Educational project in the senior group “Animals of the Red Book of Russia”
ECOLOGICAL PROJECT “Red Book” ECOLOGICAL PROJECT “Red Book” Educational project in the preparatory group (creation
Crafts for children
Simple paper crafts for children 5 years old step by step with diagrams
Step by step crafts for kids for kids of all ages. The works are grouped based on the popular ones used
The best games and exercises for developing thinking in preschool children - expert advice
Thinking is a mental process in which both hemispheres of the brain take part. Includes in
how to make a shadow theater
Do-it-yourself shadow theater for children: ready-made template, easy instructions, as well as photos of ready-made options
Basic principle: how it works The basis of such theater is “playing” with shadows. Performance
heroes of epics 1
Project in the preparatory group “Heroes of the Russian Land”project (preparatory group)
What are "epics"? While studying the concept of “epics,” I found on the Internet that epics are
Educational program for children
Educational program for children. Preschool Education Program
Children's passion for smartphones and tablets has become the subject of heated debate among parents. Most people think
Card for dad
Short-term project on the topic “My Family” School preparatory group
“FAMILY TRADITIONS: CULTURE OF COMMUNICATION” The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication. Do we know how
Project on patriotic education in the senior group “Raising Patriots of Russia”
Presentation “The system of civic-patriotic education in preschool educational institutions” #Publications #Article #Social educator #Methodologist #Educator #Psychologist #Musical
Tar barrel - picture 1
Russian folk tale "Bull - tar barrel"
Tar Barrel Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had a granddaughter, Tanya. They were sitting somehow
Article on the topic “Project activities in preschool educational institutions as a tool for the practical implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”
Article on the topic “Project activities in preschool educational institutions as a tool for the practical implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” 3)
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