Outdoor game “Hares and wolves” outline of a physical education lesson (middle group)

Outdoor games for preschoolers on the topic: Animals

Outdoor and speech games for preschoolers on the topic: “Animal world”

The Federal State Educational Standard provides for ensuring a variety of organizational forms of preschool education, which take into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children.
A variety of forms of children's activities in preschool educational institutions is also used during walks. Children strive for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote its further development. The closest and most natural type of activity for children is play. Children develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, and increase vitality. The proposed material is intended for educators, parents and primary school teachers. Outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest” Goal:
to develop children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s lives;
develop courage, dexterity, speed of action. Progress of the game:
A bear child sits on a stump, children in a flock move along the territory of the site past the bear;
imitating picking berries, pronounce the words: The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries. But the bear does not sleep and growls at us... The bear makes a “roar” and catches up with the children; Whoever catches up with him leaves the game. Outdoor game “Sly Fox” Purpose:
to form children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s lives;
practice running, develop agility and attention. How to play:
Children stand in a circle.
The teacher informs the children that he will discreetly touch any child while pronouncing the words for the game: “Sly fox, where are you? Sly fox where are you? Sly fox where are you? The child, touched by the teacher, voices: “I’m here!”, the children run into the scattering, the fox catches up with them. Outdoor game “Mice dance in a round dance” Purpose:
to form children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s lives.
Progress of the game:
Choose a “cat” driver.
The cat chooses a “stove” (a bench or chair), sits on it and closes its eyes. All the other mouse participants join hands and begin to dance around the cat with the words: The mice are dancing, and the cat is dozing on the stove. Quiet the mouse, don't make noise, don't wake up Vaska the cat. When Vaska the cat wakes up, he will break up our round dance. While pronouncing the last words, the cat stretches, opens his eyes and begins to chase mice. The caught participant becomes a cat, and the game starts over. Outdoor game “The sea is agitated” Purpose:
to form children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s life;
perform imitation movements, demonstrating beauty, expressiveness, grace, and plasticity of movements. How to play:
Children stand in a circle.
A leader is selected and stands in the center. Everyone pronounces words and moves freely, trying to create an unusual figure: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place,” at the end everyone freezes, the leader chooses the best figure, he becomes the leader. Outdoor game “Owl” Goal:
to develop children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s life;
develop attention and reaction. Progress of the game:
The child “owl” sits on a bench, the children move around the territory with the words: Owl-owl, big head.
He sits on a branch, looking in all directions. Yes, how it will fly... The owl makes a sound “oof-oof” and catches up with the children. Outdoor game “Hunters and Animals” Goal:
to develop motor activity skills in children, combining them with cognitive, research, and communicative activities, taking into account the life safety of children;
develop accuracy and dexterity. Progress of the game:
“Hunters” are selected from their number of children, the rest are reincarnated as “animals”.
At a signal, the animals run, and the hunters catch them or throw a ball at them; who are hit or touched, they leave the game. Outdoor game “Mousetrap” Purpose:
to develop children’s motor activity skills.
Progress of the game:
Some children walk in a circle, holding hands - this is a mousetrap, pronounce the words: Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything.
Beware, cheats, we will get to you. Once we set up a mousetrap, we’ll catch everyone at once! At this time, other children run through the circle, at the end of the last phrase, the children depicting a mousetrap crouch down and do not release the mice, and then they leave the game. The game continues until the last mouse is caught. Outdoor game “Geese-swans” Purpose:
to form children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s lives;
develop attention and courage. Progress of the game:
On one side of the playground there are children - “geese”, on a bench sits a child who plays the role of a wolf, on the opposite side stands the “mother” - Goose, she calls the geese.
Geese, geese! Ha, ha, ha. Do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes! Well, fly! We can’t, the gray wolf under the mountain won’t let us go home, he sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us! Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings! The geese flap their wings and fly towards the Goose. The wolf emerges from the ambush and catches the children who were left behind. Outdoor game “Birds of Migratory” Goal:
to develop children’s motor activity skills.
Progress of the game:
Presenter: We have one game, you will like it.
Children: The birds are still flying south, they want to spend the winter. Where there is sun and warmth, it will be easy to wait for spring. Only the wind interferes with them and knocks them off the road. According to the counting, the “breeze” is selected. Children stand on one side of the playground, read a recitative, at the end of the words, the children run to the opposite side - “warm countries”; the breeze catches them and leads them astray. Whoever is stained misses one game. Outdoor game “Sparrows and a dog” Purpose:
to consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds, to teach them to imitate their voices.
Progress of the game:
The sparrow is jumping and jumping (children are jumping).
Jump-jump! Jump-jump! Calls small children: Chiv! Chiv! Chiv! Chiv! Chiv! Chiv! (repeat) Throw some crumbs to the sparrow, I’ll sing you a song: Chick-chirp! Tick-tweet! Suddenly a “dog” came running and barked loudly. The "sparrows" fly away. Outdoor game “Kite and Mother Hen” Purpose:
to develop motor activity skills in children.
Progress of the game:
One of the players is chosen as a “kite”, the other as a “hen”.
The rest of the children are “chickens”; they stand behind the hen, holding on to each other. On the opposite side of the site a circle is outlined - “kite’s nest”. At the adult’s signal “Kite!” a child kite flies out of the nest and tries to catch the chicken standing last in the column. The hen spreads her wings (extends her arms to the sides), protects her chickens and does not allow the kite to grab the chicken. All the chicks follow the movements of the kite and follow the hen, without looking away from each other, trying to prevent the kite from catching the last one. Outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf” Purpose:
to form children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s life;
exercise in running; develop attention and courage. Progress of the game:
The “wolf” child sits in his “den”, the “hares” children jump on the lawn at a signal, imitating that they are eating grass and pronounce the words: Hares are jumping - hop, hop, hop, onto the green meadow.
They look for grass, listen to see if a wolf is coming. A “roar” is heard, everyone runs away into their holes (drawn on the ground); Whoever the wolf touches leaves the game. Outdoor game “Catch, fish, big and small” Purpose:
to form children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s lives;
develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction. How to play:
The fish children are located in a circle.
In the center there is a fisherman-educator who holds a rope, at the end of which a small bag of sand (jump rope) is tied. The fisherman rotates the rope in a circle just above the ground. The fish children jump in such a way that the rope does not touch their legs. Those participants whose legs were touched by the rope are eliminated from the game. Outdoor game “We are funny guys” Goal:
to form children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, communicative activities, taking into account the safety of children’s life;
develop dexterity, courage, attention. Progress of the game:
Children stand in a circle, choose a leader;
say the words: We, cheerful guys, love to run and play. Well, try to catch up with us - one, two, three, catch it! At the end of the words, everyone scatters around the site. Whoever the driver touches is eliminated from the game. Outdoor game “Burners” Goal:
to develop children’s motor activity skills, combining them with cognitive, research, and communicative activities, taking into account the life safety of children.
Progress of the game:
Children stand in pairs, one after another, the driver stands in front facing the children; participants march in place, saying the words: Burn, burn clearly, so that it does not go out. Look at the sky, the birds are flying, the bells are ringing. One, two, three - run! All three run to the end of the column in order to create a new pair; whoever of the three did not have time becomes the driver.

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Summary of the outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf”.

That's right guys - it's all about the bunny.

II. Creating children's interest in the game


“Look at this guys. A bunny came to visit us” - Show the children a toy - a hare. - The hare is cowardly, afraid of everyone in the forest: animals, birds, and the wolf and fox most of all! - Come on, guys, now we’ll play the game “Hares and the Wolf.”

III. Gathering children for a game


We invite all children to play, we will strengthen friendship. I really like the game, let’s all shout loudly: “Hurray!” The children are listening.

IV. Organization of players


Let's all make one big circle together. The children and the teacher stand in a circle.

V. Explanation of the rules


Listen to how we will play: We will appoint one of the players as a wolf, the rest will pretend to be hares. On one side of the site, the hares mark their places with cones and pebbles, from which they lay out circles-houses. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places. The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine. The teacher says: “The bunnies jump, hop - hop - hop, onto the green meadow. They nibble the grass and listen to see if a wolf is coming.” The hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on two legs, sit down, nibble the grass and look around in search of the wolf. The teacher says the word “Wolf”, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch and touch them. The hares each run away to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares to his ravine. After the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another wolf is chosen. Children listen and remember the rules of the game that the teacher talks about. Ask questions if someone doesn’t understand.

VI. Distribution of roles

And now, guys, with the help of a counting rhyme, we will choose a wolf. The cowardly little bunny ran across the field, ran into the garden, found a carrot, found cabbage. He sits and chews. Go away - the owner is coming...

Children, together with their teacher, choose a wolf counting...

VII. Site marking.

On one side of the site there will be a place for the wolf (draw a line, or put a rope, twine, and on the other side there will be houses for hares (draw circles, you can take pebbles). 2 - 3 hares can live in each house. Children listen carefully.

VIII. Distribution of equipment and attributes.

Give the hares hats and masks.

IX. Signal to start the game


One-two-three...the game has begun. Children get ready, listen carefully to the signal from the teacher.

X. Conduct of the game

“The bunnies jump, hop - hop - hop, onto the green meadow. They nibble the grass and listen to see if a wolf is coming.”

I give the signal - “Wolf!”

The hares each run away to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them.

XI. Signal to end
the game.
At the signal one - two - three, the end of the game, the game ends (if the children wish, the game can be repeated).

Children listen to the teacher's signal for the end of the game.

XII. Pedagogical analysis


Were the “Hares” clever?

Was “Wolf” dexterous?

Well done guys, everyone was smart and attentive today!

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