Workshop for teachers on moral and patriotic education of preschool children. Business game “Weak Link”.

Workshop “Patriotic education of modern preschoolers”



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Patriotic education of modern preschoolers

Seminar progress


Greeting: - Hello, dear colleagues. We are pleased to welcome you to the seminar on the topic “Features of patriotic education of modern preschoolers.” Patriotic education of preschoolers is an integral part of the general culture of the state. Many well-known holidays have become a thing of the past, and new ones have appeared; heterogeneous information about the army and the events taking place in it; facts related to national confrontation are increasingly being noted among young people; The media promotes a foreign way of life. It is safe to say that in connection with this, the younger generation is experiencing a decline in interest and respect for Russia’s past and family. Therefore, at the present stage, the problem of patriotic education of children is so relevant. The draft National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation emphasizes that “the education system is designed to ensure the education of patriots of Russia, citizens of a legal democratic, social state who respect individual rights and freedoms, have high morality and show national and religious tolerance.” The implementation of such an education system is impossible without knowledge of the traditions of one’s homeland, one’s region. M. A. Sholokhov wrote “Every nation, large or small, has its own cultural values ​​and these values ​​make up the great spiritual heritage of a person.” A preschooler child stands at the beginning of his life’s journey and comprehends the meaning of values ​​that will determine his image of a Person. Adults bear moral, civil and personal responsibility for the spiritual and physical life of the child, for the picture of the world emerging in his mind, for his relationships with the world. That is why it is so important that mom and dad, and we teachers, be next to him, help him get in touch with folk traditions, history, culture, nature, support his interests in the past and present of his native land, cultivate patriotism and love for his homeland. One of the tasks of patriotic education of preschool children is the formation of love for their Motherland. What is the Motherland? ... The homeland is where a person was born and raised, where he received his education and got on his feet. Every person must love and defend their homeland. “Where you were born, you fit in” - many people know this saying, but no one thinks about its meaning.

Training on creating the image “Motherland” .


I invite everyone to stand in a circle. Please close your eyes and imagine the image that the word “Motherland” evokes in you (turn on calm, relaxing music). Please tell me what image came to your mind? (Teachers take turns voicing their associations for this word). Thus, each of you has your own image of your homeland, some are similar, some are not. Let's derive our definition of the word “Motherland” based on your images. And now I suggest you take turns continuing the phrase “I am proud of my country because...”. Conclusion: even for an adult it is difficult to immediately find words, therefore, special work is needed to make the problem of patriotism personally significant for the child.

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