Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Games and techniques of socio-game technology”

Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Games and techniques of socio-game technology”

3."We are so different"

Game-task: Unite in pairs based on opposite characteristics (by height, by hair color, by eye color, by figure, etc.)

4."Backs to each other"

Progress: Children stand in pairs. Look at each other carefully for 1 minute (hourglass). Then they stand with their backs to each other and take turns describing the appearance of their partner.

II. Games for social-game involvement in business.

Goal: develop cognitive motivation, ability to cooperate, make decisions independently; create a desire to achieve success; increase self-confidence.

This section includes the following group of games: “Flies - does not fly”, “Freeze, remember, repeat, revive”, “Letter in the air”, “Letter-round dance”, “Scouts”, “Suitcase”, “Blind Guide”, "Chairs".

We will play these games with you:

1."By the letter"

with the whole audience


Teacher: everyone knows the phrase where all words begin with the same letter.

For example: “Pavel Petrovich went for a walk,

I caught a parrot and went to sell it.

I asked for fifty dollars and got a slap on the head.”

Task: in 1-2 minutes (hourglass) compose a coherent sentence in which most of the words will begin with one specific letter or 2nd option: task game “Body”

Teacher: “Here’s a box for you, put in it what ends with “OK”

Children: “I’ll put a lock, a knot, a bag, a stocking, sugar, a ball, etc. in the box.”

2. Game-task “Dividing into teams.”

Teacher: We need to divide into 2 groups. Division can take place in different ways:

- using cut pictures (two large pictures are cut into pieces, mixed, then the puzzles are assembled);

- by agreement in pairs: sun-moon;

- according to calculation: orange - apple;

Next you need to choose a leader - a captain:

- by drawing lots (sticks, one shorter);

— by label (cards, one with a label);

- according to the counting.

The captains approach the teacher and receive a task, which they pass on to their team.

Assignment: name the white objects in this room in chorus (passing the flag from team to team - the children take turns pronouncing the names of white objects in chorus).


Procedure: “Children” stand in small groups. There is a chest on the table. There is an object in it. One team learns about the object by looking at it.

The second team learns about the item through questions and guesses what is in the chest. And vice versa. (Questions may be about the size of the object, shape, color, material, location, etc.).

III. Warm-up games

Goal: relieve tension in the child; lift your spirits, give you the opportunity to warm up, and develop coordination of movements.

In a group you can play games such as: “Dwarfs are giants”, “Freeze”, “The day comes - everything comes to life”, “Round dances”, “Ear - nose”, “Damaged phone”, “Sparrows - crows”, “Ransom” forfeits", "Nonsense".

Master class “Game technologies”

Master Class

"Game technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to social values, and the foundation of health is laid.

Play, the most important activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping a child’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities; the game fulfills the need to influence the world.

In the light of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the child’s personality is brought to the fore, and now the entire preschool childhood should be devoted to play. The use of gaming technologies contributes to the development of a preschooler’s individuality. This is a kind of foundation for the entire educational process.

It is important for teachers to understand: what are gaming technologies, how to use them in the educational process?

The purpose of gaming technology is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” situations that excite him in the game with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Game technology objectives:

1. Achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need for knowledge and skills through the child’s own activity.

2. Select means that enhance children’s activities and increase their effectiveness.

3. Make the educational process manageable.

Game moments are very important in the pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children in a child care institution. Starting from two to three years old, their main task is the formation of emotional contact, children’s trust in the teacher, the ability to see in the teacher a kind person, always ready to help. The first play situations should be frontal, so that not a single child feels deprived of attention. These are games like “Round Dance”, “Catch-up” and “Blowing Soap Bubbles”.

The types of pedagogical games are very diverse. They may vary:

• By type of activity - motor, intellectual, psychological, etc.;

• By the nature of the pedagogical process - teaching, training, controlling, cognitive, educational, developmental, diagnostic.

• By the nature of the gaming methodology - games with rules; games with rules established during the game; a game where one part of the rules is set by the conditions of the game, and the other is set depending on its progress.

• In terms of content - musical, mathematical, socializing, logical, etc.

• By gaming equipment - tabletop, computer, theatrical, role-playing, director's, etc.

The main component of gaming technology is direct and systematic communication between the teacher and children.

Its meaning:

— activates students;

- increases cognitive interest;

-causes emotional uplift;

— promotes the development of creativity;

-maximizes concentration of training time due to clearly formulated game conditions;

- allows the teacher to vary the strategy and tactics of game actions by complicating or simplifying game tasks, depending on the level of mastery of the material.

In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop

mental processes:

• perception,

• attention,

• memory,

• imagination,

• thinking.

Let's consider the use of gaming technologies in the educational process for each educational area.

Social and communicative development. Gaming technology includes:

• game trainings;

• plot-based role-playing games;

• theatrical games.

Cognitive development. Here the choice of games is huge and varied, but it is worth highlighting gaming technologies aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities - these are the so-called educational games, problem gaming situations and gaming technologies aimed at consolidating acquired knowledge and developing cognitive abilities.

Speech development. The use of gaming technologies allows us to create the most favorable conditions for the development of children’s speech:

gaming technologies aimed at developing fine motor skills;

gaming technologies aimed at developing articulatory motor skills;

gaming technologies aimed at developing breathing and voice.

Artistic and aesthetic development. Gaming technologies aimed at developing the perception and understanding of works of art and the natural world; formation of elementary ideas about types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore, visual arts.

Physical development includes gaming technologies aimed at developing the motor activity of children, promoting the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, gross and fine motor skills of both hands, etc.

Gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a preschool institution and the solution of its main tasks.

The most effective games for creating a working mood in the younger group turned out to be the games “Pass a smile”, “It’s boring, it’s boring for us to sit”, and in the older group you can use “Step - clap”, “Change places those who ...”, All of them are valuable because , which in a short period of time allows you to set the students up for a common cause and create a playful atmosphere.

And I invite you to be in the role of children and play with me the game-task “Body”

Teacher: “Here’s a box for you, put in it what’s on “OK”

Children: “I’ll put a lock, a knot, a bag, a stocking, sugar, a ball, etc. in the box.”

Thank you for your attention!

I wish you creative success!

Master class for preschool teachers. Using gaming technologies in classrooms

Professional competence of a specialist and innovative practice. Using gaming technologies in classrooms. Socio-gaming technologies

Goal: Dissemination of teaching experience and improving the professional skills of teachers Objectives: 1. to acquaint teachers with the methods and techniques used in socio-game technology; 2. motivate teachers to systematically use socio-game technology in the classroom.

Progress of the master class

Methodist: Teachers are beginning to increasingly use active learning methods in the classroom.
Interactive seminar, training, problem-based learning, collaborative learning, educational games become an integral part of the educational process. The above methods stimulate the cognitive activity of students; as a rule, they are based on dialogue, which involves a free exchange of opinions on ways to resolve a particular problem. In addition to dialogue, active methods increasingly use polylogue, providing multi-level and diverse communication of all participants in the educational process. One of these methods is social gaming technology. This technology is suitable for everyday work - it is universal, relevant, and most importantly, it solves many psychological problems along the way. Quiz for teachers: Teachers are divided into micro groups (4-5 people each). Each team is given cards with letters from which surnames must be made. Task for team No. 1: SHOCKSHWELL. Task for team No. 2: VASHERO. Task for team No. 3: OVKUBTA. Teams are given 2 minutes to complete the task. The letters should be used to make up the names of the founders of socio-game technology - Shuleshko, Ershova, Bukatov. Methodist: Socio-game technologies, presented by E. E. Shuleshko, A. P. Ershova and V. M. Bukatov, have recently been particularly popular. The term “socio-game” first appeared in 1988. According to the authors, the first part - socio - means a small society (not social). The second part - gaming - implies gaming activity: voluntary, exciting, taking place in the company of peers, with the adoption of “iron” game rules, with motor activity, with unpredictability. Thus, socio-gaming technology is a technology based on the interaction of students in micro-collectives, as well as the interaction of micro-groups with each other through games. The essence of the method is revealed in the following rules: 1. Work is carried out in micro groups of
up to 6 people, because in a group of six, each student finds the most favorable conditions for the emergence of collective communication.
In such a group, leaders put less pressure on less active peers, and a quiet child can escape the pressure, protected by an environment of equally quiet children. In addition, sixes are often divided into two threes or three pairs - this variability helps students discover and compare more opinions without focusing only on the leader's point of view. During the actual educational activity, the composition of the groups may change several times. Through work in permanent and temporary microgroups, the distance between different students decreases, they learn to find approaches to each other, in some cases they discover tolerance in themselves and see its benefits for the business that the microgroup is engaged in. Joint activities allow each child, by comparing himself with others, to establish himself in his capabilities and abilities. The process of dividing into groups itself is a game and contributes to the emergence of friendly relations between children and the development of the ability to come to an agreement. 2. Work in small groups involves collective activity,
and the opinion of the entire group is expressed by the leader (team captain), who is chosen by the children themselves (by voting, by counting, etc.).
Every time the composition of the group changes, the leader also changes. This form of work allows active children not to get bored, and also helps more modest students gain experience and in the future also act as a representative of the group. 3. Training is combined with physical activity
and a change of scenery.
Students can communicate in different parts of the classroom. Changing the mise-en-scène during a gaming session or directly educational activity helps students switch gears and relieve emotional stress. The more often they change settings, places, and poses, the more active and efficient their nervous activity is. And this, in turn, means that the body’s resistance to nervous stress increases, and the Center creates favorable conditions for preserving health. If during the lesson the students sat on chairs or moved very little, then the socio-game technology did not take place. 4. Time limit involves a change in tempo and rhythm
Thanks to this, children develop an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end and requires a certain concentration. 5. An integral part of social gaming technology is the integration of activities
This promotes speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-communicative, and physical development. Learning takes place in a playful way; for this you can use various games that develop attention, hearing, thinking, and the ability to interact with each other. 6. Focus on the principle of polyphony
or, as the authors called it, “133 hares.”
There is a popular proverb: if you chase two hares, you won’t catch either. In socio-game pedagogy, the situation is somewhat different: if you chase two hares, then you really won’t catch a single one, but if you immediately go after 133, then, lo and behold, you’ll catch a dozen (and among the caught heels of hares there may be one of those about which never dreamed of before - “unexpected joy”). In other words, the use of technology allows you to develop both attention and memory, trains the ability to solve problems together, and stimulates passion. Thus, using the rules of socio-game technology, teachers teach students to listen and hear each other, express their opinions, negotiate, and come to agreement. In addition, they develop verbal interaction; a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, other people, oneself, and peers is formed; they learn to defend their position and object to adults reasonably and kindly; there is no feeling of fear for making a mistake. To reinforce theoretical material, teachers are invited to take part in a quiz. Teachers are divided into micro groups, sitting closer to each other. Team leaders are selected. Participants are offered a quiz in the form of a quick survey on their knowledge of SanPin standards, history, and characteristics of the Center’s activities. The team that gives the maximum number of correct answers faster than others wins. Questions for the quiz: 1. What two projects are being implemented at the Zarya Center? (We are raising a Russian patriot. We will be healthy!) 2. What is the number of students in Zarya? (450 students) 3. In what year was the Labor Reserves Ensemble of the North Ossetian Republican Directorate of Vocational Education created? (in 1958) Information note for teachers: 1979 On the basis of the Terek Ensemble, a House of Culture for students of vocational and technical education was established. 1999 The House of Culture has been transformed into a Youth Creativity Center. 4. Under what director in 1979? on the basis of the Terek Ensemble, a House of Culture for students of vocational education was established? (under Stanislav Kozaev) 5. The first director of Zarya? (Firuza Magkeeva) 6. How many creative associations are there in? (11 associations) 7. Classes in additional education organizations begin no earlier than 8:00 am and end no later than 8:00 pm. For students aged 16 - 18 years, it is allowed to complete classes in ...? (21.00 hours) 8. The recommended duration of children’s classes on school days is no more than 3 academic hours per day, on weekends and holidays -...? (no more than 4 academic hours per day) 9. The volume of the maximum classroom load for students in children's art schools in the arts and in additional pre-professional programs in the field of arts should not exceed? (14 hours per week) 10. The duration of continuous use of an interactive whiteboard in classes for children 7 - 9 years old is no more than 20 minutes, over 9 years old - ? (no more than 30 minutes) 11. In additional education organizations, a drinking regime is organized for students using drinking water packaged in containers, or bottled, or boiled drinking water. In terms of quality and safety, drinking water must meet the requirements for drinking water. Is it not recommended to store boiled water any longer? (3 hours) 12. Complete the phrase from the Education Strategy of the Russian Federation: The priority task of the Russian Federation in the field of raising children is the development of a highly moral personality who shares Russian traditional spiritual values, has up-to-date knowledge and skills, is able to realize their potential in the conditions of modern society, ready for peaceful creation and... ? (defense of the Motherland) The results of the game and the possibilities of using socio-game technology in educational activities are summed up. Conclusion Play
is not only a gentle form of teaching a child, but also a simple and easy way to form camaraderie and friendship between children, one of the ways to create a humanistic atmosphere in a group. Thus, a pedagogical game differs from any other game in that a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by an educational-cognitive orientation.

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