Introducing preschoolers to state symbolsCoat of arms, anthem, flag of Russia

Summary of the lesson “State symbols of Russia” in the preparatory group

Yulia Ivanova

Summary of the lesson “State symbols of Russia” in the preparatory group

Topic: State symbols of Russia

the preparatory group .
Goal: to form a basic understanding of the symbolism of our country and its meaning.

— To consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the state symbols of Russia - the flag , coat of arms, anthem.

— consolidate children’s knowledge about the main unofficial symbols of the Russian Federation .

— To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland.

— To develop children’s emotional responsiveness to music and folklore.

— To develop a respectful attitude towards the state symbols of Russia , an understanding that they are designed to unite the residents of one country.

Vocabulary work: Russians , planet Earth, globe, symbols , peace-loving people, double-headed eagle, St. George the Victorious.

Preliminary work: creating a corner for moral and patriotic education, learning poems about the Motherland, conversations about friendship.

Material for the lesson : image of the coat of arms of Russia , maps of Russia , the President, Red Square and the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower, a globe, a tape recorder and a cassette with a recording of the Russian ; audio recordings of calm music; ribbons of blue, white, red colors; accordion, picture of a birch tree, model of a Russian stove, toy bear, matryoshka. Audio recordings: “ditties”

and the round dance game

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