Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers”

Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers”

author: Filippova Anna Alexandrovna

Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3" p. Izhma

Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers”

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3" p. Izhma

Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers”

Speech therapist teacher: Filippova A.A.


is due to the fact that currently problems
with the process of development of coherent speech are the central task of the development and upbringing of children.
This is primarily due to social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative function of speech language is realized .
Coherent speech is the highest form of speech-thinking activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child. This relevance increases with children with bilingualism (in this case, Russian and Komi languages).


Difficulties in the formation of coherent speech in children with bilingualism, the sequence of stories about the events of their lives, the ability to retell literary works, compiling stories based on a picture, and a series of pictures, compiling descriptive stories. Low level of development of creative imagination in some children


development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age (preparatory group).


the presence of systematized ideas about modern methods and techniques for the development of coherent monologue and dialogic speech of children of senior preschool age and their appropriate use in practice contributes to improving the quality of work on the development of speech in kindergarten children and more successful preparation of preschoolers for school.


-improving and developing the dialogical form of speech;

-develop a monologue form of speech;

-learn to retell short tales and stories coherently, consistently and expressively;

- teach (according to a plan and model) to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture;

-compose a story based on pictures with subsequent developing events;

-develop the ability to compose your own stories from personal experience.

Expected results of the project.

— Creation of a system of work on the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age.

— Positive dynamics according to diagnostic results in the development of coherent speech section.

— Preserving the health of children.

— Carrying out close interaction with the families of pupils on the development of coherent speech of children in the course of joint preparation for schooling.

— Creation of conditions in preschool educational institutions and at home that promote the development of grammatically correct, coherent speech in preschoolers.

Project participants:

Children of the preparatory group, teacher, parents, educational psychologist, speech therapist, art director, music director.

Project type:

Informational - practical, long-term, collective.

Implementation period:

Academic year (September-May)

Contents of the project.

Stage 1.

Search and preparation. (September)

Goal: Identification of the main problems in the speech development of children. Determining the main directions for further work. Drawing up methodological developments for the correction and development of children's speech. Involving parents and teachers in helping speech therapists implement the project.


1. Diagnosis of children.

2. Questioning of parents “Development of coherent speech of children.”

3. Selection of necessary materials: literature, verbal and didactic games, visual aids, handouts and demonstration materials.

4. Drawing up pedagogical and correctional technology (long-term and individual plans, lesson notes, activities for joint activities of adults).

5. Long-term planning for coherent speech through didactic games in the senior and preparatory groups in accordance with lexical topics.

6.Creating a developmental environment in kindergarten and at home.

Stage 2.

Basic, formative. (September-April).

Goal: Testing of project activities. Formation of coherent speech of children in different types of activities. Correction of speech by adults in everyday communication with a child. Creating optimal conditions for continuity in the work of teachers and families. Increasing the level of parental motivation in correcting children's speech development.



1. Conducting classes with a speech therapist and teachers according to long-term plans.

2. Implementation of long-term planning for coherent speech through didactic games in the senior and preparatory groups in accordance with lexical topics.

3.Reading literary works in kindergarten and at home. Conversations about what you read. (Reading fairy tales, short stories, poems, scientific literature).

4. Excursion to the children's library “Books are interesting.”

5. Exhibitions of children's books with fairy tales "Magic Country".

6.Memorization of poems, sayings, nursery rhymes.

  1. Information sheets for parents:
  • “Verbal games and exercises in the formation of correct speech in children”
  • “Family games – improvisations or how to usefully spend the evening”
  • "Learning to tell"
  • “Memo for literate parents”
  • “Fairy tales teach us to speak”
  • “By communicating, we develop speech”
  1. 8. Design of an album with children's drawings and stories “Winter Fun”.
  • Drawing competition “My Dad”
  1. .Video recording of children’s stories on a lexical topic:
  • "Our mothers."
  1. Consolidation of the material covered at speech therapy hours, at home, on the instructions of the speech therapist.
  2. Discussion of holiday scenarios, selection of speech material for them. Carrying out matinees and entertainment.

Stage 3.

Final, analytical. (May)

Purpose: Checking the effectiveness of the implemented project. Conducting final diagnostics of children's speech development. Analysis of the work carried out in the development of coherent speech and correction of speech disorders.



1.Diagnostics and analysis of work results.

2.Project performance report:

3.Preparation and holding of the prom.


educator, parents, speech therapist

preparatory group for the project for the 2018-2019 academic year. year

PeriodTopic of the weekContents of the teacher's workContents of a speech therapist's workInteraction with teachers
Contents of the work
Interaction with parents
Contents of the work
1st week of SeptemberDay of KnowledgeQuestionnaire (Appendix 1)Diagnostics of speech development
(Appendix 2)
Discussion of holiday scenarios, selection of speech material for them. Carrying out matinees and entertainment. Music managers Information sheets for parents.
(Appendix 3) Weekly recommendations on a lexical topic
2-4 weeks of SeptemberAutumnWord games:
“Describe autumn”

“Which tree is the leaf from?”

“Guess the vegetables and fruits by description”

“Come up with beautiful words about autumn”

Week 2 – compiling a descriptive story about vegetables and fruits based on the diagram.
Week 3 “Autumn has come” Arbekova N.E.

Week 4 – Description of a landscape painting by I.S. Ostroukhova (1886-1887) “Golden Autumn” Arbekova N.E.

1-2 week of OctoberI'm a man in the worldCompose a story in free form “Tell me about yourself, your interests, your favorite toy, game.”Week 1 - Compilation of descriptive stories about professions using a diagram.
Gomzyak O.S. Week 2 – Composing a creative story “Who I want to be”
3-4 week of OctoberMy village, my country, my planetAlbum design “My Village”. Writing a story about a village. Week 3 – Writing a story about your village, republic, country
Week 4 – Writing a story “The house where I live” From personal experience
Compiling the story “Favorite places in my native village”
1st week of NovemberNational Unity DayMaking panels “All people are brothers”, “All peoples are one”.Retelling and dramatization of the fairy tale “Spikelet” using a series of plot paintings. Gomzyak O.S.
2nd week of NovemberBasics of life safetyExamination of illustrations, making the album “My Safety”.Compiling a story based on the plot picture “Home Alone”, with inventing the beginning of the story. Gomzyak O.S.
3rd week of NovemberChildren's Rights DayConversation about children's rights.Compiling a descriptive story about clothing based on a diagram. Gomzyak O.S.
4th week of NovemberMothers DayLearning poems about mom, writing a story about mom."My mom is the best"
1-4 weeks of DecemberWinter. New Year Album design with children's drawings and stories “Winter Fun”.
Week 1 - Retelling the story “Common Hill”, based on a picture with a problematic plot. Gomzyak O.S.
Week 2 – Composing the story “Feeding Trough” based on a series of plot paintings by Gomzyak O.S. Lesson 12 (prep. gr.)

Week 3 - compilation of the story “New Year is on the threshold” based on a series of plot paintings with a continuation of the plot.

Week 4 - Compilation of stories about the celebration of New Year and Christmas. Arbekova N.E.

3rd week of JanuaryCourtesy WeekLearning proverbs and sayings about politeness.Compiling a descriptive story about wintering birds using the scheme Gomzyak O.S.
4th week of JanuaryKindness WeekReading stories about kindness."What is winter?" Compiling a story about winter based on plot pictures.
1st week of FebruaryInternational Mother Language DayReading Komi poems, stories, Komi games.Writing stories in the Komi language
2-3 week of FebruaryDefenders of the Fatherland Day“My Dad” compilation of stories. Drawing competition. Week 2 – Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings “Orphan Dog” O.S. Gomzyak Week
3 – Compiling a story from a series of plot paintings “The Border of the Motherland is Locked” Gomzyak O.S.
Writing stories with moms about dads and grandfathers
4th week of February
1st week of March
International Women's DayCompiling a story “Congratulations to Mom” based on a plot picture with inventing previous and subsequent events
Video recording of children's stories on the lexical topic “Our Mothers”.

Compose a descriptive story about your mother based on your own drawing.

Drawing "Mom's Beloved" Art director
2-4 weeks of MarchFolk culture and traditionsDramatization of Komi fairy tales by S. PylaevaWeek 2 – “Maslenitsa Week” by Arbekova N.E.
Week 3 – Retelling of K.D. Ushinsky’s “Four Wishes” Gomzyak O.S.

Week 4 - Writing a descriptive story about trees using a diagram

1-3 week of AprilSpringLearning poems about spring. Acquaintance with signs, composing stories. Week 1 - Compiling a story “all’s well that ends well” based on a plot picture with inventing previous and subsequent events.
Week 2 – “Journey to distant planets” - writing creative stories based on a picture plan. Arbekova N.E.

Week 3 - Lexico-grammatical lesson on the topic: “Spring”

4th week of AprilLabour Day.
People's work
Conversation about the work of adults in the spring.Compiling the story “Birdhouse” based on a series of plot paintings.
1-2 week of MayVictory DayReading stories on military topics.Week 1 - “Such a terrible war”
Week 2 “About war heroes”
3rd week of MayFamily day. I and my family Making an album with children's drawings about the family.Compiling the story “Family Dinner” based on a series of plot paintings (with creative elements)
4th week of MayGoodbye kindergarten.Memorizing poems.Compiling the story “How I will spend the summer”
During the yearExcursion to the children's library “Books are interesting.”
Conducting classes on production and automation of sounds.

Conducting games and exercises to develop coherent speech. (Appendix 4)

Conducting a system of classes by an educational psychologist using the Storytelling game (Appendix 5)

  1. Stage - final - May

Goal: diagnostics of the effectiveness of project activities, analysis of work results.

Project product: analytical report on the results of the project - May
Project for the development of coherent speech “Skillful Storytellers”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Long-term project “Innovative technologies in the development of speech of children of senior preschool age”

Project information card:

Full name of the project “Correct speech is the key to success”

Type, type of project - long-term, creative - educational.

Venue—MADOU Kindergarten No. 9 (building 2) Uchaly, Republic of Bashkortostan

Dates: September 2022. –March 2022

Project participants: students of preparatory group No. 9 (kor. 2), teachers, speech therapist, music director, parents of students.

Children age 6-7 years

Explanatory note:

This project is designed for children 6-7 years old. It is at this age that children become motivated and interested in expanding their vocabulary and learning to read and write, and there is a sharp jump in the ability to pronounce words clearly and correctly. Children take part in theatrical productions with pleasure and emotionally absorb works of fiction and poetry with great interest. This must be used to instill skills and knowledge in the field of comprehensive speech development. The project will be implemented in several directions: working with children, achieving the main goal and solving main problems; working with parents. Only with the help of parents can the maximum effect be achieved. The project involves the use of innovative forms and methods of presenting material to children, these are stories and practical exercises, video and photo materials, vocabulary games during classes, the use of demonstration material, didactic games, matinees, entertainment, individual work, educational games by Voskobovich “Larchik” , storytelling, “Fairy tales for the tongue” .


Currently, due to the widespread use of electronic media, a very young child is seated with a phone, tablet, laptop, etc. Hence, the problem of speech development in children is still relevant. Problems with clear pronunciation of words and sounds. Inability to retell text, describe objects, conduct dialogues, monologue speech, unwillingness to concentrate on the book.

And it is in older preschool age that these gaps should be filled by instilling the necessary skills and knowledge. You can often encounter parents’ indifference and lack of understanding of the importance of this issue. Ignoring this problem gives rise to a gradual decline in cognitive skills in the child. All this will affect the child’s arrival at school, on a mental and physical level. “Correct speech is the key to success” was developed.

This project includes an incomparable, versatile, educational effect. It is this, in combination with different types of activities, that ensures the formation of the full development of children of senior preschool age. It contributes to the development of their ability to organize their leisure time in an interesting and meaningful way; increases the motivation of the child and his parents to lead an interesting, educational lifestyle.

Approaches to project implementation:

  • system-activity – development of a system of activities to develop knowledge and skills in environmental management among early preschoolers and their parents;
  • culturological – organization of the behavior of children and their parents in nature based on the formation of their cultural relations to nature and the environment.

Goal: relying on new technologies, to create conditions for preserving and strengthening children’s interest in developing their speech. Expand and strengthen children’s storytelling skills, inventing a plot, and imagining. Develop the emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age.


Improve and enrich children's cognitive experience in speech development

Teach children knowledge and skills using new techniques and methods

Encourage children to speak clearly and correctly.

To educate and develop attention, independence, thinking, memory in children


  • the principle of controllability and purposefulness - involves creating conditions for the formation of children's knowledge of speech development
  • the principle of effectiveness – aimed at achieving intellectual and practical results.

Expected results: in speech development

  • The ability to independently compare objects with each other, name several significant signs of similarity and difference.
  • Independently compose a coherent story of at least 6-7 sentences.
  • Write stories from personal experience
  • Change words to form new ones
  • Retell short stories
  • Correctly use difficult forms of familiar words
  • Use anonymous names in speech

In teaching literacy

  • Determine the number of syllables in words
  • Determine the number of sounds in words
  • Determine the place of a given sound in a word
  • Analyze the sound composition of a word
  • Identify stressed syllables, stressed vowels
  • Distinguish between consonants and vowels
  • Distinguish between hard and soft sounds
  • Make sentences of 2-3 words

Sound culture of speech

  • Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds
  • Pronounce sounds clearly and accurately with varying voice levels
  • Differentiation of sounds in tongue twisters, in pure tongue twisters

Theatrical activities

  • Emotional and aesthetic perception of works
  • Introduction to fiction
  • Introduction to folklore

Used Books:

  1. V. V. Gerbova “Speech development in kindergarten” Mosaic-City Moscow, 2014. -112 s.
  2. A.V. Aji “Notes of integrated classes in the preparatory group” Voronezh shopping center “teacher” , 2006 -333p.
  3. N.S. Golitsina “Summaries of complex thematic classes” -M. "Scriptorium" , 2013 -568 pp.
  4. L.V. Upravleeva “Preparation for school in kindergarten. Counting, reading, speaking, thinking" Yaroslavl. Development Academy, 2007-224
  5. N.N. Gladysheva, Yu.B. Sergeantov “Teacher’s work program” - Volgograd 2014. -445 s.
  6. T.S. Komarova, N.E. Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva “Complex classes” - Volgograd-2014. -415s.
  7. Children's reading book for children 6-7 years old.
  8. Internet resources “Voskobovich’s Manuals” , “Storytelling”
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The role of project activities in the development of children's speech

 One of the main tasks of a preschool educational institution is the formation of correct speech in children. Speech development according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the development of a child’s communicative competence. The communicative competence of a preschooler is manifested in the ability to solve problems through speech in the conditions of different types of activities: everyday, cognitive, play, educational, work, etc. At the same time, the child is guided by the special conditions of the situation in which the activity takes place. In order for the child to achieve communicative competence, the teacher helps its development by solving problems for the development of different aspects of the child’s speech in all age groups: the development of coherent speech, the development of vocabulary, the development of grammatically correct speech, the development of sound culture of speech, preparation for learning to read and write.

Speech is of great importance in the psychological development of children. Formation as a person is associated with the development of a child’s speech.

Resolving problems of speech development in preschool children requires finding the most effective ways. One of the effective methods in working with children in the direction of speech development is the technology of project activities. It is based on children’s interests, defines creative search, develops children’s research skills, and their ability to navigate the information space. The process of cognition ends with a real result - a product. This result can be seen, comprehended, and applied in real life. Project activities have enormous developmental potential; they not only create conditions for supporting and developing children’s interests and abilities, but are also aimed at developing the child’s individuality, independence, initiative, and search activity. Project activity stimulates supra-situational activity, which means the child’s desire to constantly delve deeper into the problem. Project activities or the project method are distinguished from other methods of organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions by the following: practical application by children of their existing knowledge and skills; non-rigid formulation of tasks, their variability, increasing the independence and creativity of preschoolers; interest in activities that bring public results, personal interest in it. Project activities cover different aspects of the personality development of preschoolers, starting from a young age. The organization of children's project activities allows the teacher to integrate almost all educational areas, since it involves the interaction of children with each other and the teacher, their active cooperation and creativity, knowledge and work. Integration is one of the leading principles for implementing the content of the basic general education program of preschool education. Project activity is combined with play, which is also fundamental for carrying out pedagogical work with preschoolers, and is a collective product and creativity for each child. The project method is also a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation between children and adults, and a way to implement a person-centered approach to education. The most difficult thing for a teacher in project activities is to identify and formulate the problem in such a way that children want to solve it, so that they become interested in research and creative search. The children themselves will offer the product of the project activity as soon as they are immersed in a problem situation. The main thing for a teacher is to support children’s activity, help them develop and develop independently. The organization of children's project activities allows the teacher to integrate almost all educational areas, since it involves the interaction of children with each other and the teacher, their active cooperation and creativity, knowledge and work. Project activity is combined with play, which is also fundamental for the implementation of pedagogical work with preschoolers, and is a collective product and creativity for each child. [2]

The use of project activities as a means of speech development for preschoolers is explained by the negative sociocultural situation that has developed in modern society. Teachers are increasingly faced with evidence of lags, delays and violations in the development of children’s speech from age standards. Increasingly, children are experiencing a complex of socio-psychological problems: increased aggression, emotional deafness, hyperactivity, passivity, isolation in themselves and their own interests. Children have difficulty learning certain moral standards. [3]

In the practice of modern preschool institutions, types of projects are used, the use of which is possible when preschoolers develop interest in the history of the objective world: 1) research projects require a well-thought-out structure, are completely subordinate to the logic of the study, involve putting forward a hypothesis for solving the identified problem, developing ways to solve it, including number of experimental, experienced. During the project, children experiment, conduct experiments, discuss the results obtained, draw conclusions, and present the research results in the form of newspapers, reports, and video sketches; 2) creative projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure of the joint activities of the participants; it is only outlined and further developed. The final result can be designed as a script for a video film, dramatization, holiday program, children's design, almanac, album. The presentation of the results can take place in the form of a holiday, an oral journal, a video film, dramatization, a sports game, or entertainment; 3) the structure of role-playing and game projects is also just outlined and remains open until the work is completed. Children take on certain roles determined by the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional heroes, imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. For example, children take on the character of a fairy tale and solve the problem in their own way. This type of project turns out to be effective for the speech development of preschool children; 4) information and practice-oriented projects are initially aimed at collecting information about some object or phenomenon; It is expected that project participants will become familiar with this information, analyze it, and summarize the facts. Pupils collect information, discuss it and implement it, focusing on social interests; the results are presented in the form of stands, newspapers, stained glass windows [1].

The content of projects may include games and exercises that are widely used in psychocorrectional and psychoprophylactic work with children. They were developed according to the method of N. Yu. Klyueva “Give a gift to a friend” (with the help of facial expressions and gestures, children depict gifts and give them to each other); “Comparisons” (children compare themselves with some animals, plants, flowers, and then, together with adults, discuss why they chose such a comparison); “Smile” (children sit in a circle, hold hands and, looking into the neighbor’s eyes, give him a smile); “Compliment” (children stand in a circle and take turns, looking into the eyes of their neighbor, say kind words, praise him: “You always share, you are cheerful, you have a beautiful dress...” - “Thank you. I am very pleased!”) [4].

The inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process is also the most important condition for the full speech development of the child. Parents' correct understanding of the tasks of upbringing and teaching, knowledge of some methodological techniques used in the development of children's speech, undoubtedly helped in organizing games at home. Parents received knowledge through conversations, consultations, parent meetings, and practical seminars. Together with parents, we carry out the “Give a book to the group” campaign, created “Books of Fairy Tales”, “Boxes of Fairy Tales” (joint creativity of children and parents), published the newspaper “Ladushki”, parents took an active part in the production of the wall newspaper “Our Children Tell”, For parents, material is also posted on the kindergarten website and visual information in parent corners on the topic of the project. The participation of parents in speech development projects helps them understand their role in the child’s speech development, change their attitude towards the child’s personality, the nature of communication with him, and increases their pedagogical knowledge. Parents communicate more often with teachers and each other.

Provided that the pedagogical process is properly organized using the technology of project activities for the development of speech of preschool children, as well as with an organized developmental subject-spatial environment, the speech development of children becomes the most complete and effective.


  1. Verbenets A. M. Mathematical development of older preschoolers based on an integrative approach // Kindergarten: theory and practice. - 2012. - No. 1.
  2. Evdokimova E. S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006
  3. Levshina N.I. The role of project activities in the speech development of preschool children. // Preschool pedagogy. — 2014 — No. 10
  4. Ivanova V. P. Development of non-verbal means of communication in older preschoolers / V. P. Ivanova, N. I. Levshina // Advances in modern natural science. — 2013. — No. 10
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