Thematic planning on the topic Hello kindergarten

Thematic planning on the topic Hello kindergarten

Thematic planning for the week of 09/03/18. — 09/07/18

Topic of the week: “Hello Kindergarten!”

Goal: formation of ideas about kindergarten, assistance in adaptation.


1. Creating conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of kindergarten.

2. Introducing children to the premises and equipment of the group room (personal locker, crib, toys), with the rules of behavior in kindergarten (do not push, do not run up the steps, say hello and goodbye.

3. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the kindergarten, teacher, and other children (desire to go to kindergarten, call the teacher by name and patronymic, show interest in activities

peers, play nearby without interfering with each other, do not take away toys, do not quarrel).


Khakimova I.V.

Days of the week Type of adult-children (partner) activity Form of organization of adult-children (partnership) activities Target Organization of subject-development environment Interact

vie with parents

Morning: joint activities of adults and children Consultation for parents “Adaptation of children in kindergarten”
Monday 09/03/2022 Communicative activity (speech development) With subgroup (

) conduct a conversation “Conversation “What we like to do in kindergarten.”

teach children to listen to their interlocutor and express their thoughts Place the pictures “Kindergarten. Rules of conduct in kindergarten"
Perception of fiction (artistic and aesthetic development) Suggest to subgroup (

) look at the illustrations in the book

Place in the center of the book
Morning: expected independent activities of children
Play activity Subgroup

Putting together a puzzle.

Develop in children the ability to assemble a picture from parts puzzles
Artistic and Aesthetic Development (musical and artistic activities)

Cognitive development. (Cognitive and research activities)

According to the plan of the muses. Employee.


Theme "Our group"


Acquaintance with the name, location and purpose of individual rooms, with a group room. Placement of toys and household items. Lesson in the music room

Group centers

Walk (

see card index of walks
card No. 1)

Joint activities between children and adults
Reading fiction (artistic, aesthetic, speech development) Frontal

Reading K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit.”

To develop an interest in reading fiction. Develop speech attention (listen carefully to a fairy tale). Place the book by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit” in the center of the book.

Weekly calendar planning taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard on the topic “Our favorite kindergarten”


: Morning exercises.

Conversation: “Why we love kindergarten”

- instill in children a love for kindergarten

KGN: -develop the ability to wash your hands without reminders before eating and after going outside.

D/I: “What is it made of?”

Goal: to consolidate the use of relative adjectives and methods of their formation in children’s speech.

Articulation gymnastics: “Window”.


teach how to keep your mouth wide open. Activate the orbicularis oris muscle and lower lip mobility. Teach to lower the root of the tongue and move the tongue close to the teeth.

SRI: "Shop"

Goal: To promote the development of the ability to expand the plot based on acquired knowledge in the classroom and in everyday life. Expand children's knowledge about the work of store workers. Give an idea of ​​the different departments in the store. Expand your vocabulary, improve your verbal communication skills. Continue to teach how to agree on a topic, assign roles, and prepare the necessary conditions for the game before the game starts. Improve counting skills and dialogical speech. Cultivate friendships in the game.

Individual work with Lisa S.

— didactic games “Telephone”

Individual work with Artem L.

- consolidate ideas about vowels and consonants, their distinctive features

Walk 1:

Observation of mountain ash.
Continue monitoring mountain ash in the fall. Teach children to find similarities and differences between red and black rowan.

Research activities.

Count how many trunks there are in the bush, how many bunches there are. Which tree has a large crown? Compare red rowan with black. Find similarities and differences.

Outdoor games:

"Catch the ball" Goal:

Be able to catch and pass the ball.

“Who is the most accurate?”


develop independence,
ingenuity, courage.
Individual work on movement development with Dima and Artem

Jumping on two legs. Goal: to consolidate motor skills.

Independent games with external material



Continue to introduce children to the work of adults. Develop communication culture skills. Help enrich gaming skills

EVENING: Gymnastics after sleep Complex No. 3

- Set up in a positive way

CHHL: L. Tolstoy “Kostochka” To cultivate the moral qualities of the individual: honesty, truthfulness, love for family.

Finger gymnastics “Our group”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

TRIZ: “What can you say about an object if it is there? »

Goal: to develop the ability to “disassemble” any object into its component parts and characterize the object one part at a time.

Walk 2:
Observing the Sun
The sun is a source of heat and light.


Give an idea that the Sun is a source of light and heat. Develop skills to think, reason, prove. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Plant observation

. Pay attention to changes in the color of birch and poplar leaves. Describe the leaf surface. Show rose hips and rowan. Consider the seeds of some flowers (marigolds, nasturtium), clarify the purpose of the seeds and pay attention to the different number of seeds in different plants.

Research activities

1. Offer to look at the sun. How do you feel when you close your eyes and turn your face to the sun? Is it possible to look at it directly, does it hurt your eyes? 2.Place two pebbles. One is in the sun, the other is in the shade, covered with a wooden box so that it is dark there. After some time, they check which pebble is warmer. They conclude that objects heat up faster in the Sun than in the shade.

Outdoor game:

“Firemen in training” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to climb a wall, to develop attention.

“Whose team will gather sooner?”


learn to run at speed.

Individual work on movement development with Gleb and Zhenya:

“Hit the hoop” Purpose: To practice throwing at a target.
Independent games with external material.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of holiday leisure activities for the senior group “Hello, kindergarten!”

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 52 of the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg 197345, St. Petersburg, st. Touristskaya, 18, bldg. 2, letter A

Educational field: “Artistic and aesthetic development” .

Developed by: Musical director of GBDOU No. 52 of the Primorsky district Volkova Maria Igorevna

Date: September 1, 2022

Goal: Creating a festive, joyful atmosphere for children.


NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

  • Improve your sense of rhythm and tact.
  • Improve children's musical and rhythmic skills through dancing, exercises, and games.
  • Formation of song and musical taste.

NGO "Physical Development"

  • Develop coordination of movements and speed.
  • Strengthen the health of preschool children.
  • Developing interest in participating in outdoor games.

NGO "Cognitive Development"

  • Continue to expand children's knowledge about the world around them, develop imagination and imagination

NGO "Speech Development"

  • Develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech.
  • Expand children's vocabulary.

NGO "Social and communicative development"

  • Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, respectful and friendly attitude towards others.
  • Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.


To the song “Ku-ku” - gr. The courtyard wizards Kuzya comes out.

Kuzya: Hello, guys! Do you recognize me?

I am Kuzya, I help the workers who work in your kindergarten so that it is soooo beautiful (he throws up his hands)!

Today is our first holiday of this school year, and I am very glad to meet you. And I have a riddle for you.

The children live in the house, they play and sing here, they find friends here, they go for walks together.

Together they argue and dream, growing up imperceptibly.

Kuzya: Well done, you guessed it. Of course, this is our own kindergarten.

Let's play a little now. But first I want to ask, do you live together in kindergarten, help each other, help each other out of trouble.


Rules of the game: Children are divided into two teams. The first member of each team runs with a gymnastic stick, runs around a landmark, comes back, and the next team member clings to the stick. Then the two of them run around the landmark, and so do all the team members. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Kuzya: Well done! You guys did a great job!

Well, now is the time to find out from you how well you know your kindergarten. I will ask you questions, and you will answer them correctly


  1. What time of day do you come to kindergarten?
  2. What time of day do your parents come pick you up?
  3. What is the name of your group?
  4. What are the names of your teachers?
  5. How many floors are there in the kindergarten?
  6. Who are more in the group, boys or girls?
  7. What floor is your group on?
  8. Who is the tallest in your group?

Kuzya: Well done, you answered all the questions. And now I suggest playing the next game.


Rules of the game: Two teams play. Near each team there is an apron and a chef's cap on a chair. You need to quickly put these things on yourself, run around the chair in front of you, come back, and take them off. The next team player does the same.

Kuzya: You did a great job, well done!

Well, now I have riddles for you, I want to know, do you know that a lot of people work in kindergarten, each with their own profession? They do everything to make you feel cozy, comfortable, fun and happy here. Let's remember what professions these are.


1. Who will teach you to draw, sculpt, build and play, sit the children in a circle, and read them a poem?

Who will figure out now why Anton is fighting? (Teacher)

2. Who will set the table for us, sweep and vacuum? Will he wash the windows, walls, floors? Will you wipe the dust off the table?

Will he make sure that everything is in place here and there? ... (Teacher's assistant)

3. Walks around in a white cap with a ladle in his hand and cooks porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette for the children for lunch. (Cook)

4. Rubs on abrasions and wounds, Wears a white robe, And gives us vaccinations, Treats us with vitamins... (Nurse)

5. With him we do exercises, we play sports, we manage to pay in order.

We love to jump and crawl, play ball and jump, and climb ladders, to become more confident... (Physical education instructor)

6. Who will help you position the tongue correctly and direct the air stream along it. Distinguish a sound from a letter, answer without hesitation?... (Speech therapist)

7. She plays the piano, Teaches us songs to sing, It’s fun to dance with her And play on spoons... (Musical director)

8. He gets down to business before everyone else in the morning. He takes out his broom. He waves it left and right.

In summer he will sweep up the dust. The courtyard became cozy and clean. Our cleaner will remove the snow in winter everywhere... (Janitor)

Kuzya: How smart you are, very good!

That's how many people work in our kindergarten.

Well, now I have another game for you : “Who needs what for work”


Rules of the game: On the table there are objects that are used by kindergarten workers. Children are shown an object, and they answer who uses it.

Kuzya: Well done guys, that’s how many different residents there are in our kindergarten. You and I live here as one big, happy and friendly family. And this is our favorite kindergarten... Well, our holiday has come to an end, and it’s time to say goodbye to you. Bye!

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