Methodological development A fairy tale about a healthy lifestyle

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

A series of fairy tales for children “Be healthy, everyone!”

So that everyone is healthy and takes less medicine, so that illnesses recede, so that everyone’s smiles shine with useful advice with a kind heart to the whole world!

Fairy tale "Oh, yes porridge!"

Once upon a time there were two clumsy little men - Fatty and Hilyachok. One of them ate something from morning to evening, snacked, chewed, and snacked. The other sighed, moaned, became capricious and turned away from any food.

One day they were sitting on a bench, looking around, bored. Suddenly they see a mischievous boy coming - Big Guy. He hums songs, walks with a brisk step, throws the ball, and jumps up on his own. Fatty and Hilyachk became envious that the Big One was having so much fun. They began to ask what was the secret of his strength, agility and good mood.

The big guy talked about the incredibly tasty and healthy buckwheat porridge and the miraculous power of physical education. Fatty and Hilyachok began to do exercises every morning, swim in the river, run, jump, and tumble. They began to eat buckwheat porridge and praise it: “Oh, yes, porridge, our strength!” .

So two clumsy little men turned into cheerful, mischievous boys.

Fairy tale “The Hare has a sweet tooth”

In one forest there lived an extraordinary hare. Unusual, because all hares loved to gnaw cabbage stalks, but this hare ate exclusively sweets. He will run to the village, stand in the middle of the street on his hind legs, begin to somersault, spin, and jump funny. An artist, and nothing more!

The kids and adults really liked this hare. They treated him to sweets, cookies, and even poured jam into a cabbage leaf. And he will eat everything and gallop off into the forest.

This is how the bunny ate. He became fat, clumsy, lazy. Then another problem began to bother me. The hare's teeth hurt, so much so that he did not sleep for three days and three nights, moaning and shedding tears. The other hares took pity on him and brought him a lot of carrots, turnips and cabbage: “Eat, bunny, vegetables. They are very tasty and healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins. And remember, it’s not a rabbit’s business to gnaw candy .

The hare listened to his friends. I started drinking spring water, eating oats and carrots, beets and cabbage. I didn’t even think about bad teeth anymore!

This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!

Fairy tale “How Carrot and Zucchini made peace”

Once upon a time there lived in one garden a beautiful girl with a green braid, Carrot. Next to her, on a greenhouse heap, the boletus squash grew and grew fat. Both vegetables loved it when the hostess watered them from a watering can, they rejoiced in the summer sun, grew and gained strength. One bad thing is that we often quarreled. Everyone was arguing about which of them was tastier, more necessary and healthier.

Carrot boasted: “I’m better than you! I'm orange, crispy, juicy. And how many vitamins-carotenes I have! Everyone who is friends with me has strong, healthy teeth, and excellent vision. This is what I am!” .

The zucchini was not inferior to her. He loudly and importantly argued to his neighbor that eating zucchini dishes was very healthy and necessary for everyone, because zucchini was a dietary vegetable.

So they argued all summer. Autumn came, the housewife began to harvest, make delicious preparations for the winter from carrots, zucchini and other vegetables. Everyone ate, rejoiced, and praised the delicious vegetables and the skillful hands of the hostess.

Since then, Zucchini and Carrot became friends and never quarreled again, because they are both tasty and healthy!

"The Tale of the Good Cabbage"

In ancient times, white cabbage was completely different from what it is today. She had few leaves then, she grew like a wildflower and was no different from other plants. However, there has long been a rumor among people and animals that whoever eats cabbage rarely gets sick, never gets fat, becomes more cheerful every day, and that there are a great many vitamins in it. They also said that dishes made from cabbage are so delicious that you can’t tell them in a fairy tale or describe them with a pen, you just have to lick the spoon and ask for more!

Everyone hurried to the cabbage.

The hares ask: “Give me some cabbage leaves, please!” .

The goats came running: “Treat us, cabbage!” . And behind them are rabbits, cows, lambs and all other herbivorous animals. Village children came to the cabbage for crispy stalks. The good cabbage wanted to help everyone, wanted to treat and make everyone happy. And her cabbage leaves began to grow quickly, so many that the cabbage became large, round, crispy and juicy.

Everyone fell in love with white cabbage and began to respectfully call it Kapusta Vitaminovna. Since then, cabbage has been growing in the place of honor in all gardens. He feeds, treats, treats and says: “Bon appetit!”

The Tale of the Brave Men from the Garden Bed

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there was a beautiful Slad-city. The king, queen, their little daughter Princess and other residents lived in it. Everyone lived a very cheerful life, visited each other, treated themselves to sweets, marmalade, chocolate, marshmallows and jam. The city smelled of sweets, even the wind blew vanilla, and the rain was like lemonade.

The entrance to Sweet City was guarded by faithful guards: Luchok and Garlic. Strong, brave and strong defenders did not allow illness, disease and colds into the city. These were real brave men from the garden bed.

One day the little Princess walked past the main gate of the city. She really didn't like the smell of garlic, and the onions made her eyes sting. The princess was angry, stamping her feet, waving her arms and demanding that the guards be driven away. The king did so. Slad-city was left without loyal guards.

Sloppy autumn has arrived. Troops of microbes and viruses attacked the city and they were commanded by the evil Infection. They captured all the houses, streets, and neighborhoods.

Residents began to get sick, waste away, cough, sneeze and even have a fever. The little princess also fell ill. Then the king sent his messengers to a distant village in the garden, where the brave men lived - Onion and Garlic. He asked them to return and save the city's inhabitants from harm.

The brave men armed themselves and boldly stood up to defend Slad-city. They fought against every virus, repelled the attacks of microbes, fought for every resident, and after a few days, illnesses and colds receded.

The king thanked his saviors and issued a decree that all residents of the city should always grow onions and garlic in their gardens.

Since then, the infection has not come to Slad-city. More than anything else, she was afraid of the brave men from the garden bed.

Next >

From the authors

Dear readers - preschoolers, primary school students, parents and teachers, children's doctors and psychologists! Everyone wants their children to be healthy and happy, hardened and cheerful. And for this it is important to know and remember some simple rules of a healthy lifestyle from early childhood.

We consider fairy tales, poems, games, songs and riddles about health to be an important help for teachers of kindergartens, primary schools, after-school groups, clubs, clubs and development centers, nannies, tutors, and, of course, mothers and fathers, grandparents.

The friendly and erudite Doctor Nechikhaikin will spend ten eventful fabulous days with his readers: the Day of Clean Splashes, the Day of a Dazzling Smile, the Day of Sports, the Day of Yummy, the Day of Healthy Water, the Day of Vigilant Eyes, the Day of Walking Barefoot, the Day of Warning Against Dangers, the Day of Kindness and the Day of Immunity. Each of them is part of a big wonderful excursion to the land of Health.

The doctor will be helped by an inquisitive young chemist, Khimisha Probirkin. He will talk about the chemical elements that make up the world around us.

The book is intended for children 6–8 years old. Poems and fairy tales are aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills and safe behavior in nature, on the street, at home. We hope that the book will help children grow up healthy and strong!

We wish you a successful journey through the country of Health!

Instead of a preface

Hello, girls and boys!

My name is Be Zdorovich Nechikhaikin. I am a doctor by profession. I live in an ordinary city apartment and treat children. One summer, my nephews Masha and Gosha came to stay with me from the village of Nebolelovo - very inquisitive guys! They are interested in everything: how insects live, what “immunity” is, how many cakes you can eat during the day, what shoes are best for conquering puddles and ditches, whether fairy-tale gnomes do exercises.

I promised Gosha and Masha to answer all their questions.

Finally, they lay down and, turning on their sides, immediately fell asleep, sweetly smacking their lips in their sleep.

Waking up early in the morning...

And what happened, what the characters talked about, who they met and what new things they discovered, you will learn from this book.

Your family and friends will help you learn useful tips - grandparents, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, educators and educators.

Target: Formation, preservation and strengthening of students’ physical health: developing motivation for positive changes in lifestyle, developing healthy lifestyle skills, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment: costumes, music, presentation.


— Grandfather — Grandmother — Kolobok — Hare — Wolf — Bear — Healthy lifestyle — Author

Progress of the event

There is a hut on the stage, and grandparents are not sitting nearby. The rest of the scene is set up like a forest clearing. Music is playing.

Author: Once upon a time there lived an old man with an old woman. They loved to drink moonshine and vodka, but they didn’t have any snacks, because they spent their pension on bitter things.

An old man and an old woman sing the song “Oh, frost, frost.”

Grandfather: Bake me, old man, a bun. I want to eat something.

Grandma: What should I bake it from? There is no flour. There is nothing to buy it with. We drank away our entire pension.

Grandfather: Eh, old woman, go sweep the barn, scratch the bottom of the tree, and you’ll get enough.

Author: The old woman did just that: she swept, scraped together two handfuls of flour, kneaded the dough in water, there was no money for sour cream. She rolled it into a bun, fried it in oil and set it aside to cool.

The music sounds “Oh, frost, frost.”

Author: Kolobok got tired of looking at drunkards, and he decided to leave home. Find a healthy lifestyle and cure your old people. He went looking for a healthy lifestyle.

Cheerful music sounds, while the bun walks across the stage.

Author: A bun is rolling along the road, and a drug-addicted hare meets it.

Slow music plays, to which the hare comes out.

Hare: Well, hello, little bun, rosy side.

I offer pleasure For those who need it The sensations are unique, All the bad things go away, are erased, This is all called dreams.

Well, little bun, let's get crazy. This is great and cool.

Kolobok: No, hare, better listen to me...

If you want to be skillful, Fast, dexterous, strong, brave, Forget about this nonsense. Go to the playground and act there as much as you want. If you want, jump like a frog, If you like, swing on a turntable, or stand on your head.

Kolobok shows the hare a presentation. (Application)

Look here, see what your problem is? Sickness awaits your children, think about them. Throw away the syringes and it will be easier for you and others.

Hare: I don’t need such a life. (Throws the syringe under the tree.)

Kolobok sings:

I am a bun, a bun! Swept across the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, planted it in the stove, chilled the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, And it’s not smart to leave you, a drug addict!

The hare tries to detain the bun, but he runs away. Music is playing.

Author: And Kolobok rolled on, and the hare thought about Kolobok’s words and decided to follow him. The bun is rolling, and a wolf meets it.

Tango plays, an alcoholic wolf comes out. He dances with a bottle.

Wolf: Great, Kolobok, you’ll be second, otherwise I’ll eat you?!

It will be good for all of us, If you drink wine, Join me in happiness, into heaven, into heaven, into heaven!

Kolobok: Don’t eat me, and I won’t drink with you.

Listen, friend wolf, Pigs are cleaner too. What suddenly happened to you? Rapid pulse, hypertension, diseased liver, arrhythmia. If you stop drinking, you will survive. And if you drink, you will die. Follow my advice, Otherwise, on the road, you will soon stretch your legs.

Kolobok shows the wolf a presentation.

Look here, it's waiting for you. Here is a healthy liver and a sick one. What do you think yours is like here? Drop the bottle. Wake up and take care of your health.

Wolf: No, I don’t need that kind of happiness. (Throws the bottle under the tree.)

Kolobok sings:

I am a bun, a bun! Swept across the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, planted it in the stove, chilled the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, and it’s not smart to leave you, drunkards!

Kolobok runs away from the wolf. Music is playing.

Author: Kolobok rolled further, and the wolf became thoughtful and followed the Kolobok. Kolobok is rolling through the forest, and towards him is a clubfooted man, a heavy smoker, breaking brushwood and blowing smoke through the forest.

Rock music is playing, a bear is dancing and smoking a cigarette.

Bear: Kolobok, let’s smoke one with you! (Coughs.)


Bah! Toptygin, hello to you! You are healthy? As you can see, no! You smell like smoke. Don't breathe or sniffle. You are sick, even though you are a bear.

I am moving towards a healthy lifestyle and I advise you!


I smoked, I smoke! What's your problem?! My grandfather smokes, and my grandfather turned 70!


There is harmful nicotine in the lungs, leaves blue smoke, the head hurts and aches, the hoarse voice worries. A little tired - there’s shortness of breath, And your legs can’t carry you, You’ll become pale and thin, Not a single smart thought. Look. Soot accumulated in the lungs. Smoking causes all the trouble. Do you, toptygin, want to stomp? Quit smoking forever!

Kolobok shows a presentation to the bear.

Bear: I'm quitting smoking! I'm tired of living like this! Stop poisoning your body with nicotine. I'll go with you.

Music is playing. Kolobok moves on.

Author: And Kolobok rolled on, and the bear followed him. The bun is rolling, and a healthy lifestyle is coming towards it.

Healthy lifestyle: Hello, Kolobok! How handsome and healthy you are.

Kolobok sings:

I am a bun, a bun! Swept across the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel, planted it in the stove, chilled the window. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. And I came to you, Healthy Lifestyle! And he brought all the bad habits.

All participants go to the center.

Healthy lifestyle:

Ask yourself: are you ready to work, move actively and eat and drink in moderation? You must give up bad habits and this is the only way to preserve your health.



At our school, studies and sports come together. All difficulties of life are overcome! Together we are strong. Friendly family. I, you. He. She.


I solved this problem, my health is dear to me. Without these bad habits. It's great to live in the world!


Look around: Beautiful nature calls us to live in peace with it.


Give me your hand, friend. Let's help the entire planet stay healthy!


If you feel bad, don’t isolate yourself, call on the phone. Call and trust.

Shows the presentation.


There is good and evil inside you. The word is yours. And this is one word. Yes or no.


We were born to live in the world for a long time: Play and sing, laugh and love. But in order for all our dreams to become possible, we must preserve our health!

Music is playing.

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