Plan of holidays and entertainment for the summer health period in kindergarten

MADO kindergarten No. 235


  1. Formation of ideas about the Spring and Labor Festival.
  2. Expanding knowledge about professions (driver, postman, salesman, doctor).
  3. Fostering a positive attitude towards work and a desire to work.

Planned result: By the end of the week, your child will be able to talk about the holiday of spring and labor, about professions and why people need work.

Final event: Craft

The duration of each activity should not exceed 20 minutes. We offer you the following work plan:


1. Tell your children about the May 1st holiday! May 1st is the Holiday of Spring and Labor! May 1, like March 8, many years ago was the day of the struggle of working people for their rights. In those days, the life of workers who worked in factories and factories was difficult. They worked from early morning until late evening and received so little money for their hard work that sometimes they did not even have enough for food.

On May 1, workers (both women and men) organized processions and demonstrations. They carried flags and posters. The demands of the working people were written on the posters. Nowadays, on May 1st we celebrate the Spring and Labor Festival. This is a holiday for everyone who works, a holiday for people of different professions: workers, scientists, doctors, teachers. It is customary to celebrate the Spring and Labor Festival with colorful processions and demonstrations. People take balloons, flags, and flowers with them. And to make it noisy and fun - whistles and rattles. On May 1, music sounds everywhere and orchestras play. Everyone sings and dances. The words “PEACE”, “MAY”, “WORK” are written on bright posters.

2. Learn any poem with your child. On a warm, clear spring day, before everyone else, my friend, welcome the Amazing, beautiful, Good holiday of May Day!

The story of the poem can be recorded on video and sent to the group, or you can draw an illustration for the poem and send a photo!

3. Tell your child riddles about professions: 1) There is no need to invite him to visit, He always comes on his own. In the bag it brings joy to home addresses. In an elated mood, he carries telegrams into the house. Because, guys, who is he, tell me? ... (postman)

2) The roads are all familiar to him, he feels like he’s at home in the cabin. And he knows all the traffic rules firmly, without a doubt. He instantly starts the engine, and rushes off in the car... (driver)

3) In a snow-white robe, he treats all the patients in the ward. If suddenly trouble happens, then he will rush to the ambulance. If he gives you an injection, don’t cry, because he cures all diseases... (DOCTOR)

4) We are given the goods and the receipt Not by a philosopher, not by a sage, And not by a superman, But by an ordinary... (SELLER)


1. Read 3-4 stories with your children.

  1. G. Sapgir “Gardener”.
  2. B. Zakhoder “The Dressmaker”, “Builders”.
  3. S. Marshak “Fire”, “Mail”.
  4. From Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, “What do you have?”
  5. V. Sukhomlinsky “My mother smells like bread.”
  6. E. Permyak “Mom’s work.”
  7. N. Naydenova “Olga Pavlovna”.
  8. I. Draw “Earth” and “Human Hands”.
  9. S. Baruzdina “Who built this house?”
  10. A. Brodsky “My brother”.
  11. N. Kalinina “How the guys crossed the street” and “Where trams and buses spend the night.”
  12. B. Zhitkov “Traffic Light” (from the book “What I Saw”).
  13. E. Permyak “What are hands needed for”

(After reading the book, ask your child what the story was about) 2. Watch and remember what the video on the topic “PEACE” is about. LABOR, MAY!” (at the end of the video you need to complete the task)

3. Draw a picture with your children on the theme “Spring and Labor Festival.” A photo of the picture can be sent to the group!


1. Read proverbs about work to children and explain their meaning.

  • Without labor there is no fruit.
  • Will and labor give marvelous shoots
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.
  • Advice is good, but things are better
  • If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
  • Don't be quick with your tongue, be quick with your actions.
  • Skillful hands do not know boredom.
  • The master's work is afraid.
  • Business before pleasure.
  • The day until the evening is boring when there is nothing to do.
  • Whatever is in place runs into your hands.
  • In business, it is not strength that is needed, but skill.

2. Recommendations for parents to complete the task for the day.

— observe the spring changes in nature; - look at illustrations depicting people of different professions; (you can find illustrations on the Internet) - compose a story “How we work in the garden in the spring”; — organize joint work to clean the apartment for the holiday “Cleanliness in our house”; — talk about the May 1 demonstration, generate interest in the life of the country;

3. With your child, make a craft flag with a dove from colored paper. Perform simple actions with the flag, to the music of a march or dance melody.

You can send photos of crafts and videos to the group!

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