The tale of how Ilyusha stopped being afraid of giving injections

Cowardly Hedgehog and a sick tooth

One day, a little Hedgehog who lived on the very outskirts of a forest clearing, where a big, big birch tree grows - well, you know - had a toothache. Indigenous, the farthest. He had never had toothache before. The milk ones fell out by themselves, new ones grew to replace them, and everything was fine. And this tooth suddenly became capricious and got sick. The hedgehog did not say anything to his mother. I thought: nothing, I’ll be patient a little, it will go away on its own. He only told his best friend, Belchonok, about this. - What you?! - Belchonok immediately exclaimed. – You need to urgently treat this bad tooth! The hedgehog was silent for a while, then admitted: “You know, if I tell my mom about this, she’ll take me to the doctor, and I… I’m a little scared.” -What are you afraid of? - asked Belchonok. – I’m afraid that treating the tooth will be painful. “Ah-ah, I see,” Hedgehog’s best friend smiled. “I used to be afraid of this too.” And then he stopped. And do you know why? - Why? – Yes, it turns out that now doctors treat teeth without pain at all. - Quite quite? – Hedgehog was surprised. - Quite quite! - Belchonok confirmed. - Well, it doesn’t even hurt at all, not a bit. But if you don’t go for treatment, you may be expected to... what is this word called... my mother said it. Oh, I remembered: big problems can await you! And Belchonok told the Hedgehog a story about his grandfather. He also somehow had a toothache, but he did not go to the doctor, but decided to get treatment himself. I made an infusion of fir cones, added some herbs and roots, and began rinsing my mouth. So, it turns out, the old Owl taught him. Well, I rinsed and rinsed, but the teeth did not go away - they hurt. When he finally made up his mind and turned to a doctor for help, it was too late: the teeth had to be removed. And if he had come to the clinic on time, his teeth would have been fixed, and everything would have been wonderful. “And now my grandfather can’t bite the delicious nuts,” Little Squirrel sadly finished his story. “My mother and I have to do this - we have healthy teeth, because we take care of them, brush them with toothpaste every morning, and if they get sick, we immediately go to the doctor. Now we crunch nuts for grandpa, and he eats the grains. The Hedgehog thought for a while, and then asked Belchonka: “Weren’t you scared at all when you first went to the doctor to have your teeth treated?” The little squirrel answered honestly: “Well, just a little, of course, it was scary.” But only the first time. And when I realized that it didn’t hurt at all, the doctor and I even became friends. He's called a dentist. And now I’m not at all afraid of him, because he’s very kind. The hedgehog believed his friend and that same day he told his mother about his bad tooth. The next day she took him to that same kind doctor - a dentist. He sat his little prickly patient in a special chair, took out special instruments and began to treat the tooth. The hedgehog was still afraid for some time, he kept waiting - it would hurt or it wouldn’t. But, to his cheerful surprise, he did not feel any pain. And the very next day I felt completely healthy. Of course, he immediately ran to his friend Belchonok and told him about it. Don't forget to thank you for your good advice. And they again began to play together and jump over the fallen tree. And they even held a competition: who could quickly crack delicious nuts for Grandfather Belchonok. Since then, Hedgehog has never been afraid to go to the good dentist.

Author: Igor Chichinov

Profession doctor - description of the profession for children in grades 2 - 3

Profession doctor. Subject: The world around us, grades 2-3

A doctor plays a big role in a person's life. Doctors help babies be born, provide medical care to people, prescribe treatment, help them recover and stay healthy. And in difficult situations they give a chance for life. Doctors identify and prevent various diseases, protect people from diseases and epidemics. The medical profession is complex and interesting, selfless and responsible.

The history of the medical profession dates back to the time when people began to unite into communities. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates defined the principles of a healthy lifestyle and moral standards of behavior for a doctor. And today modern doctors pronounce the “Hippocratic Oath”. A doctor is a specialist who recognizes, prevents and treats diseases. Doctors devote their lives to preserving and improving people's health.


Various diseases are treated by doctors of one or another specialization. The list of medical specialties names more than one hundred medical professions. The most common professions of doctors are general practitioner, surgeon, neurologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, and gynecologist.

Among the doctors there are many specialists of a narrow profile. An ophthalmologist deals with eye health. An otolaryngologist treats the ears, nose and throat. Dentists are responsible for the health of teeth and gums. Dermatologists, urologists, and pulmonologists treat patients. Rare diseases are treated by traumatologists, allergists, infectious disease specialists, and phthisiatricians. With the advent of new branches of medicine, the professions of geneticist, cosmetologist, radiologist, and microsurgeon arose.

Veterinarians treat animals. Sanitary doctors work in medical institutions.

The doctor provides medical assistance at any time of the day. He is a responsible and kind, decisive and merciful, patient and tactful specialist, flexible and receptive to new knowledge. A good doctor knows the basics of psychology and knows how to build a dialogue with the patient.


Doctors of various specialties work in clinics, hospitals, dispensaries, medical and rehabilitation centers, and sanatoriums. Emergency doctors go to patients and save many people when there is a threat to their health and life. Special units of experienced doctors fight for people’s lives during accidents, fires and other emergencies. In modern economic conditions, private commercial clinics and paid medical centers are opening and hiring doctors.


Doctors monitor health status from birth, conduct examinations before kindergarten, school and during training. Adults undergo a medical examination for employment. A person should visit a therapist once a year to maintain good health, always be in good physical shape and prevent various diseases. A valeologist will provide professional advice and advise on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and maintain health. Doctors give advice on what exercise to do and how to eat right. A healthy person, under the guidance of doctors, can receive health treatments in a clinic or sanatorium.


To become a doctor, you need to successfully go through a long and difficult path of study at a higher educational institution. Medical universities accept school graduates with high scores in biology, chemistry, physics, social studies, and the Russian language.

Future doctors study subjects about human health, possible diseases and methods of treatment in all areas of medicine. In their final years, medical students study in depth certain areas of medicine, acquire a narrow specialization and receive the profession of a therapist, surgeon, pediatrician or other medical specialty.

After graduating from university, young specialists undergo internship and residency under the guidance of experienced mentors. A good doctor must constantly learn, since this profession is connected with people's lives.

A doctor is a permanent profession on earth. A real doctor deeply studies and understands medicine, understands and accepts his duty towards people’s health. The profession of a doctor is noble, in demand, highly paid, interesting and promising.

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Fairytale therapy is an effective method of psychotherapy, especially child psychotherapy, which consists of composing, telling and, sometimes, discussing a special therapeutic fairy tale.

This site is the territory of a children's therapeutic fairy tale , but we will not deprive adults either!

Project news


You've been looking for something like this for a long time!

A collection of children's crossword puzzles framed by special educational fairy tales.

A unique book that combines two effective educational approaches: a puzzle and a didactic fairy tale.

Read new fairy tales from the Fairy Tale Therapy project for every day:

Hair of the Great Victor

Diligent hatmaker

The Tale of the Hyana

Aunt Time

People have been asking me for a long time, is it possible to buy my fairy tales in a real children's design?

The first signs from the chic children's publishing house Clever are already in bookstores!!!

Large format, large font and many, many colorful, bright illustrations:

Watch the new video fairy tale!!!

joint project with Tatiana Luzina’s workshop

New book age collection of fairy tales "Fairy tales for real princes and princesses."

Buy for 377 rub.

You can also buy a printed book for 486 rubles. on OZON .

Our new video fairy tale with Tatyana Luzina and her creative workshop TREES&CLOUDS.

The author of the site is me, Tatyana Kurilenkova, a mother of two boys, who began to compose fairy tales for her children, having convinced myself from my own experience of the effectiveness of this method. And on this site I want to introduce you to fairy tale therapy as a mother. I write fairy tales and at the same time see the results of their work on my children. Starting to write therapeutic fairy tales for children 3-5 years old is quite simple; many can do this effectively simply on an intuitive level. What may come as a surprise is that fairy tales remain relevant at virtually any age, and as your child grows, your skill at wrapping your life experiences that you want to share can also grow. At the moment, the main specialists using this tool are psychologists, psychotherapists, and, less often, teachers and educators. At the same time, all specialists practicing fairy tale therapy talk about its high effectiveness; a fairy tale specially composed for a specific task for a specific child can solve serious psychological problems. But the important thing is that this tool could also successfully solve the daily problems of raising and educating children, but so far this tool is not popular enough among mothers, and there are not very many ready-made fairy tales aimed at solving such problems. I created this page precisely so that over time, when mothers come here, they will be able to find here those very therapeutic fairy tales that I myself so lacked. Therapeutic tales for children for every day.

Wishing everyone fabulous changes for the better. Sincerely yours, Tatyana Kurilenkova.

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