Educational and research project “Why” for children of the second younger group (3-4 years old) (p. 1)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Cognitive and research project in the junior group Topic: “We are little researchers”

(long-term, practical-experimental)

Author of the project: teacher Shekunova O.V. MDOU Kindergarten No. 54 “Firebird” Moscow region, Podolsk

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and assimilated, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive under other conditions his creative and research activity will be.” Lev Semenovich Vygotsky

Project Description

Experimentation is an effective method of understanding the patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world. Children's experimentation has enormous developmental potential. Modern children live in the era of informatization and computerization. In a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but also, first of all, to be able to obtain this knowledge himself, operate with it, think independently, creatively.

All researchers of experimentation highlight the main feature of the cognitive activity of children: the child learns an object in the course of practical activities with it, the practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orientation-exploratory function, creating conditions in which the content of this object is revealed. In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They disassemble toys, watch objects falling into the water (drowning or not drowning), testing metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. But the danger of such “amateur activities” lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances and basic safety rules. An experiment, an experience specially organized by a teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time introduces him to the various properties of surrounding objects, the laws of life of nature and the need to take them into account in his own life.

Experimentation permeates all areas of children's activity. A preschool child is a researcher in himself, showing a keen interest in various types of research activities - in experimentation. Experiments help develop a child’s thinking, logic, and creativity, and allow them to clearly show the connections between living and nonliving things in nature.

This project represents the creation in a group of conditions for the development of cognitive activity in children and the formation in children of interest in the study of inanimate and living nature through children's experimentation. In the process of experimental activities, the following types of activities are used:

  • gaming
  • cognitive - research (experiments) and productive

— communicative (conversations, reading fiction)

All conversations and experiments are conducted taking into account the level of development and cognitive interests of children.

Work with children of this age group is aimed at creating the conditions necessary for sensory development during familiarization with the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world.

Relevance of the project

Childhood is a special period of formation of organs and systems and, above all, brain function, a period of active experimentation of the child with the objective world, without which the normal formation of the child’s mental abilities is impossible.

Everything that surrounds the baby - things that belong to adults, toys, animals, plants, water, sand and much more - arouses his interest.

He loves to explore new objects, experiment with various substances and materials: water, sand, snow, clay, paints, etc.

At the age of 3 years, children cannot yet operate with knowledge in verbal form, without relying on visual evidence, so in the vast majority of cases they do not understand the explanations of an adult and strive to establish all the connections on their own, through experiences and experiments.

Therefore, for children of this age, experimentation, along with play, is a leading activity. To do this, it is necessary to organize the work in such a way that children can repeat the experience shown to adults, they can observe, answer questions using the results of the experiments. In this form, the child masters experimentation as a type of activity and his actions are reproductive in nature.

Project object: formation of cognitive and research development, social and communicative development; speech development.

Project duration: November 2022 – June 2022

Project participants: children of primary preschool age, teachers, parents.

All experiments take place with the participation of game characters

Project goals:

  • Development of ideas about the properties of substances, phenomena of the surrounding reality (water and air, light and shadow, magnetism, properties of sand, clay, stone, wood, plastic, metal and fabric); about the interaction of various substances when they are combined, about the influence of some objects on the properties of others.

Project objectives:

  • Expand children's understanding of the physical properties of the world around them;
  • Introduce the various properties of substances (hardness, softness, flowability, viscosity, buoyancy, solubility.);
  • Develop children's understanding of certain environmental factors;
  • Expand the understanding of human use of environmental factors: sun, earth, air, water, plants;
  • Expand children's understanding of the importance of water and air in human life;
  • Introduce children to the properties of soil and its constituent sand and clay;
  • Develop an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world around you;
  • To develop the intellectual emotions of children: to create conditions for the emergence of surprise in relation to observed phenomena, for awakening interest in solving assigned problems, for reflection, for the opportunity to rejoice at the discovery made.

Expected results:

  • Bring children to a higher level of cognitive activity;
  • To build self-confidence in children through the development of mental operations, creative prerequisites and, as a result, the development of personal growth and a sense of self-confidence and self-confidence in children;
  • Enrich the subject-development environment in the group; To replenish the scientific and methodological base of the preschool educational institution in this area of ​​work.


1. Preparatory.

  • Setting the goals and objectives of the project
  • Determining the relevance and significance of the project
  • Selection of methodological literature on the topic of children's experimentation in kindergarten and at home, for the implementation of the project (magazines, articles, abstracts)
  • Development of long-term planning for experimental activities in the second junior group for the project “We are little researchers”
  • Development of a plan for interaction with parents on experimental activities in the junior group for the project “We are little researchers”
  • Selection of fiction for children
  • Selection of didactic, role-playing and outdoor games on the topic.

2. Basic.

  • Creation and arrangement of experimentation for successful project implementation
  • Implementation of experimental activities with children on long-term planning
  • Lesson planning, applications, working with parents.

3. Final.

  • Create a subject-based development environment for children to independently experiment with natural and waste materials.
  • Making a file cabinet for experimental activities with children

preschool age by age category

  • Photo collage for parents
  • Publication on educators' websites.

: containers of different sizes, measuring cups, cups, spoons, watering cans, molds, pebbles, sand, water, straws, soap, cocktail straws, funnels, objects made of different materials (wooden spools, rubber balls, toys, plastic buttons, metal objects etc.), plastic cups of different shapes, sizes, degrees of transparency.

: strings, plastic bags, balloons, pinwheels, kites, plumes, ribbons, flags, weather vanes, parachute.

Materials and equipment:

Magnifying glasses, a spoon, dishes, a toy, a box with fabric of different textures, characters in clothes made of paper and fabric, scraps of fabric, paper, ropes, rulers, an hourglass, a globe, a lamp, a flashlight, whisks, beaters, soap, brushes, sponges, pipettes, small things made of various materials (wood, plastic, metal), mills, corks, fluff and feathers, multi-colored clothespins; pebbles of different sizes

Containers: plastic jars, bottles, glasses of various shapes, sizes, measures, funnels, sieve, molds, spatulas.

Materials: natural (acorns, cones, seeds, shells, twigs, saw cuts, cereals, etc.), “waste” (corks, sticks, pieces of rubber hoses, cocktail straws, etc.), bean seeds, beans , peas; nut pits and shells; cotton wool, batting, padding polyester

Unstructured materials: sand, water, sawdust, wood shavings, fallen leaves, etc.

Forms of working with children:

Didactic games:

  • "Find a Pair"
  • "Find out the subject"
  • "Taste it"
  • "Find out by touch"
  • "Recognize the sound"

Plot-role-playing games:

  • "Laboratory"
  • "Wind and Leaves"
  • Game - experiment "Drawers"

Board-printed games:

  • "Seasons"
  • "Natural Phenomena"
  • "What happens in nature"
  • Cutting pictures “Collect plants”
  • “What grows where?”
  • Lotto "Flowers"
  • "Signs of autumn, winter, spring, summer"

Outdoor games:

  • "Sun and Rain"
  • "Bubble"
  • "My funny ringing ball"
  • "What's hidden?"
  • "Bumps"

Finger games

  • “Rain” (Russian folk nursery rhyme)
  • Oh you, rainbow-arc... (Russian folk nursery rhyme)
  • "Snowball"
  • "Sun"
  • "Autumn leaves"
  • "Ball"
  • "Leaf Fall"
  • "Snowflakes"
  • “What to do after the rain?”
  • "Rain"

Poems and riddles about living and inanimate nature

The implementation of the set tasks is fully possible only if there is close interaction with the parents of the children.

Interaction with parents on basic experimentation:

Involving parents in replenishing attributes and materials.


“Organization of children's experimentation at home” , “Experimental activities in kindergarten. . " "Organization of children's experimentation at home" .

Memos for parents:

“Children's experimentation” , “What is possible and what is not” , “Signs of cognitive activity” , “On the organization of cognitive and research activities” “experimenting with water” and consultation for parents

Making a card index for visual propaganda of parents to conduct experiments and experiments with children at home.

Literature and sources

  1. E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova. Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old. Volgograd, 3rd edition, 2012
  2. O.V. Dybina, N.P. Razmanova, V.V. Shchetinina. “The unknown is near. Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers . Moscow, 2005
  3. Internet resources.
  4. Nikolaeva S. N. “Methods of environmental education in kindergarten . – M. 2022
  5. Dybina O. V. “Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group of kindergarten” M.: Mozaika - Synthesis, 2014 (methodological manual)
  6. Experiences and experiments with substances and materials 3-4 years Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Card planning in preschool educational institutions.
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Organization of research work with children of the second junior group

Olga Komarova

Organization of research work with children of the second junior group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution: combined kindergarten No. 5 “Squirrel”

Asino, Tomsk region

«Organization of research work with preschoolers»


Prepared and conducted:

teacher Komarova O.V.


In the Federal Law “On Education”

it is indicated that every child grows up not only as a conscious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also as an initiative, thinking person, capable of a creative approach to any matter.
Considering the trend of modernization of preschool education, the priority direction in the activities of preschool educational institutions is the activation of cognitive interests and the formation of research in preschool children.
Every preschooler is a little explorer and discoverer , discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. Research activities are of great interest to children. Research provides the child with the opportunity to find answers to the questions “how?”

Research activity is the natural state of a child, he is determined to understand the world, he wants to know everything, explore , discover, study - it means taking a step into the unknown.
This is a huge opportunity for children to think, try, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves. N. N. Poddyakov identifies experimentation as the main type of research (search)

activities. “The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops...”

During research activities, the preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, answer questions, draw conclusions, establish a cause-and-effect relationship, and follow safety rules. It is important not to let this desire fade: the richer and more varied the activity, the more significant it is for the child; The more prepared he is to carry out the study and research of the natural world , the more successfully his abilities develop and are realized.

It is important to remember that the most valuable and lasting knowledge is not that which is acquired by memorization, but that which is acquired independently, in the course of one’s own creative research. A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, give try and I’ll understand.” The most important thing is that it is much easier for a child to learn science by acting like a scientist, conducting research and conducting experiments, than by receiving knowledge obtained by someone else in a ready-made form. Everything is learned firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself.

The skills and abilities of a researcher acquired in children's games and special classes are easily instilled and transferred to all types of activities. Therefore, our task is to create full-fledged conditions for the development of research competence in preschoolers, for independent experimentation and search activity of children.

The goal of my work is to develop cognitive activity, curiosity, and the desire for independent knowledge of the world around us and reflection in preschool children.

I outlined the tasks:

1. Expand children’s understanding of phenomena and objects of living and inanimate nature, through experimental activities, to identify some properties of objects;

2. Develop children’s cognitive interest, logic, imagination, thinking, observation, ability to draw conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships;

3. Cultivate curiosity, a careful, caring attitude towards nature, accumulate emotional and sensory experience in the process of direct communication with nature;

4. Form a conscious, correct attitude towards human activity.

Elementary research activity is understood as the joint activity of an adult and a child, aimed at solving cognitive problems that arise in the process of educational activities, in everyday life, play, work, i.e. in the process of learning about the world.

Main features of children's research activities :

1. it is aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the natural world;

2. contributes to the formation of a system of knowledge about nature;

3. develops cognitive activity;

4. promotes the development of thought processes and operations;

5. influences the development of the child

While studying the latest in methodological literature and observing children , I drew attention to a wonderful means of intellectual development for preschoolers - children's experimentation. The process of cognition is a creative process, and our task is to support and develop in the child an interest in research and discovery, and to create the necessary conditions for this.

In early preschool age I use the following methods:

1. Method of children's experimentation (formation of initial prerequisites for search activity)

2. Method of modeling problem situations (entry of children into a problem game situation by a teacher)


3. Project method (activating the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation together with parents and teachers);

In early preschool age, research activities are aimed at objects of living and inanimate nature through the use of experimental games and experiments. I include experimentation in various forms of work with children : excursions, walks, work activities, observations, conducting experiments organized as independent or joint activities.

One of the main conditions for the successful organization of research activities is the creation of a subject-development environment:

1. Experimentation zone (to show the child’s initiative and independent research ).

2. Water and sand center (designed for experimenting with water and sand)


3. Natural corner (for growing and caring for indoor plants)


4. Vegetable garden on the windowsill (created to monitor the growth of plants)


The group has created an experimentation corner. Children work in the corner not only in the process of specially organized activities , but also practice individual research practice . My task is to help the child organize his experimental research activities .

Children use the center of water and sand to study the properties of sand, water, air, and the composition of the soil. In the center of water and sand, children play: pour sand from palm to palm, from a scoop to a mold, bury various objects in it and dig them out, build slides, paths. They conduct experiments: pour, filter through a sieve, pour through watering cans, through straws, splash in the water, revealing its secrets; ships are sent sailing. Do they see and understand which objects do not sink in water and why? Examining sand through a magnifying glass, they discover that it consists of small crystals-grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability, they discuss which sand can be used to sculpt and build, and which cannot.

Interaction with plants helps children understand their relationship to the world around them, develops observation, attention, and thinking.

In a corner of nature, children receive their first skills in caring for plants, and I demonstrate to them by personal example the correct attitude towards natural objects. I invite children to say hello to the plants themselves and say kind words to them. I definitely praise them for taking care of indoor plants and tell parents how well and skillfully they help adults.

Every year a “Winter Garden on the Window” with my children.


The process of planting onions, dill, and parsley is of great interest to children. Children learn to work , look after and observe the results of their work. I talk about the benefits of grown plants. I try to bring the children’s understanding to the fact that without water, light and heat the plant will not survive.

When working with children, I use those forms of activity that bring joy to the child and harmoniously develop him. They experience great joy, surprise and even delight from their small and large discoveries, which give children a feeling of satisfaction from the work . Children enjoy activities where, together with adults, they make their first discoveries, learn to explain and prove. Thanks to experiments, children compare, contrast, draw conclusions, express their judgments and conclusions...

the content of the training in the form of a game ( “What different pieces of ice”

“Multi-colored water”
“Journey of a droplet”
“Where did the snowman go”
, since this is the leading activity.
In the process of working , playing with children , I try to create problem situations that allow the child to draw some independent conclusions. With the help of the game character - Dunno, I offer children the simplest problem situations: “Why do we need water?”
“What will float and what will sink?”
, “What happens if you don’t water the flowers?

Developing the plot of the role-playing game “Gift for a Kitten”

, I propose to make a cake from dry sand. Nothing works out and the children reason why. The emerging problem situation activates the cognitive activity of children. Children come to the conclusion that the sand must be wet.

Using the game situation “Let’s treat the little fox with pies”

learned that you can sculpt from clay.

The youngest preschooler is characterized by an increased interest in everything that happens around him. Every day my students learn more and more new objects, strive to learn not only their names, but also their similarities, and think about the simplest reasons for the observed phenomena. For children of the 2nd junior group, experiments and observations are repeated , complicated, and transferred from the group to the natural environment .

In my work , I try to use new technologies to maintain interest in knowledge, children’s desire to explore the world, learn, use acquired knowledge, and solve emerging problems. And all this can be implemented in project activities. Project activities help create conditions for children their abilities and personal potential.

The project method is one of the new types of activities that today we actively use in the educational process, which allows children to carry out their first experiments in independent research work . Projects have been carried out: “Wintering birds”

“Wild animals of our forests”
“Is snow beneficial or harmful”
“Vitamins on the window”

Experiments with snow helped to find out how dirty it is, although white seems clean, they made it clear to the children that snow should not be eaten, it is harmful to health.

Project “Vitamins on the Window”

Helped children gain a better understanding of plant life.
He expanded children's understanding of plants as living organisms , the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the results of their work.
A child’s life position is established in the family. To develop children’s cognitive activity and maintain interest in experimental activities, I involve parents in partner activities, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. Children are happy to tell their parents about their discoveries, perform the same experiments at home, learn to put forward new problems and solve them independently. I try to promote children’s experimentation: I conduct educational work with parents , create photo reports about children’s research activities , and hold exhibitions “What a Miracle” vegetables"

“Crafts from natural materials”
, environmental campaigns
“Let’s turn garbage into toys”
(crafts from waste materials,
“Help birds survive” (making feeders, providing food)
. Parents provide assistance in collecting collections, exhibits from natural materials, growing plants for corner of nature.

Analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that organized research activities allow the teacher to make the learning process effective and more fully satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers, developing their cognitive activity.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of K. E. Timiryazev: “People who have learned to observe and experiment acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive factual answers to them at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not gone through such a school.”

Used Books:

1. Magazine “Preschool education No. 6, 2007.”

2. Tugusheva G. P. Chistyakova A. E. “Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age, 2007.

3. “ Organization of experimental activities of preschool children”: Methodological recommendations, ed. Prokhorova L.N. – M.: “Arkti”

4. Magazine "Preschooler"

№4, 2010

5. "Environmental work in preschool educational institutions "

V. N. Chernyakova, creative

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