Work experience “Celebrating a birthday in kindergarten”

For me, children's parties are special events. They are much more important than adult celebrations. I always prepare for my child’s birthday in advance, start looking for a suitable idea several months in advance, and then bring it to life.

Quick registration Get 5% discount on your first order! When our son was very young (1-2 years old), we celebrated his birthday in a narrow family circle. Then he went to the garden and began to interact with his peers. On the day of my son’s third birthday, it was decided to hold an interesting holiday in the group.

In our country, birthday people are usually always congratulated, children and teachers dance in a round dance and play “Loaf”. We decided to celebrate our son's birthday as brightly and cheerfully as the rules of the preschool allow.

My holiday plan was this:

  • Animation congratulating the birthday boy in the music hall;
  • Tea drinking in a group;
  • Nice gifts for each child in the booth - sweet biscuit bears or lollipops.

Everything went well, but not quite according to plan.


Animator services are provided by our garden. The choice of heroes for the holiday, however, is limited. On the other hand, parents will not have to look for a presenter who has permission to work with children, and this is very important for me, a working mother with a shortage of free time.

The manager said that they have costumes of several popular cartoon characters, as well as a pirate and a clown. I immediately rejected Elsa from Frozen and Princess Sofia: these images are more suitable for girls. My son is a fan of “Paw Patrol,” “Baby Boys,” and “Blue Tractor,” but there were no such costumes in the garden. But there was a cartoon character about fixies that I liked. The animator led the program in the image of Nolik.

The children really enjoyed the fun competitions and soap bubble shows. There was also a mini-disco with songs for the kids. But the main thing is that my son was absolutely delighted. He found himself in the center of attention, everyone congratulated him, he was very pleased. He firmly remembered that now, when an adult asks your age, you have to show not two fingers, as before, but three!

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Birthday in kindergarten

Children love to celebrate together. But a birthday in kindergarten is a topic that causes a lot of controversy and doubt among parents and teachers. The child certainly wants to see the entire kindergarten group at his party, because all the children, without exception, are his best friends, what to do in this case?

I would like to share our ideas for a birthday party in kindergarten.

Our group has its own traditions of celebrating birthdays. If your baby's birthday falls on a weekend, you can celebrate it on Monday. Most often in our group it is customary to spend it after a nap. We have just enough time for the kids to have a lot of fun and not get too tired. And then the kids and the birthday boy, full of impressions, will go home.

In order to create the atmosphere of a real holiday, we think about decorating the group in advance. Even a few balloons can provide a lift. And what would a children's party be without balloons? Balloons are a surprisingly joyful thing for kids. Especially now that you can find them in all colors, sizes and shapes. You can decorate the group on the day of the holiday during the kids' nap. It will be a surprise for them. Or you can hang the balloons the night before, then the celebration for the birthday boy and his friends will begin right in the morning. We attach the most beautiful balloon to the birthday boy’s locker, and in the “birthday boy’s corner” we paste a photo of the child.

Of course we don't forget about dancing! We invite kids to dance like funny animals: a clumsy bear, a cautious cat, a fast deer, a nimble mouse, a funny puppy. “Let's play an interesting game! Get on the train! This simple game is perfect for a large number of children. All the kids line up behind each other and take the elbows of the one in front. The first child plays the role of the driver. One whistle - the train starts moving, two - it stops. Everyone can be a driver in turn. Or you can organize two trains at once.

All kinds of round dances and round dances, in which you need to repeat certain actions after the leader, are always popular with children: “duckling dance”, “If you like it, then do it this way” and others. And of course, the irreplaceable loaf. And after the words: “Loaf-loaf, we can begin the sweet part of our holiday.

Talking about food is special. It's no secret that kids spend a minimum of time at the festive table, preferring outdoor games to the feast. But no one will refuse the exciting moment of blowing out the candles. And here comes the rub. Many kindergartens prohibit bringing cakes to birthdays. But we found a way out of this situation by adding attributes to our group for the role-playing game “Birthday” (various pastries, cake, candles, etc.). The birthday boy and his teacher set the table and here the real birthday celebration begins.

Another one of our birthday celebration traditions is to seat the child in the “chair” of the birthday boy. The group's teachers raise the birthday boy's chair high as many times as he turns old.

If parents and the birthday boy want to “treat” the children with something, then we recommend an alternative to treats - this could be the distribution of: stationery (colored gel pens, bright pencils and erasers, sharpeners, notebooks or children’s favorite stamps with famous cartoon characters); tiny toys, soap bubbles; balloons, etc.

Note that many children in the kindergarten suffer from allergies and digestive system disorders. Therefore, chocolate, concentrated juices and citrus fruits are strictly prohibited for them. “offended” on his birthday in kindergarten .

The holiday is over. The birthday boy and the guests are happy and are about to go home. After every birthday celebration, all the kids look forward to their holiday, and of course, we are teachers, we always try to come up with something new and always interesting for our birthday children.

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Tea party

After active dancing, the children in the group drank compote with a pie prepared by the cooks of our kindergarten. I agreed on this issue in advance with teachers and parents in our chat. It was planned that the treat would have chocolate filling, but some mothers wrote that their children had allergies. The pie was made with an apple, and this option suited everyone. It turned out very tasty. And I ordered pastries with chocolate filling for our teachers: I wanted to please them too. There was a reason for this: the parents from our group, including me, were not present at the holiday, but the teachers found a way to show us a piece of fun. They took some photos with their phones and recorded a short video. All information was posted in the general chat. Although it was a reportage shoot using ordinary smartphones, the parents were satisfied with the photo report.

How to prepare a child for a birthday celebration in kindergarten?

Most likely, you won’t have to cook anyone. A month before the onset of day X, the baby himself will begin to count down the days and look forward to when, well, when he will also be congratulated, like Masha, Petya and Vova from his group. For very tiny kids, you can arrange a surprise holiday. And with children from the older group, you can organize a joint project “My Best Birthday”. Sit down with a cup of cocoa with a notepad and pen and together write down every item of the holiday in kindergarten - from treats to entertainment. Which animators will come to congratulate you? What will we treat our guests to? What is the theme of the holiday? Dress? Hall decoration? Let the hero of the occasion organize his own holiday from start to finish. And who knows what this idea will develop into? Just don't spend too much time preparing. If you start preparing six months before the expected celebration, the birthday boy’s interest will be lost approximately halfway through.

Underwater rocks

It turned out that you can’t put any treats in the booth. Categorically. Even in individual packaging. Not only the teachers were against it, but also the nurse. I didn’t even check with the manager, having talked with other garden employees. Therefore, I was forced to give up candy and cakes. Instead, I bought a large bunch of balloons for the group. Each child, going home with their parents, received a gift. The children were happy, chose the color of the ball, and hurried outside. There were some surprises: our gifts burst for two kids. However, we immediately found a replacement, because I bought the balloons with a reserve. No one even had time to cry.

Another idea was to put a coloring book or sticker in each child’s booth. But I didn’t have time to find the required number of identical sets, and I didn’t give different things to three-year-old children. Everyone will think that someone else’s book is more interesting, and it’s not far from tears.

What to prepare and bring for a birthday celebration in kindergarten

On day X or a couple of days before the birthday, prudent mothers should bring to kindergarten:

  • treats for kids
  • cake for nannies and teachers
  • balls or garlands to decorate the hall
  • small gifts for kids
  • candles
  • an elegant suit for the birthday boy (Or better yet, two! There were different occasions)

You can bring the following treats to kindergarten:

  • Favorite fruits are bananas, apples, pears.
  • Small sweets in individual packaging - muffins, waffles, cookies, gingerbreads.
  • Natural juices in boxes.

Please check with your parents or teacher in advance whether the children in the group have any special dietary needs. Some people don’t eat gluten, some people absolutely can’t have sugar, some are allergic to citrus fruits. All this needs to be taken into account when choosing a treat for a kindergarten birthday. You can simply pack sweets and fruits beautifully and leave them in each child’s locker. His parents will decide for themselves whether or not he can have a chocolate egg or orange juice.

Dress code for a holiday in kindergarten

What is a holiday without a fancy dress? Without a white shirt with a bow tie? The opportunity to be a princess is almost the most important reason that makes girls look forward to this day so much. There are a little less boys. Select, prepare and bring an outfit for the birthday girl to kindergarten in advance. Or better yet, two! If there is very tasty borscht for lunch, then the crinolines may not resist!

Bringing beauty to the group

To make the kids wake up and squeal with delight, the teachers have a whole quiet hour to inflate and hang balloons throughout the group! Multi-colored balloons are the easiest and fastest way to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Garlands of balloons can be ordered in advance and delivered at a certain time.

End of the holiday

After kindergarten, my son, his friend from the group, and my friend’s mother and I went to an amusement park. There, kids caught “fish” with magnetic fishing rods in a small pond and received prizes for their catch. We jumped on trampolines. We had fun in a dry pool with plastic balls. We took a ride on the children's train through the park.

In the evening we had a tea party at home, ordered a cake, and invited the grandparents. My son excitedly told me how cheerfully they congratulated him in kindergarten, how they blew bubbles and how they fed him pie. At the same time, he did not let go of the large red ball, which he had chosen for himself, and fell asleep with it.

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Who spends their birthday in kindergarten?

Celebrations and congratulations for birthday children in kindergarten are carried out by teachers assigned to the group. They have pre-written ready-made scenarios for children of different ages. The teachers know the characteristics of the group well, they know how to find an approach to each child - all participants in the celebration will be comfortable, safe and easy. Sometimes mothers themselves want to hold an event for their children. This point should be discussed separately with the head of the kindergarten. In both cases, you need to take into account that the holiday will not be a large-scale and global celebration with a visiting circus, disco and entertainment from morning to evening. A holiday in kindergarten cannot last long, because the children and the teacher have a schedule, daily routine and mandatory activities. But even in an hour or two you can create a festive atmosphere and surround the little hero of the occasion with attention. Several games, competitions, riddles and the obligatory “Loaf-loaf, choose whoever you want!” - this is the minimum that will cheer up the entire team, but will not give a reason to start walking on their heads and disrupting lessons.

And for the holiday to be 100% successful, you can and even need to invite animators to the kindergarten! Unless, of course, the administration of the preschool educational institution has nothing against extraneous princesses, clowns and little mermaids in the garden. Every mother knows that cherished cartoon and those favorite characters that will definitely delight the little birthday boy. Just imagine: the baby opens his eyes after a sweet nap, stretches and... sees his beloved Fixies, the Paw Patrol in full force or the restless Masha with her bear! With joy, the hero of the occasion will jump up to the ceiling, wake up the whole group and make a noise-hum-humour. But that’s why birthdays were created! Is it true? Children's animators in kindergarten are always a great idea! Princesses, superheroes, transformers and other favorite heroes from the Sea Show team love to go to kindergarten with their entertainment programs. We know exactly how to cheer up children of all ages. Sea Show will bring a holiday with it to any kindergarten in Moscow and Moscow Region, and if necessary, to any other point on the planet. Giving children happiness is our mission on this planet!

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