How to tell your child about the War. And about the holiday of May 9

We tell children about Victory Day on May 9

In our huge country, everyone should know about such a holiday as Victory Day. Parents should tell their child about the Great Victory so that each next generation passes it on from mouth to mouth and preserves the memory. So that children know at what cost our grandparents gave us a peaceful sky.

May 9 is truly a very important event in our country. If you think about it, our generation is the last to see great heroes live - veterans. There are fewer and fewer of them every year, but we and our children will honor and respect their feat all their lives.

When telling your child about May 9, tell him that it was the Soviet troops who liberated the world from the fascist invader. Tell us how many people died, name the numbers that had to be paid for peace. Tell your child the truth so as not to distort his understanding.

On May 9 we celebrate the day of the Great Victory, the end of the Second World War. The war began in 1939 and involved more than 60 countries. In our country, the war began on June 22, 1941 at 4 a.m., when all the people were sleeping peacefully. The siren sounded and the news spread across the country: War has begun! Nazi Germany has launched an offensive!

All men, young and old, went to the front to protect their loved ones. Women and children fought the enemy in the rear and helped their country. The war lasted a long time. Every day people, their families and loved ones died. Many children have lost their fathers and mothers. The war spared no one.

The Nazis were very cruel. They captured civilians and abused them: they starved them, killed them, and burned their houses. They spared no one. Settlements and monuments were destroyed. But our soldiers were very brave and fought bravely. They were not afraid of anything, they went straight ahead to the enemy. The soldiers were freezing and dying of hunger, but they still fought. They dreamed of victory and peaceful skies above their heads.

1945 was the last year of the war. Our soldiers fought with all their might, bringing the day of victory closer. In the spring of 1945, Soviet troops approached the German capital, Berlin. A battle began that lasted until May 2. On May 8, 1945, the supreme leaders of Nazi Germany signed an act ending hostilities. May 9 became the day of the Great Victory and a holiday for all peoples.

Year after year, this holiday makes us remember that terrible time and say words of gratitude to the veterans. In honor of the victory, parades and honors for veterans are held throughout the country. Flowers are brought to the monuments of the dead. All veterans are congratulated, poems are read, songs are sung, and flowers are given. The feat of our people will never be forgotten!

Tell your child about this day so that he understands how valuable peace is. So that he has a sense of pride in his country and a sense of respect and eternal memory of our veterans.


  • How to tell children about the Great Patriotic War Why tell children about the war
  • Where to start a conversation Why the war started
  • How to talk about war and what to talk about
      Military professions
  • Hero Cities
  • Awards
  • How to tell your child about Victory Day
  • Life and exploits of children during the Second World War
  • The best books and stories about war for children
      For preschoolers
  • For younger students
  • For middle management
  • For teenagers
  • Celebrating Victory Day: crafts for May 9th with children
  • Poems for Victory Day for kindergarten

    Even though we are still small, we attend kindergarten, We know very well the main holiday of the whole country. At an hour when lilacs are around and tulips are blooming, Our veterans celebrate an important day. Victory Day from the war became liberation. Former soldiers forever Our respect.

    Even though we are still small, We did not know the war, But they told us about it, They showed us pictures. Thanks to our grandfathers for this Victory Day!

    Of course, we are kids, but we know the main holiday! We sincerely congratulate our veterans. On Victory Day, we wish our dear Veterans happiness and health to our grandfathers, and we bow to them!

    Happy Victory Day, I congratulate everyone who values ​​the world! I wish you happiness and joy. And live under a peaceful sky!

    The sun is shining in the sky, Streams run between the stumps, And no one knows war Of today's children. To our great-grandfathers and grandfathers We say “thank you” for the Great Victory that you brought to your relatives!

    Happy Victory Day to our great Motherland! I praise our veterans and our native country. I wish everyone peace, joy and happiness, may there be no more wars, tears, losses, bad weather.

    Today we are celebrating an important holiday for the country, On Victory Day we wish everyone, So that there is no war, Let children have a childhood, They should not suffer, Well, adults will not Kill and fight!

    Let the sun wake up joyfully today, Look through our window, smile brightly, Let the prankish breeze disperse the troubles, After all, today is a holiday - Glorious Victory Day! Let the sun shine, Let people rejoice, Let there never be war in the world!

    “What is Victory Day?” “I suddenly asked my dad. He said: “Once upon a time, the grandfathers did not spare their strength, They entered into battle and fought, Defending cities, the Motherland needed it, It was impossible to retreat.” On Victory Day we praise the soldiers! Pride will live in the heart, We remember our exploits, We promise to preserve peace.

    Today is a clear day for everyone, Lilacs are waving at us through the window, Fireworks are flying into the sky, For everyone it’s a victorious spring!

    People celebrate Victory Day. A balloon flies into the sky. Songs sound about a distant war. I proudly hold the carnation in my hand!

    Even though we are still young for years, we know everything about Victory, We will go to the big parade with multi-colored balloons. Happy Victory Day! Happy Victory Day! We will shout joyfully, We will wish peace to everyone we meet today.

    We know that our grandfathers fought, And they walked stubbornly until Victory. They did not give up, they won, And we have not forgotten their feat!

    There is a shabby photo in the album. The photo shows a young soldier. - Mom, tell me, who’s there? - This is your great-grandfather. - Mom, was he a hero? “There’s no stopping the boy.” - A hero, son, a hero. A hero to look for. There is a shabby photo in the album, In the photo there is a young soldier. With the Great Victory, my great-grandfather returned from the front!

    The boys dressed up, as if for a parade, the golden stars glow and sparkle. The most important holiday is celebrated in the morning: Victory has come to us, The war is over!

    I wish that we never knew war. After all, we want to grow up, live in peace and not get sick!

    Congratulations on Victory Day, Congratulations on a good day! How good it is that we live on the planet in friendship and peace!

    What is Victory Day? This is a very important holiday, All children should know about it - both the quiet one and the prankster, On this day we remember Our grandparents, How they saved the country, Gave us victory, Protected peaceful citizens of the whole planet from fascism, Everyone loves this holiday, After all, there is nothing more important than the date!

    Victory Day has come, I wish people, May every day be good, May there be no war! And let the fireworks thunder, illuminating the sky, awakening courage in all the little children!

    We are for there to be no war, so that mothers smile in the morning, so that the children of our entire country are not afraid of the evil, terrible war. Happy Victory Day! Peace to everyone, good luck! Let the day be bright and wonderful, Let the spring season bloom, Let our laughter and our songs sound!

    Poems for May 9 for children

    How to live well in peace and kindness

    How good it is to live in peace and goodness, in a big and wonderful country. Study, dance or play, And relax carefree in the summer. For this we say “Thank you” to all those who gave us victory!


    They buried him in the globe, And he was just a soldier, Just a simple soldier, friends, Without titles or awards. The earth is like a mausoleum to him - for a million centuries, And the Milky Ways gather dust around him from the sides. On the red slopes the clouds sleep, Snowstorms sweep, Heavy thunder rumbles, The winds take a running start. The battle ended a long time ago... By the hands of all his friends, the guy was placed in the globe, As if in a mausoleum...

    Loudly we shout hurray

    The great holiday Victory Day is celebrated by the whole country. Victory Day, Victory Day, We shout hurray loudly!

    Let the great-grandfathers put on the Military Orders. Let the whole mighty country be proud of their beauty!

    Fireworks and salutes, Joy, happiness on this day. We will give fragrant lilacs to veterans!

    children's poems

    No war (Mikhalkov)

    One day the children went to bed - the windows were all darkened. And we woke up at dawn - There was light in the windows - and there was no war! You don’t have to say goodbye anymore And you don’t have to see you off to the front - They will return from the front, We will wait for the heroes. The trenches will be overgrown with grass on the sites of former battles. Every year becomes better, Hundreds of cities will rise. And in good moments, you and I will remember, How we cleared the edges from the enemy’s fierce hordes. Let's remember everything: how we were friends, How we extinguished fires, How at our porch We gave steamed milk to a Weary fighter, gray with dust. Let's not forget those heroes, Who lie in the damp ground, Having given their lives on the battlefield For the people, for you and me... Glory to our generals, Glory to our admirals And ordinary soldiers - On foot, floating, horseback, Tired, seasoned! Glory to the fallen and the living - Thank you to them from the bottom of my heart!


    Songs from the front, Military awards, Red tulips, Meetings of veterans And fireworks in half the sky, Huge as Victory.

    What is Victory Day

    What is Victory Day? This is the morning parade: Tanks and missiles are driving, a line of soldiers is marching. What is Victory Day? This is a festive fireworks display: Fireworks fly into the sky, scattering here and there. What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table, These are speeches and conversations, This is grandfather's album. These are fruits and sweets, These are the smells of spring... What is Victory Day - This means - no war.


    He stands on a hill: A green old tank, He is wounded by battles, With scars on his sides...

    He saw victories, And he saw sorrows, But guys, he never gave up...

    He hurried forward - to victory, Knowing no fear, no evil... Now on the monument, And next to him are children!

    Victory holiday

    Remembrance Day is a Victory holiday, They bring wreaths, Living ligature, The warmth of bouquets of different colors, So that the connection with the past is not lost. And the mournful slabs are warmed by the flowers of the breath of the field. Accept, warrior, As a gift, all this, because We, the Living, need it.

    Victory Day is a glorious holiday

    Victory Day is a glorious holiday, We cherish the memory carefully, We congratulate the veterans, We say thank you to them.

    Let every inhabitant of our land always live in love, May the sky be the clearest, May the days be joyful.

    Victory Day is bright and alarming

    Victory Day is bright and alarming, You can’t hold back tears in your eyes, After all, it is impossible and impossible to forget, That war that is painful to remember.

    The veterans have bowed their heads, the granite camp is blowing coldly, we bow to you, our relatives, that you have given us peace and quiet!

    Old photo

    A photograph on the wall - There is a memory of the war in the house. Dimkin's grandfather In this photo: With a machine gun near the pillbox, His hand is bandaged, Smiling slightly... Here Dimkin's grandfather is only ten years older than Dimka.

    poems May 9

    Happy Victory Day, all the people!

    Happy Victory Day, veterans, Happy Victory Day, all the people! May the holiday of peace only bring you happiness and goodness.

    Let there be no more warriors, Let no shots be fired, Let them embrace kindness and understanding.

    A tale of war

    Guys, I was at war, I went into battle, I burned in fire. Freezing in the trenches near Moscow, But, as you can see, he’s alive. Guys, I didn’t have the right to freeze in the snow, to drown at the crossings, to give my home to the enemy. I had to come to my mother, grow bread, mow the grass. On Victory Day, together with you, See the blue sky. To remember everyone who, in a bitter hour, died themselves and saved the earth... Today I am talking about this, guys: We must take care of the Motherland Like a soldier, sacredly!

    We express our gratitude

    On Victory Day, we remember the terrible years of war and express our gratitude to the Veterans of the whole country!

    Let the fireworks explode, Tears of joy run, At this glorious moment, Know that everyone honors you very much!

    May... The birds are chirping with might and main

    May... The birds are chirping with might and main, And the parade is going on in the capital. Grandfathers wear orders. Happy Victory Day! Friends come to grandpa, They come on Victory Day. I love listening to their songs and conversations for a long time. Military awards glow in the sun with gold, And they enter the house, Our peaceful home, Front-line roads. I sit silently next to you, But sometimes it seems that I am looking into the sight, That I am preparing for battle. Friends come to grandpa to celebrate the Victory. There are fewer and fewer of them, But I believe: They will come again.

    Grandfather's portrait

    Grandmother put on the medals And now she is so beautiful and celebrating Victory Day, Remembering the great war. Grandma's face is sad. There is a soldier's triangle on the table. Grandfather’s letter from the front is very painful for her to read even now. We look at grandfather’s portrait and shake hands with my brother: “Well, what kind of grandfather is this?” He's still just a boy!

    Poem for Victory Day on May 9 for children

    Victory Day is a holiday, When you can be sad, When a girl and a boy Will say to their grandfathers:

    “Thank you for the Victory and for the fact that we live, and for the fact that there is no thing in the world that we call war!”

    Peace and friendship

    Everyone needs peace and friendship, Peace is more important than anything in the world, On a land where there is no war, Children sleep peacefully at night. Where the guns don't thunder, the sun shines brightly in the sky. We need peace for all the guys. We need peace on the entire planet!

    Who was in the war?

    My daughter once turned to me: “Dad, tell me, who was in the war?” - Grandfather Lenya is a military pilot - He flew a combat aircraft in the sky. Grandfather Zhenya was a paratrooper. He didn’t like to remember the war and answered my questions: “The battles were very difficult.” Grandma Sonya worked as a doctor, saving lives of soldiers under fire. Great-grandfather Alyosha fought with enemies near Moscow in the cold winter. Great-grandfather Arkady died in the war. Everyone served their homeland well. Many people did not return from the war. It's easier to answer who wasn't there.


    There are obelisks in Russia, On them are the names of soldiers... Boys my age lie under the obelisks. And to them, silent in sadness, the field girls bring flowers to them, those who were waiting for them so much, now completely gray-haired.


    Songs from the front, Military awards, Red tulips, Meetings of veterans And fireworks in half the sky, Huge as Victory.

    Poem about May 9

    9th May! Delight and pain! Let me congratulate you on Victory Day!

    Lilacs, cherries, apple trees splashed with color. To everyone who fought, we are grateful for this.

    Happy morning - A wonderful gift! They repelled blows at the front.

    From the land, from the sea, from the sky, we drove out the enemy. The memory of our ancestors is bright, dear to everyone.

    Let all speeches fall silent for a minute... And candles are lit in memory of them.

    Boy from the village of Popovki

    Among the snowdrifts and craters In a village destroyed to the ground, A child stands with his eyes closed - The last citizen of the village. A frightened white kitten, a fragment of a stove and a pipe - And this is all that has survived from the former life and hut. White-headed Petya stands and cries like an old man without tears, He lived in the world for three years, And what he learned and endured. In his presence, they burned down his hut, drove his mother away from the yard, and in a hastily dug grave lies his murdered sister. Don’t let go of your rifle, soldier, Until you take revenge on the enemy For the blood shed in Popovka, And for the child in the snow.

    4th, 6th grade

    The Great Patriotic War... A monstrous war of the twentieth century, a deep wound that pierces the soul of every adult citizen. And May 9, 1945 was imprinted in the book of world history as a day of salvation, as Victory Day in the biggest and bloodiest war on our planet.

    This bright and sad holiday lives and will live in the memory of the people. Memory... After all, it is imperishable and eternal. She looks at us from old front-line photographs, from orders and medals of veterans, from their stories, films, works of fiction, war songs, and does not allow one heroic page in the history of the Victory over Nazism to disappear.

    It was this day that marked the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War. This victory came at a heavy price for humanity. For our country, the price of that victory is terrible - millions of human lives, a destroyed economy. During the occupation, the Nazis tortured millions of civilians, many young men and women were forcibly taken to hard labor in Germany. Numerous cities, villages, plants, and factories were completely destroyed. Tragically, many villages were wiped off the face of the earth, for example, Khatyn. More than 30 million citizens were left without shelter and means of subsistence. Every second soldier did not return from the battlefield, and those who survived needed treatment.

    But the heroism of the Soviet soldiers worked a miracle; they managed to drive away the enemy German boot from their native land and win the desired victory. The war nightmares have been forgotten a little, and the children of war have grown up... For 75 years now, we have had a peaceful sky above our heads, and no shells have exploded. Now those who felt this heavy burden of war, who forged victory, are becoming fewer every day in their native land. After all, the years fly by so quickly, and battle wounds and worries remind the gray-haired old men of themselves every day. Many fellow soldiers have already turned into white cranes. But on May 9, everyone who is still in service will definitely come - to the Eternal Flame or to the Unknown Soldier.

    Experienced soldiers will come with shiny medals and orders on old, carefully ironed suits that are dear to their hearts. They will start playing their favorite front-line songs and will look younger again, at least for a moment. After all, the years of the Patriotic War will never disappear from their memory. The older we get, the more proud we are of the feat of our ancestors, the more often we want to thank them for peace and tranquility. After all, then the war did not spare the elderly or children.

    From time immemorial in Russia, the memory of compatriots who gave their lives in the name of their people was revered as a shrine and entered into history with various symbols: monuments, obelisks, memorials that will always be sacred to us.

    Discussion about the holiday

    For my family, May 9 is a special day and a special holiday. I had two grandfathers in my family, and they were both veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

    On my father's side, my grandfather came back from the war with the rank of major. He began his military service even before the Great Patriotic War, in the Soviet-Finnish war. At first he was in the active army as a sniper. The war in Finland had its own peculiarities. This country was an ally of Nazi Germany. Many snipers fought against our military. Our soldiers encountered them for the first time. We suffered heavy losses, and the command decided to urgently train snipers. Since my grandfather already had experience as a sniper, he was sent to train future snipers. The fighting took place in winter. It was necessary to move quickly on skis, and at the same time shoot and defend. Therefore, my grandfather, in addition to teaching soldiers to shoot, also taught them to ski.

    Grandfather tried to teach young soldiers everything that he could do. It depended on how he prepared the soldier whether he would return alive from the battle or not. Grandfather tried his best. After the war, the command awarded him the medal “For Military Merit.” He trained a very large number of soldiers. He has a certificate of gratitude from the command.

    After the war, my grandfather left the army to work as a trainer. He was invited to become a biathlon coach. And until his retirement, he was the coach of the country's biathlon team.

    My second maternal grandfather retired from the army with the rank of colonel. He gave 50 years to the army.

    He went to the front without finishing 10th grade. I credited myself with an extra year. In fact, he was only 15 years old.

    When he, along with other recruits, was gathered near Lipetsk at the railway station, German planes bombed the station 2 times. After that, he decided that he would become an anti-aircraft gunner.

    Grandfather did not like to talk about the war. Whenever he was invited to my school, he always refused.

    My grandfather has a medal “For Courage”. When I asked him to tell me why he received it, he told me. His platoon had gone far ahead of its regiment. The soldiers were left without food. To help out his comrades, he stole a military field kitchen from the Germans. The commander laughed for a long time at my grandfather’s action. For this he was nominated for his first award. In total, my grandfather had 3 orders and 38 medals.

    Every year, when May 9 comes, I, along with my family, take part in the Immortal Regiment parade. I proudly carry portraits of my grandfathers!

    Celebrating Victory Day: crafts for May 9th with children

    Options for beautiful and simple crafts for May 9:

    Plasticine compositions

    Using plasticine on a sheet of colored cardboard, you can depict any thematic symbols: a star, a flag, carnations, St. George's ribbon, and much more.

    1. Plasticine postcard for Victory Day:
    2. Victory salute made of paper and plasticine:

    Dove of peace

    A simple craft that even a preschooler can do on his own. For this craft you will need: white napkins, a sheet of white or colored cardboard.

    How to do it: on a sheet of cardboard, draw a composition, for example, a dove and a globe. Next: cut out squares from a white napkin, screw the squares onto a pencil and glue the image of a dove inside.

    • Dove of peace using origami technique:

    Other options

    1. Crafts made from CDs for May 9 look good. You can place any thematic composition on the shiny surface. Video instructions for making crafts from disks:
    2. Volumetric tank made of boxes and paper:
    3. Very beautiful 3D postcard “Box with orders”:

    Find more craft ideas for May 9 with detailed instructions and video master classes here.

    It is imperative to tell children about the war. In the wake of patriotism, the topic of the Second World War comes up often, and the war is discussed quite actively with schoolchildren. But, as a rule, the facts are presented in dry language and do not carry any emotional overtones. Therefore, only parents can tell their child about a real war in which thousands of people died protecting future generations. Let your child know that they protected his future life too.


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