Education of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

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Formation of the foundations of healthy lifestyle habits in preschool children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 65 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the social and personal direction of development of children in the city of Orel

Completed by: Mitina Oksana Nikolaevna


Today, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the direction “Physical Development” , which includes the educational areas “Health” , “Physical Culture”, occupies a leading place in the educational process of preschool children. And this is no coincidence. Latest data from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: according to statistics, the 21st century began in Russia with a sharp deterioration in such a significant indicator as the health of preschoolers. The number of healthy children decreased by 8.1%. By 6.75% - The number of children with disabilities in physical development and a predisposition to pathology has increased. The number of children in health group 3 with severe disabilities and chronic diseases increased by 1.5%.

Every year the percentage of children with health problems increases, and there is a trend of continuous growth in the overall level of disease among preschool children. This is due to many negative phenomena of modern life: difficult socio-economic conditions, environmental problems, low level of development of the institution of marriage and family; massive spread of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction; weak health care system and educational base of educational institutions and families. The well-being of society as a whole depends on the level of mental and physical condition of the population, on the state of its health, therefore the problem of forming children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle for children seems relevant in modern society

A child’s attitude towards their health is the foundation on which the need for a healthy lifestyle can be built. This need arises and develops in the process of the child’s awareness of himself as a person and personality. A child’s attitude towards health directly depends on the formation of this concept in his consciousness.

The foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children are determined by the presence of knowledge and ideas about the elements of a healthy lifestyle (compliance with the regime, hygiene procedures, physical activity), and the ability to implement them in behavior and activities in ways accessible to the child (brush teeth, wash hands, do exercises) )

Modern society is distinguished by a variety of examples of human lifestyle that every child constantly encounters. This diversity is not always a model for the child; as a result, chaos is created in the child’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle and already existing ideas are destroyed.

Today, the problem of developing ideas about a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is considered at the state level in connection with the negative trend towards deterioration in the health of all socio-demographic groups of the population of Russia and, especially, children of preschool and school age

The studies of A.A. are devoted to the study of the formation of ideas in preschool children about a healthy lifestyle. Bodaleva, A.L. Venger, V.D. Davydova, M.I. Lisina, V.A. Slastenina, E.O. Smirnova. Analysis of works by V.A. Derkunskaya, S.A. Kozlova, L.G. Kasyanova, O.A. Knyazeva, I.M. Novikova et al. shows that already at preschool age a child develops a stable interest in his health, a caring attitude towards his body (life, health) as a value.

Despite numerous studies, the problem of developing a healthy lifestyle among preschool children requires further study and the search for new approaches to implementing the tasks of creating a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in the practical activities of preschool educational institutions.

The purpose of the study is to study the features of developing a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in preschool settings.

To achieve the goal it is necessary to solve the following problems:

  1. To study the theoretical foundations of the process of developing a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.
  2. Identify age-related features of the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Consider the content and forms of work to promote a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.
  4. To determine the criteria and indicators of the formation of a healthy lifestyle and experimentally test the effectiveness of work to promote a healthy lifestyle for preschool children in preschool settings.
  5. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children
  6. 1. The essence of the concepts of “health” and “healthy lifestyle”

The starting point for the definition of the term “health” is the definition given in the Constitution of the World Health Organization: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity .

Health is characterized by biological potential (hereditary capabilities), physiological reserves of vital activity, normal mental state and social opportunities for a person to realize all his inclinations (genetically determined

There are three types of health: 1) “individual health” (person, personality); 2) “group health” (family, professional group, “stratum – layer” ); 3) “population health” (population, public)

In accordance with the type of health, indicators have been developed that provide qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Also distinguished is psychological health, which determines the mental and emotional well-being of a person. According to research by L.A. Abrahamyan, M.I. Lisina, T.A. Repina, “emotional well-being” of preschool children can be defined as a child’s stable emotional and positive well-being, the basis of which is the satisfaction of basic age needs: biological and social

According to I.V. Dubrovina, the basis of psychological health is the full mental development of the child at all stages. The authors argue that psychological health should be considered from the point of view of the spiritual wealth of the individual, orientation towards absolute values ​​(kindness, beauty, truth).

Human health begins in childhood and, according to scientific research, it is determined 50% by lifestyle, 20% by heredity, 20% by the state of the environment and approximately 10% by the possibilities of medicine and healthcare. Physical education and sports occupy an important place in maintaining health.

Human health largely depends on the value systems existing in society that determine the meaning of life. Health is a personal and social value. The formation of such an attitude towards one’s own health is being carried out by a new branch of knowledge called “valeology” - the science of health.

A healthy lifestyle is “the result of the actions of many internal and external factors, objective and subjective conditions that favorably influence the state of health . A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of other aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full performance of social functions.

The preschool education system plays a great role in creating favorable conditions for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, since concern for strengthening the health of the child, as noted by A.F. Amend, S.F. Vasiliev, M.L. Lazarev, O.V. Morozova, T.V. Poshtareva, O.Yu. Tolstova, Z.I. Tyumasev, etc., is not only a medical problem, but also a pedagogical one, since properly organized educational work with children often ensures the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle to a greater extent than all medical and hygienic measures.

So, the health of children is currently becoming a national problem, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children is a state task, the solution of which largely depends on the organization of work in this area in a preschool institution.

1. 2 Objectives, content and forms of organization of familiarizing preschool children with the basics of a healthy lifestyle

The tasks and content of educating preschool children are multifaceted. A special place among them is occupied by the problems of creating a healthy lifestyle, because the full development of the child depends on the effectiveness of solving these problems

Each age group has its own objectives in the process of developing a healthy lifestyle.

Junior group:

  1. Form an idea of ​​yourself as an individual person; introduce ways to take care of yourself and the world around you; show patterns of social behavior.
  2. Introduce the rules of performing physical exercises (listen carefully to the signal, wait for each other, do not push, coordinate your actions with the actions of your partner, control and coordinate movements).
  3. Talk about the rules of behavior on a city street: cross the street when the traffic light is green only hand in hand with an adult, move on the right side of the sidewalk, do not bump into passers-by, look carefully at your feet and ahead.
  4. Talk about sources of danger in the apartment and group room; explain the “no” .
  5. Talk about table manners; introduce objects and actions related to the performance of hygienic processes: washing, bathing, caring for the body, appearance, cleanliness of the home.

Middle group:

  1. Continue to identify your name with yourself; introduce the external parts of the body; give an idea of ​​ways to express one’s states using facial expressions and gestures); appreciate your body; know the basic rules of caring for him; establish connections between the structure of an organ and its purpose, between one’s condition and ways of caring for oneself and the world around us. Learn to dress and undress independently, fasten buttons, lace shoes, neatly fold and put clothes away; politely ask a peer or adult for help.
  2. Continue to form a stable habit of physical activity; tell that a person is a living organism, in order to live, it is necessary to actively move, this is what human organs are designed for: legs, arms, torso, head. Talk about health (how you can know and change yourself, how to find your path to health); introduce disease prevention: self-massage, hardening, proper breathing, alternating active movement and rest.
  3. With the help of an adult, establish a connection between the actions performed, habits and the state of the body, mood, and well-being. “I will run like dad to become healthy and strong . “I brush my teeth correctly every day, which means they won’t hurt .
  4. Develop perseverance and determination in caring for your body, physical education and health activities.
  5. Talk about traffic rules.
  6. Talk about the rules of first aid for injuries and frostbite: if your face is frozen in the cold, rub it lightly with a scarf, but not with snow; your feet are cold - jump, move your toes; if your feet get wet, change into dry clothes.
  7. Talk about food culture, table manners, the sequence of dressing, washing, and hygiene rules; teach rational methods of self-care. Learn to wash your hands, face, and neck yourself; After washing, rinse off soap suds from the sink and tap.
  8. Tell them how to sit at the table, use a fork and spoon correctly, eat carefully, take your time, don’t get distracted, don’t play with cutlery, don’t stuff your mouth, don’t talk with your mouth full, don’t slurp, take bread or cookies from a common plate, but don’t change taken; do not disturb other children; use a napkin, calmly leave the table, say .
  9. Talk about germs, prove the need to use soap and water. Teach to take care of the health of others: cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing and coughing; if you are sick, do not go to kindergarten.

Senior group:

  1. Expand the child’s knowledge about himself, his name, surname, age, hereditary characteristics of the body, physique, gait, reaction to certain foods; tell us what the heart is for, why it beats, what ears and eyes are for, how we move, breathe, and communicate with other people. outline human development; baby, preschooler, schoolchild, mother (father), grandmother (grandfather), distinguish gender by appearance (facial features, body features)
  2. Treat your body with care, be aware of the purpose of individual organs, the conditions for their normal functioning. “I have a wonderful assistant - a skeleton, it helps me stand, sit and protects internal organs: heart, liver, lungs from damage, so I need to take care of it, learn to fall correctly on skis and skates. Train, do gymnastics and physical exercises .
  3. Treat your internal organs responsibly, follow the basic valeological rules: help your heart with the work of all muscles, do physical exercises daily; help your lungs breathe fresh air, don’t be lazy, take a walk in the park or on your property every day, sleep with the window open; help the functioning of the stomach and intestines, chew each piece of food “33 times” help your brain think, think, protect your smart head from bruises, do good deeds.
  4. Introduce different types of hardening, breathing, and corrective gymnastics. Using examples of literary heroes, show ways to take care of your health and body. Talk about the regime of activity and rest, the need to plan your time, about health-improving exercises, walking in any weather conditions, eating, sleeping with the window open. Consciously perform physical exercises, understanding their importance for health.
  5. Tell them that you should not throw stones and snowballs on the street, or walk near houses when the snow is melting (icicles and layers of snow may fall off); You can't tease animals, you need to beware of stray dogs and cats. Do not eat unfamiliar berries or climb into bodies of water. Teach your child to anticipate the consequences of his actions based on different situations (if you are lost in the park, meet a stranger).
  6. Talk about personal safety rules at home and in different life situations. Know that if an apartment catches fire, you need to immediately leave the room and call for help, and not hide; You cannot play with matches or fire, touch the gas taps on the stove, or turn on electrical appliances. Know the fire department phone number - 01.
  7. To form a system of ideas about the culture of human life; introduce the basic rules of etiquette, behavior, nutrition, and communication at the table. Perform hygiene procedures, independently monitor the cleanliness of the body and home.

Preparatory group:

  1. Form a positive assessment and self-image; pay attention to your appearance; answer questions (Do you like your name, would you like to be called differently? What? What is your full name, patronymic, and mother and father? What is your family, your household responsibilities?).
  2. Talk about ways a person can take care of his body, about the troubles that await a person who does not follow the rules of life safety. Introduce children to the feelings and moods of a person, show how they are reflected on his face (fear, fatigue, resentment, joy, anxiety, surprise, cheerfulness, laughter, irritation, fright, tears, anxiety, despondency, complacency, friendliness, admiration, horror , interest). Talk about human health, about maintaining the integrity of organs.
  3. Name characteristic signs of health and illness, talk about situations that have occurred or may occur if the rules are violated, due to laziness or inability.
  4. Talk about rational rest, develop a strong habit of sports, physical education, and exercise.
  5. Tell what health, beauty, harmony and perfection, strength, grace are; understand the functioning of the human body, the structure of the human body; actively use physical exercise.
  6. Talk about the basic rules for safe behavior on the street and indoors.
  7. Learn how to independently, based on a picture, a diagram, talk about safety situations, how not to harm yourself and other people, why a person grows, why you need to take care of your body, and be at peace with yourself.
  8. Talk about human qualities: neatness, cleanliness, sociability, beauty, love, pugnacity, kindness, perseverance, politeness, good manners, education, talent, strength.
  9. In the process of everyday and play activities, clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about healthy and unhealthy foods; learn to keep things in order. To form an understanding of the rules of table manners, personal and public hygiene.
  10. Learn to take care of yourself, monitor your well-being after physical activity; independently follow hygiene rules, control the quality of washing hands, feet, necks; be able to rest and relax; eat correctly and gracefully, sit comfortably at the table, do not lean back in the chair, do not place your elbows, use cutlery, and carry on a conversation if necessary.

This differentiation of tasks guarantees accessibility for children and thereby creates a favorable environment for each child to learn the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

To form preschoolers’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle, special exercises that strengthen children’s health and a physical education system are necessary. For this purpose, morning exercises are carried out daily in kindergarten groups, the purpose of which is to create a cheerful, cheerful mood in children, improve health, develop dexterity, and physical strength. Morning gymnastics and special physical education classes in the gym are accompanied by music, which “has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of older preschoolers, promotes children’s good mood, and shapes their ideas about a healthy lifestyle.”

Outdoor games are of great importance for the formation of preschool children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. They are carried out in groups, in special classes, during walks and at intermediate intervals between classes. Outdoor games are necessarily included in music classes. Games for younger preschoolers are organized by the teacher; at older ages, such games are most often organized by the children themselves.

The process of forming preschoolers’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle is closely related to instilling in them a love of cleanliness, neatness, and order.

In addition to daily morning exercises, special physical education classes are conducted for preschool children. Their goal is to teach children the correct execution of movements, various exercises aimed at developing body coordination and increasing independent motor activity. Classes are held in a special hall and are accompanied by music. All classes are conducted using special methods.

The development of movements and the education of motor activity of preschoolers is carried out during walks. Most preschool institutions have well-equipped areas where children spend time. Each walk can have a specific content. So, for a walk, the teacher plans a series of outdoor games, a relay race, collection of natural material for further work with it in the group, competitions, etc.

The formation of preschool children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle is closely related to the protection of their life and health. The rules for protecting the life and health of the child are set out in special instructions and methodological letters for preschool workers. In kindergarten, medical monitoring of children’s health is constantly carried out, and preventive measures are taken to strengthen it.

Thus, the implementation of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children in preschool settings is carried out through classes, through a routine, play, walk, individual work, independent activity.

The following methodological techniques are used: stories and conversations of the teacher; memorizing poems; modeling of various situations; examination of illustrations, plot, subject pictures, posters; role-playing games; didactic games; training games; fun games; outdoor games; psycho-gymnastics; finger and breathing exercises; self-massage; physical education minutes

Literary word and children's book are an important means of influencing children. Therefore, in addition to conversations and looking at illustrations and pictures, educators widely use fiction. Conversation after reading a book deepens its educational impact

Games, puppet and finger theaters, flannelgraph, listening to audio CDs, etc. occupy an important place.

When carrying out work, use positive assessment, praise, and encouragement. It is known: praise stimulates, but an angry word, on the contrary, offends.

A special place should be given to working with parents. The family plays an important role; it, together with preschool educational institutions, is the main social structure that ensures the preservation and strengthening of children’s health, introducing them to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. It is known that not even the best program and methodology can guarantee a full-fledged result if its tasks are not solved together with the family, if a child-adult community (children - parents - teachers) is not created, which is characterized by assistance to each other, taking into account opportunities and the interests of everyone, their rights and responsibilities.

Practice shows that activities to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children during the day, a properly designed regimen yields results: children are calm, active, there is no crying, no agitation, children do not refuse food, they fall asleep calmly and quickly, sleep soundly and wake up cheerful.

Being indoors and outdoors in appropriate clothing, extensive washing with cool water, barefoot, sleeping with the window open, active exercise in the air - all these are moments of hardening that are actively used in the work on developing a healthy lifestyle.

So, the process of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschool children is associated with the formation of habits of cleanliness, compliance with hygienic requirements, with an active lifestyle, ideas about the environment and its impact on human health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the process of classes, routine moments, walks, play, and work.

The task of preserving and strengthening the health of children, introducing children to the rules of a healthy lifestyle, and developing an understanding of the value of human health for their life activities constitute the main direction of the preschool educational institution’s work in promoting a healthy lifestyle in children. The implementation of work to create a healthy lifestyle for children in preschool settings is carried out through classes, routines, games, walks, individual work, and independent activities of children. Organization of work with parents becomes important in the work on developing a healthy lifestyle; not even the best program and methodology can guarantee a full result if the family does not

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Forming healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers

Prepared by: teacher

senior group No. 12

Grigorieva V.V.


On the topic “Formation of healthy lifestyle habits

taking into account the integrated approach

in children of senior preschool age"

The task of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? How to promote the formation of a child’s physical culture? How to instill healthy lifestyle skills? When should this start? Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to the age of seven that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body occurs, the main personality traits are laid, and character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

The art of living long consists, first of all, in learning to take care of your health from childhood. What is missed in childhood is difficult to make up for. Therefore, the priority direction in preschool education today is to increase the level of health of children, develop their healthy lifestyle skills (HLS), as well as a sustainable need for regular physical exercise.

Consequently, there is a need to create a system of work in which health-improving activities are integrated into educational activities, which ultimately contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the child’s physical and mental health and the formation of healthy lifestyle habits.


- this is not only the absence of diseases, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of the individual.

Therefore, the main tasks for improving the health of children in kindergarten are to develop their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life and a healthy lifestyle. Teachers must teach the child to make the right choice in any situation, only what is beneficial to health and to reject everything harmful. Instill in a child from an early age the right attitude towards his health, a sense of responsibility for it. These tasks must be solved by creating a holistic system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

The formation of a child’s health in a preschool institution, the level of his physical fitness, and the volume of acquired motor skills largely depend on what and how he does, i.e., on what programs his teachers use.

The habit of a healthy lifestyle is the main, basic, vital habit; it accumulates the result of using the available means of physical education for preschool children in order to solve health, educational and educational problems.

The preschool period is the most favorable for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. A child’s awareness of his “I”, the correct attitude towards the world, the people around him - all this depends on how conscientiously, lovingly, competently the teacher organizes his work.

The pedagogical task is not to overwhelm the child with a stream of as yet unconscious information, but to give the child the opportunity to reflect, think, and listen to his body.

A healthy lifestyle is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations. Children may find themselves in unexpected situations on the street and at home, so the main task is to develop their independence and responsibility. Everything we teach children, they must apply in real life. Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

• physical education classes, walks;

• rational nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene rules: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep;

• friendly attitude towards each other, development of the ability to listen and speak, the ability to distinguish lies from the truth;

• careful attitude towards the environment, nature

• medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations

• formation of the concept “don’t harm yourself.”

In our group, favorable conditions have been created for the emotional and comfortable stay of children, instilling in them the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Every day we conduct morning exercises, which evoke positive emotions and joyful sensations in children, increase the vital activity of the body, develop attention and determination, and provide a high healing effect. In classes that require mental stress from children, we conduct physical education sessions, the purpose of which is to prevent children from becoming tired, restore mental performance, activate thinking, create positive emotions and increase interest in classes.

Physical education and swimming classes conducted by specialists contribute to the general health of children, the development of their endurance, physical qualities, motor and swimming skills, and basic types of movements; instill in children such moral and volitional qualities as endurance, determination, mutual assistance, self-control, initiative, independence, and arbitrariness of behavior.

Every day, as the children wake up, we perform awakening exercises in combination with contrasting air baths. It helps improve children's mood, improve muscle tone, and also helps prevent foot posture disorders.

Physical education activities and various relay races contribute to the development of physical qualities and motor skills of pupils.

We try to pay special attention to organizing independent motor activity of children, as this helps to strengthen the health of pupils and improve their physical development. Our physical education center has a variety of physical education equipment for the development of basic types of movements (ribbons, plumes, flags, flagella, etc.). Games with non-standard physical education equipment are of great interest to pupils: “Catch a butterfly”, “Jump to the dragonfly”, “Throw a ring”, etc.

By organizing the independent motor activity of children, we, first of all, provide them with sufficient space for movement, the necessary number of various aids, and, to maintain interest, their rotation.

In order for children to be active in independent physical activity, we promptly study the range of interests of children, provide them with assistance - we prompt, advise, encourage, instill confidence, and in more developed children we cultivate initiative, independence, and the ability to correctly assess their successes; We show interest in different types of children’s movements, create a friendly atmosphere in the group, participate in games and exercises with the children, and try to make physical education entertaining and attractive. To this end, we saturate the lives of our students with problematic situations in which they need to independently apply the movements they have mastered, solve various problems with the help of movements, thereby encouraging the child to take the position of a subject of cognition. We construct the problem situation in such a way that the child himself sets the goal of the activity, selects the necessary items, and independently obtains the result, for example:

— How can you walk along the path in different ways (on your toes, sideways), run (fast, slowly, changing direction), jump (on one or two legs, straight and sideways)?

— How can you run without knocking over objects located in a group.

We pay special attention to the integration of health-improving activities into educational ones; for this purpose, we are actively introducing health-saving technology V.T. Kudryavtsev and B.B. Egorova.

During educational classes we continue to introduce children to the concept of “vitamins”. We give children natural vegetables and fruits to explore them in all sensory ways (smell, shape, taste). We also conduct games: “Find out by description”, “Find out by taste”, etc.

In the process of working to develop a healthy lifestyle in children, we pay special attention to valeological education of preschoolers. To this end, we conduct educational conversations with children on the topics: “Where do diseases come from?”, “Be careful at home,” “When you are in danger,” etc. (L.F. Tikhomirova); “The main parts of the human body: head, torso, arms, legs, eyes, nose, etc.”, “How do eyes help us?”, “Skin is the main clothing of a person”, “I’m going to visit”, “Rules of conduct” and communication”, “Rules of personal hygiene”, “Good and bad habits”, “How to maintain eye health?” “Where do vitamins live?” and others.

In life safety classes, we continue to introduce children to the concepts of “Street” and “Road”. We hold conversations about this and look at illustrations: “safety at home”, “personal safety rules”, “If you get into trouble”, “Road ABC”, “Safety ABC”.

Catering requires us to choose effective methods of working with children, taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils, knowledge of the psychological aspects of catering and the rules of etiquette. Studying the teaching aid “Child at the table”, author V.G. Alyamovskaya, helped us in our work to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, basic knowledge of guest etiquette, as well as in the pedagogical education of parents. In order to clarify and expand children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits, their characteristic appearance, color, growing conditions, methods of preparation, use in various dishes, the degree of usefulness for the body, we organize didactic games and exercises with children: “Tops - Roots”, “Autumn Fair” ”, “We count”, “What is eaten raw and what is cooked?”, “What grows in the garden?”, “Find it by description”, “Guess it”, “Who can name the most dishes?” , “Name the color of the fruit.” These games contribute to the development of children's cognitive interest, speech attention, skills to classify, compare, group and generalize, and form ideas about the usefulness of vegetables, fruits, and berries for humans.

Ensuring the psychological comfort of children in our group is facilitated by: an attentive, caring attitude to children's questions and problems, a willingness to discuss them with children “as equals” - this strengthens children’s trust in us, adults. We help children develop communication skills with peers and adults in various life situations, develop the ability to understand each other’s emotional states, sympathy, a sense of empathy, and teach how to resolve conflict situations. We try to make the life of children in kindergarten interesting and meaningful, for this purpose we use wide opportunities for gaming activities: we organize plot-role-playing, theatrical, and outdoor games.

Thus, the work carried out with children on the formation of a healthy lifestyle has given the following positive results: preschoolers are able to confidently and actively perform the basic elements of movement techniques (oral movement, physical activity, sports exercises), the number of sedentary children has decreased, independence in motor activity has increased, the content of independent activity has increased children have become more diverse and interesting; children are independent in self-care and have the necessary cultural and hygienic skills; in the yokes – they are active, have a positive attitude towards new exercises, are interested in their appearance, the internal state of their body, are friendly, sociable, open, and eager to go to kindergarten.

By organizing work with parents, we contribute to the formation of the family’s need for a healthy lifestyle and personal example in preserving and strengthening the health of children. For this purpose, we provide individual and group consultations on the importance of maintaining a daily routine and the need for an active lifestyle, the peculiarities of a balanced diet for children, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, some rules of etiquette, hardening, etc. Every evening we tell parents about how interesting and meaningful the day was in kindergarten, and what new and useful things the children learned.

In the future, we will continue our work on valeological education of preschool children and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children.


An active approach to developing healthy lifestyle skills in preschool educational institutions

Preface. Dear readers, here is another collection of materials from speeches from regional pedagogical readings of preschool education. Pedagogical readings of preschool educational institutions in our area are traditionally organized in the spring, when the school year ends, it’s time to sum up the results and preschool teachers share the best findings and methodological discoveries accumulated over the year. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin from 2022. The decade of childhood has been announced. The growing challenges of modern civilization determine the need to create conditions for preserving children in education. Child saving is a key idea in the pedagogical concept of the development of preschool education, a strategic vector that determines a new quality of education in the interests of children. Childhood is considered as an intrinsically valuable phenomenon that has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. The concept of “childhood savings” is introduced into scientific circulation, becomes the system-forming core of the preschool education paradigm and a pedagogical means of implementing state policy priorities in the interests of children. And in the coming decade of childhood, one involuntarily thinks about education from the perspective of policies in the interests of children. Education and childhood. Childhood and education... Is our education always education for children? To what extent does our education take into account the interests of childhood? To what extent is the principle of “do no harm” implemented in our education? How to protect childhood from the destructive effects of destructive factors of modern society, from the loss of the intrinsic value of childhood in the eyes of adults? How to make the educational space a real space of childhood, how to get a pass into that innermost fabulous and trusting, jumping and running, questioning and wondering world, so as to... no, not to teach, not to instruct, not to break, not to lead, but above all to be nearby, to insure at the right moment, to give advice, to share joys and sorrows in order to preserve him the way the child needs him, to give him the opportunity to be real, sincere, joyful, successful? How to develop education so that it becomes child-saving? Preschool teachers in our region write about this and many other pressing issues in the articles in the collection, and I would like to believe that all the wonderful findings, ideas, and best experiences will be taken into account by their colleagues to make preschool education truly child-saving. We thank the authors of the articles and wish all teachers inspiration, creative success, and may the success and love of your students be the reward for your noble work. Contents 1. Creative group of teachers from MDOU kindergarten No. 7 “Firefly” named after. P.S. Gaponenko, Cherepanovo, teachers: Yu.V. Bogoevskaya, O.A. -supervisor. Kulikova, A.V. Stavskaya are members of the creative team. “Development of communication and creative abilities in preschoolers through gaming technologies. 2. Creative group of teachers of the MDOU kindergarten “Solnyshko” in Iskra: leader Senior teacher S.E. Akpaeva. Members of the creative group are educators V.A. Yakubovskaya, A.V. Kachkina. “An activity-based approach to developing healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children.” 3. E.Yu. Shitova, senior teacher at kindergarten No. 12 “Golden Fish” in Cherepanovo. "Club hour as a means of socialization of preschoolers." 4. T.V. Smolnyakova, senior teacher of preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 “Beryozka” in Cherepanovo. “The work of the teaching staff as part of the regional creative group on local history education for preschool children.” 5. E.A. Samoilova, senior teacher of the combined type kindergarten No. 1 “Ryabinka” in the city of Cherepanovo. “Museum pedagogy – as a means of developing moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children.” 6. O.V. Matyukhina, senior teacher at the Beryozka kindergarten, Maysky village. “Intellectual play as a means of local history education for preschool children.” 7. Yu.V. Bogoevskaya “Patriotic education in pre-school educational institutions”, teacher at MDOU kindergarten No. 7 “Firefly” named after. P.S. Gaponenko, Cherepanovo “Patriotic education in preschool educational institutions.” 8. I.I. Gass, senior teacher, T.A. Kurylenko teacher-speech therapist, MDOU kindergarten "Strawberry", r.p. Sowing “Organization of a reading marathon dedicated to the victory in the Second World War “I remember, I’m proud!” 9. S.S. Kurenkova, music director of the preschool educational institution “Solnyshko” kindergarten in the village of Pushnoy. “Puppet theater in preschool educational institutions as a means of instilling a love of art.”

An activity-based approach to developing healthy lifestyle skills in preschool children. Experience of the preschool educational institution "Solnyshko" kindergarten in Iskra. Senior teacher S.E. Akpaeva, teacher V.A. Yakubovskaya

“If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character.” Popular wisdom.

In light of the identified problem - the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, this proverb takes on a special meaning, because healthy lifestyle habits ensure the quality of our life and the health that we so desire for ourselves and each other. The teaching staff of our preschool educational institution carries out extensive educational activities with children to develop healthy lifestyle skills in the following areas: 1. Introducing children to an active lifestyle, developing the need for physical activity (sports and physical exercise, walks in the fresh air, etc.). 2. Formation of knowledge about healthy and proper nutrition. 3. Formation of healthy habits: maintaining hygiene rules, healthy eating rules, maintaining a daily routine, keeping your home clean, active recreation, etc.). 4. Formation of knowledge about the structure of the person and the body, about factors that positively and negatively affect health. By organizing educational activities in the above areas, we consider this problem in various aspects: 1. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills is especially important in preschool age, because children acquire. vital skills that they need so much in their future life. 2. Creation of a health-saving educational and living environment in the kindergarten that ensures the safety of the child’s health and his improvement, which is the primary task of the preschool educational institution. 3. Acquiring healthy lifestyle skills is one of the components of a child’s overall readiness for school. In the process of purposefully structured educational activities, taking into account the integration of educational areas and the provision of various types of children's activities, the child gradually moves from knowledge of himself, about the meaning of certain rules of a healthy lifestyle, to the ability to maintain and strengthen his health, and the formation of healthy lifestyle habits. Our teaching staff laid the basis for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills on an activity-based approach - this is the organization of the development process, in which the main place is given to the active and versatile independent activity of a preschooler to the maximum extent possible, i.e. activities are organized in such a way that the child himself discovers various types of knowledge and rules. Through all areas of work, and in our case this is the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, ideas are introduced about what children themselves can and should do to protect their body and health, rules for safety and preservation of their health are determined. Work on developing healthy lifestyle skills in our kindergarten is carried out through joint activities with children during classes and routine moments, organizing independent activities, creating a developmental environment, and working with parents. We build educational activities according to a long-term plan, which is based on the following algorithm: 1) Communicating knowledge and ideas accessible to children in classes on cognitive development, also through experimental activities, reading educational literature, and project activities. Thus, the complex thematic planning includes the following themes: “Water, water, water all around” - about the importance of water in human life, “Sports Week”, “Our helpers” - human senses, “I will help myself, I will save my health”, in joint activities, teachers read various works of art to children: S. Mikhalkov “Vaccination”, S. Korostylev “Queen Toothbrush”, etc., conduct basic research activities: “Who lives in our mouth”, “The harmful effects of cola”, “How germs are afraid of soap”, etc. 2) Clarification of knowledge in didactic games, experimental activities. For example: “Smart Nose”, “The Importance of the Elbow Joint”, didactic game “My Day”, “Wonderful Bag” (healthy and harmful products), “Rules of Hygiene”, “Doctors are our assistants”, etc. Games with laptops on the topic of healthy lifestyle. 3) Consolidating children’s knowledge during holidays, leisure, role-playing games, and productive activities. For example, s.r.i. “Sports section”, “Fitness club”, “Health Cafe”, etc. Making a collage “Healthy-Harmful”, modeling “Skiing competitions”, drawing “My daily routine”, etc. 4) Consolidating knowledge and developing healthy lifestyle habits in independent activities, and in particular in routine moments: daily morning exercises, hygiene procedures, regular proper nutrition, physical activity, work activities to maintain cleanliness and order, etc. More precisely, children will not develop the need to do gymnastics and maintain their body purely during drawing or during play, healthy lifestyle habits and skills can be formed only in constant, daily activity, which can become a ritual, for example, waking up in the morning - washed, brushed teeth, a need: for example, an irresistible desire to move and walk, rather than drive on the bus, or by internal prohibition - “I’ll refuse the cake, sweets are harmful.” Work on developing healthy lifestyle skills in preschool educational institutions should begin with ensuring a health-preserving environment: a clearly established daily routine, creating optimal hygienic conditions, proper nutrition, daily morning exercises, dynamic breaks, hardening the body, etc., this contributes to the correct formation of physical qualities child, which is why the work on developing healthy lifestyle skills is so closely related to health-saving technologies; in our preschool we use the following health-saving technologies: - breathing exercises; — finger play training; - gymnastics for the eyes; - morning exercises; - hardening procedures (walking barefoot, wiping the body with cool water and dousing the feet during the warm period, washing the face and hands up to the elbows with cool water, walking along health paths in the winter); - rinsing the mouth after eating, etc. In our preschool, we have developed complexes of dynamic watches that include such health-saving technologies as kinesiological exercises, rhythmoplasty, finger exercises, etc. We conduct dynamic watches when it is impossible to organize a walk. You can get acquainted and download maps of the dynamic hour at the link In describing the experience of our team in developing healthy lifestyle skills, I would like to dwell on project activities. In preschool childhood, this method has acquired particular relevance, since material taken on faith is usually easily and quickly forgotten, but if the child himself develops a thought, independently mastering new knowledge, then this thought becomes his property. Deeply conscious assimilation of basic knowledge is ensured through their universal application in different situations. This is especially important for developing healthy lifestyle skills, because each of us knows these rules, but unfortunately, not everyone follows them. In our work on developing healthy lifestyle skills, we carried out 2 projects: a children's research project “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” and the children’s and adults’ project “Celebration of Health”. Project activity in kindergarten is a complex joint work of teachers, children and their parents, during which children develop cognitive abilities and creative thinking, increase their self-esteem, learn to search for information and use this knowledge in independent activities, which perfectly suits the problem formation of healthy lifestyle skills. The teacher’s task in project activities is to activate the child’s creative activity and promote independence in choosing a method of action in various situations. To organize the project “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” The teacher was prompted by the children’s question about the benefits of the sun, air and water; a pedagogical task arose: how to effectively introduce children to inanimate nature so that knowledge about it would be absorbed. What types of activities should be used to encourage children to independently expand and deepen their knowledge in an area of ​​interest, namely water, air and sun. The children were asked to conduct an experiment and tell their friends about the results. Elementary experimental activities in the project connect creative manifestations with the cognitive development of the child, and in particular the formation of skills and abilities in research activities, which require from the child not so much specific knowledge as the ability to think, find their own solutions, put forward hypotheses - guesses. The project is divided into 4 stages, in which children acquired knowledge about the properties of water, sun, and air and their impact on the human body in a fun way. At stage I, cognitive motivation and problem formulation appeared: “The sun, air and water are our best friends. Why do they say that? The children agreed to see what would happen if they walked in the sun all summer, breathed fresh air and took water treatments. The teacher helped the children set a cognitive research task: measure height, weight, and muscle strength at the beginning of the experiment (early summer) and at the end of the experiment (late summer), compare the results and draw a conclusion. At stage II, children with adults (teacher and parents) began searching for information and planning - they selected educational literature and information from Internet sites on the topic of the project, planned the project using three questions: 1 What do we want to know? 2. How do we know this? 3. What and who will help us with this? The teachers worked with parents: they offered to organize a full-fledged summer vacation for children, including in nature. At stage III, the implementation of project activities began: they organized walks in the fresh air with hardening procedures, conducted experiments (they became familiar with the properties of the sun, air and water and their effects on the human body). The teachers and children measured and recorded the children's height, weight, and muscle strength. At the end of the summer, we summed up the results with the children and found out that the children had grown up, their weight and muscle strength had increased. At stage IV, we began to prepare a presentation of the project, helped the guys in drawing up a description of the project and shot a video. We showed the video to the children at a parent meeting, and with the project they took part in the regional competition “Little Leonardo”, taking 3rd place. In the winter of 2022, a children’s and adult project “Health Festival” was organized in the preschool. In the project, teachers tried to cover all the main areas of developing a healthy lifestyle. The goal of the project was to develop healthy lifestyle skills in children. To improve the culture of parents on healthy lifestyle issues: to form a responsible attitude towards the health of children and their own health, to promote the desire and desire of each family to restore and maintain health with the help of health-saving technologies and healthy lifestyle skills. A plan of project activities was developed, which included: 1. Children's winter entertainment “We are heroes!” — his main goal was to increase the physical activity of children, introduce them to active recreation in the fresh air, and improve the health of children. 2. A campaign among parents “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” Its task was to attract the family to active recreation and physical activity. Over the course of a month, parents and children sent us photos of their active winter holidays. 3. Competition among parents “The best healthy menu for the week”, the task of the competition is to form a conscious and responsible attitude among parents towards the organization of children's nutrition. Mothers and their children not only studied the principles of healthy eating, but also aesthetically designed the menu. 4. Shooting a video film “We live great!” Of course, our students played the main roles in this film; we filmed the main components of a healthy lifestyle listed earlier in the areas of work. During the filming, the children, as its main participants, updated their knowledge in this area, because in addition to the project activities in the groups, we created healthy lifestyle corners, made beech moldings, carried out play activities with the children, and healthy habits were constantly formed during regular moments. Also, through the film, we tried to convey to parents the content of our educational activities to develop healthy lifestyle skills. In addition, a video film is an excellent way to motivate parents to participate in kindergarten events, in our case at a health festival, because every parent is pleased and interested in seeing their child on the screen. 5. Finally, at the completion stage of the project, a presentation was made in the form of a general “Health Festival”. The scenario had to be thought out in such a way that both children and parents were active and main participants in it, in order to introduce parents to our work on developing healthy lifestyle skills, so that parents would be imbued with the importance and necessity of this work, and judging by the reviews, we succeeded. The festival opened with demonstration performances by older children performing gymnastics on step platforms to music, then the middle group children showed play physical training with a parachute. The hydraulic brigade continued the holiday with a speech about the benefits of physical education. Next, we showed a photo presentation accompanied by music about the past action “Movement is Life!” based on photographic materials about winter recreation, including participation in skiing competitions for the Tropnikov Prize and winter entertainment in kindergarten. Afterwards, the parents and their children took part in the “Mom, Dad, I’m a Friendly Family!” relay race, then watched a movie and all together did exercises accompanied by fun physical exercises. "Sunshine" minute. Next, we have summarized the best healthy menu. There were quite a few participants in the competition; all the parents did their best and not only created the right healthy menu, but also colorfully designed it in the form of folding beds, books, posters, and forms. Everyone was awarded diplomas. The holiday ended with a tasting, because the menu on paper is somehow sad, but our mothers are wonderful housewives! They treated everyone to their healthy food dishes. The holiday ended, winter passed, but warm memories of the health holiday remained, our parents thanked us for a long time, everyone received a video file as a souvenir. But the most important thing is that every parent and children realized the importance of a healthy lifestyle, understood that taking care of their health is everyone’s personal responsibility, and we adults are also responsible for preserving and strengthening the health of our children and pupils, and therefore are obliged to form them healthy lifestyle skills. So, the process of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschool children is associated with the formation of habits of cleanliness, compliance with hygienic requirements, an active lifestyle, ideas about the environment and its impact on human health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is carried out in the process of classes, routine moments, walks, play, and work. Each of us wants to see our children healthy and happy, but not everyone thinks about how to make sure that children grow up to live in harmony with themselves, the world around them, and other people. But behind all this is a healthy lifestyle. It is he who gives physical and spiritual strength, a healthy nervous system, the ability to resist harmful influences, and feel the joy of being alive.

A healthy lifestyle for preschoolers: what it should be

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children
It should be noted that currently there is a low level of knowledge about the value of parents’ health and the health of their children. As you know, health most often depends on lifestyle, and a little less on the environment. Heredity and the state of health care in the country have a much lesser impact on the health of a generation. Therefore, the task of parents and teachers is to instill in preschoolers respect for their own health and the responsibility to take care of it. And start forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers as early as possible.

During the preschool period, there is intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body. It is very important at this time to provide children with a certain base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, to create the need for regular and systematic physical education and sports.

Since a healthy lifestyle is understood as active human activity aimed at maintaining and improving health, this activity should include such components as proper nutrition, rational physical activity, hardening the body and maintaining a stable psycho-emotional state. It is these components that should form the basis of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler.

Regime, child's daily routine

Mainly in the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers and the correct attitude towards their health in preschoolers are appropriate games, watching films, cartoons, reading and discussing fiction, quizzes, walking, health days, sports events. It is precisely such events that are most interesting for children, and in this process it is more productive to form the necessary attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers.

In the course of physical education and health work, namely physical education minutes, health minutes, motor exercises, elements of relaxation, etc., the physical, mental and moral qualities of children are laid, independence and creativity are nurtured.

It is necessary to pay serious attention to cultural and hygienic skills, to form habits of proper washing, wiping, caring for the oral cavity, using a handkerchief, and proper behavior when coughing and sneezing.

It is necessary that children have the opportunity to move systematically. To do this, you need to promote the development of basic motor skills and maintain performance at a high level throughout the day. However, it must be taken into account that a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers involves alternating active and quiet games, so a reasonable balance between physical activity and rest must be maintained.

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