Action plan “Civic-patriotic education”

Action plan “Civic-patriotic education”

Action plan for civic and patriotic education of schoolchildren of the MKOU secondary school. Gorodishche for the 2021-2022 academic year


formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with his inherent values, views, orientations, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior.


· developing interest in the history of the Russian people, respect for the monuments of the history of the Fatherland, the history of the small homeland, native village and the history of the native school;

· the formation of patriotic feelings and citizenship based on historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the fate of the world;

· education of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia, capable of defending his own rights, the rights of another person and the state interests of the country;

· providing students with opportunities to participate in the management of an educational organization and in the activities of various creative and public associations.


event title date Participants Responsible
Organizational and methodological measures
1. Conducting open events for patriotic education During a year Schmo of class teachers Head of School of Class Teachers
2. Organization of thematic exhibitions in the school library dedicated to Russian memorable dates During a year 1st–9th grades Teacher-librarian
3. Diagnostics of the level of formation of civic personality traits of schoolchildren September


1st–9th grades Social teacher
4. Diagnostics of the effectiveness of patriotic education at school May 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR
5. Organization and holding of the Week of Life Safety and Physical Education March 1st–9th grades Head of Shsk
Organization of joint work with the Village Veterans Council
1. Establishing and maintaining patronage relations with the Veterans Council During a year 5-8th grades School administration
2. Meetings with home front workers, labor veterans, a series of classes dedicated to the memorable dates of the Second World War During a year 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
3. Rally dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day February 1st–9th grades Teacher-organizer
Civic-patriotic work in classroom groups
1. Conducting Lessons in Courage During a year 1st–9th grades Class teachers
2. A series of class hours on the topic “National Unity Day” November 1st–9th grades Class teachers
3. Quiz “Great sons of the Fatherland” December 5th–8th grades History teachers
4. Correspondence trip “Streets of my native village” January 7-8th grades Head of the “Keepers of Traditions” circle
5. Cool watches with a military-patriotic theme 22.02–26.02 1st–9th grades Class teachers
6. Travel game “On the roads of the war years” 22.02–26.02 1st–4th grades Primary school teachers
7. Collective viewing and discussion of films about the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) During a year 5th–9th grades Class teachers
Sports and patriotic events
1. Participation in school checkers competitions November 1st-9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
2. “Aty-Bati, the soldiers were marching” (sports and paramilitary holiday) December 1st–4th grades Class teachers, teacher-organizer
3. All-Russian sports competitions for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions” During a year 2-9 grades Physical education teachers
4. Participation in testing of VFSK GTO During a year 2-9 grades Physical education teachers
5. Regional project “Be Healthy!” Participation in the competition “Falcons of Russia!” February 8th grade Classroom teacher

Life safety teacher, physical education teacher

6. Individual competitions “Come on, boys!” February 1st–4th grades

5-9th grades

Head of Shsk
7. Individual competitions “Come on, girls!” March 1st–4th grades

5-9th grades

Head of Shsk
8. Troop Parade Celebration May 5th–9th grades Organizing teacher, physical education teacher
9. KTD “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland” February 8th–9th grades Organizing teacher, physical education teacher
10. Military sports game "Zarnitsa" March 5-9th grades Head of the school, teacher-organizer, physical education teacher
School-wide patriotic competitions
1. Photo competition “Native land, forever beloved” October 1st–4th grades Deputy director for VR, primary school teacher
2. Cultural week project

KTD "Our multinational Tavdinsky region"

November 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
3. Project “Literary Geography” - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland (individual and group projects) 09.12. 5th-9th Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
4. Holding the poetry festival of N.A. Nekrasov (to mark the 200th anniversary of his birth) December 4th–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, teacher of Russian language and literature
5. Presentation and video competition “My Small Motherland” December 4th–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
6. Quiz “Symbols of Russia” March 5th–9th grades A history teacher
7. Drawing competition “I only heard about the war” April 1st–9th grades Class teachers, art teacher
8. Participation in city events, promotions, rallies, research competitions in civil-patriotic areas During a year 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR
Interaction with families of students in the process of patriotic education
1. Creative events dedicated to the Days of Military Glory During a year Students in grades 1–5 and their parents

Council of Fathers

Class teachers
2. Consultations for parents “Raising a citizen and a patriot together” During a year Parents of students in grades 1–9 Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
3. Conducting thematic meetings, round tables with representatives of various departments and public organizations on issues of civic-patriotic and legal education During a year Teachers, parents of students Administration
Activities of the school museum
1. Thematic excursions and lessons During a year 1st–9th grades Deputy director for VR, circle leader, subject teachers, council of elders
2. Search work aimed at replenishing the exhibitions of the school museum During a year 1st–9th grades Head of the “Keepers of History” circle
3. Tour guide competition “Best tour guide” March 8th grade Head of the circle, deputy director for HR
4. Organization of thematic exhibitions for historical dates November 1st–9th grades Head of the circle, deputy director for HR, council of elders
5. Intellectual marathon “Forties, Fatal” May 5th–9th grades Head of the circle, deputy director for VR, class teachers
Thematic classes of clubs and public associations
1. Eco-lessons for grades 1–4 “How can I help the nature of my native land” Once a month Ecosquad Deputy Director for VR, Head of Eco-team
3. Classes of the “Keepers of Traditions” circle During a year 8th grade Head of the circle
4. KTD Through the pages of the Great Patriotic War Creation of presentations and videos for significant historical dates During a year 3-9 grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
Activities of student co-government bodies
1. SSC meetings During a year 5th–9th grades Head of ShSK Council of ShSK
2. Participation in the All-Russian volunteer campaign “Spring Week of Kindness”, “Care”, “Do Good!” During a year 1-9 grades Class teachers, council of elders, eco-association
Events dedicated to memorable dates
1. Day of Knowledge September 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
2. Cool watch “The pain of Beslan” 1st–9th grades Class teachers
3. Lessons of military glory (M.I. Kutuzov, F.F. Ushakov, D. Donskoy, A.V. Suvorov, N. Ivanov)

Virtual excursion to Kulikovo Field

2nd–9th grades Class teachers, history teacher, class asset
4. Workshops for Civil Defense Day October 1st–11th grades Responsible OT teacher-organizer, physical education teacher
5. Memory lesson. Day of Remembrance of Political Repression 5th–9th grades History teacher, class teachers
6. National Unity Day. Cool watch November 1st–9th grades Class teachers
7. Exhibition of books by F.M. Dostoevsky 5th–9th grades Teacher-librarian
8. Art volunteer event “Mom, I love you” 5th–9th grades Deputy Director for HR, Council of Elders
9. Master class “Magic Breakfast for Mom” 1st–4th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
10. Day of the Unknown Soldier. Preparation of an interactive map with the location of monuments to the Unknown Soldier December 5th–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers, student council
11. Defense of individual and group projects “Battle of Chesme in works of painting and architecture” 8th–9th grades History teacher class teachers
12. Intellectual game “Capture of the Izmail fortress” 8th–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, history teacher
13. Volunteer event for high school students “Tell the kids about the Constitution” 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for HR, Student Council
14. Tournament of experts on the Constitution of the Russian Federation 5th–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, history teacher
15. Readers' conference “War. Blockade. Me and others" January 7th–9th grades Teacher-librarian, class teacher
16. Watching documentaries and feature films about the siege of Leningrad:

· “Mittens” (directors – Pavel Armand, Nathan Lyuboshits, USSR, 1942);

· “Once upon a time there was a girl” (director – Viktor Eisymont, USSR, 1944)

1st–6th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
17. Classroom hours in science theater format:

· “In the kingdom of sciences”;

· “Entertaining mathematics (geography, linguistics, etc.)”;

· oral journal “Scientific discoveries made by children”

February 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
18. Competition of the staged song “Dedicated to the Heroes of Russia” on the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
19. Entertainment and sports program “Come on, boys!” 5th grades Teacher-organizer, Head of the School of Culture
20. Entertainment and sports program “Come on, girls!” March Teacher-organizer, Head of the School of Culture
21. Competition "Young Rescuer" 5th–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, life safety teacher
22. Master class from HR service workers “Be able to protect yourself” 1st–4th grades Head of the DUP circle
23. Concert and competition program “Our Mothers” 1st–4th grades Organizing teacher, class teachers
24. Project “Virtual trip around Crimea” 1st–9th grades Class teachers, film club
25. 60th anniversary of space flight Yu.A. Gagarin. Cosmonautics Day. Gagarin's lesson “Space is us” April 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
26. Creative exhibition “City of Masters” 5th–7th grades Deputy Director for VR, heads of clubs, class teachers
27. Firefighter Day. Thematic lesson on life safety 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, life safety teacher
28. Integrated lesson in mathematics and the surrounding world “The Great War and the Great Victory” May 1st–4th grades Deputy director for VR, primary school teacher
29. Literary and musical composition “War through the eyes of children” 1st–6th grades Deputy director for VR, primary school teacher, teacher of Russian language and literature
30. Project “Through the Pages of the Great Patriotic War”

Project protection

1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
31. Game competitions “Olympics 2022. Yard games. Reboot" 5th–9th grades Head of the Shsk, head of the circle
32. Game program “Family Gatherings” 1st–4th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers
33. Intellectual marathon “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” 1st–9th grades Deputy Director for VR, class teachers

Deputy Director for Educational Work: Letunova E.V.

Patriotic education project

First block “I am a schoolboy”

involves children in the public all-Russian children's and youth association "Russian Schoolchildren's Movement" (RMS), in which the department of our school occupies a leading position among educational institutions in the Barabinsky district. Primary school students take an active part in the activities of this public organization. They have the right to join from the age of 8. Students of our classes are included in the Republican School in full force, taking active part in thematic events and promotions. Examples of these include the “Windows of Victory” and “I Remember. I am proud" (remote collection of photographs of relatives who died during the Second World War for participation in the "Immortal Regiment"), "Poems and songs about war" (remote competition of videos of readers and performers of songs), "Titmouse Day", class hours, literary and musical events, watching songs and videos (videos) dedicated to the great holiday Victory Day. In addition, with the support of the curator of the Republican School and other teaching staff of our school, mass events are held, the participants and organizers of which are members of the Republican School from the secondary school. They conduct themed classes and organize events for primary school students.

Second block “My small Motherland”

dedicated to the study of their native land, the education of moral qualities and patriotic feelings of pride and respect for the heroes of their region, the Barabinsky district and the country.

Third block “I remember, I’m proud”

includes meetings with veterans of teaching work, meetings with poets of our city.

Fourth block “Binary meetings”

The events take place in the city museum of local lore together with methodologists and a guide (all meetings are agreed upon) and are dedicated to the theme of the native land, the heroes and workers of the home front during the Great Patriotic War, the contribution of the factories of our city operating in the rear to the Victory at the front.

Fifth block “Joint events with preschool educational institutions”

. Schoolchildren, together with preschool children, visit the Monument of Military Glory of the Barabinsky District, participate in a drawing competition dedicated to Victory Day, schoolchildren and their parents, as part of the project, plan to make birdhouses and transfer them to the territory for a kindergarten.

Sixth block “Native Land – Barabinsky”

dedicated to the native land, competitions of readers, drawings, acquaintance with the works of local poets about the native land and the production of little books with these poems as a gift to preschool children.

The seventh block,
“Common Goals,”
is devoted to developing the moral qualities of schoolchildren through joint family and school events, lectures for parents, sports and extracurricular activities.

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