A collection of fairy tales about traffic rules; creative work of students (4th grade) on the topic

The Adventures of Baba Yaga.

One day Baba Yaga was flying in a mortar over the city. Her stupa broke, and she had to walk home to the forest through the city. Baba Yaga tried to cross the road in the wrong place, but the policeman stopped her: “Aren’t you ashamed, grandma? An accident may occur because of you. Don’t you know that you need to cross the road at an intersection, where there is a traffic light, or at a zebra crossing?” Baba Yaga didn’t know anything about the road rules, she was scared: “How is it on a zebra crossing? What is a crossroads? The policeman was surprised at such ignorance and led her to the intersection.

At this time, the traffic light turned red, and Baba Yaga began to cross the road. There was a squeal of brakes, and Baba Yaga was almost hit by a car. Then the policeman decided to fine the grandmother, and Baba Yaga said in a plaintive voice: “Granddaughter, I don’t know these traffic rules, I’m illiterate, and this is my first time in your city.” Decided

then the policeman will take the grandmother to the kindergarten to see the children, they are smart, they study the rules of behavior on the road.

The children in kindergarten told her about how pedestrians should behave, what a traffic light is and how it works, what the word “zebra” means, why only it can be crossed, and not just anywhere.

After such lessons, Baba Yaga began to cross the road correctly, quickly got to her house and told the forest residents about the Rules of the Road, just in case they accidentally ended up in the city. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever knows the rules and follows them, well done!

K. Painted

Kitten and puppy.

Once upon a time there lived a kitten and a puppy next door. The kitten was affectionate, calm, obedient, and the puppy loved to play mischief. He often played pranks and played around. One day the puppy saw the kitten and said:

    I want to be friends with you! “Me too,” said the kitten. “I’m going for a walk,” said the puppy. “Me too,” said the kitten. “I will jump,” said the puppy. “Me too,” said the kitten. “I caught a butterfly,” said the puppy. “Me too,” said the kitten.

So they played, jumped, ran and unnoticed approached a wide road along which large and small cars were driving. The cars were racing along the road quickly and making a very loud noise. The kitten got scared, sat down on the ground, and pressed its ears to its head. And the puppy, it seems, was even glad that the cars were rushing at such speed.

    “I’ll run a race with the car,” said the puppy. Me too, said the kitten. “I run fast,” said the puppy. “Me too,” said the kitten.

But the cars were moving very fast. The puppy and kitten were tired and decided to rest. On the other side of the road they saw a beautiful lawn, a blue stream and many, many flowers. But the pedestrian crossing was still far away.

    “I want to go to that lawn,” said the puppy. “Me too,” said the kitten. “I’ll cross the road here,” said the puppy. But not me! - said the kitten, - my mother does not allow me to go out on the road alone. She told me that children should only cross the road with adults. I'd rather rest here and go home.

The puppy thought and thought and decided to do the same as the kitten. They found a cozy place, rested, and then returned home to their mothers.

Dispute on the road.

One day the traffic lights quarreled among themselves.

    “I’m in charge,” said the red light, “because when I light up, everyone stops and doesn’t dare move on.” No, I’m in charge,” said the yellow light, “when I light up, everyone gets ready to move: both pedestrians and cars.” And when I light up,” said the green light, “everyone starts moving.” This means that I am the most important and everyone must obey me.

They argued for a long time, blinking their lights and not seeing what was happening on the road. And there was real confusion - cars did not give way to pedestrians, ran into them and each other, breaking headlights, scratching cabs and bodies; pedestrians also walked, without waiting for the cars to pass, and interfered with them and each other. It was unclear what was going on at the intersection: cars were crowded together, honking their horns, flashing their headlights, whatever was left. If someone wanted to give way, he couldn’t: there was a traffic jam on the road.

    What have we done! - said the red traffic light, seeing what was happening on the road.
    Is it all because of us? – I was surprised by the yellow traffic light. We urgently need to correct the situation and restore order! – the green signal said affirmatively.

The lights began to light up, as before, in turn - red, yellow, green. For a long time they restored order on the road, and only when traffic was restored did they say with relief:

We, the signals, are all important, everyone is needed on the road.

Since then, they never argued again and always lit up in turns - red, yellow, green.

Sharp turn.

This story happened with a little Fox, who lived in the forest not far from the road. Very often, animals ran across this road to the neighboring forest to visit friends, while violating the traffic rules, since no one taught them how to cross the road. One day the Little Bunny got hit by a car wheel and broke his leg, and then the parents of the animals decided to give a lesson on traffic rules at the animal school. All the animals listened very carefully and studied the signs. Now they knew that they could cross the road slowly, at a right angle, making sure it was safe, and it was best to walk to the pedestrian crossing. Only the Little Fox was playing around in class and disturbing others. He said that he was uninterested, bored, that he already knew everything, and that he didn’t need signs.

On Little Fox’s birthday, dad gave him a beautiful scooter and said: “You can only ride a scooter in a wide clearing and along forest paths. Don't set foot on the road! You are only seven years old. And there’s a lot of traffic there.” But Little Fox really wanted to rush at high speed along the smooth asphalt road, and he went towards it.

The road climbed steeply up, and then there was a long winding descent. So the little fox wanted to slide off of it. As he walked, he encountered three road signs on his way. One sign indicated a steep climb, the other a descent. And the third sign is that there will be a dangerous turn ahead on the descent and you need to drive very carefully, at low speed. But the Little Fox didn’t know these signs, so he didn’t understand anything.

The magpie, which flew everywhere, knew everything, strictly monitored everything that was happening in the forest. She saw where the Little Fox was going and wanted to stop him, but that was not the case, the Little Fox didn’t even listen to her. Then Magpie flew to Little Fox’s father and told him everything. Papa Fox was very scared for his son and rushed to the road in time to stop the naughty kid, but he was already rushing down the mountain. Then the Fox ran to the gate, hoping that he could help his son.

The little fox rushed at such a speed that he got scared, but couldn’t stop (the scooter has no brakes). Papa Fox spread his paws, caught his son and flew into the bushes with him, but the scooter did not fit into the turn and fell into a deep ravine. “You see what you have done. It’s good that I arrived in time, otherwise you would have fallen into the ravine along with the scooter,” said the Fox. The little fox, scratching his bruised knee, lowered his head low and said:

“Forgive me, dad, I will never drive on the road again, and I will definitely learn all the signs.” Dad took pity on the baby, stroked him on the head and said: “Okay. I believe you. I’ll make you a new scooter, but you’ll only ride it when you’ve learned the Rules, and only in the clearing. Remember that the road is not a place for games and entertainment!”

Efimov family

Bear dream.

The bear walked and walked through the forest, got tired and decided to rest. He lay down under the Christmas tree and did not notice how he dozed off.

Mishka sleeps and has a dream:

“We gave him a bicycle for his birthday. The bear is happy about such a gift - he has been waiting for a long time

I dreamed about it. Mishka got on his bike and went to show his gift to his friends - the wolf, the hedgehog, the hare. All my friends lived in a birch grove, and in order to get to them, you had to cross a wide road. The bear was very impatient and did not wait for the traffic light to turn green. As soon as he drove out onto the roadway, a large truck appeared nearby. The truck did not have time to brake and ran into Mishka. The brand new bicycle broke down - the frame was bent, the steering wheel was bent, the wheels flew off, and Mishka himself ended up in the hospital.”

The bear woke up in fright and decided that he would never break traffic rules.

Who is more important than everyone else on the street?

Katya was fast asleep. And she had a dream. It’s as if she’s walking down the street, and cars are rushing by nearby - cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, scooters. Even one bicycle passed by, and all without drivers. Well, just like in a fairy tale! And suddenly Katya heard that the cars were talking to each other. And even in a real human voice.

“Disperse! Let me through!” - shouted a car with checkers - a taxi - hurrying somewhere.

"Here's another! I don’t have time either,” muttered a truck loaded with bricks.

“Who should hurry, it’s me,” said the bus stopped at the bus stop. - I am more important than everyone. I drive people to and from work.”

“And I’m sending out letters and telegrams,” squeaked a passing motorcycle. “Isn’t this important?”

“Important, important, but let me through,” said a scooter with a cab on which “Sausages” was written. - I'm going to school. The children are there waiting for breakfast."

“Everyone is important, everyone is important! — suddenly the traffic light clicked at the intersection. “But let’s go in order, according to the rules.”

And he looked at them with an angry red eye.

All the cars stopped at the traffic light and became silent. And the traffic light blinked yellow and then said: “Please go!” - and lit up his green eye. The cars started moving.

“That’s how it is. Everyone is important, but obeys the traffic light. It turns out, thought Katya,

“As the traffic light said, the most important thing is order on the street.” What do you guys think?

V. Klimenko

Bunny is a cyclist.

    Pee-wee! - the little bunny shouted, racing along the path on a bicycle.

It was his daddy bunny who just bought him a shiny two-wheeled bicycle. And the little bunny decided to go for a ride, although he was not allowed to go far from home.

    If you don’t know the rules of riding a bicycle, you’ll get into trouble,” my father said.

But the little bunny did not listen. He wanted to show everyone what kind of bike he had. I wanted everyone in the forest to see how dashingly he drives.

The inhabitants of the forest were walking along the path: squirrels, foxes, and even a gray wolf. They walked calmly and did not interfere with each other. And suddenly - a cyclist. Everything is scattered. The birds flew up, the little mice hid in their holes - trembling, frightened. And the little squirrels climbed to the very tops of the trees and called for their mother. Everyone scolds the bunny. But he doesn’t even lead with his ear - he rolls further along the path. Either he drops the steering wheel, or puts his hand behind his back, thinking: “That’s how cleverly I can do it!” He doesn’t pay any attention to the road signs that were put up in the forest for order. Where the "No" sign is

scream!”, screams. He didn’t look at the “Mushrooms” sign and squashed them. Didn't look at the signs

“Nest” and “Mink” - and broke the houses of birds and animals with a bicycle.

Near the river, the little hare was called out by an old friend, a little beaver, who was playing in the sand with a squirrel. The little hare stopped, put his friends on the bike and rode on. After all, he didn’t know the rules, didn’t know that he couldn’t carry anyone on a bicycle. The little hare pedaled harder and harder. The squirrel sat on the steering wheel, and the little beaver sat on the trunk. But they didn't have to travel long. The little hare also didn’t notice the “Den” sign and flew straight into the bear’s house.

    Who dared to disturb my peace! - the clubfoot roared. - What, don’t you see the sign? Yes, and the three of you are on a bike!

The bear roared. And two magpies immediately flew up to him and told him about all the little hare’s tricks. The bear became even more angry than before and took the bike from the bunny.

    “You’ll get it back,” he told the bunny, “when you learn the rules and come to me with your father.”

The little hare was returning along the same path that he had been riding on a bicycle. And behind him, with bowed heads, wandered a beaver and a squirrel. They knew that they would also be punished at home. And then the animals came out onto the path and made the cyclists laugh. So they walked all the way to the house.

This is what it means to ride a bicycle without knowing the rules of the road!

V. Klimenko

Traffic light.

We stopped, and all the other cars stopped, and the tram stopped. I asked, “Why?”

Mom explained: “You see the red lantern? This is a traffic light."

I saw a flashlight on the wire above the street. It glowed red.

“How long will we stand?”

"No. Now they’ll pass by, who needs to cross the street, and we’ll go.” And everyone looked at the red flashlight.

Suddenly it turned yellow and then green. And off we went.

Then once again a red flashlight was burning on the street.

“Uncle, stop! Red fire!

The driver stopped the car, looked back and said:

“You’re great!”

We stopped again, but there was no light at all. Only I saw a tall policeman in a white cap and a white jacket. He raised his hand up. When he waved his hand, we drove off. As soon as a policeman raises his hand, everyone stops: cars, trams.

E. Zhitkov

Traffic Light Lessons.

Once upon a time there was a traffic light. He was tired of standing in one place and blinking lights: “I’ll go for a walk, see everything, show myself.”

And the traffic light went along the road. He walked and walked and turned into the forest. Wild animals, birds, insects saw him and each thought to himself: the ant thinks: “How tall,” the magpie thinks: “How important,” the lizard thinks: “How beautiful,” the hare thinks: “I’m afraid of him.” And the hedgehog came up and asked:

    Who are you? Somehow we have never met a three-eyed beast in our forest. I am not an animal, I am a traffic light, and my eyes are not simple. They help regulate traffic on the roads. I walked through the forest and didn’t see a single sign, not a single traffic light. How do you manage without them? What are road signs and what are they for? - animals, birds and insects asked the Traffic Light.

The traffic light blinked its eyes and looked at everyone in surprise: he did not understand how it was possible not to know what signs were and what they were needed for. But he decided to help the inhabitants of the forest and tell them about everything he knew.

    So, listen,” Traffic Light began, “there are different road signs: indicating, prohibiting, warning and others. They talk about where you can cross the road, where to turn, where you can walk and where you can’t, how to get to the hospital, etc. I have three eyes: red, yellow, green. I can talk to them too. How to talk? – the magpie was surprised. Very simple (the traffic light turned red). If the red eye is open, it tells pedestrians: “Stop and wait!” Oh, the yellow eye has opened! - exclaimed the squirrel, - so you can go? No! You can't move on yet. The yellow eye tells pedestrians to prepare to cross. But when I open my green eye, it’s time to cross the road. You need to walk calmly and look around. Do you understand everything?

The animals, birds and insects nodded in unison, thanked the traffic light for the lesson and went about their business. And the traffic light returned to its place and again began to help regulate traffic.

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