My work experience “Modern innovative technologies for working with parents in preschool educational institutions”

Modern forms of working with parents

Turumbetova Yulia Grigorievna

Modern forms of working with parents

How childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Childhood is an unforgettable time in the life of every person. It is filled with the kind hands of parents and the care of educators. Parental love gives a person a “margin of safety”

creates a sense of psychological security.
The main feature of family education is a special microclimate, thanks to which the child develops an attitude towards himself, which determines his sense of self-worth. It is undeniable that it is the example of parents and their personal qualities that largely determine the effectiveness of the educational function of the family.

The basis for the interaction of preschool teachers with families is the creation of a single algorithm


The concept of modernization of Russian education (reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013, emphasizes the exclusive role of the family in solving the problems of educating the younger generation. Recognition of the priority of family education requires other forms of interaction between the family and kindergarten.

The goal of interaction between the kindergarten and the family is to create the necessary conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents , to involve the family in a single educational space, and to establish trusting relationships with parents .

The same forms of interaction with parents are not effective . Work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account the social status and microclimate of the family, as well as parental requests and the degree of parental interest in the activities of the preschool educational institution .

The task of the teaching staff is to create conditions for interaction with parents , to plan work with parents based on an analysis of the structure of the family society and the psychological climate. Involve parents to participate in the life of the preschool educational institution and management, provide assistance to parents in the educational process.

A lot for a child depends on the professional and human relationships of adults in the preschool educational institution: educators, specialists, parents - their relationship to themselves, to each other, to the child. All these adults are directly involved in creating a favorable climate for the child. The interests of the child may suffer if the relationship between kindergarten workers and parents does not work out .

Unfortunately, some teachers proceed from the assumption that it is they who must “explain” to parents how to raise their children, and choose an edifying tone: they do not advise or suggest, but demand; They do not suggest, but instruct. All this pushes parents . But the result is the same - the kindergarten and the parents are raising the child without interacting with each other. And the very forms of work with families do not give the desired results, since they are aimed at interacting with a wide range of parents , with the entire parent group of the group . Under these conditions, it is impossible to recognize the individuality of the family and the child, his problems and successes, to get closer and communicate, to activate and work together .

Basic principles of partnership between preschool educational institutions and families:

• Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents . A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of group teachers with parents . In communication between a teacher and parents , categoricality and a demanding tone are inappropriate. After all, any model of interaction with the family perfectly built by the kindergarten administration will remain a “model on paper”

, if the teacher does not
develop for himself specific forms of correct treatment of parents . The teacher communicates with parents every day , and it depends on him what the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole will be. Daily friendly interaction between teachers and parents means much more than a single well-executed event.
• Individual approach. It is necessary not only when working with children , but also when working with parents . The teacher, when communicating with parents , must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. This is where the teacher’s human and pedagogical ability to reassure the parent , sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation comes in handy.

• Collaboration rather than mentoring. Modern mothers and fathers, for the most part, are literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. It will be more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten staff in understanding the family’s problems and a sincere desire to help.

• Openness of the preschool, includes “openness inward”

"openness to the outside"
“Openness inward”
is the involvement
of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten. Parents and family members can significantly diversify the lives of children in a preschool institution and contribute to educational work . This can be an occasional event that every family can do. Some parents will be happy to organize an excursion, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, and others will teach their children something. Thus, all subjects of the pedagogical process benefit of parents in the work of First of all, children. Teachers, in turn, have the opportunity to get to know families better, understand the strengths and weaknesses of home education, determine the nature and extent of their help, and sometimes simply learn. “Openness to the outside”
means that the kindergarten is open to the influences of microsociety, is ready to cooperate with social institutions located on its territory, and involve
parents in participating in competitions.
• Dynamic. A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents , their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work of the kindergarten with the family should change.

Directions for involving parents in joint activities.

• Cognitive direction.

Goal: aimed at familiarizing parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children, developing practical skills in raising children in parents.

This direction includes:

— general, group meetings;

— consultations and individual conversations;

— exhibitions of children's works and crafts made together with parents . By participating in the making of crafts, parents revealed interests and abilities that they themselves were not aware of.

- participation of parents in the preparation of holidays, entertainment, and leisure activities.

— joint excursions;

— open GCD. parents a lot : they get the opportunity to see their child in a situation different from the family situation, compare his behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, and adopt teaching and educational techniques from the teacher.

— joint creation of a subject-development environment;

— helpline parents have the number of the head and teachers )


- morning greetings;

— Mail of trust;

- family projects.

Information and analytical direction.

Goal: aimed at identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents , the level of their pedagogical literacy, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children .

Helps to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account individual characteristics.

In this direction you can carry out:

— questioning;

— testing.

From the analysis of information about children’s families, it is clear that preschoolers come from families of different social status and have different levels of education. This information was used when planning organizational and pedagogical work with parents to attract parents to assist the institution, to determine the prospects for the development of the kindergarten.

Visual information direction.

Goal: makes it possible to convey to parents any information in an accessible form , to tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities. Kindergarten begins with the locker room; it is very important that it is cozy and beautiful, which is why our parent corners are bright and attractive.

This direction includes:

- parent corner : including various information .

Practical material is placed on the stand, making it clear what a child does in kindergarten, specific games, tips, tasks.

- regulations;

— announcements and advertisements; - productive activities for children (drawings, crafts)


- mobile folder.

The form of work through parent corners , regulatory documents, notices and advertisements, productive activities, moving folders is traditional, but it is necessary for working with parents , because often the teacher does not have the opportunity to come up and talk with parents on a current topic in raising children. New, beautifully designed information quickly attracts the attention of parents and gives a positive result.

— emotional corner: “Congratulations!”


— photo exhibitions;

- publication of newspapers.

•Leisure activities:

Goal: designed to establish warm, trusting relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents , between parents and children .

This direction is the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to see the problems of their child from the inside, compare him with other children, see difficulties in relationships, see how others do it, i.e. gain experience interacting not only with their child, but also with parent community in general. Holidays should be held not for parents , but with the involvement of parents , so that they know how much trouble and work needs to be put into preparing any celebration.

Meetings with parents at festive events always mobilize us and make our everyday lives brighter.

In this area you can organize:

- holidays that can end with tea.

- entertainment;

— acquaintance with the professions of parents ;

— birthday celebrations;

- exhibition of family collection

- stock. Many people have books and toys that their children have “grown out of”

. How many educational moments are hidden in this small event! This is a careful attitude towards old things, while children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give them - this is a lot of work, education of the soul.

- days of good deeds.

The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents . In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate and then everything will work out.

Interactions between parents and kindergarten rarely occur immediately. This is a long process, long painstaking work, requiring patient, consistent pursuit of the chosen goal, and a constant search for new ways of cooperation with parents .

There are methods that allow you to build relationships with parents .

The first one is “Let’s get to know each other!”

At this stage, parents’ introduction to the kindergarten , educational programs, and teaching staff opens up opportunities for them to work .
The second stage is “Let's make friends!”

At this stage, parents are offered active methods of interaction: trainings, round tables
, game seminars.

The third stage - “Let's find out together”

At this stage, we can talk about the functioning of the parent -teaching community, directing its activities towards the development of the child.
Forms of work can be individual, group and family.

There are traditional and non-traditional forms of working with parents .

Traditional forms are those forms that are time-tested and standard for all preschool institutions not only in the city, but also in the country. These include:

• Conversations are conducted both individually and in groups. In both cases, the goal is clearly defined: to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of upbringing, to help achieve a common point of view on these issues.

• Visiting a child’s family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents , and clarifying the conditions of upbringing, if it does not turn into a formal event . The purpose of the first visit is to find out the general conditions of family education. Repeat visits are scheduled as needed and include more specific tasks.

• To introduce parents to pedagogical literature, it is advisable to create mobile folders, selecting articles on specific topics into folders. However, it should be remembered that every time you need to talk with parents about the literature you have read, find out what interests you, and what you can borrow to raise your child.

• Open days, being a fairly common form of work , provide an opportunity to introduce parents to a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work , to interest them in it and to involve them in participation. It is conducted as a tour of a preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of visiting parents . You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, getting ready for a walk, etc.)

Parent meetings are held in groups and general meetings. General meetings are organized 1-2 times a year. The head of the school plans and conducts the general parent meeting together with the parent committee and teachers. They discuss general organizational issues of joint work of the entire preschool educational institution , tasks for the new academic year, the results of educational work issues of physical education and problems of the summer health period, etc. You can invite a doctor or lawyer to the general meeting. Speeches by parents .

At group meetings, parents are introduced to the content, tasks and methods of raising children of a certain age in preschool and family settings.

• Consultations are close to conversations. Their main difference is that the teacher, conducting a consultation, seeks to give parents qualified advice. Usually a system of consultations is drawn up, which are carried out individually or for a subgroup of parents .

The goals of the consultation are for parents to acquire certain knowledge and skills; helping them resolve problematic issues.

• Exhibitions are a visual form of providing information . They introduce parents to expected or past events in the group, kindergarten (promotions, competitions, excursions and holidays)


• Questioning - One of the active forms of obtaining and exchanging information on various issues of the work of a kindergarten . Questioning helps the teaching staff obtain the most complete information on certain issues, analyze it and correctly plan further work in this direction . On the other hand, questionnaires help parents think more seriously about this or that topic, evaluate their teaching capabilities, style of relationship with the child, etc.

Non-traditional forms of work are new forms of work that help better assist families in raising and educating a child.

• Kindergarten website The website contains information for parents : about the direction of work of the preschool educational institution , about the provision of services. Using the institution's website, parents can obtain information they are interested in about the work of the preschool educational institution .

• Photo exhibitions and photomontages for each group are prepared by teachers , where information about the life of the group , the successes of individual children, and competitions is posted. Photographs and products of collective children's creativity are also placed there.

• Carrying out actions - This form of joint activity has great educational significance not only for children who learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give. Parents will also not remain indifferent, seeing how their child enthusiastically plays with friends in kindergarten in a game long abandoned at home, and their favorite book has become even more interesting and sounds new in the circle of friends.

• Trust mail is one of the forms of information and analytical work . This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, and ask questions to specialists, a teacher or a methodologist. Questions asked are covered at parent meetings , become the topic of a parent club meeting, or are given in writing by specialists.

• Conducting master classes - A meeting at which parents demonstrate their achievements in the field of raising children. First, the teacher gives the topic to several parents and instructs each to teach a small lesson in which they will have to explain to all the assembled parents how to teach their child to clean up his toys and wash himself. At the end of the meeting the results are summarized.

"Round table"

parents - The purpose of such events: in a non-traditional setting with the obligatory participation of specialists, discuss current problems of education parents
Parents who have expressed in writing or orally a desire to participate in a discussion of a particular topic with specialists

are invited round table meeting • Presentations help parents get acquainted with the main forms of work of a kindergarten with a family during the adaptation period. Parents the acquired knowledge in raising children in the family, thereby facilitating the adaptation period of their child’s stay in a preschool educational institution.

• Issues of family newspapers and posters. Newspapers and posters will help make an interesting family experience accessible to everyone, and those parents who are not very interested in the problems of education will be involved in one way or another in joint work . The parent newspaper is prepared by the parents themselves . In it, they note interesting incidents from the life of the family and share their experiences of education on certain issues. For example, “Family day off”, “My mom”, “My dad”, “I’m at home”, etc.

• Conducting training and business games. During these games, participants do not simply “absorb” certain knowledge, but construct a new model of actions and relationships. During the discussion, the game participants, with the help of specialists, try to analyze the situation from all sides and find an acceptable solution. Training game exercises and tasks help to evaluate different ways of interacting with a child, choose more successful forms of addressing and communicating with him, and replacing undesirable ones with constructive ones. A parent involved in game training begins to communicate with the child and comprehends new truths.

• Joint walks and excursions. Every year, teachers plan several large-scale excursions. Parents are always the first helpers in their organization . Nothing brings people closer together than doing something interesting together, aimed at the benefit of children and their development. Based on the results, a booklet with photographs is always published, and, if possible, a video recording is made. Using the booklet parents who did not attend the excursion can familiarize themselves with its contents.

• Brochures, leaflets and booklets. They help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of the kindergarten and give general information about it . Parents can access benefits throughout the year.

• Exhibition of family heirlooms - these are items in a family or clan that are passed down from generation to generation (beads, boxes, amulets, figurines, etc.)

. Today you don't often hear about a family heirloom. Maybe because people began to forget their ancestors, their family traditions. An exhibition of family heirlooms helps children understand from an early age that human life is endless if descendants remember it.

Becoming active participants in the “social”

life and the learning process of their children, mothers and fathers feel like
parents because they contribute to learning and acquire new teaching skills.
Family-centered practice is not defined as a set of forms and procedures . Rather, it requires a desire to adhere to values ​​associated with respect for families, the need to listen to parents , and cooperate with them.
The effectiveness of interaction between a teacher and parents largely depends on the positive attitude of both parties, a flexible individual approach to each parent , and the ability to interest in informal methods of communication that interest . It is necessary to move away from the traditional understanding of working with parents and focus specifically on a constructive partnership, dialogue model of interaction with the family, based on parental requests and wishes .

Thus, the use of various forms of work with families of kindergarten students gives positive results. With all their work, preschool employees prove to parents that their involvement in teaching activities, interested participation in the educational process is important not because the teacher wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child. The introduction of new federal state educational standards makes it possible to organize joint activities of kindergarten and family more effectively.

New technologies in working with parents in the aspect of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Currently, the first link of the general education system is public preschool education. Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in a kindergarten or school.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of regulatory documents, including the “Concept of Preschool Education”, the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education”.

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with families is also changing. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

One of the advantages of the “Kindergarten – House of Joy” program (author N.M. Krylova), which I implement, is a well-thought-out holistic system of cooperation with the family, which includes not only psychological and pedagogical education, but also direct participation parents in the educational process of the group. The inclusion of the family as a partner and active subject in the educational environment of a preschool educational institution qualitatively changes the conditions of interaction between teachers and parents. This union is based on a unity of views on the educational process, jointly developed common goals and educational objectives, and ways to achieve results.

In order to positively influence the desire of a particular family to participate in the work of the group, the teacher needs to know all the parents of his group well and take into account the individual characteristics of not only different families, but also the members of each family. Studying a student’s family allows me, as a teacher, to get to know him better, understand the family’s lifestyle, its way of life, traditions, spiritual values, educational opportunities, the child’s relationship with his parents, and predict a strategy for interaction with the family.

I think the most effective methods for studying families are:

— At the beginning of the school year, I organize an acquaintance with each family in the form of “Parent meetings”, for participation in which each parent, together with his child, prepares a presentation on the topic “Me and my child.”

— Establishing contact with parents (friendly conversation, specific, accurate answers to parents’ questions).

- Identifying the structure of the family and its psychological climate (collecting information, observing the relationship between parents and children during the reception and care of children), I suggest parents write an essay on the topic “My child, his individual characteristics.”

When interacting with parents, I do not abandon traditional forms: parent meetings, individual consultations, conversations. I organize these events in such a way that information is absorbed not in a passive mode, but in an active one, using problem situations, “round table”, psychological trainings, “Meeting with specialists”, etc. They are aimed at introducing parents to the “program” according to which the kindergarten operates, the age characteristics and capabilities of the children, etc.

But I consider non-traditional forms based on cooperation and interaction between teachers and parents to be more effective in building constructive relationships with parents, such as the implementation of projects, parent master classes, interactive games, maintaining a group and individual child’s Portfolio. In such forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented.

I will dwell briefly on each of them.

One of the most common forms of including parents in the educational process of a preschool educational institution is the project method, as a result of which the activity of parents in the affairs of the group increases. And the child is constantly in the zone of proximal development; what he did today with the help of an adult, he will do on his own in the future. Our group organized projects in accordance with thematic planning:

— Complex: “Pushkin’s Tales”, “Who to Be?”;

— Group: “How I spent this summer”, “Good fairy tales”;

— Individual: “My hobbies”;

— Research: “The Journey of a Droplet.”

The usual topic ceases to be abstract and takes on a direction consonant with the children’s experience. After all, it’s one thing to talk and look at the illustrations, and quite another to tell how interesting it is to fly to another country, how fun it is to go with mom and dad to visit grandma by train. Children have a lot of impressions, while working on a project they are “refreshed”, and you can share them with friends: clarify something, expand some impressions, or learn about something for the first time.

The results of the projects were: the publication of a newspaper, presentations, and art exhibitions.

My practice of using the project method shows that the attitude of parents to the content of their children’s activities is changing.

Based on the recommendations of N.M. Krylova, I developed algorithms for preparing and conducting parent master classes. A parent master class is a form of joint partnership activity when a parent acts as a teaching adult. The teacher here is an assistant to the parent-master; together with the children, he participates in the tasks proposed by the master, thereby setting an example of a culture of communication and relationships with adults. The subject of master classes in our group, as a rule, is the professions of parents, their hobbies, family traditions, achievements, etc. For example, over the past 2 years, our group has organized master classes “Merry notes”, “In the chess kingdom”, “Where does Mishka wear his pants from”, “My dad is a rescuer”. In particular, in the educational field “Artistic Creativity” in the senior group, we conducted a parent master class “Unusual Drawing”, during which the mother of a student in my group showed the children unconventional drawing techniques, as a result we got the collage “Winter Fun”.

Organizing parent master classes requires careful preparation. When inviting a parent to conduct a master class, it is necessary to take into account his individual characteristics (temperament, communication culture), his relationship with his own child and with children in general. A master parent should not only be a professional in his field, but also an interesting conversationalist; he should really like what he does, because only a truly passionate person can captivate others. Grandparents and close relatives of the students are also invited masters.

A master parent must understand the significance of his participation in the upbringing of his child and all children in the group. Therefore, it is so important to inform parents in a timely manner about what we do in kindergarten. These are not only information stands, photo exhibitions “And in our kindergarten”, videos, but also invitations to classes, joint events (entertainment, holidays, hikes, etc.).

We broadcast the results of parental master classes through the release of videos, wall newspapers, exhibitions of creative works, the creation of collections, photo albums, and we record children's stories in their speech diaries.

In my opinion, this form of interaction with parents, aimed at implementing the basic general education program of a preschool educational institution, is very effective. The most important thing is that the role of the parent changes from an observer or controller to a subject of their child’s education. For children, this is an expansion of the boundaries of cognitive and social experience. The teacher is given the opportunity to solve a number of important psychological and pedagogical problems.

A new, interesting form of interaction with the families of pupils is an interactive game, which allows parents to know and understand the structure and cause-and-effect relationships with their child better than in the complex real world. Through interactive play, parents can be more effectively shown and taught new ways to interact with their children and test their ideas. Both my parents and I are attracted to this form because it is playful in nature, awakens curiosity, willingness to take risks, creates a challenging situation and gives the joy of discovery. I organized the following games: “This is my child”, “100 to one”, “Lucky chance”, the purpose of which was to choose the tactics of the correct attitude of parents to the individual characteristics of their child. During the game, parents are offered: an exhibition of drawings, a video recording of children's statements about the family, about objects and about the world around them. During the game, each parent thinks about whether in the everyday bustle he has lost his main purpose - motherhood and fatherhood.

I consider maintaining a group and individual child’s Portfolio as another effective form of involving parents in the educational process of a preschool educational institution. I suggest parents fill out information about their child, select photographs together with him and write stories from the child’s perspective. Gradually, the Portfolio is replenished with photographic materials and publications about the life of children in kindergarten and at home.

In the course of such cooperation, I noted the activity of parents, as well as the desire to participate in the pedagogical process, such quality indicators as initiative, responsibility, and the attitude of parents towards the products of joint activities of children and adults grew. After analyzing the work, it is clear that according to the diagnostic results, the number of parent activists in the group increased by 30%; The number of executing parents increased by 40%, and the number of observer parents decreased by 50%.

I would like to end my speech with the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “For a child, a family is a source of social experience. Here he finds role models and here his social birth takes place. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, we must solve this problem “with the whole world”: kindergarten, family, public.”


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