Plan of activities for preschool students on fire safety for the academic year

Learn fire safety rules

Action plan for children of senior preschool age.

Our little fidgets are in a hurry to explore the world, not realizing the danger that it can bring. And we, adults, cannot always be there to help. That is why it is necessary to develop in children a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others. And in this sense, it is very important to introduce them to fire safety rules before school.

Every year we conduct a series of safety events in our kindergarten, the purpose of which is to develop in children the skills of careful handling of fire and an understanding of the need to comply with fire safety rules.


  • Give children initial information about the causes of a fire.
  • Introduce the properties and qualities of objects in terms of their fire hazard.
  • Give an idea of ​​the work of firefighters and their professional actions.
  • Teach children the rules of safe behavior in the event of a fire: be able to navigate the space of a group room, apartment, know the first actions in the event of a fire, be able to call the rescue service “01”.
  • Develop a cautious attitude towards objects that are high sources of fire hazard.
  • Foster respect for the firefighting profession.
  • Foster a desire to provide mutual assistance and take care of your life and health.

The formation of the foundations of children’s life safety is carried out in different directions, the main ones being work with children, parents, teaching staff and staff. It is important not only to protect the child from danger, but also to prepare him to face possible difficulties, to form an understanding of the most dangerous situations, the need to take precautions, and to instill in him the skills of safe behavior in everyday life together with his parents, who act as role models for the child.


I. Methodological work
1. Work with children.

A. Organized educational activities:

  • Reading fiction. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Reading the poem by S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.”
  • Cognition. Safety. Communication. Conversation “Why does a fire occur?”
  • Cognition. Safety. Communication. Conversation “If there is a fire in the house.”
  • Cognition. Work. Safety. Communication. Conversation “Firefighter is a heroic profession.”
  • Cognition. Work. Communication. Excursion to the fire station. Introducing the fire truck.
  • Artistic creativity. Cognition. Reading fiction. Safety. Communication. Drawing based on impressions from the work read and from the excursion. X Reading fiction. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Reading the work of S. Marshak “Cat’s House”.
  • Work. Cognition. Socialization. Reading fiction. Communication. Joint activities with the teacher. Making masks for the dramatization game “Cat House”.

B. Independent activities of children:

  • Physical Culture. Socialization. Health. Outdoor game “Who is faster?”
  • Socialization. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Didactic game “Objects are sources of fire.”
  • Socialization. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Role-playing game “We are firefighters.”
  • Cognition. Socialization. Safety. Communication. Didactic game “What does a firefighter need?”

B. Cultural and leisure activities:

  • An evening of entertainment. Cognition. Reading fiction. Safety. Communication. Dramatization game "Cat's House".
  • An evening of entertainment. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Quiz "Fire is the enemy."
  • Artistic creativity. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Drawing. Exhibition of children's works "Fire: friend or foe?"

2. Interaction with personnel.

  • Thematic exhibition “Introducing fire safety rules to preschoolers.”
  • Instruction “Protecting the life and health of children.” X Design of the “Service 01” stand.

II. Interaction with parents

  • Consultation: “Personal safety of the child.”


I. Methodological work
1. Work with children.

A. Organized educational activities:

  • Reading fiction. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Reading of E. Khorinsky’s poem “The Little Match.”
  • Cognition. Safety. Socialization. Music. Reading fiction. Communication. “Matches are not for playing.”
  • Cognition. Safety. Communication. Excursion to the laundry. Introduction to the operation of an electric iron.
  • Cognition. Safety. Socialization. Reading fiction. Communication. “Don’t dry your pants over the gas after washing, otherwise your pants will leave holes!”
  • Cognition. Safety. Communication. Conversation “So that there is no fire.”
  • Cognition. Safety. Communication. Conversation “If there is a fire in the house. Phone 01.”
  • Safety. Cognition. Socialization. Communication. Training games to develop children's safe behavior skills.

B. Independent activities of children:

  • Safety. Cognition. Socialization. Communication. Didactic game “It burns - it doesn’t burn.”
  • Physical Culture. Health. Socialization. Outdoor game "Fast and dexterous."
  • Safety. Cognition. Socialization. Communication. Didactic game “What can’t be done in the absence of adults?”
  • Socialization. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Role-playing game “We are firefighters.”
  • Safety. Cognition. Socialization. Communication. Didactic game “In the world of dangerous objects.”
  • Socialization. Cognition. Safety. Health. Communication. Role-playing game “Hospital” (providing first aid to a fire victim).

B. Cultural and leisure activities:

  • Artistic creativity. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Drawing. Children's drawing competition "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy."
  • An evening of entertainment. Cognition. Safety. Communication. Quiz “Take care of your house from fire!”

2. Interaction with personnel.

  • Thematic exhibition “Fire Safety”.
  • Organization of a practical lesson “Evacuation of children in case of fire.”

II. Interaction with parents

  • Consultation: “Rules of conduct and actions in fire conditions.”
  • Design of a thematic exhibition (from joint works of students, parents and teachers) “Take care of nature from fire!”

Lidiya Glazkova, senior teacher of the MBDOU
“Kindergarten for general developmental type “Vasilyok”, r.p. Mullovka, Melekessky district, Ulyanovsk region

Instructions for fire safety in preschool educational institutions

Basic instructions on fire safety measures in preschool educational institutions, fire safety instructions for administration, employees, procedures for action in case of fire, etc. are presented.
The head of the kindergarten is responsible for fire safety and fire protection in the preschool educational institution. He may, by order, appoint a person responsible for fire safety in the institution. It is mandatory that those in charge must develop instructions on fire safety measures in preschool educational institutions (kindergarten), as well as in warehouses, in the catering department, in the sports and music halls. download: Documentation on Fire Safety in Preschool Educational Institutions 38 documents taking into account laws as of September 8, 2022!

  1. Instructions on fire safety measures in preschool educational institutions
  2. Instructions on fire safety measures in the catering department of preschool educational institutions
  3. Instructions on fire safety measures in a food warehouse in a preschool educational institution
  4. Instructions on fire safety measures in the warehouse of inventory and goods and materials in preschool educational institutions
  5. Instructions on fire safety measures in the laundry room of a preschool educational institution
  6. Job description for fire safety of the head of a preschool educational institution
  7. Job description of the person responsible for fire safety
  8. Fire safety instructions for the duty administrator of a preschool educational institution

download: Regulations for preschool educational institutions 84 regulations in a package or individually. Update date: 10/06/2021

It is very important to bring to the knowledge of all kindergarten employees the provisions of the instructions on the procedure for maintaining and bringing the premises of the preschool educational institution to a fire-safe condition in order to prevent fires in classrooms and flooding.

Fire safety instructions in kindergarten

Officials and employees of a preschool educational institution must clearly know the procedure for action in the event of a fire and evacuation in order to evacuate children in a timely and safe manner, notify the fire service and the head of the preschool educational institution in a timely manner, and take appropriate measures to extinguish the source of fire in the absence of a threat to life.

download: Job descriptions for preschool educational institutions (Profstandard) 31 instructions individually and in packages, updated - September 5, 2021!

  1. Fire safety instructions for preschool employees
  2. Instructions on the procedure for officials to act in the event of a fire in a preschool educational institution
  3. Instructions on the actions of personnel during evacuation in case of fire in a preschool educational institution
  4. Instructions on the procedure for maintaining and bringing premises of preschool educational institutions to a fire-safe condition
  5. Instructions for fire safety during mass events
  6. Fire safety instructions for New Year's events
  7. Fire safety rules for children in preschool educational institutions
  8. Fire safety rules for children at home
  9. Procedure for employees to evacuate in the event of a fire at a preschool educational institution
  10. Instructions on fire safety measures during repair work of preschool educational institutions
  11. Instructions on fire safety measures when carrying out painting work at preschool educational institutions
  12. Instructions for fire safety when carrying out hot work at preschool educational institutions

Security Prevention

Prevention and training of primary school students in fire safety rules must be carried out by adults in order to avoid an accident.

  • Excursions

Usually, on Fire Safety Day in Russia, local branches of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are happy to invite their little guests on an excursion. Fire service employees themselves meet and introduce them to their profession. Firefighters using real equipment demonstrate its operation and explain its operation.

You can explore the building itself, look around the gym, classrooms and recreation room. Firefighters will even wear their gear at speed. Children will be able to ask questions that interest them, and city defenders will even talk about their working days and tell exciting stories.

Of course, the guys will learn not only about the work of firefighters, but also learn safety rules from the professionals themselves. Afterwards, children will be able to go to the museum, which is located at almost every department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There, schoolchildren will inspect equipment, clothing and technology.

Fire department museums often hold special courses that teach primary and secondary school students the correct behavior in a burning building, extinguishing small fires, and providing first aid to victims.

In the museum you can feel like a real fireman: employees will teach you how to unwind, use and rewind a fire hose, and tell you about the construction of a gas mask and fire extinguisher.

  • At school

The school itself should regularly conduct fire drills. They will teach young schoolchildren to leave the building of an educational institution in an orderly manner, to react seriously to the sound of a siren or bell, and also to save children from unnecessary panic.

Teachers or those in charge should explain to young students the operation and purpose of the fire warning buttons.

These activities greatly reduce the likelihood that your child will fall behind the rest of the class or panic.

Activities with children

The purpose of educational activities is to teach children how to safely handle fire at home and how to behave in case of fire. Children are explained which things and objects pose the greatest fire hazard. Particular attention is paid to the topic of careless handling of fire.

Thematic events on fire safety with kindergarten students are not limited to presenting ready-made rules in conversation or reading fiction. Children actively participate in the learning process through active, didactic and role-playing games.

For children of older and graduating groups, educational excursions to the fire station are organized, with a mandatory visit to the fire station museum.

Pupils get acquainted with the personnel of the duty guard. Children are shown various equipment, cars, fire extinguishers, professional rescue equipment and rescue equipment.

Based on the results of studying fire safety rules, competitions of drawings, applications, and crafts made from plasticine and clay are organized. Teachers conduct fire relay races and quizzes. Healthy rivalry and competitive spirit are the key to children’s compliance with fire safety rules in kindergarten and at home.

Information about fire safety activities with preschoolers is brought to the attention of parents. Exhibitions with competitive drawings and children's crafts about fire safety are presented for public viewing.

Analysis of children's learning of educational material and consultations on ensuring the child's safety at home and in public places are carried out at parent-teacher meetings.

Active cooperation with families was clearly expressed in holding joint cleanup days. Cleaning the area from highly flammable dry grass, fallen leaves and branches is a clear example of compliance with fire safety standards on the territory of a kindergarten.

Set of events

An integrated approach to safety in a preschool institution includes the regulatory and material base, the personal responsibility of the director, fire safety briefings and staff training, with the participation of students and parents.

Fire safety requirements of the supervisory authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for kindergartens:

  • documents establishing the right of ownership of the object;
  • approved by the order of the institution, the personal responsibility of the official for fire safety;
  • description of the algorithm of actions in case of fire and a list of protective equipment in the facility passport;
  • a document confirming the fire safety of the facility;
  • instructions from supervisory authorities, with notes on the elimination of deficiencies identified during previous inspections;
  • a coordinated emergency action plan;
  • floor plans of evacuation routes, main and emergency exits, and signs with fire service dispatcher numbers posted in prominent places;
  • layout diagrams of fire extinguishers, fire shields, taps and hydrants;
  • passports for fire extinguishers, information about their verification and compliance with their intended purpose.

The range of job responsibilities of the head covers all types of organizational and economic activities, therefore the head of the preschool institution bears personal responsibility for the fire safety of the building, the life and health of pupils and employees.

The head of the kindergarten draws up local fire safety instructions, conducts briefings, develops fire training plans and appoints employees responsible for notifying the fire services.

The manager monitors the working condition and ensures timely maintenance of equipment and fire protection equipment.

Preschool institutions are equipped with fire extinguishers, fire cabinets, an autonomous water supply system (with taps and hydrants) in case of extinguishing a fire, and an alarm system. Pressure hoses are rewound at least twice a year.

The strength and tightness of the fire water supply system is checked every six months. They provide free access to hydrants; in winter, the heads are insulated. Fire extinguishers are recharged in accordance with the product data sheets.

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