Collection of impromptu theater for work in a theater group

Funny scene for preschoolers

On the stage there is a model of a large Russian hut, trees and pots of flowers, and on the porch are sitting guys in disguise - grandfather and grandmother. A beautiful song about Russia sounds behind the scenes, and old people talk peacefully and eat apples.

Presenter : Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother in a Russian village. They loved their Motherland, Mother Russia, worked hard and did not want to fight with anyone.

Old man : Grandma, grandma, look how beautiful our country is, the birch trees are slender, the sky is blue, and this year’s harvest was rich, there are many, many apples.

Old lady : Yes, grandpa, there are a lot of apples, but someone has gotten into the habit of our garden and is stealing our apples.

At this time, an actor dressed as Hitler stealthily walks across the stage and quietly takes several apples from his grandfather’s basket. Children in the hall shout: “Look, look, Hitler is advancing and stealing apples!”

Grandfather and grandmother do not see the thief and are upset.

Presenter : Grandfather and grandmother were upset that the apples were gone and went to bed, and in the morning they picked raspberries and sat down to eat on the porch.

Grandfather : Grandma, grandma, look how many raspberries you picked, eat it - I don’t want to!

Grandmother : Yes, raspberries are delicious, sweet!

At this time, Hitler sneaks into the garden and steals a basket of raspberries from the old people. The children shout: “Look, look, Hitler is advancing and stealing the raspberries!”

Presenter : Grandfather and grandmother were upset that the raspberries were stolen and went to bed. And in the morning, the grandfather collected crispy cucumbers, only this time he prepared birch clubs to catch and teach the thief a lesson.

Grandfather : Grandma, and grandma, look how tasty and crunchy these cucumbers are!

Grandmother : Yes, grandfather, the cucumbers are delicious, but I’m afraid that a thief with a mustache will come to us and steal them.

Grandfather : Don’t be afraid, grandma, I have prepared a surprise for him!

At this time, Hitler sneaks into the garden again, a military alarm sounds, and the grandfather and grandmother grab clubs and attack the cunning thief.

Hitler is afraid, he is punished and flees Russian soil in fear. Children laugh!

Host : Yes, this is how our soldiers once drove home uninvited guests - German fascists. The Russians do not want to fight, but if someone comes to our land, they will receive powerful rebuff from the defenders of the Motherland.

The audience is delighted, the actors bow! And children's KVN about the war deserves long and stormy applause!

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