Family project at a preschool educational institution “Little discoveries in my big family”; methodological development on the topic

Pedagogical project “Kindergarten + family”

Family and preschool are the two most important institutions for the socialization of preschool children.
Thanks to the emotional microclimate of the family, the child develops an attitude towards himself, a sense of self-worth is determined, and value orientations and worldviews appear. In a preschool institution, a child acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, show his own activity, and receives a comprehensive education. Despite the various educational functions, close interaction between the family and kindergarten is necessary for the development of the child. Unfortunately, the child is often caught between these two most important educational institutions, finding himself in a world of conflicting demands, which affects his emotional and psychological development. To avoid such discomfort, it is necessary to create a unified educational environment, then the child will feel calmer and more confident, will be able to reveal his creative potential, and develop comprehensively. In our opinion, a unified educational environment implies not only uniform requirements for the child of the preschool educational institution and the family, but also the active participation of the family in the life of the kindergarten for the purpose of painless adaptation of the child who has just left the womb of the family, his best psychological well-being, and also for his successful socialization. In addition, close interaction between family and kindergarten allows the child to immerse himself in the space of his father’s family, to feel involved in his family, which is important for the spiritual and moral development of a preschooler. A kindergarten is the first public institution with which parents come into contact and its activities are aimed at helping families raise children. (RF Law “On Education”, Article 18, paragraph 3).

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other.

At present, when the upbringing and development of a preschool child is greatly negatively influenced by the employment and detachment of parents, access to mass pseudoculture, weakening family ties and connections between generations, the task of moral and civic education in the educational process of a preschool educational institution has become more urgent. .

The formation of new approaches to the development of a parenting culture is based on increasing the status of the family in the eyes of parents, in the eyes of their children and teachers. In addition, teachers convey the idea that the culture of parenthood is laid down in childhood, and throughout life, before entering marriageable age, children develop a certain stereotype of family relationships, which, when grown up, children will begin to implement in their family life.

Misunderstanding between family and kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in their child’s nutrition and believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while parents are at work. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.

Currently, family education is in a crisis stage. The reasons for the crisis of the modern family and family education are the media’s advertising of examples of base culture, rampant lack of culture, selfishness and violence, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones, so children’s ideas about mercy, generosity, kindness, justice, patriotism, and citizenship are distorted.

Observations from work experience have shown that modern parents, when raising children, increasingly need the help of specialists in the field of education and development of preschool children; many problems become relevant for them: “What should a child be taught?”, “How to play with him?” , “How to cope with his whims and disobedience?”

Working with parents is a complex and important part of a teacher’s work. Relationship with the family is vital, because parents and teachers are educators of the same children. Every parent wants that, in addition to successfully mastering knowledge and skills, the child will self-actualize, developing his creative abilities.

Reasons for the problem: in a modern family, the priority is the relationship between parents. Child-parent relationships fade into the background. There is an assignment of responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child to third parties. The organization of joint family leisure time is being simplified and family traditions are being lost.

While working on the project, we used the following principles of interaction with parents:

  • Goodwill.
  • Individual approach.
  • Cooperation.

Among the problems of family education, the following topical topics can be identified:

  • lack of understanding by parents of the intrinsic value of childhood;
  • parents’ inability to reflect on their own teaching activities;
  • identifying and correcting the causes of pedagogical errors;
  • insufficient information from parents about the activities of children in preschool educational institutions.

All this prompted us to organize the “Family Club” . The implementation of this project involves the participation of children, parents, educators and specialists.

Thus, this interesting form of work will help parents get to know each other better, share their experience of family education, and intensify creative communication between parents and children. The activities of the “Family Club” are aimed at implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool institution and the family.

Project passport

Type of project: information and research.

Duration of the project: long-term (from September to May).

Project participants: children, group teachers, specialists, parents of students.

Educational areas:

“Physical culture”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Work”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.

Objective of the project:

To develop skills of cooperation, communication, co-creation between parents and children.

Project objectives:

  • To structure the work of educators with parents and give it a comprehensive character.
  • Establish partnerships with the families of pupils, join forces for the development and upbringing of children.
  • Develop a sense of family cohesion in children.
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, emotional mutual support, common interests of teachers, parents and children.
  • Introduce parents to methods and techniques for organizing leisure activities in the family.
  • Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.

Conditions for the project:

1. Integration and differentiation of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents with the content of the main general education program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus with priority implementation of activities in the cognitive and speech direction of children's development.

2. Availability of theoretical and practical knowledge among teachers.

3. Accumulation and systematization of materials on the interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.

4. Active cooperation with family and society.

Distinctive features:

The content of this project covers a very wide range of activities of preschool children, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions, taking into account the integration of areas and thematic weeks in preschool educational institutions. The project is designed in such a way that you can use mini projects for each month separately (September - educational area Socialization, October - educational area Labor, November - educational area Physical culture, December - educational area Security, January - educational area Cognition, February - educational area Reading fiction, March - educational area Artistic creativity, April - educational area Health, May - educational area Music).

The project offers recommendations that can become a support for teachers when planning the educational process, as well as consultations, seminars and recommendations for parents.

This project can be recommended for use in the work of teachers of all types of preschool educational institutions and parents. The project does not impose requirements on the content and volume of starting knowledge, or on the level of development of the child, but requires the active participation of parents, children, and teachers in its implementation. The project was developed in accordance with federal state requirements, taking into account the organization of interaction with the families of pupils and the integration of educational areas.

Expected result:


  • There will be an interest in something new, unknown in the world around you. Asks questions to adults, likes to experiment. Takes a lively, interested part in the educational process.
  • Positive relationships will be formed between children and parents, and the family microclimate will improve.
  • Will master the universal prerequisites for educational activities: the ability to work according to rules and patterns, listen to an adult and follow his instructions.
  • Basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity will be formed.
  • Reacts emotionally to works of fine art, works of art, and the natural world.


  • They realize the importance of the common requirements of family and kindergarten, and become closer to teachers and other parents.
  • They will attend all kindergarten events with pleasure.
  • Get acquainted with the traditions of the group and preschool educational institution.
  • They will be active participants in matinees, holidays, and games.


  • They will bring the family closer to kindergarten.
  • They will help determine the optimal ways of interaction in the educational influence on the child.
  • Get acquainted with the traditions of the pupils' families.


The organization of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the form of the family club “Commonwealth” is an interesting modern model of working to attract parents to active participation in the educational process and helps to strengthen the connection between the preschool institution and the families of pupils. As a result of informal communication between children and adults, not only an intra-family, but also an inter-family friendly atmosphere is created, which will serve to reveal the creative abilities of children and adults.


  • Methodological recommendations for preschool teachers on working with families of preschool children.
  • Information and methodological material for parents (collection) on the development of a preschooler.

Contents of areas of work with families by educational area

Educational field "Health"

  • Explain to parents how family image affects the child’s health.
  • Factors influencing the child’s physical health: calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement.
  • Negative factors (hypothermia, overheating, overfeeding, etc.) causing irreparable harm to health.
  • Encourage parents to read fiction and watch films together with their child.
  • Introduce parents to health-improving activities carried out in kindergartens.
  • Combine with parents and with the participation of the medical and psychological service of the d/s to create individual health programs for children and support the family in their implementation.

Educational field "Security"

  • Show parents the importance of developing environmental consciousness as a condition for the overall survival of man, nature, family, and all humanity.
  • Inform parents about their children's achievements.
  • Show forms of work for children's safety on the issue of child safety.

Educational field "Socialization"

  • To acquaint parents with the achievements and difficulties of public education in kindergartens.
  • Involve in drawing up an agreement on cooperation between the program and the interaction of family and family in raising children.

Educational field "Labor"

  • To study the traditions of labor education that have developed and developed in the families of pupils.
  • Carry out campaigns for improvement and landscaping of the territory of the village.

Educational area "Cognition"

  • Draw the attention of parents to the possibilities of the child’s intellectual development in kindergarten and at home.
  • Involve parents in joint research, project and productive activities with their children in the family and day-to-day activities that contribute to the emergence of cognitive activity.
  • Conduct joint competitions and games – quizzes.

Educational field "Communication"

  • To study the peculiarities of communication between adults and children in the family. Draw the attention of parents to the possibilities of developing the child’s communicative sphere in kindergarten and at home.
  • Involve parents in cooperation of various contents and forms (Family and parent clubs) that promotes the development of free communication between adults and children.

Educational field "Reading fiction"

  • Show parents the importance of reading at home by developing the child’s passive and active vocabulary and verbal creativity.
  • Competitions, literary lounges, meetings with poets, visits to the library. Support children's writing.
  • Involve parents in project activities - designing albums, newspapers, magazines, books.


(Children are playing - let's play together)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • Studying literature, selecting material, finding and establishing effective connections with parents:

— updating and concluding an agreement between the preschool educational institution and parents;

— drawing up a work plan for preschool educational institutions to work with families.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)


To target parents, to involve parents in an active, collaborative form in the new school year. Introduce parents and children to the plan for the year. To acquaint parents with a variety of games and give them knowledge about its implementation, materials, and tasks.

  • Oral journal “The role of story-based play in the development of preschool children.” Article “What role-playing games teach” (replenishment of the s.r. games in the group with manuals)
  • Questioning parents: “What does a child learn in play?”
  • Questionnaire to identify the level of teaching capabilities of parents, “Your wishes and expectations”, etc.
  • Joint drawing with a child at home “Who I would like to become.”
  • Card index of games for parents “Playing at home.”
  • Consultations “Rules of the game for children and parents”, “What to consider when choosing toys.”
  • Making attributes for role-playing games.

3. Final stage (week 4)

Joint play activity “Children play - let’s play together.”

Goal: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of enhancing the play activities of preschoolers in a family environment.

Objectives: to show parents the importance of joint games and toys for the development of a child, to consider the rules for organizing play activities, to develop communication skills with their child during the game.

Form: traditional with elements of joint games between children and parents.


(Through the beautiful - to the humane)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • Invitation of parents to the round table “Educating with kindness”, selection of photographs “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter.”
  • Involving parents in the moral education of children and joint work.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Goal: Expanding parents’ ideas on the issue of moral, aesthetic and labor education of preschool children, improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Involve parents in the labor education of children, develop the desire to do as many useful things as possible for others.

  • Articles, consultations, memos: “Feeders and how to make them”, “Houses from the wind” (Help in choosing a place for feeders, installing them), “Work education of children in the family”, “Teach your child to work”, etc.
  • Photo exhibition “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter.”
  • A selection of poems about autumn, the autumn harvest.
  • Meeting for parents “Patience and work will grind everything down.”

3. Final stage (week 4)

Day of Good Deeds “Our Little Friends”.

Goal: Involving parents in the moral education of children and joint work. Uniting children's and adult teams.

Objectives: To introduce parents to the work experience of kindergarten teachers, to facilitate the exchange of experiences in family education, and to strengthen family relationships.

Form of implementation: Joint creativity of children and parents.


(So ​​that the child grows up healthy)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • Studying the experience of parents in preventing illness in children, the role of family and kindergarten in shaping the health of children.
  • Selection of literature on health protection.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Goal: Coordination of the points of view of teachers and parents on the physical development of children, to identify factors influencing the physical development of children, to convey to parents the importance of physical exercise.

  • Articles: “Charging positive thinking”, “Outdoor games”.
  • Photo newspaper “How we protect our health.”
  • Exchange of family experiences in physical education (story about your sports traditions).
  • Consultations: “On correct posture”, “The role of the family in the physical education of a child”, etc.
  • Joint events between children and parents: “We take our balls...”, “Gymnastics for two”, etc.

3. Final stage (week 4)

Sports festival with parents “If you want to be healthy.”

Goal: To introduce families to a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate respect for one’s health and interest in physical education through joint sports activities.

Objectives: To create conditions for various types of physical activity of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, to help parents awaken their child’s interest in sports, to develop in him elementary ideas about the benefits of physical activity, to create a positive emotional climate in the family.


(Child safety)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • To study the competence of parents about teaching preschoolers safe behavior in conditions of universal human survival.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Goal: Preserving the life and health of children; developing in parents a sense of responsibility for the safety of their child; pedagogical education of parents on this topic.

  • Design of the traveling folder “Children's fears”.
  • Conversations with children “Developing the skill of safe communication with strangers.”
  • Reminders, consultations for parents: “Alone with danger”, “Safety in your home”, etc.
  • Excursion to the city fire department.
  • Direct educational activity “Young firefighters rush to the rescue.”

3. Final stage (week 4)

1. Role-playing game “Fire friend - fire enemy.”

Purpose: To identify possible dangers for a preschool child; determine the role of parents in developing children’s safe behavior skills.

Objectives: To teach children to navigate problem situations, to introduce children to fire and its properties, to instill in children the need to take care of their safety.

Form of delivery: Seminar-workshop “Ensuring child safety.”


(Journey to the land of knowledge)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • To study parents' knowledge about mathematical and educational games. Answers to parents' questions.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Goal: Expanding contact between teachers and parents; modeling prospects for interaction in the field of “Cognition”; improving the pedagogical culture of parents. To provide in-depth knowledge about mathematical and educational games.

  • Consultation “Development of ideas about color, shape, size through educational games.”
  • Environmental campaigns: “Feeding Trough”, “Birdhouse”, “Plant a Tree”, etc.
  • Questionnaire for parents “What games do we use to strengthen knowledge about color, shape and size?”
  • Memo for parents “Features of development of children in the fifth year of life.”

3. Final stage (week 4)

  • Parent meeting “The journey to the land of knowledge continues.”
  • Quiz for children and parents “Uma Chamber”.

Purpose: Consider the age and individual characteristics of children; introduce parents to the tasks and features of educational work; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures; give in-depth knowledge about mathematical, educational games.

Form of implementation: Meeting - travel.


(The Magic World of Books)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • Studying the experiences of parents about the role of reading books for the comprehensive development of children.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Goal: To expand parents’ understanding of the role of books in raising a child; stimulate parents' self-education; instill reading culture skills; cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

  • Family newspaper “The role of books in family education.”
  • Folder-moving “What to do if a child does not want to listen to books read.”
  • Memo “What to consider when choosing a book for a child”, “How to become a good reader”.
  • Consultations: “How to memorize a poem with children”, “Cultivating a love of books in preschoolers.”
  • Creative workshop “If a book is sick.”

3. Final stage (week 4)

Theatrical performance, quiz - “The World of Fairy Tales”.

Goal: Bringing parents to the conclusion that reading books to children plays a huge role for their comprehensive development.

Form: Family living room.


(Magic colors)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • Studying parents' experiences about the importance of games that develop color perception for preschool children.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Purpose: To familiarize parents with didactic games that develop children’s ability to perceive a system of color tones; instilling in children and parents a sense of joy from joint activities. Foster a desire to show creativity and initiative.

  • Thematic exhibition of crafts and drawings “Drawing with mothers.”
  • Design of family newspapers “We are mother’s helpers.”
  • Reminders, consultations: “Magic drawings”, “Unconventional drawing techniques at home”, “Drawing with your child”.
  • Selection of poems, drawings, wishes.
  • Photo exhibition “The most charming and attractive”.

3. Final stage (week 4)

Joint gaming leisure “Magic colors”.

Goal: To instill in children and parents a sense of joy from joint activities, to form in parents and children an understanding of the importance of games that develop color perception.

Form of holding: Friendly meeting.


(Health is fine, thanks to exercise)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives.
  • To study the experience of parents about protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Goal: To form healthy lifestyle habits in children and parents; introduce parents to different types of gymnastics; develop the desire and ability to spend leisure time usefully, cheerfully and energetically.

  • A selection of poems and proverbs about health and sports.
  • Oral journal “Movement is life.”
  • Folder-moving “Complex of morning exercises with children and parents”, complexes of breathing exercises, for the eyes, etc.
  • Making sports equipment from waste material.
  • Consultation with specialists on the prevention of flat feet, seminar “How your baby stomps.”
  • Parent meeting “Creating the need for a healthy lifestyle.”

3. Final stage (week 4)

Joint leisure time “My funny ringing ball.”

Goal: To introduce parents to different types of gymnastics; promote the acquisition of practical skills for carrying them out at home; create conditions for the exchange of family experience in the physical education of preschool children.

Form of delivery: Seminar – workshop.


(Hello summer)


1. Preparatory stage (1 week)

  • Definition of the problem, goal and objectives
  • Analyze the results of educational, cultural and leisure activities of the “Family Club” for the academic year.

2. Main stage (2-3 weeks)

Purpose: To provide information about the success of the Family Club at the end of the school year, to prepare parents for the beginning of the next year.

  • Creation of a photo newspaper “It’s fun to walk together”, “We are happy because we are together.”
  • Quiz for parents and children “Musical palette”.
  • Memos and consultations for parents “Musical development of preschool children”, “Musical education in the family”, etc.
  • Preparation of prizes, certificates, diplomas and letters of gratitude for awarding students and parents of the group who took an active part in the life of the “Family Club”.
  • Learning songs on a summer theme and having fun.

3. Final stage (week 4)

Multimedia presentation of the Family Club project - Commonwealth.

Goal: Analyze the results of the joint work of the “Family Club”; thank the parents who provided great assistance to the group during the school year

Form: Creative report.

Author: Evgrafova Angela Konstantinovna, senior teacher of MBDOU “DSOV No. 76”, Bratsk, Irkutsk region.

The article is published in the author's edition

What is a family business?

Many successful world-famous corporations began as small family businesses. A family business is a type of business activity in which a family or related people are involved.

The advantages of projects of this type include:

  • the interest of each partner in the success of the enterprise;
  • high level of trust between family members;
  • maintaining trade secrets of business and new ideas;
  • simple and effective organizational structure;
  • pooling start-up capital of relatives;
  • understanding patterns of behavior between family members;
  • the prospect of working “for yourself” without hiring staff.

Before implementing the idea of ​​a family business, you need to remember the disadvantages of such cooperation. These include the likelihood of conflicts between relatives, the difficulty of making management decisions due to lack of subordination, the struggle for leadership, and neglect of responsibilities.

Important! It is advisable to implement family projects by close-knit teams of relatives who are able to distinguish personal relationships from professional ones, adhere to the established hierarchy, and equally strive to achieve success.

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