Circle work. Additional education in the junior group
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Methodological development for group work with
Children's volunteering - as a means of effective socialization of preschool children in public organizations
Children's volunteering - as a means of effective socialization of preschool children in NGOs Children's volunteering - how
A fairy tale about healthy food for children of the second junior group “Vitaminka’s Journey”
Preview: The Tale of Healthy Vegetables In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived
Long-term project “We will save health” for children of the senior group.”
Healthy lifestyle, health. Projects - Short-term project “Sledding is great!” Publication “Short-term
Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers”
Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers” author: Filippova Anna Aleksandrovna Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU “Children’s
Speech development of preschool children through theatrical activities
In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the basic principles of education and upbringing
Project in kindergarten in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Flowers
Abstract “Plot-role-playing games in the junior group “Family”
Development of children's cognitive activity through children's experimentation (from work experience)
Development of children's cognitive activity through children's experimentation (from work experience) Author: Irina Vasilievna Nekrasova
Calendar planning on the topic: “Victory Day” in the senior group
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Для любых предложений по сайту: [email protected]