Fairy tales on fire safety rules for preschoolers

Fairy tales on fire safety rules for preschoolers

Fairy tales


Once upon a time there was Fire - untamed, like a wild leopard. And there lived the quiet but strong Water. And they were in constant war and rivalry. As soon as the Fire conceives some trick - to burn a forest, crops or people's homes, as soon as it begins to flare up at full power, Water pours in and extinguishes it. The fire, of course, is angry, but cannot do anything: it goes away and plans other mischief.

And then one clear morning, Fire had this idea: he decided to settle in people’s hearths and then burn down their homes. At first, people were glad that Fire lived in their house, because they did not yet know that he was cunning and insidious, so they did not cover him with a screen. And Fire decided to carry out his plan in one of the houses where a mother and daughter were preparing dinner. Fire burst out of its cramped prison onto the wooden floor and thinks: “Now I’ll burn the house down, and no one will bother me.” But the girl was afraid of him and jumped to the side, where there was a full tub of Water. The water splashed and extinguished the flame.

The Fury of Fire knew no bounds: Water got ahead of him again! And at night he decided to escape, but did not have time - people covered their hearth with a screen.

Time passed, and people decided to use Fire not only for warmth, but also for lighting - during festivals that take place at night. One day people lit a fire and started dancing around it. And when they got tired and lay down to rest, they didn’t notice how he made his way to the forest. The forest burst into flames so that at night it became as bright as day, and all the people immediately woke up. They knew that the fire needed to be extinguished with Water, but there was no river or lake nearby. And Fire was glad that he had finally broken free. And people just stood and prayed for it to rain. And it poured out, not even rain, but a downpour, which extinguished the flame.

After this incident, people became much more careful and prudent and stored Water for all occasions. And Fire has calmed down a little, but remains wild, cunning and insidious, like a leopard.


Once upon a time there was an old forest man, his name was Pozharych. He loved to play with matches: either he would set the grass on fire, or he would set fire to a bush. It was hard for the entire forest and its inhabitants. But there was that forest on the shore of the blue sea, from which 33 fire fighters emerged from time to time. Every morning began with old Pozharych setting the forest on fire, and they put it out. One day he set fire to the grass, but miscalculated: his grandmother and grandfather’s dugout were taken over. The grandmother got excited here: “I told you, old man, that we need a fire extinguisher in the mansion, because what a neighbor we live next to!” Go to the housing office, bow to the fish and ask it for fire extinguishing means.”

And then such a commotion happened: the heroes from the Chernomor fire department were extinguishing the forest, the grandfather wandered to the housing office, the grandmother was carrying water in a trough, and the forester was so scared that he hurriedly hid in the wolf’s den. By evening, 33 heroes, black and tired, went to their bottom to wash off and rest. The dugout nevertheless burned down, and the grandfather and grandmother were left near a wet trough and with a fire extinguisher. The hooligan forester returned to his hut, and in that place there was only a bunch of firebrands. Seeing the sad consequences of his games, Pozharych burst into bitter tears and finally threw away the box of matches. And the animals and birds gathered in the main clearing of the forest to think about what to do with the arsonist. They put the forester in the middle and began to scold and reproach him until Pozharych could not stand it: “I realized that I was to blame, forgive me, I will never play with fire again, because my house burned down too! »

And the forest began to live in a new way, in safety. From now on, at every edge of the forest hangs a telephone connected by satellite to a mermaid - the dispatcher of the fire department of the blue sea. And in our time, far from fairy tales, there are also telephones (although not at every “edge”), which you can call in case of a fire, and the heroes will come. Only now they drive around in red cars with sirens. So in case of a fire, call them rather, call 01. Such a simple number, so as not to forget, otherwise someone will get confused in the directory, and will burn with it.


This story happened on New Year's Day. The children merrily circled around the Christmas tree in the company of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. Baba Yaga and Leshy infected everyone with their fiery dance. More and more guests arrived at the holiday, and no one noticed how the Fire Snake slowly crept into the hall. He immediately began to make his way to the tree, licking various New Year's debris with his tongue along the way. There was a hint of smoke in the hall, but everyone continued to have fun. Now the long tongue of the cunning Snake has already reached the wiring of the electric garland and got lost among the colorful lights. But most of all he wanted to reach the top of the tree, where the star sparkled.

But the insidious Fire Snake triumphed early in victory. He didn’t know that young firefighters were on duty in the hall, and they had previously hidden thick Cloth, Sand and a Fire Extinguisher under the tree. Having been the first to smell the smoke and notice a fiery tongue among the branches, the young firefighters boldly entered into battle with the evil Snake, using hidden fire extinguishing equipment. The Fire Extinguisher was especially helpful, spitting foam at the Fire Snake so diligently that he hissed from powerlessness and anger and began to slowly retreat. Cloth and Sand did not retreat either: they attacked the Serpent from all sides. The sand got into his eyes and filled his nostrils and ears. The unlucky villain sneezed and coughed, squirmed and dodged, but, to the joy of those present, he became smaller and smaller. The guests also hurried to help the young firefighters: Grandmother Snowstorm waved her long sleeves, the Snow Queen breathed cold air on him, and the Snake hissed with the last of his strength in anger and disappeared. All that was left was a small pile of ash and a cloud of smoke. And the delighted Father Frost and Snow Maiden gave the young firefighters the best gifts from their bag for their courage and resourcefulness. This is how this story ended happily.

Cautious Tales for Preschoolers

Imagine that on a clear summer morning you came to the forest. Sweet, juicy raspberries are ripening in the raspberry forest, round blueberries have appeared on the moss hummocks in the spruce forest. Here and there among the grass they hide under the leaves of russula and boletus, boletuses grow under birches, and boletuses grow near aspens. There are many familiar mushrooms and berries in the forest, but even more that you know nothing about. Is it possible to pick unfamiliar berries and mushrooms? Why? Of course you can't! After all, in addition to edible ones, there are also very dangerous, poisonous berries and mushrooms. Therefore, if there are no adults near you, never rush to pick and put an unfamiliar berry in your mouth, even if it looks beautiful and appetizing. The bright red berries of the lily of the valley, the black juicy berries of the raven's eye, and the red, cherry-like berries of the wolf's bast are poisonous. There are poisonous herbs and flowers in the forests and meadows: the well-known yellow buttercup, as well as hellebore grass. In swamps and alder thickets there is a very dangerous plant called swampy plant. The whole plant is poisonous, but especially the thick, fleshy, carrot-like rhizome. Sometimes in a dense forest, next to a raspberry tree, a fragrant herb called datura grows. A person who inhales the smell of dope may lose consciousness and faint. Therefore, if you start to feel dizzy in a forest raspberry field on a hot summer afternoon, leave this place immediately. But belladonna grass grows on the slopes of ravines and on river banks, where there is a lot of moisture. She has beautiful flowers that look like large pinkish-red bells. But you can’t collect them in bouquets. After all, belladonna is a very poisonous plant! Now let's talk about dangerous mushrooms. What poisonous mushrooms do you know? Well, of course, fly agarics. Their caps are painted bright red or grayish-brown. One of the most poisonous mushrooms is toadstool. It is often confused with russula or champignon. The color of the cap is greenish or yellowish, and the leg of the pale grebe is thickened at the bottom. A very poisonous mushroom is the false mushroom. It, like the real honey fungus, grows on rotten trunks and stumps. It is distinguished from real honey mushroom by its unpleasant odor and brown-green mucus on the stem and cap of the mushroom. But the satanic mushroom looks like a white mushroom, but if you cut it with a knife, the cut site turns pink or blue after a few minutes. Every mushroom picker must follow a few very simple but important rules so that “quiet hunting,” as mushroom picking is called, brings joy and not misfortune to a person. Listen to a fairy tale.

Advice from the Forest Mouse

In the summer, Nastya visited her grandmother in the village. One day she took a basket and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. As soon as Nastenka came out onto the road, she saw a large green bush standing on the side of the road, strewn with small bright red berries collected in clusters. - Ah! What pretty berries! I'll try it now, are they sweet? — the girl thought and stretched out her hand to pick a berry. O What advice would you give to a girl? - Don’t pick these berries, girl. Although they are beautiful, they are poisonous. And the bush on which they grow is called elderberry,” Nastya heard someone’s thin voice. - Oh, who is this? - Nastenka was surprised. It seemed to her that the voice was coming from somewhere below, and she squatted down. Under the elderberry bush, short grass grew on the ground, there were twigs, twigs, and leaves, but no one was visible. Suddenly one leaf moved, and from under it appeared the pretty face of a forest mouse with smart black eyes and tiny pink ears. - Forest mouse! Yes, how pretty! Red-haired, with a dark stripe along the back! - Nastya was delighted. She extended her open palm to the mouse, and it deftly climbed onto it. - Were you talking to me, mouse? - asked the girl. - Of course it's me! Who else? I saw that you wanted to pick a poisonous berry, so I decided to warn you. - Thank you, mouse! - Nastya thanked. “But I didn’t know that mice could talk.” “I live in the hut of an old forester, he taught me your language,” squeaked the mouse. “I see, Nastenka, you don’t really understand wild berries—which ones are edible and which ones aren’t.” - You, mouse, noticed correctly. I live in the city, and I only come to visit my grandmother during the holidays,” Nastya explained. - Well, if you want, I’ll go into the forest with you, show you different berries and mushrooms, and tell you about them. - Of course I want! — the girl was happy. - Well, then let's go. I'll run ahead, and you follow me. The mouse quickly ran along the path, and Nastya followed it. Soon they found themselves in a dense forest, and the girl noticed a short stalk with large orange-red berries under the spruce tree. - What kind of berries are these? - Nastya asked the mouse. - These are lily of the valley seeds. - Lily of the valley? — the girl was surprised. - And I thought that the lily of the valley had white fragrant bells... - The lily of the valley has white flowers in late spring and early summer, and then, when they fade, green berries appear in their place, and by the end of summer they turn red. Lily of the valley has roots, stems, leaves, and berries - very poisonous! Nastya looked around and noticed a bush with large, juicy scarlet berries that looked like cherries. —Are these berries edible or poisonous? - she asked the mouse. - Very poisonous! They are called wolf berries or wolf bast. You can't collect them! - the mouse warned the girl. - Oh, look, mouse, what an amazing berry! It looks like an eye with big eyelashes. - And that’s what they call her - the raven’s eye. A black juicy berry lies on a green rosette of leaves. Remember, Nastenka, this is a dangerous berry, you can get poisoned with it. Never tear it! - Fine, I will not. Tell me, please, what berries can I pick? — There are a lot of such berries. These are raspberries and stoneberries, blueberries and blueberries, viburnum and strawberries. Come on, I'll show you some of them. The mouse brought the girl to the clearing. Nastya bent down to pick a drupe, and suddenly noticed a huge dark brown mushroom, the edges of the cap curved upward, and rainwater glistened in the cap itself. Suddenly, a red squirrel jumped to the ground from the bottom branch of a thick green spruce, ran up to the mushroom, deftly sat on the edge of the cap and began to drink water from it, as if from a saucer. Nastya and the mouse watched the squirrel with interest. She got drunk and galloped off into the thicket of the forest. - Great! - Nastya exclaimed. - Tell me, from which mushroom did the squirrel drink water? - This mushroom is called black milk mushroom - nigella. Actually, nigella mushrooms are edible mushrooms; you can pickle and salt them, but this mushroom is already old and overripe. There is no need to tear it. Now we will pick other mushrooms. The mouse showed Nastya russula, boletus and aspen mushrooms. The girl carefully collected the mushrooms and put them in a basket. What edible mushrooms do you know? How do they look? - But I know this mushroom. It is very poisonous! - Nastenka said, pointing to a large bright red fly agaric, whose cap seemed to be splashed with white lime. The fly agaric grew openly under a young Christmas tree. “My grandmother told me that other mushrooms hide under the leaves, bury themselves in the moss, cover themselves with branches, but the fly agaric does not like to hide. Nastya took a twig and wanted to knock the hat off the fly agaric, but the mouse stopped her. - You said correctly that fly agarics are dangerous for people, but forest giants-elks are treated with them. So it’s better, Nastenka, don’t touch the fly agaric. Let it grow, decorate the forest kingdom and help the elk. Nastya and the mouse wandered through the forest for a long time. The girl learned a lot of useful and interesting things. Then the mouse accompanied Nastya home and returned to the hut of the kind old forest man. QUESTIONS Where did Nastya stay in the summer? Where did Nastya go? Who did the girl meet on the way to the forest? What did the forest mouse tell her? Why can’t you pick and eat elderberry, lily of the valley, and crow’s eye berries? How do they look? What edible berries do you know? Tell us what they look like. What poisonous mushrooms do you know? Tell us what they look like. Why can’t you pick unfamiliar berries and mushrooms? Don't pick unfamiliar mushrooms. Do not pick mushrooms growing along roadsides. Do not eat old, stale, spoiled mushrooms. Do not store unprocessed mushrooms for more than a day. Poisonous mushrooms include: toadstool, fly agaric, false honey fungus, satanic mushroom.


Be careful - poisonous mushrooms and berries! Don't pick unfamiliar berries. Don't taste even one berry. Be sure to show the berries to adults. Poisonous plants include: wolf's bast, raven's eye, lily of the valley, elderberry, belladonna, nightshade, hellebore, poisonous buttercup.

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