorations? What did you like most? (Children's answers).

4 And the most important thing is that you created together with your parents, and working together is more interesting, fun and easier. Thank you all very much for your attention! Happy new year to you! What glorious days: The lights are burning on the Christmas trees, the toys are glittering, and the firecrackers are thundering in volleys like cannons! Let your friends smile, Let your family be happy! May this new year bring you only good luck. Let it be cheerful, peaceful, bright and bring many gifts! Goodbye, my friends, see you again!





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