We develop creative abilities in children from 2 to 3 years old

Developmental activities should cover absolutely all spectrums of child development and upbringing. In particular, it is imperative to conduct classes aimed at developing the child’s creative abilities. And today we invite you to find out how you can develop the creative inclinations of a 2-3 year old child at home.

Modern mothers are mostly progressive. They understand that their child will be able to succeed in life only if they are involved in his development from a very early age . And this, first of all, is their task, and not a kindergarten teacher or beloved grandmother. In addition, it has been proven that classes between a baby and his mother are much more effective than similar classes with a certified specialist. And all because children under the age of 3 draw the parallel “I trust - I adopt,” so they perceive information from unfamiliar people more weakly, are often distracted and do not want to make contact with them.

Let us note that developmental activities should cover absolutely all spectrums of child development and upbringing. In particular, it is imperative to conduct classes aimed at developing the child’s creative abilities. And today we invite you to find out how you can develop the creative inclinations of a 2-3 year old child at home.

Features of activities aimed at the creative development of the child

What basic mental processes are the development of creativity in children of this age group based on? Psychologists identify five main mental processes on which the development of natural creative abilities in children 2-3 years old is based:

  1. Imagination
  2. Perception
  3. Thinking
  4. Attention
  5. Memory

Therefore, educational games with parents should help form the listed processes. Each lesson, game or exercise should be organized taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the baby. To make the lesson as effective as possible, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The duration of the game should be 10-15 minutes. Of course, if a child has a desire to continue, then there is no need to besiege him or force him into another activity.
  • Choose didactic material for exercises according to age. All educational toys
    (including their parts) must fit comfortably in a child’s hand, be safe, bright and versatile, as well as accessible for various types of manipulation. It must be taken into account that excessive brightness and volume of the didactic material used can frighten the child. It should be remembered that children 2-3 years old may still try to bite off a piece of the offered toy, so you should not leave your baby alone with a toy that has small parts or defects (for example, a torn seam through which the child can pull out the filling).
  • During creative activities, create a positive emotional background. It is very important to support the child at every lesson if he does not succeed in the proposed action. Switch his attention, calmly explain again, help, sympathize. The main thing is that the little man maintains a positive mood throughout the lesson. At the end of the game, be sure to praise him and tell other family members about his achievements. You can set up a small stand at home for crafts and drawings. It will remind the child of recent creative successes and push him to new achievements.
  • Conduct your classes systematically. For obvious results, it is enough to play one game a day. However, it is not necessary to be tied to a specific time. Better rely on your baby’s individual biorhythm.

What are creative abilities, what do they include and why develop them?

The process of creating something new, different from what already exists, is called creativity.

Creative abilities presuppose a person's ability to diversify thinking, which is capable of finding non-standard solutions for quite ordinary situations. Most often, such abilities are not innate and require special conditions for their development.

Creative abilities include:

  • active imagination;
  • flexible thinking;
  • ability to be receptive;
  • developed intuition;
  • initiative;
  • the ability to apply theory in life;
  • curiosity.

The development of creative abilities of preschoolers is no less important than the development of intellectual skills, thinking and memory, since all these processes are interconnected. Creativity in teaching a child will not only bring him pleasure from exploring the world around him, but also undoubted benefits for further learning in life.

Games that promote creativity

All games for developing the creative abilities of children aged 2-3 years can be divided into 4 groups.

Let's draw

You can outline the outline of a famous object not only with the help of traditional pencils and paints. You can draw on the sand, on a foggy window, on a tray of flour, etc. Here you can organize a spontaneous lesson without preliminary preparations and devices. Is there some porridge left on your plate after lunch? Draw a house or a car with a spoon. Are you cleaning? Draw geometric shapes on the floor with a wet cloth.

This also includes playing with coloring water in a glass, working with coloring books, or games that involve connecting contour dots. Drawings based on the imprint of a child’s hand are very popular now. To create such drawings, you need to purchase good quality finger paints and several large format sheets. By the way, a part of the wall specially covered with washable or inexpensive wallpaper, which you don’t mind re-pasting often, can act as creative classes

Let's sculpt

At 2 years old, a child can already knead plasticine and, imitating an adult, roll it out or roll it down. You can squeeze out figures using existing molds, for example from a logic cube, or make three-dimensional objects.

An excellent alternative to plasticine can be salt dough, which is easy to prepare at home (to make salt dough you will need flour, water, salt and vegetable oil). Preparing salt dough is so easy that you can also involve your baby in this process, thus also developing the child’s fine motor skills. Natural dyes can be added to the ready-made dough, which will significantly diversify the activity and contribute to the development of the child’s imagination .

Be prepared for the fact that systematic drawing and modeling with plasticine or dough can lead to the child getting his hands into a plate of porridge or painting the walls with your favorite lipstick. Don't rush to scold him for this. It is possible that he simply saw new possibilities for sculpting or painting. Remember, the floor, table and walls can be easily washed later, but reinstilling an interest in spontaneous creativity will be much more difficult.

Cut and glue

Of course, scissors are a dangerous tool. But there is no need to rush to abandon applique classes at such an early age. Prepare stencils of the details of the future application in advance. Then cut out each detail in front of the child, explaining to him how the scissors work. Now you can entrust the scissors to your baby: with minimal guidance of the child’s hands, help him cut out simple geometric shapes. Remember that scissors are a great tool for developing fine motor skills . If you are of a suspicious nature, then you can buy special children’s scissors with which the child will not be able to cut himself even with all his desire.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to just creating paper applications. To make colorful and voluminous crafts, you can use any available materials (it is best to use voluminous parts (buttons, beads, caps, etc.), which can be combined with fabrics of different textures and colorful paper). Most often, it is precisely such creative activities that children show the greatest interest in. After all, a child with his own hands can turn the most ordinary objects and materials into fairy-tale characters or fantastic creatures.

We design

You can design not only using the details of a ready-made construction kit, instructions and a drawing that shows the final result. You can use even the most ordinary household items to create different looks. For example, using clothes and a shoebox, a child can build a cake. And if you stick cocktail straws into the holes of the colander, you will get a beautiful hedgehog.

The main condition in such activities is to show the child the versatility of every object that catches his eye, and not limit the flight of his imagination.

Remember, the process of forming the creative inclinations of children aged 2 to 3 years requires a painstaking and systematic approach. Many psychologists advise mothers, first of all, to use their own imagination, experience and creativity. Therefore, before starting creative activities (or in parallel with them), parents should work on developing their creative streak. And the result of such efforts will certainly be the revelation of the child’s talents, the originality of his thinking and the formation of a successful personality.

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Report on the topic “Development of creative abilities in preschool children”

Development of creative abilities in preschool children.

In modern society creativity is highly valued. In addition, creative professions are now practically one of the most popular and in demand, and many purposeful creative people always find their place in the sun to further realize their creative potential. But it is unknown why, unfortunately, many parents do not consider developing the creative abilities of children to be an important component in the education process. Usually they focus on the baby’s speech, thinking and memory, while forgetting about creativity and imagination. Of course, no one argues that all three of these points are very important for a child, but creativity cannot be completely excluded. Its development must necessarily go in step with all other directions, and this is necessary for every child. And even if he does not become a successful actor or famous singer in the future, he will have a creative approach to solving certain life problems. And this will help him become an interesting person, as well as a person who will be able to overcome the difficulties that arise along his way. Naturally, creativity manifests itself differently in each child: some to a lesser extent, some to a greater extent. All this will depend on natural inclinations. And if a child has at least the slightest creative ability, then it will be much easier for him to study, work and build relationships with others.

When is it necessary to develop creativity?

All human inclinations are formed from early childhood and during subsequent life they are simply improved and realized. Therefore, the starting point for the development of these abilities should be early childhood. Very often, parents do not take the “fables” of their little inventors seriously, and sometimes adults even stop them altogether. Fantasy is actually a specific feature characteristic of preschool age. And you should not interfere with this process in any way. Just pretend that you believe in the good Wizard and that you will certainly visit the Moon today, etc. It is in such “imaginaries” that creativity arises. Adults should know and remember that peak creativity in children occurs at 3-4 years of age. At this age, kids can come up with things that we adults are simply amazed at - how they can even come up with this.

Where to start developing creative abilities in children?

In preschool age, parents play the main role in the development of creative abilities in children. Many parents often dream of seeing their child as a creative person, but they themselves are not one and do not even strive to change anything about themselves. And if the parents have certain creative abilities, then this is simply ideal - a wonderful family creative tandem can turn out. Well, if, by the will of fate, creativity is far from your strong point, then it’s not a problem and you shouldn’t be upset in this case. You can still help your beloved child. The main thing is to have a great desire and relevant knowledge in this area of ​​the issue. Do not perceive the completely innocent fantasies of a little inventor as something primitive; remember that any child’s fantasy is a hidden seed of creativity. And also, you shouldn’t laugh at children’s tales. Because a creative child sees ordinary things from a different perspective. Don’t be upset and don’t try to scold and punish your child if he says that the picture shows, say, a fish, and not what it really is - a teapot, not a table, but an octopus, and so on. Naturally, the little one knows perfectly well what the table and teapot look like, and that exactly they are shown in the picture, he just most likely wanted to fantasize. Do not forget that a child at this age does not want to accept the generally accepted understanding of things, but on the contrary, he wants to give free rein to his imagination. Excessive seriousness, constraint and conservatism of parents are not entirely suitable helpers for developing the creative abilities of children. Adults should definitely learn to play children's games. Have fun, be naughty and don’t be afraid to become children for a certain time. Sometimes break the existing rules of behavior for adults, because all this is in the name of your children. And this will not only bring you closer to your child and contribute to his development, but will also become a good “healthy” psychotherapy, allowing you to distract yourself, relax and, if you want, even relieve tension or stress. Be sure to compose fairy tales and poems with your child, invent non-existent plants and animals, i.e. Support your child’s creative initiative in every possible way.

Methods for developing children's creative abilities

The development of creative abilities in children is favorably influenced by various types of children's activities, which are given sufficient attention in kindergarten, but if your child does not attend this institution, then this is also not a problem. You can practice with it yourself at home. And it’s not difficult at all, but on the contrary, it’s very exciting and interesting. And so, methods for developing children’s creative abilities:

1. The world around us

While walking, in transport, at home - in general, wherever you are with your child, discuss what exactly surrounds you and what is happening around you. Such communication is extremely important not only for the baby’s imagination, but for the entire development as a whole. Your stories about animals, natural phenomena, plants and other things of the surrounding world, your speech is the very first and very important lesson for a child. Thus, the knowledge and concepts you convey will be a good start for the child’s subsequent education, the development of his abilities, including creative ones.

2. Educational toys and games

It is advisable for parents, if possible, to ensure that the fidget has as many useful toys as possible in its arsenal. Constructors and mosaics must be present, but naturally everything should be appropriate for the child’s age. And before you give your baby another toy, familiarize yourself with it and decide whether it will bring him any benefit. You can use the following games that influence and stimulate the development of creative abilities in children:

- "Transformation"

Draw 4 circles for your child and give him the opportunity to dream: let him turn them into something (complete the drawing). For example, into a flower, sun, snowman, balloon, etc. By the way, the same can be done with the rest of the geometric shapes;

"What is there?"

You need to put some object in a box or box and let your favorite inventor guess what is there, but at the same time he can ask you related questions and make his own guesses;

-"Good bad"

Adults name the object, and the child must say what he thinks is bad and good about it. For example, an iron: it’s good that you can iron clothes, bad that you can get burned. Wind: good - not hot on a sunny day, bad - you can catch a cold and get sick, and so on.;

Games with words"

If you are standing in line at a store or clinic, returning from kindergarten, play word games with your child: you name a certain word, and let him learn to select the opposite word for it by meaning (antonym): good-evil, dry-wet, black-white ; synonym (close in meaning): beautiful - beautiful, work - work, etc.;

- “Non-standard problems”

It is necessary for the child to try to find an unusual way to use objects. For example, you can not only eat with a spoon, but also pour liquid from one container to another, etc. Try to come up with an unusual way to use a ball, mirror, mug and other objects. And most importantly: do not be afraid to come up with various problems yourself for the “omniscient” child’s mind. One option could be this: a circus came to the city, but for some reason the city ran out of all the glue and there was nothing to put up posters with. How then can you make sure that all residents know about the circus? Or: the whole family went to

"What happens if…"

Provide the forest and took bread, canned food, compote with you, but forgot the knife. And how now to open the jar?;

an opportunity for the child to fantasize: what would happen if suddenly everyone became giants or cats began to speak human language and so on.

3. Drawing

Give your baby markers, brushes, paints, and pencils. Stock up on paper and of course... patience. Yes, of course, you will have to, then wash your soiled pants and shirts and make sure that the little artist does not paint the whole house, but confines himself to just paper. There’s nothing wrong with that, everyone goes through it! Suddenly you have a little “Repin” or “Picasso” growing up! It is better to start drawing with your child and teach him how to hold a brush and use paints correctly. It's best to learn all the colors in the beginning and then start painting. Start by drawing simple geometric shapes. But at the same time, it is definitely worth discussing the entire process, and especially the child’s first “masterpieces.” And when he has already learned a lot, then give free rein to his independence.

4. Modeling

For some reason, not all parents buy plasticine for their children. And in vain! After all, modeling is very useful for a child, it develops fingers, and also awakens the creative abilities of children and allows the baby to show all his imagination. At first, you will sculpt balls, sausages, rings, and then gradually the baby himself will want to expand his range of skills and he will begin to sculpt something more complex. Parents, pay attention to the fact that the plasticine is soft and bright!

5. Reading

Children need to read not only at night, but at any other time. These should be fairy tales, stories, poems, and literary works selected according to the child’s age and, preferably, the interest of the child. Some experts say that a child should read at least 30 minutes a day. And if you visit the library with him, you will see that when he grows up and goes to school, he himself will often go to the library. A book, like nothing else, provides a certain flight of fancy and a huge opportunity for imagination, and therefore contributes to the development of creative potential.

6. Music

Children should listen to children's songs and classical music from early childhood. This has a positive effect on the development of memory and creative thinking. And gradually you will sing the songs yourself together with him. If your musical abilities have somehow bypassed you, then, at your child’s request, you can send him to a dance club or a club for learning to play a specific musical instrument.

7. Application

Don't be afraid to put scissors in your child's hands. Let him first, under your supervision, cut out a certain object, and you, in turn, explain to him all the necessary safety rules and instructions on using scissors. Start with a simple applique of geometric shapes. You can, for example, draw shapes on colored paper, and then let the child cut it out and make the applique according to his own design. It is also very convenient to use ready-made kits for applications.

Before deciding how to develop your child’s creative abilities, remember the simplest truths:

- develop your child’s creative imagination everywhere and always, and not just at a specially designated time and place; - the child’s environment should contribute to his development; — the baby must have the necessary “arsenal” of tools and materials for children’s creativity: plasticine, paints, colored paper and much more; - encourage and praise only safe creative children's initiatives; - do not turn activities with your baby into boring lessons.

Once upon a time, a very wise eastern sage said: “A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.”

Be guided by this wisdom when raising your little creator.


The development of children's creative abilities must begin in the family from a very early age. When parents, kindergarten, school and all kinds of clubs are in one place, the child calmly and confidently follows the path of unhindered development and formation of a creative personality. It is important to create favorable conditions at home, listen to the desires and needs of the child, and develop the inclinations given by nature.

Children's clubs "Baby Club" have already created all the necessary conditions for a developing environment, selected teachers who will reveal the potential of each child, and compiled programs for children of various ages and inclinations. It is important for us, like you, not to limit the child to rigid boundaries, to develop individuality and reveal talents in an atmosphere of comfort and safety.

Games and exercises to develop creativity

We have selected games and exercises that can develop creativity from an early preschool age.

  1. Varied item. Take an ordinary object and ask your child to name unusual ways to use it. Help your child by offering your options if he is at a loss. The more original the idea, the better. This game helps develop flexibility of thinking, imagination, and creativity.
  2. Mysterious candle. In the evening, before going to bed, light a candle and play with your child, imagining what the shadows from the candle look like. You can even make up a whole story. Encourage specificity in the plot.
  3. Carpet plane. Invite your child to imagine where he would go if he had a magic flying carpet. Will it be some real place or a fictional one, will he fly alone or with someone, what will he do there, what will he see. The more questions, the more space for imagination.
  4. Toy Stories. Like the Toy Story cartoon, invite your child to fantasize about his toys. What do toys do when no one is home? Who is friends with which toys, and who is a loner? Do they get bored when you don't play with them for a long time?
  5. Unusual blot. Place a drop of paint on a piece of paper and invite your child to turn it into something he wants. He can finish painting with his finger or draw outlines on dried paint. Together, come up with a story about how something new came out of a blot.
  6. What is the nature of the item? Invite your child to come up with the character of an inanimate object, for example, a refrigerator, a brush, a comb. You can make up a story about how this object ended up in the hands of a harmful boy, and how the mood of the object changed.
  7. Crocodile. Invite the family to play crocodile, where the leader guesses what needs to be depicted, and the rest guess. The game is truly exciting and does not require special preparation, while it perfectly develops the child’s acting abilities.
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