Long-term plan for the work of the parents' club in the preschool educational institution

Long-term plan for the work of the parents' club in the preschool educational institution

Long-term plan for working with parents “Commonwealth”

In our group, we decided to create a parent club “Commonwealth” (a community of parents, children and educators), where parents could not only receive oral advice to supplement their teaching experience, participate in master classes, share their experience, gain knowledge and skills about preparing for traditional holidays.
And be sure to communicate with others and of course with your children. So that they create something in a difficult way, namely communicate with children during creativity, that is, pass on their skills to children, and where children could teach their parents what they learned in group classes, so that the authority of their parents grows in their eyes children. So that the children can say that this craft, this flower was made by my mother, and I helped her, so that spiritual unity between the child and the parents could be achieved. It is no secret that most parents reduce their communication with children to edification and dictation, watching TV and everyday care of their children, and few people pay attention to the culture of communication, the joint participation of adults and children in some business or event. But it is the family that is the primary source of socialization, the upbringing of the cultural and moral qualities of the child, although it even happens that parents, although they have pedagogical knowledge, do not know how to use it. All this prompted us to create a parent club. After conducting a survey of parents, we found out that most parents would like to learn how to do something with their own hands, learn more about the holidays, and the traditions of preparing for the holidays. Goals and objectives of the parent club: 1. Combining the efforts of teachers and parents to unite the parent team, actualize personal responsibility, and unlock the resources of parents.
2. Ensuring personal communication with children, involving parents in the life of the group. 3. Expanding the teaching experience of parents. 4. Determination and improvement of the cultural level of parents. Long-term work plan for the parent club
September. The topic of the lesson is
“Let’s get to know each other.”
The purpose of the lesson
is to find out what hobbies parents have, what they want to know, what to learn.
Discuss the topic of the lesson. Contents
: survey and questioning of parents, preparation of lesson topics.
The theme of the event is
“Autumn Rainbow, Leave the Window Open.”
To bring to the understanding of parents that communication between the child and parents takes place every day, through them the child learns the world and gains communication experience.
Introduce parents to techniques for making appliques from herbs, flowers, and leaves. Contents
: Learning to communicate with children.
Social relations between child and parents. Together we make an applique of herbs, flowers, leaves. We properly dry the material for the application. November
“The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing.”
to introduce parents to various types of arts and crafts, to teach how to make crafts from vegetables and fruits.
Explain to parents how, with the help of vegetables and fruits, you can make interesting crafts and still lifes together with children and, while playing, reinforce the names of colors, teach them to compare objects by shape, size and color.
Develop tactile and taste skills. December. Topic:
“New Year is coming.”
invite parents to share their experience of preparing for the New Year.
Show how to make Christmas tree toys, garlands, and holiday gifts from waste materials. Contents:
the house in which the baby lives.
Traditions of your home, how to prepare for the New Year, making crafts for the holiday. January
“Christmas, folk holidays, traditions.”
to introduce parents to how Christmas was celebrated in Russia, how the tradition of giving Christmas cards began.
Learn how to make Christmas cards. Contents
: Christmas, how Christmas was celebrated in the old days, preparation for carols.
Making Christmas cards. February. Topic:
“Let’s set up an art gallery.”
to conduct a consultation for parents “In the world of beauty.”
Encourage parents to pay more attention to their children in matters of artistic and aesthetic development of children. Contents:
teach parents how to make a picture frame together with their children with their own hands.
Drawing develops a child’s hand, motor skills, and imagination; by drawing we communicate with the child. We make frames for our children's drawings. March. Topic:
“Flowers in our home.”
Conducting a master class “These delicate flowers”.
Flowers made of paper, fabric, satin ribbons. Contents
: the need and usefulness of flowers in the house.
We make flowers from paper, fabric, satin ribbons. April. Theme
: Easter, Easter decorations, traditions.
tell parents how they celebrated Easter in the old days, how they prepared, what Easter decorations they made.
Show and teach how to decorate Easter eggs and decorate eggs with decoupage. Contents
: Easter, Easter traditions, Easter decorations, drawing Easter eggs, making decoupage.
May. Topic:
"Mind at your fingertips."
To explain to parents how by training children’s fingers, we develop their minds.
Show how to use quilling to develop fine motor skills of the fingers and visual coordination in the “eye-hand” system in children. Introduce parents to the technique of making paper crafts using the quilling method. Contents:
train your fingers, develop your mind, and visual coordination. We make paper crafts.

We recommend watching:

Information and educational newspaper for parents in kindergarten Consultation for teachers on the topic “Working with parents in preschool educational institutions” Plan of work with parents of the preparatory group for the year Round table for parents in kindergarten. Preparatory group

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

The work program of the Parents' Club for the adaptation of children and parents to preschool educational institutions

The work program is drawn up in accordance with regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” ;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

The program also takes into account the recommendations of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844 “On approximate requirements for additional education programs for children .

When entering a preschool educational institution (DOU), all children experience adaptation stress. The adaptive capabilities of a child of early and early preschool age are limited, so a sudden transition of a child to a new social situation and a long stay in a stressful state can lead to emotional disturbances or a slowdown in the rate of psychophysical development.

It is necessary to help children overcome the stress of admission and successfully adapt to a preschool or institution.

Young children are emotional and impressionable. They tend to quickly become infected with strong, both positive and negative, emotions of adults and peers, and imitate their actions. These features formed the basis for constructing a cycle of lessons. To reduce the impact of stress factors, classes are conducted with the participation of parents. In the presence of parents, children are more willing to make contact with a teacher or psychologist, interact with peers, participate in joint outdoor games, and are more actively interested in their environment and toys. It is very important that the child gains his first experience in a preschool institution with the support of a loved one. Joint classes are a kind of “master class” for parents, as the psychologist shows them new means and ways of communicating with children.

The informal atmosphere of classes contributes to more active and open communication between the teacher and psychologist and parents. The teacher takes an active part in the classes. He adopts the methods and techniques used by the psychologist in various situations, notes the games that children like the most and uses them in his work.

Goal: to create a favorable psycho-emotional climate and comfort for young children in the family and preschool institutions.


Create conditions for:

  • relieving emotional and muscle tension in young children
  • reducing impulsivity, excessive physical activity, anxiety, aggression
  • development of attention, perception, speech, imagination, skills of interaction with each other in children
  • development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements; gaming skills, voluntary behavior in children
  • to form an adequate perception of parents of their child


  • creating a favorable microclimate in the family to maximize the development of the child’s personal and social resources
  • formation of partnerships between parents and institutions that provide interconnection and complementarity of knowledge, enrichment of experience
  • personal and social development of parents, formation of skills of social activity and constructive behavior.

The program was developed using the methodology described by A.S. Ronzhina in the book “Psychologist’s classes with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution .

Main activities:

  • educational (educational) - the formation in parents of an adequate perception of the child, acceptance of his characteristics, pace and originality of psychophysical development. Thanks to educational activities, mutual understanding and interaction between specialists and parents are formed, and attitudes towards the child and themselves change. At club meetings, parents receive additional information about the characteristics of the child’s development, directions of his upbringing and education.
  • psychoprophylactic - reducing the level of psycho-emotional stress, forming a positive image of the future child and the family as a whole, psychological and pedagogical support for the family. Thanks to psychoprophylactic methods, parents become calmer and have a desire to cooperate. At the same time, there is a significant stabilization of the psycho-emotional state in children.
  • integration - social self-realization of parents, changing society's attitude towards them. Thanks to appropriate activities, objective involvement in public life and social significance is formed, which significantly affects the development of the child.

Club participants: educational psychologist, music director, teacher, speech therapist.

The basic means of work are a variety of games with speech accompaniment: round dances, marches, songs, nursery rhymes, rhymes, “okay” and “catch-up” . They quickly involve children in their rhythm, switch them to different types of activities, unite them, and set a positive emotional mood. In these games, even shy, introverted children gradually overcome their internal barrier and make contact with adults and peers.

1. 2 Planned results of mastering the program:

Children: successful adaptation to preschool education;

Parents: developing an adequate perception of their child; the formation of a favorable microclimate in the family to maximize the development of the child’s personal and social resources; formation of partnerships between parents and the institution, enrichment with experience.

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Family Club Program

Irina Stefan

Family Club Program

Family club work plan


Explanatory note

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

and Model regulations on a preschool institution, one of the main tasks of a kindergarten is interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child. Currently, the problem of interaction with family is outlined by federal state requirements.

Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time and busyness at work, inability to choose methodological literature and practical aids for the development of children. Many parents do not understand the importance of working with young children. But preschool age is the time when the foundations of a person’s physical, mental, and personal development are laid. It is this period of childhood that is very important, since a lack of education at an early age results in irreparable losses.

How to attract the attention of parents to the problem of raising preschool children? How to build trusting relationships with parents who come to a preschool educational institution and are worried about their children? Unfortunately, traditional work with parents uses insufficiently effective methods.

In our opinion, this problem can be solved by developing new innovative forms of interaction with parents, introducing programs to educate and train families . Based on the above, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to create an innovative program of cooperation and interaction between preschool institutions and parents.

The implementation of this program is carried out within the framework of the parent club “We are together”

on the basis of the BDOU
"Lyubinsky kindergarten No. 1"

Parent club program “We are together”

is aimed at enriching parents with psychological and pedagogical knowledge and practical skills in raising children through their involvement in cooperation with teachers, developing friendly relations with other families for the successful development of the basic general education
program .
Thus, the relevance of this program lies in the fact that its content meets the requirements for updating the preschool educational strategy, within the framework of which preschool specialists create optimal conditions for improving the culture of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents, thereby guiding them to increase the activity of their participation in educational activities. educational process with the aim of developing the child’s personality.

The novelty and practical significance of the parent club program is expressed in the fact that its implementation contributes to the creation of a unified educational environment in the preschool institution and family; development of the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, increasing the responsibility and interested attitude of parents for raising children in a family environment based on the use of innovative forms of interaction; parents are active participants in the implementation of the main general educational program of a preschool institution and the degree of trust and respect for preschool employees increases, which leads to an increase in the image of the kindergarten.

The parent club program makes it possible to rebuild insufficiently effective methods of interaction and cooperation, as well as psychological and pedagogical education of the modern family, and give it the innovative direction necessary to meet the needs of the new modern parent.

The goal of the program is to create an innovative system of cooperation and interaction between a preschool institution and a family, ensuring the unity of educational and educational influences in the process of raising a preschooler through the development of a system of psychological and pedagogical knowledge.


1. Increase the level of psychological and pedagogical culture of parents by involving them in participation in theoretical and practical classes/events.

2. Raise parents’ awareness of their rights and responsibilities for creating optimal conditions for the upbringing and development of a child in the family.

3. Expand the educational potential of the family by improving scientific and practical skills and abilities in raising children.

4. Involve parents in active participation in the educational process through the introduction of innovative forms in the practice of working with families.

Organization of the family club :

1. The activities of the club are carried out in accordance with the annual plan of the preschool educational institution.

2. The work of the Club is organized taking into account the age of the children.

3. Club are held at least twice a year and as necessary.

4. Club for employees and parents are advisory in nature.

5. Club :

• Draws up a work plan for the family club .

• Prepares meeting materials (storage period is three years)


• Organizes the activities of the family club .

• Informs club about upcoming events.

The life of the family club is not limited .

Rights and obligations of the parties

1. The activities of the family club are carried out on a voluntary basis.

2. The preschool educational institution provides premises for family club .

3. Club have the right to give recommendations, make proposals, and actively participate in events organized both for club and by themselves.

4. Freely express and defend your own point of view.

5. Participate in the development of the club’s program of activities .

6. Exchange personal experiences in solving certain family problems.

Implementation of the parent club program “We are together”

designed for 1 year (during the stay of children in the senior group, the place of implementation is the
Lyubinsk Kindergarten No. 1

Participants in the program :

Club leaders , preschool specialists, parents, children.

The formation of a group of parents in the club occurs on a voluntary basis. The quantitative composition of the group is from 10 to 15 people. The program includes five sessions. Parent meetings are held once every 1-2 months. A variety of forms will help introduce parents to ways of interacting in a team of like-minded people. And teachers analyzed those forms of work that parents liked most and brought effectiveness. The duration of the meeting does not exceed 30-40 minutes (rarely 1 hour, which significantly saves parents’ time and increases the efficiency of mastering the content of the program .

Club documentation :

1. Long-term work plan for the family club .

2. Notes of family club .

3. A log of visits to family club .

the family club meeting .

5. Final presentation of the results of work for the year.

Expected results of the program

1. Establishing close contact and mutual understanding with the family, directing parents towards active interaction.

2. Achieving a sufficient level of awareness of parents about the process of adaptation, preventing and overcoming possible difficulties.

3. Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents in matters of development, education and health of a young child.

4. Increasing the degree of parental involvement in the educational process of the kindergarten.

Ways to check expected results.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the program is determined through reflection of each event, feedback sheets, surveys, questionnaires, and conversations. In addition, the effectiveness of the implementation of the program can be determined by the results of the number of visitors and the activity of parents at meetings and meetings, the level of parental satisfaction and the effectiveness of the forms of work used, promising technologies in working with families, analysis of the degree of satisfaction of teachers with the work on implementing the program , monitoring of educational process, children's mastery of the general education program at the end of the school year.

Month Contents and purpose of work Responsible

September Organizational meeting.

Purpose: To introduce the age-related developmental characteristics of children 5-6 years old. Discuss topics for family club for the new school year.

Form of work: parent meeting

October “Omsk Irtysh region – my native land”

Goal: To introduce parents to the partial program “Little Resident of the Omsk Irtysh Region”

Present workbooks to parents and explain the importance of studying this program for the overall development of children.
Show didactic games. Encourage parents to participate in the joint educational process through conversations with children at home.

Form of work: consultation with presentation


January “Experimenting with children”

Goal: Enriching parental ideas about the importance of experimental activities for children of senior preschool age. Introducing parents to the features of experimental activities in older preschool age.

1. Consultation: “Experimental activities of children at home. What can’t and what should be done to maintain interest in experimentation?”

2. Conducting experiments by a teacher with children.

3. Parents showing elementary experiments for children.

Form of work: consultation, master classes.

May “Features of gender education of preschool children”

Goal: Involving parents in the issue and problem of gender education of preschoolers.

1.Consultation: “Features of gender education of preschool children”

Presentation of the club's business card at the festival of family clubs in preschool educational institutions .

Purpose: Summing up the work of the club .

Involving parents in participating in events held at the preschool educational institution.

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