Creative project 2012-2014 “Making a book with our own hands” Authors of the project: Vasilyeva I.V., speech therapist teacher, Stavskaya I.I., primary school teacher. - presentation

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Project activity “DIY children’s themed books”

Completed by: Teacher-speech therapist Smirnova I.A. r.p. Tonkino 2022 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 5 “Fairy Tale”


Fiction in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard for Pre-Speech Development includes... acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature... (clause 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preliminary Education). ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT involves the development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding... of fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for characters in works of art (clause 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education).

Nowadays, children have reduced interest in fiction.

How to introduce a child to reading? Many will consider that in our age, the age of development of computer and other technical technologies, it is irrelevant to talk about books and reading.

A book can enter a child’s world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. The child will love the book and reach for it if there is motivation and interest. Books have a special charm, books bring us pleasure, they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.

The urgency of solving this problem is obvious. To develop a reader in a child, an adult must himself show interest in a book, understand its role in a person’s life, know the books recommended for preschool children, be able to have an interesting conversation with children and help in analyzing the work.


Waning interest in fiction.

Goal: To develop interest in fiction in children of middle preschool age.


  • To form in children an understanding that a book is a source of knowledge.
  • Cultivate interest in books and a caring attitude towards them.
  • Arouse positive emotions when reading books.
  • Encourage parents to engage in joint productive activities.

Type: informational - educational, creative.

Duration: short term

Participants: middle school children, teachers, parents, speech therapist.

Expected result:

  • Increasing children's interest in reading and fiction.
  • Enrichment of vocabulary, development of lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech of children.
  • Increasing the level of children's speech development.
  • Active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten.
  • Positive attitude of parents in joint activities with teachers.
  • Revival of reading in the family circle.

Stages of work on project activities:

Stage 1: Organizational

  • Determining the theme of the project.
  • Formulation of goals and objectives. Familiarizing children and parents with the goals and objectives of the project.
  • Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project. Selection of material. Survey of children.
  • Selection of didactic and methodological equipment for the project.
  • Decision making: implementation of the “Do it yourself book”

Stage 2: Practical

  • Speech development: “The Tale of the Wise Mother Earth and her three assistants (Droplet, Ray and Svetik) .
  • Cognition: “Water” , “How books are born” .
  • Construction of a “Little book with your own hands” .
  • Application: Compiling a book “Spring” , “Water” .
  • Reviewing different books of different types and genres.
  • Conversations: “Take care of the book” , “Why are books needed” , “Where do books live?
  • Role-playing game "Library" .
  • Speech game “Which one, which one” ,
  • Didactic game: “Moneybox of new words” , “Guess the riddle” , “Choose a word” , “One, two, three, turn the picture and tell us .
  • Productive activity: game “Treating a book”
  • Joint creativity: “In a fairy-tale world” (writing fairy tales about water, etc.).

Stage 3: Final

  • During the implementation of the project, all points of the plan are carried out step by step, the results are analyzed
  • collecting the received material for the project,
  • project implementation report.

Implementation of project activities:

  • Directly educational activities.
  • Joint activities of teachers and children;
  • Work of teachers with parents;
  • Creation of a subject-development environment.
  • Joint free activities of children and parents.

Forms and methods of work

Homework for children and parents: create a little book on the lexical topics covered" "My favorite book"

Collective production of the book “Seasons” .

In addition to practicing lexical topics, practice the ability to identify the first and last sound, first and last letter in a word, the ability to determine the number of syllables in words, and compose not only sentences with given words, but also stories.

Collective design of a book, where each child has his own page, or joint production of a book for each child with an adult.

During the work on the project, we came to the conclusion that such activities, games, and productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. We really hope that the work we do will help children fall in love with books and instill in children a desire to read and make books themselves and write stories.

What is “good” about a homemade book?

  1. A homemade book is a product of a child’s creative efforts, designed to instill respect for one’s own and others’ creativity.
  2. A homemade book is a great opportunity for children and adults to communicate and create something smart, beautiful and useful together.
  3. In the process of making a book, the child’s speech, creative thinking and fine motor skills develop.
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What books can you make yourself?

The main material for making interesting crafts is paper, because paper books are most often found on shelves.

Of course, you won’t be able to make rare library publications with your own hands, but as a result of the creative process you will be able to create real masterpieces.

Their presentability and appearance will depend entirely on the chosen idea, and to decorate and emphasize the style, you can use different decor:

  • children's books for little ones or educational toy books that help turn the learning process into an exciting and playful game for the baby;
  • a book for a child, which contains his most memorable moments of life, first steps and words, interesting phrases and events related to achievements or victories;
  • thematic and holiday albums, they can be offered to be filled out by guests of various special events to preserve memories for many years;
  • beautifully designed and gradually filled cookbooks, you can write down collected and restored family recipes and useful tips in them.

Sketchbooks and diaries deserve special attention; they can be decorated at your own discretion, used for notes or journaling.

For those who plan to lead an active lifestyle, the book, designed as a traveler's journal, will become a faithful companion on the road.

In general, such nice hand-made gifts will replace unnecessary and useless souvenirs, especially if high-quality techniques and materials are used in the design.

Children's books

Not every person has typing skills, and to create exclusive crafts you do not need a printing press.

To decorate your home and children's room, transform the learning process and fully involve your child in learning about the world around him, it is better to use special children's books.

There are no correct instructions on how to make a book from soft materials and what decorations to use for this, so you can safely experiment.

The thick binding in such products is replaced by soft inserts and with the help of the finished product the baby learns, actively explores the world and improves his skills.

Cooking recipes

Every family has certain culinary preferences and unique recipes that are passed down from mother to daughter.

If your collection contains many household secrets, dishes with unique recipes, and useful tips, it’s time to start making your own family book.

The easiest way is to fill out a ready-made album, but the best way is to create a real book with a colorful design.

Any child will not appreciate such a masterpiece, but for a coming of age or a wedding, this gift will come in handy and will be useful in everyday life.

Book for the holiday

Traditions of European celebrations involve the use of a guest book, in which guests write down their wishes.

Most often, such crafts are used at wedding celebrations, when the newlyweds do not have time to closely communicate with all the guests and give them maximum attention.

Wedding books are designed in accordance with the style of the celebration and are decorated with unique decor.

If you make the product yourself, it will be a wonderful gift for a young couple who will be happy to re-read the wishes on their anniversary.

Photo album-book

Traveling to different countries, active recreation and getting new experiences can inspire you to write a book.

In such memoirs you can reflect your vision of a particular trip, and travel notes, supplemented with photos, are best compiled into a full-fledged book made with your own hands.

For many people, publishing books in a certain edition is not a goal, but a homemade book made with your own hands will delight you with its exclusivity.

There are no conditions for the design of such crafts and color or black and white photos, commemorative tickets or checks are used as illustrations.

Baby book template: transport

For the little ones, you can make a colorful baby book in the shape of a multi-colored accordion. Place a specific type of transport on each page using the templates provided below. You can add a poem, a riddle or some interesting fact about this type of transport.

Homemade textile book

They are valuable due to the environmental friendliness of the material. When making them, parts that make sounds, all kinds of fasteners, and accessories such as beads and appliqués are usually used. Fleece, cotton, linen, wool and other types are suitable.

Types of soft books:

  • Sunshine to play with. Sew laces around the sun so that the child can braid hair and tie ribbons.
  • Butterflies in pockets. Divide the entire field into large squares of different colors. Sew butterflies of the same colors. Teach your child to put butterflies into squares according to color. Further develop hand motor skills: “The blue butterfly flew to the red field.” The child moves the butterflies according to the prompt.

A good idea would be to make your own children's books with fairy tales that you have already read or told to your child. They will perfectly help dialogues with the child: “What did the mouse do? How did grandma sing? Where did the kid hide?

The purpose of making homemade books is primarily the development of the baby.

DIY baby book for kindergarten

Baby's books are a type of educational book for children of different ages, made with your own hands. Such a book allows you to regularly update your children's library without extra financial costs, perfectly fills children's leisure time, and helps the child to develop comprehensively.

If you show a little imagination, the baby's book can turn into an unusual collection of achievements or memorable stories of the child, or into a personal diary.

baby books themes

The theme for a baby's book can be anything, for example, seasons, transport, any groups of animals or insects, colors, etc. In this case, the baby’s book will play the role of educational material. But the most fascinating subject of books for kindergarten is the child’s favorite fairy tales.

how to make baby books

  • A baby book can be made for almost any age, for example, for babies up to three years old (with drawings and various rustling sounds), from 3 to 6 years old (various developmental options). For schoolchildren and teenagers, books are made based on the child’s interests.
  • The book can be made from photographs, ready-made templates with drawings, colored cardboard or felt.
  • Before starting work, you need to choose a method for attaching the pages. The sheets can be punched with a hole punch and secured in the form of a notepad with springs. If the book is made of fabric, it is more convenient to fasten the pages with textile tape. For very little ones it is convenient to make a book in the form of an accordion. But the most reliable way is to mount it like a real book. In this case, they glue the sheets in groups of 2-4 pieces, and then connect them together and make a cover.
  • When choosing a topic, you should take age into account. For kids, voluminous, large elements are suitable, preferably in different colors and a distinctive texture of the material. For preschoolers, you can already choose a specific topic, for example, fruits and vegetables, studying professions, numbers, months. Baby books with the alphabet, riddles, and numbers would be appropriate for schoolchildren.
  • To design the pages of a book, it is not necessary to use only printed templates. You can add voluminous decorations, elements with Velcro or ties, magazine clippings and other improvised decor.

DIY baby books for the garden: master class

We invite you to start working with the simplest baby book about animals for kindergarten. Its purpose is to study animals, the characteristics of their appearance, and habits. To do this, you will need to depict animals, as well as add the necessary elements - favorite food, habitat, etc.

master class baby book: baby book animals

Baby book template: insects

Place the cut out insects on the glued pages, sign their names and add a laconic poem.

It is advisable to leave some pages in the baby’s book in black and white. Children will be happy to color them themselves.

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