Using TRIZ techniques in the development of coherent speech in preschool children.

Using TRIZ technology in speech therapy work

Modern society places new demands on the education system of the younger generation, including its first stage – preschool education. The task of preschool teachers, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, is to raise children with high creative potential.

It became obvious that it was necessary to change the ways of interacting with preschoolers in order to raise a talented person who is able to think outside the box and look at the world around him.

Such means are innovative technologies used in preschool education. One of such technologies can safely be called TRIZ - the theory of solving inventive problems. The founder of this technology is Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller.

The goal of TRIZ is not just to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically. Technology allows you to raise and educate a child under the motto “Creativity in everything.”

Classic TRIZ technology has many years of experience in different countries (Asia, Europe and America).


  • gives you the opportunity to show your originality and uniqueness;
  • teaches children to think outside the box;
  • develops such moral qualities as the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation, the desire to help;
  • allows you to gain knowledge without overload, without lengthy memorization.

The sooner you begin to stimulate and develop creative thinking, the higher the level of cognitive activity will be, the faster the smooth transition from concrete to abstract thinking will occur.

When using this technology, you must rely on the following rules:

  • In any educational activity, give the child the right to choose.
  • Provide the child with the opportunity to work with problems that do not have a single correct solution.
  • Include various solution options in the creative task.
  • I include practical activities in any creative task.
  • Monitor the process of children mastering mental operations, since new creative tasks contain elements of previous ones.

These methods of using TRIZ in the correction of speech disorders make it possible to automate sounds in speech, replenish the active vocabulary and increase the logic, accuracy, content and originality of children’s statements, while improving such valuable mental processes for the child as thinking, speech, attention, memory, imagination, creativity.

Let us dwell on the use of TRIZ techniques in the development of speech in preschool children. Through his native language, the child enters the lives of the people around him. The clearer and more expressive his speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the deeper and richer his ability to understand reality. The more perfect a child’s speech, the more correctly his relationships with children and adults will be formed, that is, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole.

The use of TRIZ technology elements increases children's interest in the lesson and makes it possible to develop the creativity of each child.

Automation of a given sound in speech for children with speech pathology sometimes takes a long time. And the combination of pronunciation correction with the help of creative games solves several problems at once, such as consolidating sound and developing thinking and imagination.

Work on speech development using TRIZ is carried out in several stages:

At the first stage of communication with children, we bring them to the problem of multifunctional use of an object. For example: How can you use an object - a chair? (like a table, like a ladder to get something, etc.)

The second stage is the “mystery of the double” or the identification of contradictions in an object, a phenomenon, when something in it is good and something is bad, something is harmful, something interferes, and something is needed. For example: “Good-bad.”

The next stage is resolving contradictions. There is a whole system of game tasks to resolve contradictions. For example, how can you tell whether a puddle is deep or not if the water in it is cloudy? Children put forward different versions, together with them we come to one, and maybe several, suitable solutions to the problem.

At the invention stage, the main task is to teach children to search for and find their own solution. Children's inventiveness is expressed in creative imagination, in thinking, in coming up with something new. For this purpose, children are offered a number of special tasks. For example, come up with a new toy, new transport, etc.

The next stage of work using TRIZ technology is inventing new fairy tales using special methods, which we will discuss a little later.

At the last stage , relying on acquired knowledge, intuition, and using original solutions to problems, the child learns to find a way out of any difficult situation. Here the teacher only observes, the child relies on his own strength, his mental and creative potential. Situations can be different, from any area of ​​human activity.

For example, how to stay dry while walking in the rain. The children answered that they could put on a raincoat, take a large box, lift it above their heads, put on a wide-brimmed hat, etc.

When working with TRIZ technologies, we use various methods and techniques.

One of the methods is synectics , that is, analogy. Personal analogy (empathy) invites the child to imagine himself as some object or phenomenon in a problem situation. For example, I propose to take the image of a flower in a flowerbed that they forgot to water and tell what he is thinking about in this situation. The children quickly understood the meaning of the game and presented very interesting answers.

Direct analogy - based on the search for similar processes in other areas of knowledge. For example, a game task

"Add a word"

Bright, warm (What) - sun Snow, ice cream (What are they doing) - melting Ringing, running (What) - stream

Then we introduced the children to the method of focal objects, the essence of which is to transfer the characteristics of one or more objects to the object we have chosen. The properties and characteristics of other objects that are not connected with it are “attached” to a certain object. Combinations of properties sometimes turn out to be very unexpected, but this is precisely what arouses interest.

The game “Chain of Words” is very interesting - What kind of grass? – Green, soft? What else is soft? - Pillow. And what kind of pillow? – Rectangular, etc.

Another method is brainstorming. It involves setting an inventive problem and finding ways to solve it by searching through resources and choosing the ideal solution. The analysis of each idea is based on a “good - bad” assessment, i.e. something in this proposal is good, but something is bad. This method allows children to develop their ability to analyze, stimulates creativity in finding a solution to a problem, and makes them realize that there are no hopeless situations in life. Of all the solutions, the optimal one is selected, allowing the contradiction to be resolved with minimal costs and losses.

In the collections of educational fairy tales by Anatoly Gin “Tasks-fairy tales from the cat Potryaskin”, Vladimir Bogat “In Hot Africa” precisely such tasks are proposed that involve the use of the brainstorming method.

The main condition for the success of the work is the unconditional prohibition of evaluation and criticism of the proposed options.

After using TRIZ elements in various types of activities, we decided to try to apply TRIZ in creative storytelling, using various options for working with a fairy tale.

For example, “Fairy Tale Inside Out” - the game consists of “twisting” a fairy tale or turning a fairy tale theme “inside out.” You can change the characters' characters. For example: Little Red Riding Hood is evil, and the wolf is good.

We also use the “Twisting a fairy tale” option. For example: Once upon a time there lived a pig Naf-Naf. (Children: not one pig, but three). Well, three little pigs. They decided to build a house out of brick (not they, but their brother Naf-Naf), etc. By changing the fairy tale at the very beginning, you need to guide it to the children, completely changing the plot of the real fairy tale, including new characters in the action.

The next game exercise is “A fairy tale in a given key.” Using this exercise, we open a fairy tale for children in a different time and place of action. For example: An old man and an old woman lived by the very blue sea these days. What will the old woman ask?

An old fairy tale in a new key, having adapted to a new plot, will sound completely different.

We also invite children to compose a fairy tale based on the given beginning. For example, on the eve of the New Year, they asked the children to come up with a fairy tale about Santa Claus according to a given beginning: “The New Year has come. Santa Claus left home and went to deliver New Year's gifts to children and suddenly... What do you think could have happened? Children came up with their own versions of the adventures of Santa Claus

Also, the use of TRIZ technology elements increases children’s interest in the lesson and makes it possible to develop the creativity of each child.

Automation of a given sound in speech for children with speech pathology sometimes takes a long time. And the combination of pronunciation correction with the help of creative games solves several problems at once, such as consolidating sound and developing thinking and imagination.

Here are some options for games with children when correcting sound pronunciation using elements of TRIZ technology.

1st option

Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with a given sound

Progress of the game:

There are pictures on the board. The speech therapist asks a question, for example: “About whom or what can we say “flies?” Each player, using pictures, creates a phrase with a given verb and explains its meaning. In the game you can help each other. A prize token is given for the correct answer. The child with the most tokens wins. Verbs: flies, falls, stands, grows, sits, etc. It is also possible to play the game when children are divided into teams.

2nd option

Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with sound

Progress of the game:

Children sit around a table on which pictures with illustrations for a given sound are laid out. The speech therapist asks a question, for example: “Who changes their color? Who can be evil? etc., depending on the selected sound. Participants in the game, using pictures, make up all sorts of word combinations with given adjectives. You can complicate the task at the second stage: divide the children into 2 teams. Inviting the children in the team to explain why this or that object is the way it is, for example: why is a wolf evil? Could he be different? The team that comes up with the most interesting answers wins.

3rd option

Goal: automate a specific sound

Equipment: pictures with sound

Progress of the game:

Children sit around the table. The speech therapist has a stack of cards in his hands. The first player takes any card from this pile, for example “hat,” and comes up with some phrase, for example: “Fluffy hat.” The picture is passed to the next player. “Black hat,” “New hat,” etc., the participants in the game say one by one, passing the picture around. The player who named the last word combination keeps the picture and gets the right to take the next picture from the pile. The one with the most pictures wins.

Thus, I would like to note that the use of adapted TRIZ methods in the process of speech development in preschool children contributes to:

  • activation of cognitive activity of children;
  • creating motivational guidelines for creativity;
  • creating conditions for the development of the figurative side of children’s speech (enriching the vocabulary of evaluative vocabulary, words with a figurative meaning, synonyms and antonyms);
  • increasing the efficiency of mastering all language means;
  • the formation of awareness in the construction of lexical and grammatical constructions;
  • development of flexibility of analytical-synthetic operations in mental activity.

This technology is very interesting and fascinating - you just need to get to know it more deeply.


  1. Gin S.I. TRIZ classes in kindergarten: a manual for teachers of preschool institutions. Minsk, 2007.
  2. Korzun A.V. Fun didactics: elements of TRIZ and RTV in working with preschoolers. Mn., 2000.
  3. Lalaeva R.I. Speech disorders and their correction in children with mental retardation / R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova, S.V. Zorina. Moscow, 2004.

Abuzharova Valentina Vyacheslavovna teacher-speech therapist, Cheboksary

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