Fairy tales for children about bread – Fairy tale about BREAD for children
“The Girl Who Stepped on Bread” A child should read G.Kh.’s fairy tale. Andersen about the poor, but
Presentation on the topic: “Unconventional drawing techniques” presentation for a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic
Frottage Frottage. The technique of applying a design to paper, fabric, or, less commonly, leather. To make the picture appear
Lapbook “Seasons” for the younger mixed-age group of kindergarten
As children grow older, many questions arise: “What is this?”, “What is this for?”
Protocols of parent meetings in kindergarten
Protocol of parent meetings in the senior group (5-6) years old
Every day, a kindergarten teacher, interacting with children and their parents, receives information about
Family project at a preschool educational institution “Little discoveries in my big family”; methodological development on the topic
Pedagogical project “Kindergarten + family” Family and preschool are the two most important
Patriotic education of children in preschool educational institutions. Topics on patriotic education of children. Summary of a lesson on patriotic education: junior group, middle, senior, preparatory
Patriotic education is an integral part of the social and moral education of the younger generation and the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.
Presentation on cognitive development “Russia is my Motherland!”
Presentation “Interesting facts about Russia - 1” #1 grade #2 grade #3 grade #4
Project on the theme “Vegetable garden on the window” in the second junior group
Original design ideas The older the kindergarten group, the more responsibility for the garden there is.
Catalog of educational games for children 4-5 years old card catalog (middle group) on the topic
Cognitive tasks for children 4-5 years old 1. “Domestic and wild animals.” Prepare cards with
Calendar plan for the thematic week “Victory Day” in the preparatory group: important aspects of drawing up
In the preparatory group, the topics considered annually are summarized; children summarize previously studied material, which
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