Reading the tale of the three little pigs in the middle group of coat of arms

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group (4–5 years old) “Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Anastasia Vorotnikova

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group (4–5 years old) “Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Teremok"

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group (4-5 years old)

Topic: Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs

teacher Vorotnikova A.A.

Topic: Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs

Goal: to introduce children to the English fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs

(translated by S. Mikhalkov, help to understand its meaning and highlight words that convey the fear
of piglets and the suffering of a wolf scalded by boiling water.
Improve the grammatical structure of speech (harmonize nouns with adjectives)


Learn to retell a fairy tale close to the text using a mnemonic table.

Develop coherent and monologue speech.

Exercise children in the ability to compose sentences with prepositions and conjunctions.

Cultivate curiosity and a desire to help.

To develop mental processes in children: thinking, attention, imagination, memory.

To develop in children mental activity, intelligence, observation, the ability to compare, and identify essential features.

Teach children correct sound pronunciation.

To foster in children a love for folk and original fairy tales .

Methods and techniques: conversation, questions, riddles, examination, storytelling .

2. Mikhalkov S.V. Three Little Pigs Publisher : AST, 2016 Series: I read it myself.

Illustrations for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs

Portrait of Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations with pets.

Vocabulary work: straw, boiling water, lazy, brave, brick, straw, blew, fell apart .

Integration of educational areas:

Reading fiction

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group. Visiting the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Lesson on speech development with children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions.
Topic: “Visiting the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”” Topic: “Visiting the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”. Goal: To create a condition for activating the vocabulary based on adjectives and plurals in preschool children. Objectives: Educational:
To help consolidate children’s knowledge about the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” and enrich their vocabulary.
Develop speech activity, encourage children to engage in dialogue.
Develop the ability to listen to each other and act together.
Auxiliary material: Theatrical houses, masks, table, dishes, pictures of clothes, a large box equipped with levers and devices. Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tales; playing out the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” using a didactic game, solving riddles. Forms of work: Create a positive environment, set up children to work together and divide children into subgroups. Methods: Visual - Plot pictures based on a fairy tale. Verbal - Conversation. Practical – Phys. minute “Building a house” Game: Into the characters of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” Vocabulary work: Selection of adjectives: “A chair made of wood - wooden”, “potato soup - potato”, “a glass made of glass - glass”.
Progress of educational activities
Children enter the hall, say hello, stand in a semicircle Educator: Good morning, guys. Let's smile at each other. And say hello! Educator: Guys, today we have a not quite ordinary lesson, a fabulous one. I invite you to take a trip to a fairyland. The teacher asks the question: How will we get there? Children's answers: On a rocket, on a plane, on a train, on a bus, on a flying saucer. Educator: I suggest you go on a trip in a “time machine.” Let's see if she's ready to take us to a fairyland. Hop into our “time machine” and let’s see if it will transport us! (The teacher and the children approach the “Time Machine” (a large box with different levers and devices)
. Guys, what words need to be said so that our “time machine” will take us to the magical land of fairy tales?
(in chorus)
“One, two, three, To visit a fairy tale, transport us! So we are transported to a fairyland to our fairy tale!
Alyonushka comes out. Alyonushka: Hello guys, I am the mistress of a magical land of fairy tales. There are many, many fairy tales in my country. Today we will visit one of them. Let's guess the riddle, and by the answer you will understand what kind of fairy tale it is. Riddle: A village in the middle of the forest_ Three brothers were building. The wolf watched with interest as they quarreled. He decided to eat them, but it didn’t work out_ Only in vain did he climb onto the roof. The wolf ate their legs carried away Singing his gray tail. Singing a song loudly Having fun…………. Children's answer: “The Three Little Pigs" Educator: That's right, this is the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs". And today we will visit them. Alyonushka leads the children to the house: And at home What kind of houses did the piglets have? Game exercise “What kind of houses did the piglets have?” (children select adjectives: Nif has Nif made of straw, Nuf-Nuf made of branches, and Naf has Naf made of bricks and stones (strong, clean, cozy. ) Alyonushka: What materials are houses built from? (children's answers.) GAME “Which house” (with a ball)
House made of wood - wooden From brick - brick From stone - stone From concrete - concrete From clay - clay From cardboard - cardboard From ice - ice From straw - straw From panel - panel From plastic - plastic. Educator: I suggest you rest a little. Phys. minute “We are standing the house” One, two, three, four, five. (Children jump on the spot)
Let's build and play.
We are building a big, tall house. (They stand on their toes and stretch their arms up)
We install windows and build a roof.
(Show the window and the roof with your hands - close your hands)
What a beautiful house!
(They extend their arms forward with an indicative gesture)
We will live with you in it!
(Squat down) Alyonushka: Piglet Naf - Naf invited his brothers to his housewarming party, there were dishes on the table. Poll about dishes. There was soup poured into the bowls. What do you guys think the soup was made from? Game exercise “What soup is made from” From mushrooms - mushroom, From fish - fish, From vegetables - vegetable, From potatoes - potato, From beets - beetroot, From carrots - carrot. Educator: Guys, look at this plate, there is only one, but when there are many of them, then let’s say: many plates; One glass, and when there are many of them... many glasses; One spoon...many spoons; One table...many tables; One chair...many chairs. One door…..many doors. One window…..many windows. Alyonushka: The piglets ate soup. I decided to change clothes and go for a walk. Guys, who knows what clothes are made from? Game “What are the clothes made of(the teacher shows pictures, the child names what kind of clothes they are)
Linen trousers - linen trousers, a coat made of wool - a woolen coat, a dress made of chintz - chintz, a scarf made of silk - silk, a hat made of fur - fur.
Educator: Thank you Alyonushka, you told us a fairy tale. And now our guys will show how they can play the characters of this fairy tale. Three pigs and a wolf are chosen from among the children: Children stand in a circle. The teacher touches one of the children. Child: “Oh, you hit me on the back, so I’ll be the Wolf.” The wolf selects piglets from among the children: “Come on, we need to see if you will be a piglet with us” (the one who is touched becomes a piglet)
We choose another piglet. Child is the first pig: “I’ll spin around and stand up straight, so you can be the second pig.” We choose the third pig. The child is the second pig: “Come on, he’ll have to be a pig.” The Wolf child puts on a wolf mask, and the piglet children wear piglet masks on their heads. The piglets sit on the edge of the forest and sing a song: “We are not afraid of the wolf...” Imitating the voice of a wolf. Piglet (speaks in a menacing voice)
: “Aren’t you afraid?
Now, as soon as I blow it, your house will fall apart.” The piglets run away, and the wolf catches up with them (we play 3 times)
Alyonushka: Well done guys. Thank you for visiting me in a fairyland. And I give you this wonderful book of fairy tales. Well, now hit the road. Goodbye, guys. Educator: Thank you Alyonushka. But it's time for us to return to kindergarten. (Children get into the Time Machine)
- Let's say the magic words again: “One, two, three, take us to kindergarten!” So we returned to kindergarten. Summary Guys, let's remember. - Where have we been today? What did we do there? What games did we play? Guys, I really enjoyed traveling with you through a fairyland. We will visit different fairy tales with you. And now we’re going to look and read a new book.

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Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group. Reading (telling) the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Svetlana Shmeleva
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group. Reading (telling) the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group:

Reading (
telling ) the fairy tale “The Three
Little Pigs .

Goal: To introduce children to the English fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs

(translated from Mikhalkov, to help understand its meaning and highlight the words that convey the fear
of piglets and the suffering of a wolf scalded by boiling water.
Material: Fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs "

, theater on flannelgraph
“The Three
Little Pigs .

Construct based on the theatrical game “The Three Little Pigs” under the direction of Lyudmila Petrovna Temereva

Age group:

middle group (4-5 years)

Kind of activity:

theatrical activity


theatrical game "The Three Little Pigs"

Form of organization:


Planned result:

Children negotiate in the process of distributing roles and planning play space;

Children show interest in theatrical play;

Children cooperate in the process of implementing the game plan;

Children perform simple performances based on familiar literary works: “The Three Little Pigs.”


developing children's skills for joint play activities

Tasks Tasks taking into account the characteristics of the group’s students
Educational tasks


Develop the ability to negotiate in the process of distributing roles and planning the playing space;

Develop self-confidence and positive self-esteem in the process of joint gaming activities.

Developmental tasks:

Continue to develop and maintain children’s interest in theatrical play by acquiring more complex skills;

Training tasks:

Teach children to perform simple performances based on familiar literary works: “The Three Little Pigs”;

To develop the ability to cooperate in the process of implementing a game plan.

Principles of preschool education (FSES DO):

- full-fledged experience by the child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

-building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education;

-formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities; age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

Principles of education:

creating a positive emotional uplift, developing a personal style of interaction with peers and teachers, education through interaction.

Game equipment:

-a book of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, figures of game characters (three little pigs, a wolf), attributes (houses for piglets, trees), cards for drawing lots (4 cards of fairy tale heroes, 6 cards with a chair).

Game roles:

pig Nif-Nif, pig Naf-Naf, pig Nuf-Nuf, wolf

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”

Educational and methodological kit:

Federal state educational standard for preschool education. / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, order dated October 17, 2013 N 1155.

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