Funny scenes for May 9th for elementary school

Funny scenes for May 9th for elementary school will perfectly dilute the sad atmosphere of the matinee for the memorable Victory Day. Short and funny sketches from soldiers' everyday life will amuse not only young people, parents and teachers, but also invited guests - veterans, eyewitnesses, children of war. The basis for funny scenes can be military jokes or stories on army themes. Little schoolchildren enjoy trying on the role of frightened recruits or brave soldiers. And camouflage suits and the necessary attributes will help you get used to the role.

Funny skits for younger schoolchildren on Victory Day

We suggest teaching children in elementary school a funny skit for the May 9 holiday about the sergeant major and recruits. In it, the acting characters are popular templates from the typical Russian army, and the lines are realities from life situations.

Recruits who had just arrived in the army lined up on the parade ground. The foreman approaches the guys and starts a dialogue.

Sergeant major. So, let's start getting acquainted. First question: are there any musicians in the ranks?

Three guys step in front and answer.

Soldiers. Yes, yes!

Sergeant major. Great. Step by step march to the commander, he urgently needs to raise the piano to the 5th floor! Let's move on. Who wants to get a sergeant?

One recruit is out of action.

Soldier . I want!

Sergeant major . Great. Well done. Run to this address (gives a piece of paper) and get our sergeant from the sobering-up station. Are there any electricians?

Another soldier leaves the line.

Soldier . Yes sir!

Sergeant major . You have a task according to your specialty. Every evening you will check whether the lights are turned on everywhere. And the last outfit: who will go to the commander tomorrow to harvest potatoes.

Two fail.

Soldiers. We are ready!

Sergeant major . Well done! The rest will run after the car on their own. For now - at ease. Disperse!

Sketch “At a halt” about soldiers on Victory Day on May 9 in the House of Culture

Even small children know that war means suffering, grief and thousands of deaths. What can we say about adults? Gathering annually on May 9 at the Palace of Culture, military personnel, veterans and ordinary civilians recapture the terrible events of war and bitterly swallow tears for their fallen grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And senior schoolchildren and students demonstrate from the red stage, hung with the legendary victory symbols, the sketch “At a Rest” about soldiers on Victory Day on May 9 in the House of Culture. Along with welcoming words for veterans, themed songs and dances, and a speech by the city mayor, military performances look even more touching and heartwarming.

A funeral was flying from the front for a young boy, And he was lying alive in a crater... Oh, how merciless the war is!

And tanks passed by... Someone else's speech... and he lay there, And remembered his sister and mother, He lay there and died quietly.

His chest was pierced right through, And the blood flowed into the black snow, And he greeted his last dawn with blue eyes.

No, he didn’t cry, he smiled, And he remembered his home, And overcoming the pain, he stood up, And, lifting the machine gun with difficulty,

He splashed lead into the contorted faces of the Hot One, bringing this one minute closer to the end of the merciless War.

A funeral was flying from the front, The postman was already knocking, The soldier, his eyes closed in the funnel, was a moment ahead of her.

Simple scenes for the holiday of May 9 in kindergarten

Teachers draw up the script for the matinee for May 9 in kindergarten in advance and be sure to include in it not only poetry, dances and competitions, but also simple skits. Thus, in an accessible and unobtrusive form, educators introduce children to the historical past of the country, teach them to honor and respect the merits of veterans who gave a tremendous rebuff to the enemy back in 1945.

Since children 5-7 years old are not able to cope with too much text to memorize, the best option would be simple scenes for the May 9 holiday in kindergarten in the form of an illustration of one of the most popular military songs. For example, “Katyusha” by M. Isakovsky, “Farewell of a Slav” by V. Agapkin, “Darkie” by Y. Shvedov and A. Novikov, “Dark Night” by V. Agatov and N. Bogoslovsky. It is worth considering that such performances require the preparation of themed costumes for children, suitable decoration of the hall and long rehearsals. The selected song can be performed by all the children in chorus, or by one soloist accompanied by partial accompaniment.

Sketch “By the Campfire” for Victory Day for preschoolers

The military-themed skit “By the Campfire” is designed for the participation of a teacher and four children. All the characters in the dramatization sit on mock-ups of stumps around a makeshift fire and begin to play their roles. The teacher soulfully reads a poem about a heroic mother saving her son from enemy bullets. And the guys, in turn, tell the audience short poetic excerpts on the topic: the first boy - the words of a rescued son from the past, the second - a verse request to remember the merits of veterans, the third - a rhymed promise to be an honest representative of the new generation and to cherish the military history of his people.

Short skits for Victory Day on May 9 for children

As you know, there is more than one military holiday in our calendar, there are several of them: May 9, February 23, December 27, etc. Short skits for Victory Day can be used for children's events in honor of each of them. In kindergarten they are more primitive, without long monologues and complex semantic content; in elementary school - more meaningful and even fun; in high school - serious, lyrical and sometimes tragic. Boys in such dramatizations can play the roles of recruits, ground forces soldiers, pilots, commanders, and superiors. Girls are more suited to the roles of mothers, wives, nurses, etc. The main thing is that scenes for May 9 and other military holidays should be short, aesthetically pleasing and understandable for children.

A short children's skit for Victory Day “Jokes of army life”

The Colonel lined up the soldiers and addresses them.

Colonel . Comrade soldiers! Autumn has arrived, which means it's time to change colors. Now half of you are running to the trees and untying the green leaves from them. And the rest tie yellow leaves to the trees. All clear? The captain is appointed responsible for this event!

The captain waited for the colonel to leave. Addresses the soldiers:

Captain. Here the colonel gives it, he got hit hard on the head yesterday during the exercises - untie and tie the leaves!? Have you lost your mind, or what? Listen to my command! The colonel's order is canceled, we all go to the warehouse, get brushes and yellow paint and repaint the leaves! All clear!

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