PLAN of activities for the implementation of the program of spiritual and moral education for the 2020-2021 academic year

In what areas do you need to work?

Psychologists recommend not to mix all types of activities, but to clearly separate them. For what purpose is this being done?

Methods of spiritual and moral education

The fact is that children of primary school age cannot focus their attention on a large number of goals, preferring to choose one thing. That is why it is recommended to divide all types of events into the following groups.


This group will include conducting a variety of intellectual games and quizzes (subject weeks, “wise men and women”), creating rating tables in all subjects. Be sure to have conversations with your children related to raising interest in learning: “People of science,” “They won’t tell you this in a textbook,” “Ten women scientists,” and so on.

Cognitive activity in children is well developed

The main thing is to develop in the child an interest in learning, a desire to develop, become better and smarter.

You should not put pressure on the child, you just need to show him various pictures of the lives of different people who gave their lives to science, show with what interest they carried out their research and wrote works that changed the world.

Values ​​orientation

Have conversations with your children about friendship and camaraderie, conduct intellectual games on the basics of etiquette and symbols of Russia.

Patriotic education is one of the important components of growing a citizen.
It will also be useful for children to meet with veterans to hear stories about true and false patriotism. Try to spend class hours not in the form of dry conversations, from which students try their best to escape, but in the form of interesting virtual trips, presentations and online games. It is necessary that schoolchildren not only learn the basics of etiquette, but also observe them. That is why the class teacher needs to be able to control his students (for example, monitor how they behave in the cafeteria, during breaks, at extracurricular activities, and so on).


It is necessary to instill in the child the importance and necessity of work. It is better to start this in the form of small duties (both in the classroom and at school).

At least once a quarter, carry out general cleaning of both the classroom and the school property (this event will help children understand the need for work much faster than various conversations).

Labor in the school garden during labor lessons
As additional activities, classroom hours can be organized: “My calling”, “All professions are needed, all professions are important” and popular science events: visits to factories and factories, craft weeks and small school fairs.

Benefit to society

This group of activities is aimed at developing mercy and compassion in children. That is why it is extremely important not only to conduct conversations during class hours: “What is mercy?”, “We shared an orange,” but to help someone in real life. For example, with first-graders you can take charge of a homeless puppy or kitten. With older children, you can visit homeless shelters, orphanages and hospitals.

The main thing is not just to come to these places on excursions, but to work for the benefit of others: play with children in a shelter, cook lunch for a homeless person, tell a fairy tale to a sick child - all this not only awakens compassion and mercy in children, but also helps them make a choice of a future profession .


The activities of this group should be aimed not only at developing creativity and the desire to create, but also at developing patriotism, love for people, and love for cultural values.

The creativity of younger schoolchildren must be supported and developed

The teacher can not only hold a variety of themed evenings (“New Year”, “Autumn Again”, “The Arrival of Spring”, “Maslenitsa”) and exhibitions (“school Louvre”, “in the style of Salvador Dali”, “fashion show”), but and organize trips to drama and art theaters, evenings of poets and songwriters, short trips around the native land and beyond (trips to places of military glory will be especially interesting) and so on.

Important note: The main task is to develop students’ interest in creativity, and not to destroy it.

That is why the works of the young creator should not be criticized, insulted or completely ignored. Show your child that people admire and appreciate his works - this will help him gain self-confidence.

Fun Starts - a great game for kids

Health improvement

Conduct regular competitions in all sports (“Fun starts”, “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family”, “School Olympic Games”, “Intellectual sports”, “Triathlon” and so on), as well as class hours aimed at prevention of bad habits (“Smoking is harmful to health”, “Dangerous fun”) and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle (“Children’s best friends”, “Secrets of health”). Take trips to health camps, organize themed hikes (“Places of Military Glory,” “Robinson Crusoe”) and draw posters.

The main thing is to organize events in such a style that it would be really interesting for schoolchildren to participate in any movement.

Free time

This category will include conducting psychological games and trainings aimed at interactions between people. As a control, you can use the method of questioning and discussion (communication between children and the teacher is necessary, and not conversations exclusively between children and not a monologue by the teacher).

Free time – research results

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