Quiet, warm, gentle autumn. Beautiful poems about autumn for a reading competition

Reading competition in kindergarten on the theme: Autumn

Reading competition in kindergarten.
Scenario “Autumn time - the charm of the eyes” Purpose: To develop children’s ability to expressively read by heart. Objectives: to develop a poetic ear, the ability to understand the musicality of poetic speech; teach to feel and display poetic images; to cultivate an aesthetic taste for the poetic genre of fiction; consolidate knowledge about autumn. Equipment: Autumn leaves; pictures depicting a garden, vegetable garden, forest; dummies of mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, berries; three baskets. PROGRESS OF THE EVENT Readers come onto the stage, stand in a semicircle, the presenter reads a poem.
Autumn walks slowly outside the window.
Leaves fall rustling onto the path. Thin aspen trees look into the puddles. Raindrops hang like beads on the branches. Autumn paints groves and forests with gold, farewell bird voices are heard. Swans lazily splash in the pond. Quiet and beautiful in the forest in autumn. Host: Autumn! The colorful splendor of our native forests, the thoughtful silence of our steppes and fields, flocks of lovely birds leaving their native places - all these are signs of autumn. There is not a single poet, artist or composer who does not glorify this wonderful time of year. Let us also glorify our autumn. And our wonderful readers will help us with this, who prepared poems about autumn for this occasion: - Natalia Milovanova, preparatory group - Gleb Ivannikov, Egor Ivannikov, preparatory group - Artem Aralov, senior group - Ulyana Tyutina, senior group - Evgeniy Maksimenkov, middle group - Kirill Galtsev, middle group - Anastasia Gorkovenko, 2nd junior group - Denis Buzin, 1st junior group - Daniil Zubkov, mixed age group Natalia Milovanova will open our reading competition with the poem by E. Alyabyeva “What is autumn?” Natasha: What is autumn? Who do we ask? Autumn means clouds, puddles and rain, Slush, bad weather, Nature is waiting for winter, And you don’t expect warmth from the sun anymore. Autumn is a wonderful variety of leaves, Threads of cobwebs, Chrysanthemums in bloom. Autumn is the birds flying to the south, This is the fall of leaves, Smooth circling. Autumn with a harvest of vegetables and fruits, With warm clothes, A roof made of umbrellas, With withering grass, Hibernation of a bear, With a lot of supplies Among the dense forests. Autumn is a warm fur coat on a hare, There are no more insects, They hid. First snow and puddle, First ice on puddles. The nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. Host: Your applause for Natasha. Well, let's continue our holiday. The presenter draws attention to the floor.
Guys, look, the mischievous autumn has scattered colorful leaves around the hall.
He picks up one sheet.
These sheets of paper are not simple, each one has a task written on it that we must complete with you.
There are riddles written on this, let’s guess them: 1. Only the needles of the pine trees are green. He’s afraid to paint them…. (autumn)
2. Parade of flying leaves In the word autumn we call....
(leaf fall)
3. It is everywhere: in the field and in the garden, but it will not get into the house.
And I won't go anywhere while he goes. (rain)
4. The sun’s rays won’t break through because of the thick gray ones….
5. Two birch trees by the river Like in a fairy-tale picture!
Spiders stretched out between them... (cobwebs)
6. Miracle birds began to purr in the distance….
Many poems have been written about these beautiful birds.
Listen to what Poznansky wrote about cranes. I invite Zhenya Maksimenkov, who will read us the poem “Cranes” Zhenya: The cranes are flying, crowing, Sending the last: “Farewell.” They call summer to follow them, take them to the yellow land. I feel sorry for the colorful meadows and my cranes! Only I won’t bother, but in the spring I will meet them. Host: There are two autumns. One is joyful, bright, rich in harvest - early autumn. And the other is sad, with the quiet cry of fine rain, drooping, falling leaves. This period of the year is called late autumn. Here's another task we have to complete. What autumn months do you know? (September, October, November)
Try to guess which month these lines refer to.
This month, summer meets autumn, the forest dresses up with colors. (September)
This month is not easy!.. The autumn table is not empty.” The harvest was collected in the fields - Weddings were having fun.
This month is September’s grandson, October’s son, and winter’s father.
Poets describe different autumns in their works.
Listen to M. Yasnova’s poem “Sparrow” performed by Ulyana Tyutina. Ulyana: Autumn looked into the garden - the birds flew away. Yellow snowstorms rustle outside the window in the morning. Underfoot, the first ice crumbles and breaks. The sparrow in the garden sighs, but is embarrassed to sing. Under the birch, under the aspen, barely moving, like a brood of ducks, leaves are floating along the river. - Don’t forget, don’t forget to come back to us in the spring! And the mother trees stand and rustle anxiously, And look at the very, very yellow little leaves... Host: And this is how V. Avdienko describes autumn in his poem “Autumn Walks Along the Path.” I invite Daniil Zubkov to the stage. Daniel: Autumn is walking along the path, her feet are wet in the puddles. It's raining and there's no light. Summer has disappeared somewhere. Autumn is walking, Autumn is wandering. The wind threw off the glued leaves. Underfoot there is a new rug, Yellow-pink - Maple. Presenter: Autumn decorates the squares with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the birds, animals and you and me with a harvest. And in the gardens, and in the vegetable garden, And in the forest, and by the water, nature has prepared all kinds of fruits. Here is the next task that autumn has in store for us. Look at how wonderful the autumn paintings are (exhibits three paintings depicting a garden, a vegetable garden, and a forest)
And here are the gifts of autumn that grew there (scatters vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries, tree fruits)
The presenter conducts the game “Gifts of Nature.”
The children are divided into 3 teams: “gardeners”, “gardeners”, “foresters”.
Each team is invited to collect “gifts of nature” into baskets, depending on the place in which they grew: in the garden, in the vegetable garden, or in the forest. Let's listen to what happened one autumn in the garden. I invite Gleb and Egor Ivannikov to the stage, who will perform for us A. Krylov’s fable “Methodius the Goat.” Gleb and Egor: - Who is walking in the garden there? - It’s me, the goat Methodius. - For what kind of business? — I help the guards. I protect the cabbage. I protect every leaf. - Why cabbage suddenly, and not radishes and onions? You forgot about them, it turns out? “I haven’t forgotten anything, But I don’t have enough strength for everyone.” I don’t know how to preserve onions, but radishes make me lose weight. And cabbage is good, And it needs guards, Because the most delicious, The most delicious cabbage leaf. And now I invite the youngest participant in the competition, Denis Buzin, to our stage. He will read us N. Lukonina’s poem “Maple Leaf” Denis: A maple leaf on your palm will slowly fall. This is golden autumn coming towards us along the path. Host: Guys, look at what a beautiful autumn bouquet of leaves I have. And the leaves in it are all different: some are yellow, others are red. But they differ not only in color, but also in shape. This one, for example, is small and round, but this one is all carved. Why do you think all the leaves are different? Of course, because they are from different trees. Please help me figure out what kind of leaves these are. Fallen leaves The conversation is barely audible: - We are maple leaves... (maple)
- We are oak leaves....
- Leaves from rowan...
- Leaves from aspen....
- Leaves from a birch tree....
All are different and very beautiful.
Presenter: The autumn leaves are beautiful, as if painted with gold and crimson paint. Listen to what a beautiful poem Kirill Galtsev prepared for us. poem “Leaves” by Shibytskaya. Kirill: Autumn holiday in the forest, and it’s light and cheerful. These are the decorations that autumn has hung here. Each golden leaf is a little sun. I will collect it in a basket and put it on the bottom. I take care of the leaves... autumn continues. My holiday does not end for a long time. Presenter: But how beautifully I. Mikhailova wrote about autumn leaves in her poem “Autumn with a long thin brush.” Anastasia Gorkovenko reads a poem. Nastya: Autumn repaints the leaves with a long thin brush. Red, yellow, gold, How beautiful you are, colored leaf! And the wind blew its thick cheeks, blew it, blew it, and blew, blew, blew on the motley trees! Red, yellow, gold! The entire colored sheet flew around. Host: Have you ever seen the unusually graceful dance of a falling leaf? Let's try to fulfill it with you, and at the same time we will complete one more task. The presenter invites dancers from each group to the stage. Participants dance to the music. Spectators choose the most original and beautiful dance composition. Host: Autumn is truly a magical time of year. To confirm my words, I invite Artem Aralov to the stage, who will read the poem “Even a cat has miracles.” Artem: Even a cat has miracles! Her eyes turned yellow overnight And now, until spring, she will have yellow dreams. But there is no secret at all. The whole white light is in yellow paint. And flowers and foliage. So, autumn has come to us again! Host: Our competition has come to an end. While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I invite everyone to the autumn round dance. Children perform an Autumn round dance. The jury sums up the results of the competition and awards the participants.

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