Long-term plan for individual work with children on visual arts in their free time

Card index of the artistic word in sensitive moments.


1 Card index of the literary word in special moments.

2 - 2 - Like a gray cat's cradle of Gold, gilded. There is a bed in it: a feather feather, a pillow for the head. And I called the cat to spend the night: “Come, cat, spend the night, rock my babies.” You, sleep and slumber, come to the children's minds! Sleep, sleep, closing your eyes, Bayushki, bay! The cat is gray, the tail is white. Come, kitty, spend the night, rock our babies. And I, the cat, will pay you for your work: A jug of milk and a piece of pie. Like our cat has a cradle of gold, and the children have gold and silver. You are cats, cats, cats, You have yellow tails. You cats, cats, cats, Bring naps. The little gray cat collected straws, put them under his head, and rocked the babies. LAYING

3 - 3 - Oh, bayushki, bayushki, In the garden the little baubles are nibbling the grass, Amusing the children. And the kids are smart, very smart. Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Take you to a sound sleep. Ay, lyulenki, lyulenki, the little lyulenki have arrived. The ghouls sat down on the bed and began to coo. The ghouls began to coo, the children began to fall asleep. Hush, chickens, don’t make noise, Don’t wake up Vanya, but my Vanya will sleep, He’s already closing his eyes. Bye, bye, bye, bye, You, little dog, don’t bark, Whitepaw, don’t whine, Don’t wake up our children. I tell you, tell me, tell me, don’t lie down on the edge: a little gray top will come and grab Tanya by the side. Ay Lyuli, Ay Lyuli, the cranes have arrived. They sat on the gate. And the gate creaks, creaks. You, gates, don’t creak, don’t wake up our children. Ay, bye, bye, you little dog, don’t bark,

4 You, cow, don’t moo, You, rooster, don’t crow, And our Yura will sleep, He’ll close his eyes for Baia, Baia, bainki, We bought Tanya felt boots, We’ll put them on her feet, Let’s go along the path. Tanya will walk and wear felt boots. Bye, bye, bye, bye, An uncle lives on the edge. He is neither poor nor rich, he has ten children. He has ten children, They all sit on benches, They all look out the window: When daddy comes, He will bring a lot of bread. Baiushki, bai, bai, I’ll sing you a song about the overseas land, If you sleep. I'll tell you a fairy tale about a diamond star, a horned snail, and a tailed squirrel. Byushki, bye, bye, You, darling, go to sleep, Sleep, my child, go to sleep, A sweet dream beckons to you, I took you as a nanny Wind, sun and eagle. The eagle flew home, the sun disappeared behind the mountain, sleep, my dear child,

5 Bayushki, bayu, Sleep, my dear, my son, Bayushki, bayu. Sleep, my beautiful baby, Bayushki, bayushki. The clear moon quietly looks into your cradle. I’ll tell you fairy tales, I’ll sing a song, You’ll be dozing with your eyes closed, I’ll sing, I’ll sing bye-bye, bye-bye! Sleep, dear child. Before the sun rises. Until the end of the month. Bye-bye, bye-bye! The dew falls to the ground, Then Kostyushka gets up. Fight bye, bye-bye! Then Kostyushka gets up and goes to work. Bye-bye, bye-bye! Sleep, Kostya, in the new wobbly On a feather bed. Bye-bye, Lyuli, bye. There is down feather on the feather bed. Bye-bye, bye-bye, Kolya, don’t get up early, Kolya, don’t get up early, and don’t bother getting dressed. Kolya gets up early, doesn’t let him get dressed... We won’t let Kolya sleep, We’ll wake him up early, send him to work, so much to work,

6 Yes, for a joyful harvest: Let's mow hay. Let's carry it in a heap. I rock day and night, Move away, sleeplessness, away! Go away and get lost, Get lost in the dark forest, In the dark forest, in the bushes, In the crimson leaves The cat went into the woods, The cat found a belt, With which to pick up the cradle and put Vanyushka down. Vanya will sleep, the cat will rock Vanya, and the cat will rock him and call him little gray. Sleep and Dream, Put my child to sleep! The cat went to market and bought himself a pie. The cat is walking along the bench, leading her pussy by the paw. They walk together, And you, little one, fall asleep. More gray cats came from across the sea, walked from across the sea, brought a lot of sleep, shook everything in little ripples. I was already rocking Vanya, I was already shouting to the cat: “Come, kitty, spend the night, rock Vanya Movo.” I'll pay the gray cat for his work. I'll give you a piece of meat

7 Little milk! Bye bye, you, Vanya, go to sleep! Bye-bye, bye-bye, Don't fall over, Kolya... A little gray top will come. He will grab Kolya by the barrel, he will grab Kolya by the barrel and drag him into the woods. He will drag you into the woods, into a broom bush... And the rooks, the swings, the swings, the rooks flew to us, they sat on the gate. The gate: creaking, creaking! And Kolenka sleeps, sleeps. Oh, little lyulenki and lyulenki, a deer is walking through the mountains. He carries the dream on his horns, brings it to every house, puts it in the cradle, and quietly sings a song. Ay, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, Everyone has long since fallen asleep. Vanechka is the only one who is not sleeping, He is looking out the window. Under the window the cockerel crows and sings. Vanya will go into the yard, Cockerel will clean up. Lyulya, Sandman came, wandered under the ripple, lay down in the ripple with Sasha, hugged Sasha with her hand. Go to sleep, Sasha, go to sleep,

8 Come to a sound sleep, press your white hands, squeeze your dear eyes. Sleep walks by the windows. He goes to Drema to pay his respects. Come in, Dreamman, into the house, let us calm down, and bye, bye, bye, don’t lie down on the edge. A little privet will come to you and grab you by the barrel, by the right barrel, my curly-haired son. Bye-bye, bye, bye, eyes, Masha, close. I rock you, I magnify you. Be happy, be smart, Be modest in front of people, Sleep, daughter, until the evening, You have nothing to do! Kitty, little kitty, little gray tailed kitty! Come, kitty, spend the night, rock my baby, lull her to sleep. I’ll pay you, cat, for your work: I’ll give you a piece of pie and a jug of milk! The spiders don't scratch; they all go to sleep in their holes; Ghouls don't fly. Everyone fell asleep long ago. Only a little gray top walks at the gate at night,

9 He wants to take Vova, We won’t give away the Bainki-Bainki, We’ll buy our son felt boots, We’ll put them on his little feet, Let’s go along the path, Our son will walk, Wear new felt boots. Oh lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, the cranes have arrived. As they flew, everyone looked at them. The cranes were crowing, the pussycats were all purring. Tales and tales, the bunnies galloped up. They began to rock the cradle, inducing a sweet slumber. They began to play the pipes, Misha began to fall asleep. Zybka creaks, Quietly sings songs, Quietly sings songs, Calls Dreamy to Vasenka. Drema goes to Vassenka, puts sleep under her head. Bye, bye, bye, bye, Little dog, don’t bark, Cockerel, don’t scream, And don’t wake up Vanyushka. My Vanyusha will sleep and grow big. He will sleep longer, He will grow bigger.

10 Oh, bye, bye, bye, Don’t go, old man Babai, don’t give the horses any hay. Horses don't eat hay. Everyone is looking at Mashenka. Masha sleeps at night and grows by the hour. Ay, bye, bye, bye, Don’t come to us, Babai. Pump, swing, swing, swing. Father will bring a kalachka, Olenka will bring a balalaika, and Van will bring a balalaika. I’ll rock the cradle and play with the balalaika. I bay, bayushki, bay, I bay my baby. Dream walks on the mountain, Wears Dream in his sleeve, Sells it to all the kids, Gives it to our Gala. Cats and kittens are walking across the stove, bringing our Petenka sleep. They go down the irradiations and put the Dream in the corners. Bye, bye and bye, go to sleep quickly. Bye, bye, bye, bye, Go, beech, behind the barn, give the horses some hay. Bye, bye, bye, bye, Vanya is not afraid of beeches, he goes to bed on the bed. Go to sleep, Vanya, in the cradle, don’t go to the street. The nightingales are singing there,

11 They won’t let you cry Ay, lyulya, lyulya, lyulya, I tell you to sleep longer. Go to sleep, Katya, I won't wake you up, I won't wake you up. Sleep a little longer, daughter, you will gain more intelligence. There is no time to hang out with you, I must hurry to the field. Bye, bye, bye, the galonki have arrived. The galonki arrived and sat down at the rocking chair. The jackdaws began to coo and rock the rocking chair, and rock the rocking chair, and the little one began to fall asleep. Rock, swing, bye-bye, you little dog, don’t bark, but come to spend the night with us and rock our Nastenka. Here the little dog was rocking, Nastya was rocking to sleep: - Bye, bye-bye, Let's roll up Nastya's felt boots, We'll sew a short fur coat, We'll send Nastya to grandma. Grandma will meet her, treat Nastya to porridge, give her a warm pancake and a ruddy pie, two soft-boiled eggs and a lamb shank. Night came, brought darkness: The cockerel dozed off,

12 The cricket started singing. It’s too late, son, Lie down on your side, Bye-bye, go to sleep. So the people are sleeping, So the animals are sleeping, The birds are sleeping on the branches, The foxes are sleeping in the hills, The bunnies are sleeping in the grass, The ducks are on the ant bed, The children are all in their cradle Sleeping and sleeping, The whole world is told to sleep. Sleep, my beautiful baby, Bayushki-bayu. The clear moon quietly looks into your cradle. I will tell fairy tales, I will sing a song; You were dozing with your eyes closed, Bayushki-bayu. Night is coming, you are tired, daughter. The legs have been running since the morning, It’s high time for the eyes to sleep. The crib is waiting for you, Sleep, little daughter, sweetly! It's dark at night. It's quiet at night. Fish, fish, where do you sleep? A fox trail leads to a hole, a dog trail leads to a kennel, a squirrel trail leads to a hollow, a mouse trail leads to a hole in the floor. It’s a pity that in the river, on the water, there are no traces of you anywhere. Only darkness, only silence.

13 Fish, fish, where do you sleep? Nap and Yawn wandered around the city. Drowsiness ran into the gates and gates, looked into the windows and the cracks of the doors, and said to the children: - Lie down, quickly! Yawning said: Whoever goes to bed sooner, she, Yawning, will say good night! And if someone doesn’t lie down on the bed right now, she will order him to Yawn, yawn, yawn. The sun rose before anyone else in the world. And when it got up, it got down to business: It walked around the whole earth and was tired. Rest behind the dark forest in the village. If you suddenly find it in the forest, Where there is fog and dampness on the grass, Don’t wake it up, the sun is sleeping for a minute, Don’t make noise, it’s been working all day. The moon is shining over our roof, Evening is standing in the yard. It's time for little birds and little children to sleep. Tomorrow you will wake up and the clear sun will rise above you again Sleep, my little sparrow, sleep, my son, Sleep, my bell, dear. The bug yapped in its sleep and wagged its tail. The cat, the little gray cat, sleeps at the leg of the chair. In an easy chair by the window

14 Grandmother fell asleep. The bear also began to yawn. Isn't it time for the kids to go to bed? AWAKENING Bucket sun! Come up quickly, light up, warm up the calves and lambs, and the little guys. Our ducks in the morning Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack! Our geese at the pond Ga-ga-ga! Ha-ha-ha! And the turkey in the middle of the yard is Ball-ball-ball! Bullshit! Our little walks are at the top Groo-groo-groo! Gru-gru-gru! Our chickens through the window Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! And how Petya the Cockerel will sing to us, peek-a-boo, early in the morning! Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard, Why do you get up early, Sing loudly, Don’t you let the kids sleep? The grass ant rose from its sleep, the tit bird took the grain, the bunnies took the cabbage, the mice took the crust, the children took the milk. Gray cat sat down

15 On the stove And quietly sang a song to Yurochka: - The cockerel has woken up, The hen has stood up, Get up, my friend, Get up, my Yurochka Oh, the Nightingale is singing, singing! Ah, the Young One sings, sings; Young, Pretty, Pretty! Stretchers, stretchers! Talking mouths, Grasping hands, Walking legs! Stretch, stretch, across the fat girl! And in the legs there are walkers, And in the arms there are grabbers, And in the mouth there is a talk, And in the head there is a mind. Pulls, pulls, stretches, make Katya look bigger! Grow, my daughter, healthy, like an apple tree! Stretchers for the cat, Grown-up toys for the child, Grabs for the hands, a talker for the mouth, and a mind for the head! Pull the canvases, Pull the canvases,

16 On the shirt, On the table top, Pull the canvases, Sip! Put it in the box! This is a canvas for mom, This is a canvas for dad, And Vovochka is a canvas with a mouse tail! Pull the canvases to the cut, Pull the canvases to the shirt! Pull, pull, sip, put it across! -Legs, legs, Where are you running? -Into the woods there are midges: Mosh the hut, So as not to live in the cold. Bright sun, dress up, red sun, show yourself. Put on a scarlet dress, Give us a red day! Just like that, for nothing, I don’t sing “Crow!”, - I greet the morning, I greet the sun.

17 The sun looks out the window, Shines into our little room, We clap our hands, We are very happy about the sun! I rise with the sun, I sing with the birds: - Good morning! Happy clear day! That's how nice we sing! The runners, Sunny Bunnies, are jumping. We call them to come. They were here and they are not here. Jump, jump around the corners. They were there and they are not there. Where are the bunnies? Gone. Haven't you found them anywhere? Olya, Olya, Olyushka She will rise before the sun, She will rise before the sun, She speaks like a birdhouse, And when she eats, she drinks, She sings like a titmouse, She jumps like a sparrow, She falls and does not cry! The sun rose in the morning and went for a walk; And on our street he liked everything. The sun ran along a golden path, and the sun came straight into our window! Together we went with the sun to kindergarten. The sun caressed me

18 All the guys at once! We had a friendly game going on until the evening, but the sun said: “It’s time for me to go home!” Tomorrow morning I’ll come early to wake you up. We’ll run and walk in the garden again! Who, who lives in this room? Who, who rises with the sun? It was Mashenka who woke up, turned from side to side, and, throwing back the blanket, suddenly stood up on her feet. Flowing water, Growing child, Water off a duck's back You are thin. The water is down, and the child is up. Water is from a goose, Water is from a swan, And thinness is from Efim. A woman was walking from overseas, carrying a cart of health. This and that little by little, And Vanyushka has the whole box. Water, water, Wash my face, To make my eyes shine, To make my cheeks red, WASH

19 So that the mouth laughs, So that the tooth bites, Squelch-squish with hands, So that the basin is full of soap. Don’t touch your eyes, Mashenka, with a soapy hand. And the water gurgles, And the water foams. Mashenka will wash herself, comb her hair, and get dressed. - Oh, you grimy girl, where did you get your hands so dirty? Black palms; There are tracks on the elbows. - I was lying in the sun, holding my hands up. So they got tanned. - Oh, really? Was that really the case? Let's wash everything down to the last drop. Come on, give me some soap! We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, where the water is hiding here! Come out, water, we came to wash ourselves. The piglet squeals: “Save!..” They bathe him in a trough. He doesn’t mind washing himself in a puddle, but he’s afraid of soapy water. And Olya is being bathed in the kitchen. They heated up plenty of water for her. But Olya shouts: “Go away!” Don't rub me with a washcloth! I won't wash my hair! I won't sit in the bath! Here they are both washed,

20 Pouty, slightly angry. The stains have been washed off the knees. It was nice to swim. Early in the morning at dawn, little mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders, were washing themselves. You were the only one who didn’t wash your face, And you were left dirty, And you ran away from the dirty stockings and shoes You must, you must wash yourself In the mornings and evenings, And not for clean chimney sweeps Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace! Long live the fragrant soap, And the fluffy towel, And the tooth powder, And the thick comb! Let's wash, splash, swim, dive, tumble in a tub, in a trough, in a tub, in a river, in a stream, in the ocean, and in a bath, and in a bathhouse, always and everywhere. Eternal glory to water! Like our daughter has rosy cheeks. Like our bird has dark eyelashes. Like our little one has warm feet. Like our paw, Scratchy Marigold. We won’t go to bed early: my daughter needs to be bathed.

21 We pour warm water on our bird. Oh, water is off a duck's back, Alyonushka is thinness! Give me a diaper. Wrap Alenka. My brother's shoes fit. Not too small, not too big. They dressed Andryushka in them, But he hasn’t moved yet! He mistook them for a toy, and doesn’t take his eyes off the shoe. The boy sensibly, with attention to detail, is engaged in new clothes, either stroking the shoes, or pulling the laces. Andrey sat down and raised his foot, licked the shoe with his tongue. Well, now it's time to hit the road, You can take the first step. Hey, heels, heels, heels, Our Tanya is one year old! We bought Tanya a scarf, a flower all over her head! Mom hummed a song, dressed her daughter. The dresser put on a white shirt. White shirt Thin stitching. Mom sang a song, put shoes on her daughter. Fastened with an elastic band DRESSING

22 For every stocking. Light stockings on my daughter's feet. Mom finished singing the song, Mom dressed the girl: A red dress with polka dots, New shoes on her feet. That’s how mom pleased. She dressed up her daughter! That's how Golden Mama is! I sewed a little something for the naked baby, New clothes for the naked baby. Scarlet shirt, Blue pants. You see, there's a pocket on each side. I sewed a yellow casing Oh, what a dandy little naked baby! I bought boots for the cat for the holiday, combed her mustache, and sewed new panties. But how to put them on? There's nowhere to put the tail! I sewed a shirt for Mishka, I will sew his pants. You need to sew a pocket on them and put a handkerchief. Our Masha is small, She wears a scarlet fur coat, The edge is beaver, Masha is black-browed.

23 One, two, three, four, five, Let's go for a walk. They tied a striped scarf for Katya. Olya takes off her boots herself. She will wash the spoons herself under the tap. She will drop her mother's cup herself. She will tear the paper into noodles herself. She will pour salt into the candies herself. That's how much intelligence our Olya has! I've been sewing all day today. I dressed the whole family. Wait a little, cat, you will have some clothes too. Master, master, help The boots are leaky! Hammer your nails in harder. We'll go visit you today! Oh, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo The shepherd lost his doo-doo. And I found a pipe, I gave it to the Shepherdess. - Come on, dear shepherd, hurry to the meadow. There Burenka lies, looking at the calves. But he doesn’t go home, he doesn’t carry milk. We need to cook porridge and feed Sasha with porridge. -Okay, okay! FEEDING

24 Where were you? -By Grandma! -What did you eat? - Porridge! -What did you drink? -Brazhka! Porridge is buttery, Mash is sweet, Granny is kind. They drank, ate, flew home, sat on their heads, and started singing! I’ll bake Tanya a pie. I’m already making my daughter blush. It has a wheat crust, an egg filling, and a honey spread, my poor daughter! The cat went to the market, the cat bought a pie, the cat went to the street, the cat bought a bun. Should I eat it myself, or should I take it to Borenka? I’ll bite myself, and I’ll blow Borenka away too. Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi! Look at the bagels, the rolls! Look at the bagels, the rolls, piping hot, out of the oven! From the heat, from the heat, from the oven Everything is rosy, hot. The rooks swooped in, picked up the rolls, and we were left with little lambs!

25 The white-sided magpie cooked porridge and fed the children. Gave to this, Gave to this, Gave to this, Gave to this, But didn’t give to this: You didn’t carry water, You didn’t chop wood, You didn’t cook porridge You have nothing! A horned goat is coming, a butted goat is coming for the little guys. With his feet, stomp, stomp, with his eyes, clap-clap, He who doesn’t eat porridge, doesn’t drink milk, Gore, gore! Okay, okay! The woman was baking pancakes. I poured oil on it and gave it to the children. Dasha is two, Pasha is two, Vanya is two, Tanya is two. Our grandmother's pancakes are good! Give me some milk, little brownie, at least a drop on the bottom. Kittens are waiting for me, little guys. Give them a spoonful of cream and a little cottage cheese. Cow's milk gives everyone health! Buckwheat porridge

26 Where was it cooked? In the oven. She boiled it, insisted that Olenka eat it, praised the porridge, divided it among everyone, got a spoon for the geese on the path, the chickens in the basket, and the tits in the window. The dog and the cat had enough of each spoon, and Olya ate the last crumbs! Mom poured milk into Masha’s cup. “Meow,” the pussy says, “Here I come!” Let's pour it into a bowl for your pussy. It's more fun to drink together. Come on, who will finish drinking sooner? Who won't spill a drop? Snail, snail! Show your horns, I'll give you a piece of pie, Donuts, cheesecakes, Butter flatbreads. The little bunny ran across the field, ran into the garden, found a carrot, found a cabbage, and sits nibbling. Go away! The owner is coming! I bake, bake, bake All my friends have a pie,

27 And for my dear mother I will bake two gingerbread cookies. We bake excellent wheat pies. Who will come to us to try wheat pies? Mom, dad, brother, sister, Shaggy dog ​​from the yard. And others, everyone who can, Let them come with them too. We kneaded the dough, We didn’t forget the sugar, We put the wheat pies in the oven. The stove burns merrily, Our mother says: “The crumbs that are left will go to the Sparrow.” Hands, dance once There will be a pie tomorrow! Oh, you are my craftswomen, quick little sisters! There will be an apple pie, just dance once! The apple is ripe, red, sweet, the apple is crisp, with smooth skin. I will break the apple in half, I will split the apple with my friend. Lunch hour approached, Mashenka sat down at the table. The doors are unlocked and Mom is calling everyone to the table: Arapka the Dog, Scratchy the Cat, and the Grouse Hen. No one is refused, Lunch is served to everyone:

28 For the dog in a bowl, in a pussy saucer, for a laying hen, millet in a skull, and for Mashenka in a plate. In the deep, not in the shallow Oh, okay, okay, Let's bake pancakes! We'll put it on the window and make it cool down. Once it cools down, we’ll eat it and give it to the sparrows. The sparrows sat down, ate the pancakes, ate the pancakes and flew away. Porridge was cooked on the stove. Where is our big spoon? Before eating, I’ll wash the bear’s paws with water, tie a napkin for him, eat a cutlet, eat a candy, finish your milk, and let’s go for a walk soon! The cat went to the stove and found a pot of porridge. The rolls on the stove are hot as fire. Gingerbread cookies are baked, but they don’t fall into the cat’s paws. Katya, Katya little, Katya remote, GOING FOR A WALK

29 Walk along the path, stomp, Katya, with your little foot! Let's go, let's go For mushrooms and nuts. Let's come, come With mushrooms and nuts. -Legs, legs, where will you run? -Into the woods, into the borok, pick mushrooms and berries, treat our Katya. Big feet Walked along the road: Top-top, top-top. Little legs ran along the path: Top-top-top! Top-top-top! I'm on my way to my woman, to my grandfather, On a horse in a red hat, On a flat path, On one leg, In an old bast shoe, Over potholes, over bumps, Everything straight, everything straight, And then suddenly into a hole! -You legs, legs, where are you running? -I’ll run through the forest, I’ll pick some berries for you, black blueberries, and alu strawberries. OBSERVATIONS ON A WALK

30 Bucket sun! Come up quickly, light up, warm up the calves and lambs, even the little guys. Sunshine, little bucket, look out the window! Your children are crying, jumping on the pebbles. It's raining, raining, pouring down, getting the little kids wet! Rainbow-arc, Don't let the rain, Let's have some sunshine, Bell! Chicks, chicks, chicks! Birch strips! Two birds were flying, not big at all. As they flew, all the people watched. As they sat down, all the people marveled. As if across a meadow, a meadow, Water spilled across a green meadow, Grass spread, Grass spread, Silk grass. I will tie the goat to the white birch tree, I will tie the horned one to the white birch tree.

31 Stop, my goat, Stop, don’t butt. White birch tree, Stop, don’t sway, Like our cat, The fur coat is very good, Like the cat, the mustache is amazingly beautiful, The eyes are bold, The teeth are white. Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat! Don’t sit on the path: Our baby will go and fall through her pussy! Rain, rain, wait. We're tired of rain! You frequented the rooftops and woke up the kids. He knocked down the fences, filled the ditch, scared away the cows in the herd. Rain, rain, have pity, At least don’t flood the roads! The snigerek sat on a branch, the rain splashed and he got wet. The breeze, blow a little, dry the bullfinch for us! The winds are blowing, the winds are violent, the clouds are moving, the clouds are dark. You can’t see the white Light in them; You can't see the red Sun in them.

32 The bad weather has risen, making noise, the low damp forest is bending down. Clouds walk and float across the sky. The autumn night is blacker than the crow, the grass turns green, the sun shines; A swallow flies towards us in the canopy with spring. My bells, steppe flowers! Why are you looking at me, Dark Blues? And what are you ringing about On a cheerful day in May, Shaking your head among the unmown grass? Wind, wind! You are powerful, You drive flocks of clouds, You disturb the blue sea, It blows everywhere in the open air. Bright sunshine, dress up, Red sunshine, show yourself. Put on a scarlet dress, Give us a red day. Who meowed at the door? -Open it quickly! It’s very cold in winter, Murka asks to go home. Snow, snow is swirling, the whole street is white!

33 We all gathered in a circle, Spinning like a snowball! Rain, rain, no rain! Rain, rain, wait! Let the gray-haired Grandfather reach home! A bird sat on the window, Sit with us for a while, Wait, don’t fly away! Flew away ah! The sun looks out the window, Looks into our room, We clap our hands, We are very happy about the sun! I am a cheerful sparrow, a gray little thief. I am careless, and talkative, and timid, chiv-chiv! Midges serve as food for me, Crumbs serve as food for me. I am cunning and playful, fussy, chiv-chiv! My days in winter are hard. There is not a crumb, not a bug. That's when I'm silent, Barely alive, chiv-chiv. You, winter-winter, have swirled and swept all the paths, all the meadows; There is nowhere for Sonechka to go. -Swallow, swallow, dear killer whale, where have you been, what have you come with?

34 -I’ve been overseas, I’ve mined Spring, I bring, I bring red Spring! Spring, red spring! Come, spring, with joy, With great mercy: With high flax, With deep roots, With abundant bread! -Rain, rain, more fun Drip, drip, don’t be sorry! Just don't kill us! Don’t knock on the window in vain. Spray more in the field: The grass will become thicker! Turn green, turn green, My green garden, Bloom, blossom, My scarlet flowers! Keep up, keep up, the berries are delicious soon! Snail, snail, Stick out your horns, I'll give you a piece of pie, Donuts, cheesecakes, Butter flatbread. -You, rowan Rush, when did you rise, when did you grow? -I rose in the spring, grew in the summer, bloomed in the dawns, ripened by the sun.

35 Gulya, little dove gula, little blue-haired Gulya, blue-winged, dear to everyone. Rain, rain, more, the grass will be thicker. It’s raining, it’s raining harder, You’re our vegetable garden. Oh you, rainbow-arc, You are tall and tight! Don't give me some rain, Give me a bucket! For the children to take a walk, For the calves to jump, We need the sun, a bell! Summer rain, pour it, water it! Unravel all my braids! I will grow up under the warm rain, I will braid my debts myself. Bee, bee, Golden withers, Fly to the meadow, Bring me some honey! An ant in a thicket is dragging a heavy oak tree. Hey, fellow friends, help the ant! If there is no help for him, the Ant will stretch out naked. Leaves are falling, falling In our garden the leaves are falling Yellow, red leaves

36 They curl and fly in the wind. In the morning the cat brought the first snow on its paws! First snow! It has the taste and smell of the first snow! First snow! He's spinning, light and new, Over the guys' heads, He managed to spread a downy scarf on the pavement. He turns white along the fence, napping on the lantern. So soon, very soon, the sled will fly down the hills, So, it will be possible to build a fortress in the yard again! The snow is fluttering and spinning, It’s white outside. And the puddles turned into cold glass. Where the finches sang in the summer, Look today! Like pink apples, There are bullfinches on the branches! Like snow on a hill, snow! And under the hill there is snow, snow! And there’s snow on the tree, snow! And under the tree there is snow, snow! And a bear sleeps under the snow. Hush hush. Keep quiet! Pigeons, pigeons, One, two, three The pigeons of Sisari have arrived. They sat down and ruffled their faces at the door. KT will feed you crumbs

37 Caesars! In the meadow by the path that runs straight to our house, there grew a flower on a long stem, white with a yellow eye. I wanted to pick a flower, I raised my palm to it, and a bee flew off the flower and buzzed, buzzed: “Don’t touch it!” A sparrow jumps and spins in a puddle. He ruffled his feathers and fluffed his tail. Good weather! Chiv-chiv-chil! The aspen tree is chilly, It’s shaking in the wind, It’s getting cold in the sun, It’s freezing in the heat. Give the aspen tree a coat and boots, It needs to warm up. Poor aspen tree. Wind, breeze, wind, Why are you scouring the world? It's better to sweep the streets or turn the mills!

Plasticine (T. Petleva)

Today they bought me some plasticine so that dad wouldn’t be disturbed by watching football. First, I sealed the socket, so grandma had to drink Corvalol.

I haven’t started cleaning it off yet – it’s so beautiful. He took out another block, kneaded it at once and sculpted an excellent red flag, decorated a cactus, mom would say: “Cool!”

I worked in the kitchen for an hour: I attached a hatch to the spout of the kettle. I swept the unnecessary fragments into a scoop, I will glue them tomorrow. And a heel to go with the shoe.

When I turned the watch into a carriage, I put marks on my socks, I had very little strength left, Mom returned and said “Ah!”

I sculpt from plasticine (T. Sofinskaya)

I sculpt a ball, a ball and a penguin from plasticine... But this is a hippopotamus. He has a big belly. Plasticine ears are moving on the top of the head, Plasticine legs are stomping, stomping, stomping. Cunning eyes sparkle, Teeth crunch like grass. Eat more, hippopotamus, your tummy will get bigger.

The best gifts you need:
  • To a man
  • To a woman
  • To a girl
  • To the boy
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