Project “Outdoor games in the lives of children” project (senior, preparatory group) on the topic

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Project “Folk outdoor games with children of senior preschool age” Age group: senior, preparatory. Problem: In MBDOU there is no system of working with children on the use of folk outdoor games in the educational process. Insufficient knowledge and fluency among teachers of an extensive gaming repertoire, as well as methodology...

Project “Outdoor Play as a Means of Socialization for Children of Senior Preschool Age” Introduction A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity. Sukhomlinsky V. A. By order of the Ministry of Education and Science...

Outdoor games in a child’s life

Play is one of the main forms of human activity, and it occupies a particularly important place in a child’s life.

There are different games: active, plot-based, imitative, musical, didactic, educational, etc. All of them are necessary and useful for children in their own way.

Outdoor play is a natural companion in a child’s life, a source of joyful emotions that has great power.

Outdoor games provide a wide opportunity for children to communicate with each other. In games, their relationships and attitudes to various motor tasks develop and manifest themselves. Often in games, children recite poems and counting rhymes, which contributes to the development of children’s speech and memory.

Scientists have proven that children grow better during outdoor games. The child's heart requires constant stress. The heart muscle of a trained person sends significantly more blood into the blood vessels with each beat than in those children who do not engage in physical exercise and outdoor games. During outdoor games, a child’s chest volume increases. This leads to a greater flow of nutrients into the blood.

In outdoor games, favorable conditions are created for the development of such motor qualities as dexterity and speed. This is facilitated by the actions of children in constantly changing game situations (the need to dodge so as not to be caught, to run as quickly as possible to catch someone running away, etc.).

In outdoor games, various movements are performed: walking, running, bouncing, jumping, crawling, throwing, throwing, catching, etc. Passionate about the game, children repeat the same movements many times without losing interest in them. This is an important condition for the development and improvement of movements.

The game helps the child overcome timidity and shyness. It is often difficult to get your baby to perform any movement in front of everyone. In the game, imitating the actions of his comrades, he naturally and easily performs a variety of movements.

Our children have less and less opportunities to move (neighbors downstairs interfere, restrictions, TV, etc.). But a small child should spend most of his time in motion, and outdoor games contribute to the development of children’s motor activity, relieve impulsiveness, develop play skills and arbitrary behavior, coordination, and teach the baby concentration and attention. Take your time and play with your baby!

Game "Walk like a bear"

Offer your baby different ways to walk: like a bear, with his arms and legs spread wide; like a bunny, bouncing; like a horse, raising its legs; like a soldier, marching. Walk on your toes, run, jump, walk quietly on your toes, imitate the movement of birds by waving your outstretched arms.

Game "Jump Over"

Place a long rope or hoop on the floor. Show your child how to jump over a rope or jump in and out of a hoop.

Game "Cat and Chicken"

You pretend to be a sleeping cat, and the child will be a chicken. When the cat wakes up, she runs after the chicken, trying to catch up with it. The chicken “hides” in the house, for example, sits on a chair.

Game "Crawl through the gate"

Chairs are placed at a short distance from each other. The child needs to crawl under them, and the mother will try to catch the baby. You can arrange cubes (or other toys), lay out pillows that the child will need to crawl around.

Game "Touch the ball"

Hang a balloon (or several balloons) above the child's head, but so that he cannot reach it with his hands. The child will need to jump up and down to hit the balls! By the way, before you inflate the balloons, you can put, for example, pieces of foam or other light objects.

Good luck to you!

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